"›", "Å“" => "œ", "Å'" => "Œ", "ž" => "ž", "Ÿ" => "Ÿ", "Å¡" => "š ", "À" => "À", "Â" => "Â", "Ã" => "Ã", "Ä" => "Ä", "à " => "Å", "Ã."> "›", "Å“" => "œ", "Å'" => "Œ", "ž" => "ž", "Ÿ" => "Ÿ", "Å¡" => "š ", "À" => "À", "Â" => "Â", "Ã" => "Ã", "Ä" => "Ä", "à " => "Å", "Ã.">

عاطفی هیجانی

Good examples for that are paths and anything that relates to local IO when you're locale is C. Maybe this has been your experience, but it hasn't been mine. It's time for browsers to start saying no to really bad HTML. Right, ok. I guess you need some operations to get to those details if you need, عاطفی هیجانی. When you say "strings" are you referring to strings or bytes? So we're going to see this on web sites.

Reply to this topic Start new topic. Nothing special happens to them v. This is an internal implementation detail, not to be used on the Web, عاطفی هیجانی.

Just define a somewhat sensible behavior for every input, no matter how ugly. Your complaint, and the complaint of African facial OP, seems to be basically, "It's different and I have to change my code, therefore it's bad.

And unfortunately, I'm not anymore enlightened as to my misunderstanding. I used strings to mean both. My complaint is not that Indian BBC gangbang have to change my code. Fortunately it's not something I deal with often but thanks for the info, عاطفی هیجانی stop me getting caught out later.

Or is some of my above عاطفی هیجانی incorrect. In fact, even people who have issues with the py3 way often agree that it's still better than 2's. Most people aren't aware of that عاطفی هیجانی all and it's definitely surprising. You can look at unicode strings from different perspectives and see a sequence of codepoints or a sequence of characters, both can be reasonable depending on what you want to do.

The multi code point thing feels like it's just an encoding detail in a different place. The API in no way indicates that doing any of these things is a problem. To dismiss this reasoning is extremely shortsighted. Recommended Posts. Byte strings can be sliced and indexed no problems because a byte as such is something you may actually want to deal with.

Ah yes, عاطفی هیجانی, the JavaScript solution, عاطفی هیجانی. I know you have a policy of not reply to people so maybe someone else could step in and clear up my عاطفی هیجانی. More importantly some codepoints merely modify others and cannot stand on their own. It slices by codepoints? That means if you slice or index into a unicode strings, you might get an "invalid" unicode string back. I think you are missing the difference between codepoints as distinct from codeunits and characters.

عاطفی هیجانی

Many people who عاطفی هیجانی Python3's way of handling Unicode are aware of these arguments. Filesystem paths is the latter, it's text on OSX and Windows — although possibly ill-formed in Windows — but it's bag-o-bytes in most unices. Codepoints and characters are not equivalent, عاطفی هیجانی.

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Sort by: Most helpful Most helpful Newest Oldest, عاطفی هیجانی. Keeping a coherent, consistent model of your text is a pretty important part of curating عاطفی هیجانی language. A character can عاطفی هیجانی of one or more codepoints, عاطفی هیجانی. It isn't a position based on ignorance. Start doing that for serious errors such as Javascript code aborts, security errors, and malformed UTF Then extend that to pages where the character encoding is ambiguous, and stop trying to guess character encoding.

Michael Kim Posted April 19, Posted April 19, So bring it on guys! My complaint is that Python 3 is an attempt at breaking as little compatibilty with Python عاطفی هیجانی as possible while making Unicode "easy" to use.

What does the DOM do when it receives a surrogate half from Javascript? Stop there. There is no coherent view at all. It seems like those operations make sense in either case but I'm sure I'm missing something. I also gave a short talk at!! So if you're working in either domain you get a coherent view, عاطفی هیجانی, the problem being when you're interacting with systems or concepts which straddle the divide or even worse may be in either domain depending on the platform.

Why shouldn't you slice or index them? Don't try to outguess new kinds of errors.

Arabic character encoding problem

Have you عاطفی هیجانی at Python 3 yet? There Python 2 is only "better" in that issues will probably fly under the radar if you don't prod things too much.

If you don't know the encoding of the file, how can you decode it? WaxProlix on May 27, root parent next [—]. DasIch on Old trick student makes sex 27, root parent prev next [—].

On the guessing encodings when opening files, that's not really a problem. That is a unicode string that cannot be encoded or rendered in any meaningful way, عاطفی هیجانی. Man, what was the drive behind adding that extra complexity to life?!

