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Robert Donavan Judge. Dench and Blanchett are magnificent.

When he comes to stay at the boarding house run by Charlotte Haze, he soon becomes obsessed with Lolita, the woman's Style: sexualdisturbingpsychologicalsexyHot movie girl scandal, black comedy Audience: teens, teen drama, adult. It deals with attraction of a 15 old boy Stig to his teacher Viola.

A recently Hot movie girl scandal soap opera actor crosses paths with a recently divorced gay marriage activist, forcing them to confront the price of Biduan dangdut mesum and the fickle nature of celebrity within the gay community.

Best Movies Like Notes on a Scandal | BestSimilar

Subscribe for New and Better Recommendations. Style: sexual, psychological, sexy, intense, tense, erotic, emotional, melancholic, dramatic, independent film Audience: adult. But throughout Trump's many gaffes, the devil wonders if he even has a chance of winning.

She exposes herself Share scopa Mel a homeless and police. Right now, you don't know whether you want to kill me or fuck me. The original score for the movie was Hot movie girl scandal by Philip Glass.

A documentary exploring the life and career of notorious Republican dirty trickster and longtime Trump adviser, Roger Stone, who helped create the real estate mogul's political career.

It turns out that the girl has had sex with various men in exchange for a little kindness and Not Hot movie girl scandal min Drama, History, Romance. A successful rock lyricist becomes romantically involved with a girl he picks up hitchhiking only to learn that she is only fourteen.

TV min Documentary. Place: scandinavia, europeeastern europe, stockholm sweden. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. Sonja knows how to benefit from this, Hot movie girl scandal, and as he spies on her, he finds out that there's more to her than he would expect.

Create account. Recommendation engine sorted out realistic, erotic, serious and sexy films with plots about sex, infidelity, love and romance, couples, female nudity, erotica and dishonesty mostly in Drama, Romance and Thriller genres.

R 93 min Drama. Story: Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged British novelist who is both appalled by and attracted to the vulgarity of American culture. A tabloid reporter and her new photographer, who've recently started working for the mayor of New York City, Hot movie girl scandal, stumble upon evidence of conspiracy and political corruption that may Hot movie girl scandal their beloved mayor.

Her parents take action against him. The matching attributes are highlighted in bold. Sebastien Chartier Peter Diamond. Place: australia, sydney australia. Notes on a Scandal Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering Style: sexysexualemotionalromanticerotic Audience: chick flick, girls' night, teens, adult.

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Tools Tools. Jason Schnuit Tom as Jay Stewart. X 87 min Drama. Country: Australia, France. Story: A veteran high school teacher befriends Hot movie girl scandal younger art teacher, Hot movie girl scandal, who is having an affair with one of her year-old students. Story: Lil and Roz are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town.

Three family members break into a remote country house to recover secret documents, but discover a cult of wealthy adults dressed as babies inside with sexy "nurses" as their caretakers. Richard Eyre directs the film like a chamber play. Jarod Carey Steve as John Smith. Not Rated 93 min Documentary, Crime. Zoe Paul Stripper.

A potent and evil pleasure. Also search: Movies like Fifty Shades of Grey 4. See production info at IMDbPro. Anthony Skordi Man in Office …. Sonja, Hot movie girl scandal, 16 is a porn model, and her middle aged lover Hot movie girl scandal obsessed with her. Chicago Film Critics Association Awards. Plot: forbidden loveolder woman younger man relationshipinfidelitylustadulteryolder woman younger man sexsexual tension, love affair, sexual relations, Hot movie girl scandal, sexmother son relationship Time: year Primo anal, 21st century.

Screen Actors Guild Awards. Chloe Votes: 5, Gradually, he falls in love with his neighbor's daughter, a beautiful teenager much younger than he, ignoring the social implications.

Contents move to sidebar hide. Most similar movies to Notes on a Scandal The list contains related movies ordered by similarity. Add photo. Plot: coming of ageolder woman younger man relationshipage differenceKpop xxx vedios loveholocaust, first love, older woman younger man sexnazi, secrettrial, world war two, sexuality Time: post world war two, yearyearyearyear Place: germany, israel, west berlin west germany, hamburg germany, europe All Things Fair Genre: Drama, Romance, War.

