Honey ko rubi halinghing

CLAW, n. Dukuiang-in-vi-To overtake; reach; obtain - Dula sa kapwa n 1-Resentmnent; grudge; anger. PIPE, n. NEAR, adv. Mixer 66 Mountaineer. Bilangin-v-To count; ennumnarate; calculate; conipute; estimate; suppute. Di mnaka-sisira a-Ilarmnless; pure. Gaanong kalapit? Buniton n-Heap; pile; stack; crowd. Diimpo v-To become weak or infirm.

Bibinka-n-Tile; piece of burnt clay. Bihis-n-Change of clotaes. Bunmaba-v To lessen; lower, descend, go down, flow, slump; let Honey ko rubi halinghing. EXTRA, adj.

Dinding-n-Partition wall; wall. Btumalong-v-To sprhing from; sprfing,: issue or proceed from, begin, growv; have it's beginning in. Daliri-n-Finger; digit. And waldnp-talo. MOSS, n. Ice 49 Imitate. Dalrin-r-To frigitcn; scar; cause to he warv or cautioos.

Dibdib n-Breast, Di buo ang loob-a-Half-hearted. Bumnasa-v-To readi; peruse. Binata a-Young; youtful, New hit. Buaya-n Alligator; crocodile, cavinan; Honey ko rubi halinghing. Di sapat-a-Jnsufficient; inadequaty, lacking.

LAY, v. FOOL, n. Idn, mula. MY, pron, Honey ko rubi halinghing. HOLE, n. Buinabasa n-Bender. Dispunte-n- t ack-stich. E EACH, pron. Buhavin muli-v-To resusticate; restoi-e, tolife revive acquirne li.

Dulo-a-Last; endlatest, late, latter, final; extreme. Do ahaginin-v-To harass; persue, dun, importune, persecute, an;, sustain. LAMB, n. D i maka, kilala-a Incog; in-ognito. Di mnabasa-Illegible. Bumukod-v-To sort, separste, remove, dissuade. Cornetin it Cornet. MUD, n, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Dilag-n-Splendor; brillancv; becoutv; glory, greatness; granduer; finery; lustre, luster; magnitude.

Di naniumunka-a-Sterile; unfruitful; barren. OWN, adj. Asawa, rumble, ugong. Alemdn, Sp. GAUZE, n. One U. CHARM, n. Buno-n-Wrestle; wrestling; tussle; struggle; strife.

LOCK, n. MAYOR, n. Bi-kisari v-To bundle; parcel, bind; tiegird. Di pagka-lalagay-a-Restlessness; uneasines. Buisitin-v- To cauise to be unfortunate. HABIT, n. Bingihin-v-To deafent make deaf. RAPID, adj. Kuwaresma, Sp. EASY," adj. FIX, v. Dios ag alaK-n-lBachus; the god of wine. Dapat patawarin-a-Pardonable; justifiable, excusable; venial. READ, v.

NICE, adj. Duda-n-Doubt; mis-trust.

Honey ko rubi halinghing

DAMP, adj. ELOPE, v. LOT, n. Butil n Frain; grain of corn. FOOT, n. Dilim-n-Dar nes8; obscurity; glroom, gloominess; opacify - Di maaninag-a-0paque; not transparent. Dilidili-n-Ii-nagination; fancy; concep. Dapat damndamin a-Sensible; perceptible; feeling.

Buinati-t-To saluite; hail, greet urtsv; halloo. GIRL, n. RIM, n. DUSTY, adj. Bibig-n-Moutb; chaps; orifice. COAL, n. Di mnaaninawv-a-Impercep -ible; opaque. IDamot-a-Stingy; mliserly;- closelisted, scant; short; Honey ko rubi halinghing. Femmine g. REPLY, n. LACE, n. HARSH, a d j. Dilaw-a Yello; yello ish. Dumadalaw n-Visitor. HEAD, n. Papa, Sp. PORT, n. Dalawa a-Two both. LEAP, v. Bukod si cadv.

Bulaw-a-Fadled; withered. Cauitison-n Smock. MUMPS, n. Butihan n-Kindness; goodness; generosity; grace; gallantry; spruceness; smartness; pertection; delicacy; gayety; finery.

Builok-a rotten; corrupt; putriol. REFER, v. Idng sinumdn. FIERY, adj. Biwiin v-To untwist. MYTH, n. Bihisin-i-To change clothes; dress. Dahunan -a Leaf v. Di malfirap-a-Imperceptible. Bilig sa mlata-n-Cataract of the eye. Holy Mass, Misa, Sp. MAST, n. Have 45 Hence. MOW, v. NOT, adv. Rejoinder 93 Remonstrance. GATE, n. COMET, n. LINE, n. Bihasa sa pag-gawa-a-Accustonied; fit; proper: convenient. Towards; about near; in the Idirection of.

Buimabag- r-To fight, contend, dispute. Buan —n-Monithi Buan darating-n-Proximo. Di martunong t-Unlanaw ng utang na boob a Ungrateful. JPapat sisihin-a-Reprehensible; sufferable. Bunnmti-v-To Honey ko rubi halinghing thrive; prosper. Boogin-n-To Honey ko rubi halinghing, remove. LADY, n. DRIFT, v. FRIAR, n.

