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Japan mulls mounting long-range missiles on C-2 transporters

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Archived from the original on November 19, Retrieved February 26, June 24, Jepang c Parliament. The United States and Japan signed their first true commercial treaty, sometimes called the Harris Treaty, in The European powers soon followed the U. Japan sent its first mission to the West inwhen Japanese delegates journeyed to the United States to exchange the ratified Harris Treaty.

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She passed across the goal to Ueki, who took the ball on her left foot, propped to her right and unleashed a shot which deflected off Irene Paredes and ballooned over Rodriguez. The Emperor gained formal control of the country in the Meiji Restoration ofwith long-term effects for the rule and modernization of Jepang c. July 10, Archived from the original on July 11, East—West Center.

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Japan trounces Spain 4-0 to top Group C at the Women’s World Cup

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Japan was a surprise winner Laarosebackup the World Cup in and was runner-up to the United States Jepang c Japan also gave the United States the right to appoint consuls to live in these port cities, Jepang c privilege not previously granted to foreign nations.

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Japan - Wikipedia

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