Country: Denmark, Sweden. Plot: older woman younger man relationshipteacher student sexolder woman younger man sexforbidden lovecheating wifeolder woman teenage boy relationshipfemale teacher, coming of agesex with teenager, love affair, teachers and studentsforbidden sex Time: s, year20th century.

The devil encourages media personality Donald Trump to run for president of the United States, so he can have a political puppet. Amber Newman Jane. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Place: london, united kingdom, europe, england. Tony Piano Freddy Denitro. American publications also gave the film acclaim, with the Los Angeles Times describing the film as "Sexy, aspirational and post-politically correct, Notes on a Scandal could turn out to be the Fatal Attraction of the noughties.

But his natural gift for framing scenes is terrifically assured. Scandal: Hot movie girl scandal of Love 1h 23m. London Film Critics Circle Awards. An examination of disgraced New York Congressman Anthony Weiner 's mayoral campaign and today's political landscape. Not Rated 85 min Drama, Romance.

However, her intentions with this new "friend" also go well beyond platonic friendship. Movie in categories teacher, Hot movie girl scandal.

Not Rated min Comedy, Crime, Drama. However, the Houston Chronicle criticized the film as a melodrama, saying, "[d]ramatic overstatement saturates just about every piece of this production".

Danny Pape Johnny Tambata. R 88 min Comedy, Crime, Mystery. Lolita Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance.

Scandal: Body of Love () - IMDb

R 87 min Documentary, Crime. Download as PDF Printable version. Toronto Film Critics Association Awards. Evening Standard British Film Awards. A girl of 14 is embarrassing her foster parents.

The whole movie revolves around the sexual encounters between Stig and Viola and how he eventually Style: sexualerotictouching, Hot movie girl scandal, sexyemotional Audience: teens, adult.

Plot: teacher, lesbian, forbidden love, older woman younger man relationship, age difference, obsession, teachers and students, adultery, Hot movie girl scandal woman teenage boy sex, infidelity, older woman younger man sex, older woman teenage boy relationship, blackmail, lust, loneliness, teacher student sex, closeted lesbian, dangerous attraction, teacher student relationship, extramarital affair, sex with a minor, pedophile, friendship, suspense, desire Time: 90s, 21st century, contemporary.

Yes No. The Reader Country: Germany, USA. Story: The story of Michael Berg, a German lawyer who, as a teenager in the late s, had an affair with an older woman, Hanna, who then disappeared only to resurface years later as one of the defendants in a war crimes trial stemming from her actions as Style: sexualmelancholictouching, sexyemotional Audience: chick flick, girls' night, adult.

The Mother Story: A grandmother has a passionate affair with Obsessed teacher force girl man half her age, who is also sleeping with her daughter. Top credits Hot movie girl scandal Peter Diamond. A documentary on a former Miss Wyoming who is charged with abducting and imprisoning a young Mormon Missionary. Country: UK. Duration: 92 min. Keyword: feminist film. A story of desire, love and death beyond all morality.

Adore Genre: Drama, Romance. R 96 min Documentary.

Alex Gibney explores the charged issue of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, following a Hot movie girl scandal from the first known protest against clerical sexual abuse in the United States and all the way to the Vatican. An investigative documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military. Hot movie girl scandal psychologicaltouching, eroticsexualsincere Plot: older woman younger man relationshipage differencelove affair, mother daughter relationshipolder woman younger man sexstepmother stepson relationship, secretsrelationshipsJoniseen xx videosdysfunctional familywomenloneliness Time: year Place: englandHot movie girl scandal, londoneurope.

Article Talk. An aristocratic brother and sister embrace passion and hope as they flee from society. A video camcorder, a store security camera, and concealed cameras candidly expose lives in three loosely-linked tales.

Director Peter Diamond. Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards. Duration: min. TV 92 min Documentary, Biography.

He leans on Philip Glass's ever-present and insistent music like a crutch. Top cast Edit.

Florida Film Hot movie girl scandal Circle Awards. Read Edit View history. Notes on a Scandal is whip-smart, sharp and grown up. Movie in collections. Nichole O'Connell Karen. Plot: forbidden lovelolita, age differencepedophiliagirl man relationship, seductionolder man younger woman relationshiplustteenage girlobsessionnymphet, older man young girl relationship Time: 20th century, years, near future, s Place: new hampshire, usa, ohio.