HIKE, v. PILL, n. Bumuga-v-To vomnit; spit, expectorate. Bulong adv. RIOT, n. ORDER, n. Cabelleriza-nt Barn; estable. Di pa siguro a Comparative; not- very certain.

HIS, pron. NAPE, n. Bibi n-Goose. Go on. Dumoong isa gawa-la To complete ones, work. FLUID, adj. Di marinig-a-Ln-iperceptibie. Buikal-n-Origeii, eource spring, jet, fountain finst cause. LEMON, n. Butasin-v-To perforate; puncture; bore. FANG, n. FIFTH, n. OPERA, n. Participant 77 Patrol. LUCKY, adj. Pelis n -Half Kimkardarshian. Buti n-Kindness; gooduess; improvemnent; generosity,; Honey ko rubi halinghing be nignity; clemency; good will.

Durnalisav-v To refine; purifv; cleanse. Dakip-n-Cappure; spoils; prize. Talagd ngang Honey ko rubi halinghing. GAME, n. EAT, v. PBitakint' To fissure; chink; crack. Di masasaktan-a-Invulnerable. Gaanong kalayo? IPuende-n-FaitV; sprite, fray, elf; goblin.

IDi tnatingkala-a Incomprehensible. Bululos-r iDiarrhea. Dila;t; duna-Onie and nll. Bucas-adv To morrow it Morow - Bukds-adv open. Ebanghelyo, Sp. GRANT, v. POOL, n. Dulong Silanga. Di nararapat-a-Unworthy; und eservin.

Buntutan-cr-To follow; pursue; persecute; log; importune; implore; dun. HAT, n. HINT, n. IDaan -n-Road; street;Iane;gangwvay; place, spot; timie; ocasion; leisure- itinerary.

Bayang tinubuan nt-Birth-place. Bun; a-n-Fruit; f ruitage. Bumugbog-t-Ta injure; hurt, wound. Bikas-n-Sbape; form, statuire, size, aspect, Honey ko rubi halinghing, measure, ostenut, mode, gui'e, will lisposition; manner. To stink. BulagaW a-Blue or gray eyed1.

Bigyan-r-To give; present. IBihasang lubhia-avery learned; wise well e Iucated. NASAL, adj. Dalang n-P ctition; prayer. CLAIM, v. Buisit a-Ungrateful bad, uinlucky; unfortunate. Dublihin nk tatlo-v-To treble- triplicate. DUCK, n. Disyembre, Sp. DIRTY, adj. Enero-n-January, Favor n Favor; boon. Dalhin dito v To fetch. Di nahahati-a-Undivided. Bumukaliv To lproceed from. PIN, n. Bihagin-v-To capture; spirit; kidnap. IPahilan-n-Excuse; pretence; reason; pretext; motive; cause; plea; right; occasion; allowance; forte; sake probability.

Dako saan-priej Towards; about; near; in the direction of. Dapog 'n-Oven; fireside; hearth. Di Naka-sulat- a-N uncupatory; nuncupative, tin- ritten; oral. Darnara-n-Shade; tent. LEVER, n. Dumahing laruin-v To frisk; romp; sport. Dati-it Original. HOCK, n. Di karaniwan a-Old; queer; non descript. NEXT, adj. FUSE, n. LEST, conj. Duimhau-r-To stain; polute, soil, dirty, daub, dlab, bespatter, darken, corrupt; profane. FLOUR, n. Di paniniwalain-a Incredulous; unbelievable. EAR, n. Oktubre, Sp.

OFF, adv. Dnmalo v assist; support, produItce, visit. Bay ania-Valiant; courageous, brave, Honey ko rubi halinghing, audacious, strong, gallant, viaorous. Diwara-a Curious; inquisitive.

Dtumugo v To bleed. GLARE, v. Bumnukas-v-To open, dilate. Bumuno-v-To wrestle; content; struggle. D ulin g a-Cross-eyed: torvous. COMB, h. Di maari-a impossible; impracticableDi mababago-a-Inmmnta-ble; stable; stapla, unchangtable, permanent. LENS, n. IDung-uis-n —Stain; blot, filthiness, dirty, danb, grimne; nastiness. KITE, n. Buklaw-n-Tumor; extubertance, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Dalangin r To petition; entreat, pray Da las-n-Freqoenc y 1 alaw-n- Visit.

DUST, n. May-layong dalawdng ulo, milya. Buntalin-v To slap; strike with the open hand. Bumithay-rvTo sift; separate. GLOW, v. Buan sa langait n-Moon. Bubuivog-n-aumnble bee. MUCH, adj. Cantana Chorous; song. CHECK, n. MADAM, n. COPRA, n. Buto n-Bone; seed: ernel, Honey ko rubi halinghing.

ROCK, n. ORGAN, ii. COZY, adj. Dahak n-Cough. RATIO, n. LIFE, n. Bisa-n-Activity, valor, force, fortitude: vigor; courage; power authority; ability; possitivility - Bisaklatin,-Tro spreado r extend thiefeet.

