Indian girl likes video

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According to a fact-check by Alt News, the original clip of the man wearing a burka - which was later deleted by its creator - actually had a disclaimer stating it was "a work of fiction".

Seepana told the BBC that he made these videos to "spread awareness and Indian girl likes video real-life situations".

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Quick Links. It was a dramatisation - a scripted performance with amateur actors. One such video, which went viral in Decemberwas shared alongside claims without evidence in multiple languages that Muslim men were trying to intoxicate Hindu girls by spiking their food.

Sometimes, these scripted videos - which spread confusion in the first place - are used to sow even more disinformation online. Next article Dutch scientist predicts major earthquake Indian girl likes video Pakistan in next 48 hours.

On Twitter the clips were used by some to claim that this was a Hindu man who was making his sister pretend to be a Muslim woman. Many of the false narratives that target these communities also encourage moral policing against women. Many of the staged videos show people wearing burkas in order to kidnap children, Indian girl likes video. The first one depicted a man dressed in saffron - a colour associated with Hinduism - who claims he is marrying his sister.

The video, published on YouTube earlier this year, has been viewed more than 29 Indian girl likes video times before it was deleted.

In the comment section below the video, Indian girl likes video users appeared to believe it was true, making Islamophobic remarks. It was shared multiple times on Twitter and Facebook with claims that it showed a Muslim Vesinas mexicanas mistreating a Hindu woman: "Hindu sisters and daughters are requested not to go to the shops of Muslims, they are people with a bad mentality.

This trend of dramatised videos has reached multiple Indian languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi and Telugu. Turkish opposition is gay — Erdogan.

Scripted videos, apparently created for entertainment, are increasingly being shared on social media as true events in India. But they deepen existing religious biases.

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This could have real-life consequences Indian girl likes video over the past few years, authorities in many Indian states have had to issue warnings against fake news after several people were attacked by mobs believing them to be kidnappers. Aamir Liaquat Hussain, Dania Shah leak videos of each other.

Often accompanying the videos are false claims that stoke religious hatred and misogyny. Most times, the text is in English, which is not always understood by viewers. Popular Articles, Indian girl likes video. Alishan Jafri, a journalist and disinformation researcher, says that dramatisations that go viral may not lead to physical violence. These dramatised videos are accompanied by disinformation tactics which may confuse viewers on social media.

But it was visible only for a second.

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In the second video, the same woman is shown standing next to him in a burka and he says he is marrying her to convert her to Hinduism, Indian girl likes video. Two such staged videos were widely shared in May with false claims attacking the Hindu community. Most of these videos are targeted against certain communities, particularly Muslims, and when they go viral, they Indian girl likes video to structural violence against the minority community," he says.

Sometimes, local media outlets have also mistaken staged videos for news. Some of them portray illicit relationships between friends, family members and people with a huge age difference.

Indian girl likes video

Both the man and woman seen in the two videos appear in several other videos portraying different characters. But it did not show real events. Must Read. Nawaz Sharif taught in Canadian University, video goes viral.

One clip depicted a tailor misbehaving with a woman. Other creators add CCTV templates to make the videos seem more realistic.

Some have disclaimers but they may be hidden in the middle or the end of the videos. His YouTube channel has over 1, Indian girl likes video.