Holy name

However, if you would like to enroll your child for the current school year, please contact the school office at for class availability, Holy name.

Alleluia Mt Alleluia, Holy name, alleluia. Seeberger, "Key to the Spiritual Treasures", Because the manner in which St. Bernardine preached this devotion was new, he was accused by his enemies, and Holy name before the tribunal of Pope Martin V. But St. John Capistran defended his master so successfully that the pope not only permitted the worship of the Holy Name, but also assisted Holy name a procession in which the holy monogram was carried. Holy Name is a vibrant Catholic School, Holy name, in the Outer Sunset District of San Francisco, where each child is valued and encouraged to be a committed member of our diverse Christian community.

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When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars which you set in place— What is man that you should be mindful of him, Holy name the son of man that you should care for him? As often as we invoke Holy name Name of Jesus and Mary "Jesu! You have given him rule over the works of your hands, putting all things under his feet. All sheep and oxen, yes, and the beasts of the field, Holy name, The birds of the air, the fishes of the sea, and whatever swims the paths of the seas.

Holy Name of Jesus

Read more. It is also necessaryto gain the papal indulgence in the hour of death, to pronounce at least in mind the Name of Jesus, Holy name. At the Holy name of their sermons they exhibited this emblem to the faithful and asked them to prostrate themselves, to adore the Redeemer of mankind.

The tablet used by St. The Jesuits Holy name this monogram the emblem of their Society, Holy name, adding a cross over the H and three nails under it. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!

We have opened our Admissions for the school year! Holy Name works in partnership with families to empower each student to achieve their highest level of scholarship, Holy name, while demonstrating Christ-like values in their Holy name lives.

They recommended their hearers to have the monogram of Jesus placed over the gates of their cities and above the doors of their dwelling cf.

Daily Readings

Holy Name is a welcoming and diverse Catholic school committed to offering its students a safe and academically challenging environment. In the South Holy name Germany the peasants salute each other with this pious formula.

You have made him little less than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor, Holy name. Sixtus V 2 July, granted an indulgence of fifty days to the ejaculation: "Praise be to Jesus Christ!

You are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Holy name V and Benedict XIII granted an indulgence of fifty days to all as often as they pronounce the Holy name of Jesus reverently, and a plenary indulgence in the hour of death. Consequently a new explanation of the emblem was invented, pretending that the nails originally were a "V", and that the monogram stands for "In Hoc Signo Vinces" In This Sign you shall Conquerthe words which, according to a legendary account, Constantine saw in the heavens under the Sign of the Cross before the battle at the Milvian bridge Nominis", x.

We constantly evolve to meet Holy name needs of the modern student. This statement may be true ; yet it was only by the efforts of St. But up to the sixteenth century it was still unknown in Belgium Colven. They carried with them on their missions in the turbulent cities of Italy a copy of the monogram of the Holy Name, Holy name, surrounded by rays, painted on a wooden tablet, Holy name, wherewith they blessed the sick and wrought great miracles.