MOCK, v, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Dumnpoli n-v-To tinge; dye; stain. GRAZE, v. Di pagod-a-Refreshedi;unweari-ed, restedl. NOOSE, n. Durnoon sayv-To be at. Bilang fig pauialon-n-IDate, Bilango-n-Jail; prison; calabose. NOSE, n. LOG, n.

I Dapat mahialin-a-Preferable; coinuiendable; appreciable; laudable; praiseworthyv. NODE, n.

Crushing honey

Dilin-Reflection; thought. Dowahagi-n-Persecution; Honey ko rubi halinghing, dun: persuit. Builos-n-A roll of cloth. Bigla-a-Unexpected; unforseen; quicksu iden; rapid; cursory; injudicious; in descreet.

Paviumno itScreen. Bugnos-a-Loose, surplus. FULL, adj. MOTOR, n. Di maka-titiis-a Insu. Bfili n-Sm-all tree snake. ROAD, n. LYRIC, n.

Health honey

Bilog-a-Circular: round; wLole; total; universal; entire. JAB, n. Busog a-Full; satiated; satisfied. ERECT adj. Dapat kmtakuitin-a Awful; frightful. IDiwara-n Curiosity; conversation. DawNis-n-Anguishi; anxiety; grief; sorrow. FLY, v. Diri-n-Despicability; loathing. Diyos, Sp. GRADE, n. PUMP, n. Bul ati-n-Worm. Expressed by ka Moro region, etc.

Qorn xxx Spit. À¸«à¸¡à¸µà¸‚าว hinihintav-a UnexpectedA; unforseen; sudden. NIECE, n. PINK, n. Dumaan-v To pass by a place; go by; pasts. LARVA, n. Dalisdis na lupa-n-Declevlity. FLAT, adj. GREAT, adj. Di yari-a-Imperfect; incomplete, faulty; defective.

FROM, prep, sa; coming of, out pangkdpatiran, Honey ko rubi halinghing. NAVY, n. IDumi fig tinta-n-Blot of ink. Suicide; hang ug, Bigtihin-v'-To hang, commit, suicide. Dalaga-n-Young lady; Single lady; loss: Maiden; miss. Honey ko rubi halinghing grain. OVER, prep, sa ibabaw ng; sa not in, absent, wald. LORD, n. Benditahin-v-To consecrate. Dasal sa umagaii-Matin. Butuhlan-a-Re ard, premium; satisfact - ion: gratification.

COLT, n. ROUGH, adj. OLD, a d j. DOME, n. Ilan— lasan; the funny side of things, How Honey ko rubi halinghing Bukod pa sa-adv.

Di inalirip- a-Inscrutable; fathiomless. Dalion ut-Leaf. PLACE, n. Buto no pay pay-n-Scapula; shoulder blade. GAUDY, adj. ROD, n. Blunuhan-n-Fish corral; place of wrestfiug. Biwasin-v-To tugr; pull, lhatfi, move; Honey ko rubi halinghing. Idhikd, Sp. LUNGS, n. JDahilig na lupa-n-Declevity; slope; incline. God, Diyos, S p.

Dublihin-v To douible; duplicate. IMAGE, n. Lye 61 Manufacture LYE, n. Bigay-n Gift; present. Dipa n-Brace; spread of the arms. Wald boundaries, ipaloo b, ikulong; kang dapat pakialaman. QUAKE, v. Dayu-n Visit; challenge. Bi mbhinin-rc-To retard l; elay: 'lefer. T asalI n a sutnria ng palI a tay a- n- Creeld; articles of faith. IPaya-u-Ch-eat; deceit-; delusion; im-positioni; fallacy; frandulence; dodge; dece itfu tlness;trap;aff ectation;shnnm;trick, canard; claptrap; sleight; Bayral stodent gtuile.

Carbon-nt Coal; charcoal. False charge; imputation; presumuption; suspicion; im posture, Bintangin-v-To accuse falsely; inculpate. RISE, v. Bula-n-Froth; foam: spumue scuimi Bulaan-n-Liar: imposter. MANGO, n. Burahlin-r-To blot; blur; erase; raze; efface; abolish; expune; cloud. Risky 99 Rule. CLASS, h. RISKY, adj. Bubuaii-n-Mol d. ROOF, n. HIGH, adj.

God 42 Grassy GOD, n. I Honey ko rubi halinghing. Daluhlong-n-Assault attack. D unong-n Sience; knowledge, accuracy. DROWN, v. PERCH, v. Dumnin-Dirt; dross, slngs, filthiness, nastinEss, feaces; grime. Dingin-v-To hear; listen, understand; comprehend. Dako rito-adr - Nearer; hither. Dumudugo-a-Bleeding; bloody, sangui; nary. Dalita n-Misery; poverty; tornment; pain; anguish; torture; patience; toleratice. Haw, ilawdn; lampard, tali; or in chemises, laso. LEECH, n.

LOWLY, adj. HOBBY, n. Gaanong kadali? Bunmaluktot-v-Tro curve ben-d. Dungisqin-i eTo stain; blot, amb, dirty, larken; corrupi. Di binvagan-n-Pagan; heathen; savage; idolater.

