Indian aunty in shop

It is not uncommon as a shop to be a meeting place. An Auntie's special!

The Indian "Aunt Emma Shop" - Chalo!Travels

You have no other choice. Ideal with poppadoms, grilled chicken or pouring over rice. He simply serves everyone at once: he takes orders, gets products, takes the payment- running here nd there. Customers are surprisingly patient. He also gives one or the other rupee discount — one knows each other. Indian aunty in shop, lentils and nuts are all sold from openb big bags So it takes time for Rishab to weigh, pack, search, combine and take care of customers.

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Perfect with samosas or for marinading something meaty. With a spiced red bell pepper base, this is perfect slathered over a burger, dipping a Indian aunty in shop into or with just about anything savoury. Now he runs the shop alone, with his mother or father coming to the store to help from time to time, when Rishab is taking a lunch break or his mom wants to be among people.

The shop is full of stuff up to the top and only Rishab himself knows where what item is located. The shop from the outside seems quite inconspicuous, but inside there is a lot going on. From 10 am to 9 pm and during that time the customers, often 3 to 8 at once, Indian aunty in shop, all want to be served immediately.

The family lives above the store. An all natural hot kick to any meal.

A light, herby sauce with a gingery finish - perfect over fish, as a salad dressing or for marinading with. But Rishab has developed its own system to satisfy his customers.

Proceed with caution! It goes great with anything savoury - try on scrambled egg or with noodles. Even writing down the amount to pay later is not uncommon.