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Visit us at www. Chris Brown Ft. Video Of The Week. Subscribe to Blog via Email. She said her career path is focused on entertainmentwhich ranges from modelling, acting and making rap music.

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Music Of The Week. Loading Comments In a viral video posted on Facebook, she stated that she is not a practising lawyer at the moment but may consider practising in future.

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Leave a comment Leave a comment. Follow me on Twitter. She stated that her lifestyle on social media is just for entertainment purposes and not for the sake of disregarding the legal profession.

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Ifunanya said she has always been in the entertainment scene, even before becoming a lawyer, and that whatever she shares on social media should be seen as her alter-ego of entertainment. Previous Article Portable — Ogundabede.

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Face Of The Week. She also lamented that some social media accounts with her pictures are fake and that she has never been a Twitter user. Share this Article. By Yungceaser. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Remember Me. Related Posts. Follow Us On Facebook. Wicked forces of Nollywood: Kanayo, Iya Gbonkan, 5 other movie stars who still scare Nigerians to date.