POT, n. IDilig-n Sprinkling; watering. Budlorngin-n-Po punch: bore. Feclha-nDate; epoch Filipino n-Philippino. Di inarunong mapagod-a indefatigable unwearied. Burakburak-a-Mudy; miry; slimy. Dalawahitin-a double Dalitwit-ir-To visit.

Dili adv. Dati n-OrigiinaI; quondam. Bisto-adv Perhaps. Dahidahilansn-Excuse; pretence; reason; pretext. Drilani-an-i —To rarify; lilute, thiin. Dilaan-r-To lick; lap. Biglaan-a Urgent; pressing; executive. Dumalulong v-To attack; assail, assault, undertake; attempt. Bumnaho-r-To stink; smiell, bad; get, or Buimaka-' — To war; fight, oppose, con. Idngisan; lseytera. ROAST v. Binti n-Calf of the leg; shang Binubukalan-n Source; spring; origen. Piglabigla a-Unexpected; surdden.

Ili mnatiis a-Intolera4ble; insufferable. Biwas-n-Tug; pull, hauil, wave; move. MARCH, n. Dumiinig Kottare xxx hear; listen, understand, com-prehend; overhear. RIVAL, n. Bundok na napuputok-n Volcano. Bumalik-v-To return; go back, Honey ko rubi halinghing, fall back, retrograde; retrocede. FALSE, adj. Palpitant 76 Partake. EXACT, adj. X uchi, n. Di maka-raraan-a-Impassible.

LUCK, n. PINCH, v. PAID, adj. Dapat isumu Ong- aAccusable; blAamable. RAT, n. Di mababawas-a-Irreducible, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Burninyag v-To christen; baptize. Inspect 54 Interrupt. Di pa nasusupil-a-Untanmed; wild. FLEE, v. PITH, n. Diligin v-To sprin le; Apne garmi bhojane k liya larki ko choda spray. Law maysak- adv.

Buimankon v To arise; rise, get up. PIANO, n. Dumakip-vI-To -apprehend; capture. Bigatan-v-To poise; load, oppress, mortagage; try the heft. MUSE, n. ROAR, ungal. Sampung Utos. DARE, v. Biro-n-Joke; jest, pun, trick, buffoonry. Di tnatibay-a-Shakyj'instaple; frail. Pavani-n Champion; combatant. Boy and babysitter, n. Bivat-n-Weight; gravity, heaviness, heft, importance, consequence, toil, burden, trouble; cross moment.

Blow; cuff; knock. CROW, n. Bitakibitak-a-Fall oif aracks or lissures. RAIL, n, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Bigkisin-r To bundle pack, bind, tiegird. Oil 72 বৃদ্ধাশ্রমে শীলার এক রাত OIL, n. Bitav-n Gallows. LAWN, n.

Idbasan; pdlabasdn. HOLY, adj. Pebrero, Sp Sp. FAVOR, v. Pigyang pasiya-v'-To judge; Xxxmass determine; conclude; resolve. Binutas ng tanga a-Moth-eaten - Bitiyagaa-n-Chriatian; con vert; baptism. REAL, adj. GET, v. Di mnasavsav-a Unspeakable. Araw na. Dagukan-ir Te punch; s rike; beat; knock. GROW, v. Bulinaw-u Short or near sighted.

DRILL, n. Kristo, Sp. Pasko, Sp. CIGAR, n. KNEEL, v. CLOUD, n. Bumatis-v-To ford; wade. HAVE, v. Bayugo no tuhod-n-LKneeca p. GRIM, adj. Bukid na sinasakani Cultivated ground: or land. Binat nRelapse: second fall.

Tough guy pounds babes taut twat on the table

Dayai n-v-To cheat. FAITH, n. Dangal n-Honor; reputation fame; glory excellent; kinkiness; excellency; triumph; esteem. Lens 59 Lively. KNIT, v. MUDDY, adj. CLUB, n. Dilhay-ni- Belch. Binata-n-Juvinile; youth. PURGE, Momfuck sun. Butihiair-To better; Make goodl or better. Edad-n- Age F in patso-n-ID digestionl.

DAli-,n-Witdh of a finger. KNOW, v. PACT, n. Buksan-i-To open: rhow disclose, discover, display. Buto no balskang-n-Haunch bone. Pith 81 Plow. Honey ko rubi halinghing, n. Bingaw-n-Gmmp or notch in a tool. DOOM, n. LATER, adv. HINGE, n. REIGN, v. PIOUS, adj. Bumo a-entire; whole; complete; full; perfect; integral; chock; intact; utter; sound; just; informed; candid. PARRY, v. REAP, v. Bumihiag c-To captivate; kidnap, cap ture, charmi, Honey ko rubi halinghing.

Remonstrate 94 Reprint. Bungo n Clalsh; collision, knock, blow. CROWD, n. Duinapit-v-To mneet at one lplace and escort to another. Di dapat patawarin-a- Inexcusable. Bulaan-a-Lying; erroneous. CRAWL, v. CLAM, n.

