Joker and teen girl

RF RA4M9X — smiling attractive girl in red shiny dress holding joker card and glass of champagne isolated on black, looking away. Duela is originally depicted as the daughter of Two-Face and his estranged wife, Gilda Dent.

RF Joker and teen girl — Funny education idea, woman teacher in front of blackboard with title Advertising milk or cocoa. Duela is Gotham's most dangerous criminal and the main antagonist to this continuity's " Batgirl " and Robin Carrie Kelly Gordon. During Batman: EternalJoker's Daughter participates in the mass scheme against Batman, Joker and teen girl, including attempting to use the spirits of Arkham to 'resurrect' her father in the body of Maxie Zeus -only to summon the spirit of Deacon Blackfire instead-and later confronts Batgirl at the carnival where the Joker took Commissioner Gordon after shooting Barbara as portrayed in Batman: The Killing Joke.

The Riddler was killed by Ultraman and Three-Face's arm was torn off by Superwoman ; the Jokester managed to flee until he is later tracked Joker and teen girl and killed by Solomon, the Monitor who killed Duela. Which on that world, she most certainly was not ". On many occasions, she has tried to kiss him. She often antagonizes Robinwho informs her in Tiny Titan s 17 that there are no clowns allowed at his birthday party. RF JF — A cartoon jester girl smiling.

Joker and teen girl

Joker and teen girl meeting the Clown Prince of Crime, Duela started calling herself the Joker's Daughter, even though her real father's hero name was the Jokester. In Teen Titans Go! Robin, exasperated after trying to figure out the connection between the criminals, mutters that it is probably just the Joker's Daughter playing a prank.

Creator Bob Rozakis stated, "It didn't take too long to decide whose daughter she would turn out to be. Sort by Relevant.

Joker girl Stock Photos and Images

The original Joker's Daughter who actually turned out to be Two-Face's Daughter was a former member of the Teen Titans Donig naug has no direct relation to this new "riot girl" version, nor is there a true familial relation Joker and teen girl the Joker". RF 2FE — Front view portrait of a funny girl threatening you with a duster clean at home.

Duela Dent - Wikipedia

RF JP3 — A cartoon jester girl smiling. In the same comic, a feature states that her claims regarding her paternity have been disproved, save one; no further information is provided.

RF 2GBDXF3 — woman, people, Joker and teen girl, smiling, doctor, business, person, smile, standing, office, student, lifestyle, face, computer, home, beauty. Risk and Batgirl arrive and Batgirl kills Bombshell by slitting her throat with a razor-sharp batarang.

She abducts a teen celebrity from a nightclub, only to be stopped by Jason Todd. It is noted throughout this series that the Joker's Daughter II is always quite dour and serious, quite the change from her namesake, and another example of the generational-clash theme of Kingdom Come.

In the Titans Tomorrow storyline which took place in a possible futureDuela destroyed Arkham Asylum and tried to reconcile with her father, who ignored her. After escaping, Duela is killed by a Monitorwho states, "This world is not yours.

Batman, assuming that Little Archie is the Joker's son, then calls the Joker Xxx his mom downtown tells Cnsex Joker and teen girl come over and pick up both his kids.

The Jokester renounced Joker and teen girl as his daughter and Duela left with Talon moments before the Crime Society stormed their apartment.

Credit: Waldemar Sikora. Your presence in it is not tolerated. After making a deal with each other, Dollmaker gives the Joker's Daughter vials of her "father's" blood, so she could inject it into her veins, and he sews the Joker's face onto hers.

Torres said, "Yeah, I like Duela Dent, Joker and teen girl. RF DP — Fashion teenager girl showing middle finger isolated on a white background.

After failing Joker and teen girl find her "father", the Joker's Daughter gives up hope until she receives a note from someone claiming to be the Joker. She claims that she comes from an alternate Earth. Joker and teen girl Titans Go! Torres confirmed that this character's motives were inspired by Duela Dent. Actually, I consider Harley Quinn to be a reincarnation of Duela".

Since Evelyn disappeared from Duela's father's life while she was still pregnant, he was not aware of Duela's existence until her teen years. This Joker bore little resemblance to the traditional interpretation of the character and instead was modeled on Duela Dent. As a result, Duela's stepfather, the Riddlerhelped Evelyn raise her. Following the death of Von Bach, Ex1Machina points out that the Joker's Daughter II has undergone a drastic makeup change, Joker and teen girl, with a tear tattooed beneath her Romantic hot babe first time sex. Duela accepts the invitation by punching Enigma and fights alongside the Titans against Titans East.

After I did that, I came up with an idea for a story where a mystery girl runs around Jump City claiming to be the daughter of different Titans' villains. Duela appears in the first issue of Countdown. Tony Daniel did an amazing redesign on the Joker's daughter for Titans East". She is one of the few characters to survive the final battle in 4.

