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Home Explainer. Her social media post came after Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said the government would pursue action against both officials.

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She Roopa can speak about professional issues, Ips rupa sex. Or is it to prevent action against her in a case where allegations were proved in a preliminary inquiry?

She should bring it to the attention of the government. Meet 'mystery girl' whose pictures with Indian cricketer Yuzvendar Chahal is going viral.

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DNA Explainer: What's IAS Rohini Sindhuri and IPS D Roopa 'private photo' controversy?

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DNA Explainer: What's IAS Rohini Sindhuri and IPS D Roopa 'private photo' controversy?

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Bengaluru News Live Updates: Karnataka Lokayukta raids six govt officials in disproportionate assets case 58 mins ago. Class actor Ayesha Kanga talks about Ips rupa sex breakthrough year and being unprepared for fame Exclusive.