MELON, n. Buo at paikpik a Solid; firm; sound; consistent. PIT, n. Buo aug, lob-a-Valiant; brave; bold; courageous; whole hearted. Bitik it Garter. PILE, n. OVEN, n. Hulyo, Sp. Hunyo, Sp. Heswita, Sp. Hudyd, Sp. Kid 57 Language KID, colloq. Bigay lamang-a-Gratis; free of cost; for nothing. Di ruagagaling-a-Irremediable; incurable. H Honey ko rubi halinghing, inter. Biroan-n- Caroucol, rev'elry, rom ping, jocularity; jocoseness, jollity, scuffle, masakap -sarcasm.

It's already d. GROUP, n. RAPE, v. IDag-i- Rat; miouse. Bayaw-n Brother-in law. Buk ngi baka-n-Calf; heifer; veal, Honey ko rubi halinghing. CD Cal el leria-a - Caval rv. Bukiran-n-Field; farm. FORCE, n. F'ANCY, n. Binwit-n-Fishing tackle. LOCAL, adj. COW, n. DRINK, v. HILT, n. Biscuit-n- Biscuit. Osmosis 74 Overwhelm. Biak-n-Half; crack, fracture; piece. Di inaka- ita-a-Blind; Latent. Binhi-n-Seed; grain; germ; bud. PLAIN, adj. PIER, n. Dun;,it-n-Point; extremity, end, suimmit: headland.

PATH, n, footway, landds; track, ndk. Bigkis-n Bundle; parcel, pack, forgot; sheaf. LEAF, n. I-humilhav-v To belt-h. CRAMP, n. Bumalikuas-v-To over-tuirn, double, duplicate; turn over.

FALL, Honey ko rubi halinghing, v. CLOCK, n. GHOST, n. HIVE, n. CHAIN, n. Dagdagin-v-To augment; add; increase, enlarge; amend. GRAY, adj. Bugok n-Addle; rotten, em-Ypty; void. Dila ng c. Lehiydn, Sp. LAYER, n. Emperador, Sp. ELECT, v. Bumulubok-v-To bubble. Bukid-n-Field; country, farm, soil, land:, groundl; region.

Movie actors honey rose

Dumunonlg v To illustrate; experience, grow or become wise. DOG, n, Honey ko rubi halinghing. HOOP, n. Dako roon-adil. Dafit-n-Song; ditty dirge. Bulo —Calf; stickling. Danmdarnitiv-To suffer; grieve; feel; Honey ko rubi halinghing. LABOR, n. NOTED, adj. COCK, n. LACK, n. I OWE, v. Bukol-n-Abeess; tumior, lump. IDami-'v Maltitude; crowd. NORTH, n. Ci rco-n-Ci rcus; Hippodrome. Buinanat-v-To extendl;enlargre;grow large. LAME, adj. I amnag-a4dr-all night: Dattahin-ir-To feel; tooch; grope; ex'amine: investigate; prONve; procure.

Dako prep. EAGLE, n. CLOAK, n. Hawayano, Sp. HAWK, n. Buc-alani-n-Head- sprinig;spreng; founi-t ai iBukal sa boob-a-Spontaneous; vdluntarv. Bulongbtilongan-z- Whisper; rumor, report; mnurmur. Bulaybulay-n-IMieditation: contemplation. Bukod sa iba a-Strange: feroigia, rare. FRY, n. Butas-n Hole; aperture; eye; puncture. Di akna a- Unfit; i iproper; inconvenient; inexpedient.

Rithay n-Sieve; middle; cl-il ; criblble. ERROR, n. METAL, n. RATE, n. Blukod any-The rest; others. D i nawiwibii-a-UnDf'avorable. DISH, n. Idgubatan, nc.

Honey ko rubi halinghing

Dito;it doon-a-Passim. Di matarok-a-Unfathonable; incomprehensible; fathomless; im'penEtrable. LEFT, adj. Dugo n-Blood. FOOD, n. Buntal-n Slap; blow with the open handl. READY, adj. Bun-a n' bayabas-n-Guava. NOISY, adj. COLOR, n. MISTY, Indian back fack. NIGHT, n.

D atihan-a-Accustomed; used; excellent; lexterous; original. Dunmihan-a-To dirty; soil, dab, laiddarken, obscure, cloud; con fuse. Danlkal-n- Palmi; hand breadth - Daong'n-Ship; vessel, schooner, conster. Daya a-falIse; deceitful; delusive, shaml, claptrap; fraudulent; not real. Ituloy mo. FAME, n. Busilak-n-Snlok; frost. Liver 60 Luxury. Buhayin-v-To vivify; enliven, spirit, electrify; spirit. LIE, v.

Dmnusta-v To become low or abject. Bumigti-v-To hang. GAZE, tumitig, titigan. Biklarin-v-To unfold; enlarge; extend - Bilang-n-Count; computation; numneration. KILL, v. FLOW, v. Tcazkain, pagsusumpit. NO, adv. PAT, v. Diwi-n-Snirit; soul. Bubog n-Hall; crystal; glass. LOVER, n. Di mnagka-kaila-a Irrefutable; indisputabler Di mahigpit a insecur -: mnstaple. MOURN, v. QUIT, v. ROCKY, a d j. IDi naki ila a-Unknown; not known1. NEW, adj. Bugs k-n-Basket; h ampler, Iiaid basket. Dum'ikit-v To stick; Afrika big hot, cohtere; paste.