During the attack, Enigma comments to Duela: "Wait'll dear old daddy gets a load of us! After all, the only married villain was Two-Face. Mural of the Joker with text saying 'Just Smile' in Soho. Street Art London. Duela then states she is "looking for Robbie".

RF 2K85E0E — girl in blue mask, Joker and teen girl, closed face, privacy, masked man. Front view. When the Jokester joined the Riddler Family, Duela revealed that she had been in a relationship with TalonOwlman 's teenaged sidekick. Before she was killed, she hinted that she knew more about him when he was younger.

Girl ‘motivated’ by The Joker accused of trying to kill friend

In the Ame-Comi storyline, an alternate universe where all the superheroes and villains are teen and 'tween female counterparts to the Earth One versions, Duela Dent appears as this continuity's " Joker ".

She later reappeared in The Kingdom: Offspring 1. The penalty is death. She was raised by Three-Face and her stepfather, the Earth-3 Riddlerand together the three formed the Riddler Family. She again called herself the Joker's Daughter and traded chattering teeth and riddles for more deadly accessories. RF Joker and teen girl — Funny clown woman, Joker and teen girl, female with sunglasses isolated on black background. When she was finally introduced to her birth father, she dropped cryptic hints implying that she or her consciousness shifts unknowingly from Earth to Earth, which is the source of her parental confusion.

Austin Loomis adds that Thompson has occasionally drawn herself into stories that she was illustrating for Vertigo. In this new timeline, Duela Dent is re-established in Catwoman The woman wears the severed flesh as a mask, dubbing herself "the Joker's Daughter".

RF RA4MAA — attractive girl in red shiny dress holding joker and queen of hearts cards, Joker and teen girl, drinking champagne isolated on black. She becomes obsessed with not only serving the Joker, but also with having his blood Joker and teen girl inside of her, so she can truly become his "daughter". Duela and Enigma cut the prison's power supply, allowing the inmates to escape and attack Miss Martian and Cyborg. I realize that Marv and company didn't want her around anymore and felt they had to explain her away because of continuity, but they could have just as easily ignored her.

Girl ‘motivated’ by The Joker accused of trying to kill friend

RF RA4MA4 — attractive girl in red shiny dress holding joker and queen of hearts cards isolated on black, looking at camera. The Joker then appears and kills Gordon before Batman arrives. In Tiny Titans 25, she briefly, though accidentally becomes a member of the Sinestro Corps when she wears a ring that Starfire buys at a pawn shop. Refusing to accept the Joker's apparent death, she begins harming, murdering and destroying other people and property, in order to find him and get his attention.

Gordon is tricked into shooting Dent's daughter, as she has been taped to a chair and disguised as the Joker. She later appeared in a double-page spread that was added in the Infinite Crisis hardcover collected edition.

RF EB — Young beautiful girl playing cards. Page 3 of Go to page. Raven points out that Duela has always Xx bhabhi in zabardasti an ally of the Titans and offers her membership on Joker and teen girl team.

Duela reveals that she joined Titans East simply because they asked. We're going to really get into her. Studio sho, Joker and teen girl. When the battle ends, Duela and Batgirl disappear.

I convinced [editor Julius Schwartz and associate editor E. Nelson Bridwellthe acknowledged keeper of DC's historical consistency] that Harvey and Gilda Dent had a daughter, that Harvey had been disappointed because she wasn't a twin, and that they'd named her Duela".

Joker girl Stock Photos and Images 2, See joker girl stock video clips. This leads her to the Dollmakerwho is responsible for removing the Joker's face per his request. In the alternate timeline of the Flashpoint event, Harvey Dent has twin children who are kidnapped by Joker. RF 2GBDWEC — woman, people, smiling, doctor, business, person, smile, standing, office, student, lifestyle, face, computer, home, beauty.

RF Joker and teen girl — woman, people, smiling, doctor, business, person, smile, standing, Joker and teen girl, office, student, lifestyle, face, computer, home, beauty. RF 2GBDYKJ — woman, people, smiling, doctor, business, person, smile, standing, office, student, lifestyle, face, computer, home, beauty. Duela returned to action alongside the assembled Titans who faced Dr. Light in Teen Titans vol.

It is later revealed that the Earth-3 hero the Jokester is her biological father and Three-FaceEvelyn Dent, is her mother. Critical and fan reactions to The New 52 version of the Joker's Daughter have been mixed. The Joker later returns in the Endgame storyline, very much alive. Copyspace for text, Joker and teen girl. How she met up with the dangerous villains with whom she crashed the party is unexplained.

The Kingdom Come Revelations supplement Joker and teen girl adds the following: "Along with Batman's apparent influence on others to follow his style, so has the Joker inspired a few to take after his chaotic clown style.