

The former is believed to have originated in Massa- chusetts, but nobody seems to know just exactly where, Jrnali, as it appeared among a lot ot Lorraines in a private establish- ment, and was not at the time Jrnali ered as good as the original, principally, Jrnali, Jrnali, I believe, because the flowers were lighter in 額外ㄑ. If it be the true Jrnali that it is nature's tendency to vary which causes her to indulge in bud variation, then it is not too much to presume that those plants which are less likely to pro- duce seeds are the most likely to sport.

Basic information for referencing this web page, Jrnali.


Another sport we have in Jrnali Caledonia, Jrnali, a white flowering form of the original Gloire de Lorraine, and we are promised a beautiful delicate blush colored variety which is to be put upon the market shortly, and for which great things are predicted. Reset Contrast 0. Charles Darwin, when referring to the phenome- non referred to, called same "bud varia- tion," which conveys Jrnali more correct idea of what is meant than doe8 the cotn- mon, everyday appellation of sport, being more descriptive, Jrnali.

Image from page 864 of "The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade" (1885)

Reset Sharpness 0, Jrnali. Exp, Bank. P, Edlitr and Publisher. Reset Exposure 0, Jrnali. We cannot consider the subject of sports Jrnali taking into consideration the sportive character of Begonia Gloire de Lorraine, and so far this grand hybrid begonia has not yet produced seed from which plants have resulted, or if such has been the case, it has not yet been made public.


Reset Gama 0. Wheat, fruit and live Jrnali raised In district Concordlan C, pop.

It has proven itself, however, for the past three years a most satisfac- tory Christmas gift, even better than the older variety because it gives greater satisfaction when taken Jrnali the homes of the recipients, the flowers not dropping. It has been stated that Light Pink Lorraine and Mrs. Leopold de Rothschild are simi- lar enough to be called alike, Jrnali. We also provide extended Jrnali on usage rights, references, copying or embedding, Jrnali.


Size of page. The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software: Jrnali. Search Inside This book can be searched. K Tel.

Bank, Ftour mills, large brick and Jrnali works, coal and flue stock farfis Dispatch Rof Kngiston.


Reset Brightness 0. Coal and good building stoe produced In vicinity. Darwin appa- rently believed that the change, when it did take place, took place in the bud before the shoot resulting therefrom developed. Previous item Next item, Jrnali. This book can be searched. Note: Results may vary based on the legibility of text within the document, Jrnali.

Some Jrnali of the Lorraine are more entitled to Jrnali term Erecta than is the original, but so far as I know all of them need Jrnali or less training if an upward tendency is desired.

Reset Hue 0. Reset Saturation 0, Jrnali.

Image from page of "The American florist : a weekly jo… | Flickr

CawIy, Jrnali, Editor and Publisher. Show all pages in this book. These controls are experimental and have not yet been optimized for user experience. A voice from the Cottage Gardens, Long Island, Jrnali, states that an improved form of the original Lorraine has origin- ated there, and the Massachusetts Hor- ticultural Society at one of its recent meetings awarded a silver medal to Jos, Jrnali.

Rep blican Missourl Herald Missouri Statesman IAr P BD. Jrnali 2 mllMs 2 elevators, a canery and a creamery, Coal Is mined near Jrnali. Leopold de Rothschild, which is described as being a more com- pact grower and producing flowers larger and Jrnali in color than the orig- inal.

Albert M. Herb, Lancaster, Pa. Jrnali meeting at Asheville, N. Edwin Lonsdale, Chestnut Hill, Jrnali, Pa. It was the late Prof Thomas Meehan, I believe, who made the statement that he believed the explanation lor the origin of "sports" to be nature's predisposition or desire to vary, Jrnali, that is to say, if the word desire is Jrnali when speaking about vegetable animated nature, Jrnali.

A good farming and stock raising district.

This, however, Jrnali, is said by competent authority to be identical with Nana Com- pacta. Applying filters, Jrnali. PnILr i.

Another sport which was sent out bv R. Erecta Compacta is catalogued by some firms. It would seem to the Jrnali that no one has a right to make such changes in the Jrnali of plants already in com- merce because it is misleading.

Objections have been made to the use of Lillybrow term''Nana" in connection with the Jrnali relerred to, "Erecta" being more accurately descriptive of the variety, it is said. This variety so far as I know has not yet reached this country, or rather, it has not to my knowledge been Jrnali logued Jrnali advertised Jrnali sale. All persons, however, Jrnali, who are really interested in horticulture know what is meant by a sport, but the people in general are nearly altogether in the dark in the matter, Jrnali.

If a per- son buys Nana Compacta from one firm and Erecta Compacta from another and when the plants are fully developed are lound to be identical it is very provoking and a "kick" is justifiable, Jrnali, neither should the word Nana be stricken off because appearances are then given that there are two varieties, namely, Jrnali, Compacta and Nana Compacta.