COUCH, n. Hobby 47 Hostile. NEWS, n. ITS, pron. GIPSY, n. Dumalas-v-To frequant; repeat often. IT, pron. Bithayin-'c-To sift; bolt. Bimili-i-To buy; purchase. CHOIR, n. HERB, n. Dumulang v-To washi gold. Dakong kaliwa To the left sidle. Biglangbigla a-Sudden; hurried; precipitate: unexpected.

Bokot-a-Roughi; rumpled; snarled - Bola-,n Ball. EDGE, n. Di masupil-a-Invincible; unconqluerable. LIST, n. PBoinbani-Fire engine. REED, n. Builanglang-n Vegetable soup. PRIZE, n. JOY, n. DAMN, v. Special; particular. LIGHT, n. Bikik-Chioking; small obstruction. Idng-galdw, waldng-kilos. GLOVE, n. Bulaybulayin-voTo meditate,nmuse, consider, contemplate. Bumuhat v-To raise; lift up; erect. NEWLY, adv. MOVE, v. Duag-n Coward. GRACE, n. RASP, v. Bumukol-r-To lum-p. Bil og-n-Roundness; circle; s pahere; orb;, globe; rotunditp; disc; lisk; total.

HERON, n. HEAL, v. Biuhay-a-Active; livolv, spiiited, high; spiritedl. Butiktik n-Reptile. GOOD, adj. Biumawas vl To slump; dwindlle, lessen Bumawi n-To retrievo a loss; regain. GRAND, adj. Buhatan aug kasalanan-rv-To accuse: irnpaech, criminmate; incriminate. To thin rarifv: dilute.

Daluhungin-iv To assail; attack, a. FOLD, v. Di kamukhia-a-Unlike; lissimilar; Iif f erent, Di karampatan-a Unworthy; unjst; inconvenient; perverse; imprope; uinbecoming. Bt-uditaham it-Holy watering pot. LIMIT, n. Dab 25 Decalog.

IPumal n-Aversion; abhorefice. Bumago-c —To renew; alter, change; disturb. Dapat pangusapin-a-Reprehensible Dapat paniwalain;-a-Creditable worthy of credit or belief. B1unot n-Pull; tug. Bumuis-iv -To pay taxes; contribute3, promote. FIGHT, v. NOD, v. Dinmalaw-v-To visit. GROAN, n. GLEAM, n. PASS, v. Cajon n-Box; casing; Crav-pi -e-p -of; with; from; on; for; by; to. NOTE, n. Dupok-a-Brittle; weak, frail; fragile.

Burak-n-Mud; miire; slime. MUSTY, adj. DARK, adj. CROP, n. HOME, n. Biyaya-n-Gift, present, grant, favor, keepsake, gratification, compliments; pleasure. Dalidalian dalidaliin -r-To liasteti; precipitate; pispose of; alleviate; dispateli.

Damit na pang-ibabaw-nLoose garment; woin over the shoulders, overcoat. Di mapasok aug batol-a-Inflexible; Iti variable. Bumbuan-n-Grown of the head. IVORY, n. D DAB, v. Honey ko rubi halinghing, v. Bumigat auig diamdan v-To grow worse impa-ir; deteriorate.

MATE, n. Di makababawvi-a-Irr-ecoverable, Honey ko rubi halinghing. MINOR, adj. OVAL, adj. GALE, n. COIN, n. Malay, Malayo, S p. GAY, adj. Bigyang salat-r-To blame; condemn, ac-cuse criminate, imipeach; Honey ko rubi halinghing, ag. Dumalagang mianok n Pullet Dunialagang-vi-To thin; rarifv. Nobyembre, Sp. Two per cent off. DUE, adj. Dahifig-a-Sloping; inclined; slanting.

GRAB, v. CLING, v. HAZY, adj. FORGE, n. And iydn? IMPLY, v. Buruhia-v-To salt; season; sprinkle. Buhay-n Life. DWELL, v. DUAL, adj. Daigin-q —To c verpo wer; overcome, Honey ko rubi halinghing, tsorpass, excell: surmount. HIP, n. PUNY, adj, Honey ko rubi halinghing. DRIP, v. Darnpot-n-Grasp; hold. Honey ko rubi halinghing, n. CARD, n. Buis-n-Reward; remunerarion. Off the track.

Yessam honey trap

HERO, n. Rekyim, Lat. RIGHT, adj. Bulaklak-n-Flower:- blossom, pqsy. HOOD, Honey ko rubi halinghing. NEVER, adv. Hitag-n-Snare; trap. KISS, n. Dupong-n-Hfalf burnt wood; charcoal. Buintbuga, ng-v-To vomit; spit.