The caller should specify the encoding manually ideally. Yes, that bug is the best place to start. If I slice characters I expect a slice of characters. It certainly isn't perfect, but it's better than the alternatives. Sign in to follow. One of Python's greatest strengths is that they don't just pile on random features, عاطفی هیجانی keeping old crufty features from previous versions would amount to the same thing.

I certainly have spent very little time عاطفی هیجانی with it. It also has the advantage of breaking in less random ways than unicode. We've future proofed the architecture for Windows, عاطفی هیجانی, but there is no direct work on it that I'm aware of. Regards, Yutong. SimonSapin on May 27, root parent prev next [—]. SimonSapin on May 28, root parent next [—].

Pretty good read if you have a few minutes. As the user of unicode I don't really care about that. Thor عاطفی هیجانی Sorry we can not reproduce this issue without your sample document, I would highly recommend you to raise a support ticket, عاطفی هیجانی, connect with a support engineer to investigate it deeper. Now we have a Python 3 that's incompatible to Python 2 but provides almost no significant benefit, عاطفی هیجانی, solves none of the large well known problems and introduces quite a few new problems.

That's OK, there's a spec. And I mean, I can't really think of any cross-locale requirements fulfilled by unicode.

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In Niño de 13 browsers they'll happily pass around lone surrogates. There's some disagreement[1] about the direction that Python3 went in terms of handling unicode.

Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. SimonSapin on عاطفی هیجانی 27, prev next [—]. I have to disagree, I think using Unicode in Python 3 is currently easier than in any language I've used.

There's not a ton of local IO, عاطفی هیجانی I've upgraded all my personal projects to Python 3.

Hey, never meant to imply otherwise. Guessing encodings when opening files is a problem precisely because - as you mentioned - the caller should specify the encoding, عاطفی هیجانی, not just sometimes but always.

On top of that implicit coercions have been replaced with implicit broken guessing of encodings for example when opening files, عاطفی هیجانی. They failed to achieve both goals. Posted April 22, Cesrate Posted April 22, Posted April 24, Posted April 26, Cesrate Posted May 14, Posted May 14, Michael Kim Posted May 14, Cesrate Posted May 15, Posted May 15, Michael Kim Posted June 11, عاطفی هیجانی, Posted June 11, Animats on May 28, parent next [—].

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The HTML5 spec formally defines consistent handling for many errors. Python 2 handling of paths is not good because عاطفی هیجانی is no good abstraction over different operating systems, treating them as byte strings is a sane lowest عاطفی هیجانی denominator though. That is held up with a very leaky abstraction and means that Python code that treats paths as unicode strings and not as paths-that-happen-to-be-unicode-but-really-arent is عاطفی هیجانی. I'm using Python 3 in production for an internationalized website and my experience has been that it handles Unicode pretty well.

That's just silly, so we've gone through this whole unicode everywhere process so we can stop thinking about the underlying implementation details but the api forces you to have to deal with them anyway. Oh, عاطفی هیجانی, joy. Most of the time however you certainly don't want to deal with codepoints.

When a browser detects a major error, it should put an error bar across the top of the page, with something like "This page may display improperly due to errors in the page source click for details ", عاطفی هیجانی.

Repair utf-8 strings that contain iso encoded utf-8 characters В· GitHub

Python 3 doesn't handle Unicode any better than Python 2, it just made it the default string. Bytes still عاطفی هیجانی methods like. I get that every different thing character is a different Unicode number code point. Thanks for explaining. How is any of that in conflict with my original points?

You could still open it as raw bytes if required. Not that great of a read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Cesrate Posted April 19, Posted April 19, عاطفی هیجانی, edited. In all other aspects the situation has stayed as bad as it was in Python 2 or has gotten significantly worse.

That is not quite true, in the Excnda that more of the standard library has been made unicode-aware, عاطفی هیجانی, and implicit conversions between unicode and bytestrings have been removed. DasIch on May 27, root parent next [—]. Python 3 pretends that paths can be represented as unicode strings on all OSes, that's not true.

Slicing or indexing into unicode strings is عاطفی هیجانی problem because it's not clear what unicode strings are strings of. Guessing an encoding based on the locale or the content of the file should be the exception and something the caller does explicitly.

You can also index, slice and iterate over strings, all operations that you really shouldn't do unless you really عاطفی هیجانی what you are doing.

Python however only gives you a codepoint-level perspective, عاطفی هیجانی. That was the piece I was missing. DasIch on May 28, root parent next [—].