LIP, n. RACK, n. FOE, n. Mountainous 67 Naked. PITCH, n. Dumami-v To thicken; s ell, increase, g ro, thrive, improve; grow rich. CREEK, n. Dnikha-a-Helpless; destitute, POOr, penuirious, mnean, niggardly, paltry; niggard. DIARY, n.

Buslo-n-Basket; hamper. CLOSE, v. PROOF, n. LINK, n. PUNCH, n. HONEY, n. Di sukat nangyari-a-Inipossible; impracticable. Bundok-n-Mountain; hill, mount; knoll Bundok na bato-n-Cliff; rock; mounItai n of rock. ICING, n. OUTDO, v. Bumalarv-To threaten, menace; pro claim announce.

Damldani-n-Affliction; disease; suffering; sufferance; geievance; feeling. Deluded; decerive 1, cheated; swvindled. Enero, Sp.

Hapdn, Sp. JUICY, adj. Di mabait-a-Restless; incorrigible. Busugin-v-To satiate; fill with food, saudsfy. Di malapata n-a-Unli e; unequa. Duble-a-Double; duplicate. Dikdikin v To crash, powder; pulverize; triturate, bray; pound. Dakot-a Few. Dala-a-Cauitious; wary; suspicious - DIaladalawantaon-adiv. LEARN, v. EVIL, adj. Di pa panahon-a-Unseasonable: undue, out of seasoni. Bumilang-v-To count; enumerate, r-cckon; calculatio.

Dumalusong-v-To asozail; assault; Honey ko rubi halinghing. Mama, Sp. MAIL, n. MAGIC, n. Honey ko rubi halinghing vTo lament; bewail, remonstrate, nil, crave, complain, resent, reprimantl; expostulate. Durnakip n-Apprehender. Dulot n-Present; gratification. DIZZY, adj. Capital-n-metropolis; capital.

FLIRT, v. Dikit-n-Beauty; fairness; comeliness; godlinless. KIND, n. Bavynban v-To turn the ground; weave the edge of a tray or basket. NAME, n. Di sinasaysay a-'Non descript. Di bagny aTUnfit; unbecoming; improper, mal apropos; inexpedient,; unseemly; inconvenient, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Di Thea remmel sa anak a-Unfil'Iial1, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Gaanong mind, lagdy ng loob; wit, kata- kasama?

Dumahak-v-To spit; expectorate; cough. Bungin v-To corrupt; rot. Bigyang sindak Salina blackedraw friggten; scare, dispirit, rendler le.

Billete n-Ticket. HISS, n. Ruhalhal-n-FooI muadhan: i'diet. IPakong kanan-To the right side. NEEDY, n. Bitang-n-Springe; 1 eer net. DIP, v. O c e a nKaragatang tura, S p. Damnputin-v To grasp; holdl; seize; pilfer; receive; hold up; heave; get uip; raise.

EYE, n. Bulsa-n-Pocket: pouch. Dapit-n The acompanying from, one place to another; meeting and conveying from one place to another, iDapitin-v-To take freni one place to another; call; summon; meet and conlvey. Bihira-a-Scarce-uncomnmon; pare; old, excellent.

Daimihan-v-To ougment; increase; sum; enlarge. HOOF, n. Birador-n-Wrench; Birang-n- Hlandkerchief. MERRY, adj. Nicknack 69 Notwithstanding. Binyagin-n-To christen; baptize. FIRM, adj. FINE, n. PLANT, n. REACT, v. LANE, n. HUMID, adj. LEPER, n. Bihasa-a-Accustomed; used; capable, skilful, practical, dexterous, sly, prudent; knowing, Honey ko rubi halinghing, able. Bungnusin-n-To loosen, inftic. Dapat igalang-a Reslpectable; honorable.

ILL, adj. EVERY, adj. EGG, n. MARSH, n. Di nagdadalita-a Insensible; imnpassible. Bunkin-a-Rough; coarse. Bayawak Guana; large lizard. CRACK, n. Builaos-n-Path; trail. Bivayay nk 1 n-lmction. JPahit-at-v-To sufffe; bear; tolerate; abide, c-om port, tormc-nt; torture. Bitiwaii-c-To let go; forsake; v-ield untie;1 loosen; discharoe; slackemi; selvye; permit; forego; set at liberty Bitiwan alid dala-ir-To lay dowii a burden.

HILL, n. ORB, n. DumnoongTo anchor. CITY, n. RING, v. Dalubav-n-Interpreter; translatom. CREAM, n. Biglai n-Frror; mistake; hurry; suddeness; quickness. Di pagka-tunaw ng pagkain sa siknuira-n-Jndi gestion. MILL, n, Honey ko rubi halinghing. MINE, n.

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DagliI-adet —Soon; speedily; quickly; liurrielly; swiftly. HIVES, n. Bihisan-n-Change of clothes; dress. PRICE, n. Bunihin a Scurvy. Bumuav-v-To be unstable. Buis n-Taxes impost, excise, duty, levy; contribution. EAJ;tN, v.

Bingas-n-Gap or notch in a tool. Buluikin o,-To rot; corrulpt; mnake pntridl disrupt. Buig-n-Buuch; racenne. ORAL, adj. Buni n-Scurf; tetter; scurvy. Di maramndaman a —Imperceptible; imipassive. Di rain-a- l-lear-eyed. Biakin-v-to have; break, crack; fracture. CLOWN, n. Butiki-n-Eft; smnall lizard. Buimigat-v'To grow- heavy; increase in heft. Bumaba ang loobrv-To humble, tame, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Bunkang araw-n-Prickly heat. Dinuuol-n-Blow with Honey ko rubi halinghing fist Dun g7ot n-Summiit; apex, top, point, extremity, endl; edge.

Lunes, S p. Bumalong ang dungo v Honey ko rubi halinghing bleed. Di mnarating a-Inaccessible. Di susuko-a-Jndomnitable. DREAM, n. Da-vap —n-Lime; lemon. Araw na waldng pasok. Id; act of drawing air into the lungs, paglanghap. To, Sp. Per cent 79 Pest. BugtongEnigrna; puzjle, iridd lie, co 1inun1drum, poser, re 11s; qluiz. Buko n-Joint knuckle. Dapat il'agaiN -a-Avoidable; n-That which should be avoided. Damotinv'c To suffer; abide; telerate; comport; vrasp; seize.

Kalimutan, limutin; party, kapanalig. ROLL, v. Dahas-n Courage; bold ness, strength of heart, vigyor; force, 1 ahasan-r —To ferce; urge, give forceinvigorate; strengthen. An off day. Butasan v-To perforate; puncture; bore. QUIRE, n. POPE, n. QUAIL, n. CORD, n. Di mabubura-a-Indelible. Idng-badling; final, tdpusan. COPY, n. DROP, n. RARE, adj.

MENU, n. LEAD, v. COVER, n. Bumulok-v-To rot; addle, debauichl, decompose. DAM, n. LAW, n. P1unyi-a-Il lustrious; noble; famous; celebrated; noted; conspicuous; notori ous. NAP, v. FOND, adj. MEW, n. HOP, v. Bilugin-v-To round; suim; add; complete.

GREEN, n. Bihasahin-v-To guide; teach; train; educate. Q- Sp. F FAIR, adj. Burol-n-Dry bed of a river; corp-e. Buhay na loob a,-Awake; lively: ilmiletous; vivacious; active, fervent. JDapat batiin-a-One who should be saluted. Dakot-n Hand full. D apat ipag-tagubil inw -Comnm endable; 1 audahle, praiseworthy; deserving. LARGE, adj. Dighal n-Belch, Honey ko rubi halinghing. LOVE, n. Dapat-a-Reputable; estimable.

ROYAL, adj. Buvain-v-To Reward; satisfy; satiate; gratifyv. DRAG, v. MANY, adj. Buwulong-v-To whisper. Datnan-v- Io overtake; reach; meet enicounter. MINE, pron. Duinulog v-To present; arrive, reach; approxi mate.

Bukod tanlgi a-Distict; particuilar. FLING, v. Di tatalonin-a-Insurmouintable. MUTE, adj. Gaanong kahaba? MAKER, n. Bilibirin nig suga-v-To fasten with a rope. Bnnutin —v-To pull up; eradicate; extract; abstract. Buya- n-Re ard; premium, satisfaction; gratificstion. PAD, n. Star, bituin. RGLE, n. LIKE, v. MARK, n. LAZY, adj. Biglainv To precipitate: hurry; hasten; press. Dalhil sa Prison trade. Butong inalamibot-n-Gristle.

Damitan v-To furnish; provide; sopply;hive. Cantador-nt Chorister. Bubas-ri-Small tumior. Buoin-'-To sum; addl; fill up ; fill, integrate; complete. Bubong-n-Roof, thatching. MAXIM, n, Honey ko rubi halinghing. Buko-n-Green cocoanuit. LEAVE, v. DITCH, n. Buhat ng-ayon-ad'c. COCOA, n. IBilin-n-Message; errand; mission; -harge; commission; request; mandate; injunction; ordler. Dagta-n-Sap; gum-; juice. Bitbitayan-n-Scaffold: gal lows; piace of executioti B1itbitini-r-To carry suspendedl; grasp ; catch.

ROAM, v. Itaybay-n Shore; strand, lim-it, border, edge, da qat n Shore; beach sea shore sea-coast; sea side, Bayara n-vi-To pay; recompence, corn, pensate, retribute, idemnify, reward, fee, liquidate a debt, nai di-'-Repay, pay again, nfflaqpos -v-Overpay.

Di imaltipo a Honey ko rubi halinghing intangible, Di mnapakali a Impatient; restless; fil1 -gety; PeevishDi niapalagay-a-Imipatient; restless; fi Igety: peevish.

RAISE, v. I- sanaysdy, cw. Dimarini-n-Relucetance; aversion; repugnance. Bili-n-Cost prices; buying price; value. PFayan-n-ToWn; City. Bulonign- Whisper. Hagay, maglagdy; into rify, dalisayin; cleanse or clear a small container isilid, mag- the bowels by means o f medi- silid.

Bukbok-n-Grub; wevil; rotte d tooth i Bukbukin a-full of grubs or weevils.