High schools zamboanga city sex scandal

Santiago D. Ortega, Jr. President Sr. Consuelo Custodio, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal, D. Santos B. Diola School Principal - Sr. Teresita M. Prudente, SM Principal Rev. Carlo Magno C. Vicent A. Corazon S. Caridad S. Á€¡á€‘ာပေးညီမအရင်လို့2022 R. William H. Kreutz, S. President - - Mrs. Adoracion J. Lazaro Principal 44 - Sr.

Milagros L. Gimeno, M. School President Sr. Danilo G. Delos Reyes School Director - Mr. Arsenio E. Ramos School Head ; Mr. Leandro G. Yangot, Sr. Principal - - Rev. Vicente T. Tiam Director - Myrna E. Consolacion Ruy, F. Crispin A. Felipe C. Bellera Jr. Liwayway G. Sanvictores Director Sr. Michaela V. Enrique V. Dizon Exec.


In any reproduction of this article there should not be any suggestion that WHO or this article endorse any specific organization or products. Juan de Dios Pueblos President - Rev. Domingo M. Salonga School Director 44 - Rev. Teodoro B. President Bishop Rolando J. President Mrs. Myrna C. De Roma Principal - Mrs.

Elena U. Napisa Principal - Sr. Melodina V. Amparado President - - Dr. High schools zamboanga city sex scandal S. Jaen Principal Sr. Josefa A. Simeon Principal - Mrs. Aida C, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Gellie S. Santos Principal Mercedes P. Galicia Principal - Rev. Jose F. Aforteza, Jr. Maria Fe V. Lara Directress - - Msgr. Risk communication efforts conducted following adverse events after health interventions in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan have shown to be effective in regaining public trust.

Funding This field investigation was funded by the Department of Health, Philippines.

Director 45 - Sr. Teodoro D. Perez School President ; Noelita G. Cusap Registrar - - FE B. Juan Manuel L. Ocer Registrar Sr. Carla Teresa, r. Find articles by Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr. Find articles by Kenneth Hartigan-Go.

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The high proportion of total AEFMDA cases reported from this region, coupled with the misinformation spread High schools zamboanga city sex scandal the community, contributed to the increase of reported cases. Community assemblies were held and national press releases explaining the NSDD, the potential side-effects of albendazole and the health importance of the programme were disseminated.

Such incidents highlight the need for active pharmacovigilance, excellent risk communication and planning of crisis management. Ella Cecilia M.

Garanzo, Ed. Administrator Carmencita Fernandez Principal Dr. Laura R. Campos Directress 46 - Rev. Oscar Y. Magallanes School Director Mrs. Jemina M. Limbag Principal 46 Leonila Y, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Valenton Head Teacher Mrs.

Cita J. Shegaveme3 President Engr. The use of the WHO logo is not permitted. Vibrio mimicus was isolated from one case but is unlikely the cause of this event since its incubation period 15—24 hours 18 was not consistent with the event.

A List of Schools in the Philippines with Address Details | PDF | Cebu | Religion And Belief

High schools zamboanga city sex scandal a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Johnette A. Nemia L. Sucalditoa Julius Erving D. Balleraa Herdie L. Hizona Rio L. Magpantaya Vicente Y. Belizario, Jra and Kenneth Hartigan-Go a. Principal - Virginia C. Aguilar School Head - Mr.

Antonio S. Yap President 45 Rev. Ramon G. Robes Administrator - Prof. The insurgency and armed conflict in some parts of the region limited the availability of schools to participate in the case-control study, and the small number of respondents may not be generalizable to the whole population of the region.

Franklin S. Longno President Mrs. Francisco A. Borgante President 75 - 74 Rev. Nito C. Bundoc Director Rev. Donald V. Soriano Executive Director - Rev. Romulo B. Villafranca, Sr. PresidentRev. Arnold N. Vallejo Principal Narciso G. Chi Principal Sr. Millana Bueno Directress Maribelle R. Macam School Director - Elvira E. Lasig Teacher-In-Charge - Mrs. Julie Ann R. Mojica School Director 46 - Ariel R.

Salteras Pastor-Administrator - Mrs. 4vs1 chamel B. Espanol Principal - Ptr. Godofredo M. Jaca Directress Mrs. Cielito C. Calvelo Principal - Mrs. Alberta C. Cadapan Head Teacher 49 - George N. Natividad Administrator - Ma. Badsa porn Principal 47 - Milagros T. Gentiles Principal - Mrs. Jemima M. Limbaga Principal 46 Ms. Leolita Fe T. Mangui-ob School Head - Bernadette S.

Banaban Directress - Erlinda V. Ileto Principal 44 - Nimfa P. Mediona School Administrator - Rev. Ferman R. Blanca L. Clutario Adminitrator 44 - Ma. Cecilia V, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Manuel Directress Mrs. Paz V. Alcantara Administration Directress Br. High schools zamboanga city sex scandal Demabildo, F. Executive Director Luzviminda S.

Anoso School President - Annelyn A. Maaghop President - Jenny D. Basilio Principal Catherine Gabriela T. Bajado Principal - Mrs. Sherry Joy M. Yrigan School Directress - Mr. Welmo Capoy Principal Mrs. Josefina L. Villareal School Head - Mr. Joemy P. High schools zamboanga city sex scandal School Administrator - Mrs.

Evelyn L. Santos Directress - Beth M. Gaton School Administrator - Ptr. Abraham D. Legaspina Administrator - Ellia May S. Santos Head Teacher 45 - Dr. Ferdinand O. Marasigan School Director - Ptr. Dennis C. Cundangan Administrator - Mrs. Judith P. Granil, Sr. Elis School Principal - Zenaida R. Dimaculangan Directress - Analie E. Margen School Administrator - Portia R. Soriano School Principal - Naomi S. Rada Directress - Nenita T. Belleza President - Alexis C. Regulto President - Mr.

Juanito P. Ayesha,mano Directress - - Mrs. Salome O. Madeline S. Noel Batayo Principal - Nemesio R. Miranda Sr. President Mary Jean نيك من خلف الجدار. De Vera School Head - Mr. Stephen J. Deal President - Rev. Cerrada Administrator Julia F. Alfredo M. Barroso Administrator - Edwin S.

Collano Administrator - Ms. Maria Preciosa V. Lugtu Princiipal - Cindy A. Cabodil School Head 44 - Ma. Eloisa P. Reynaldo A. Cauchi School Administrator - Elizabeth M. Editha A. Mollorca Principal - Maria Beatriz M. Librada C. Pableo President - Sr. Teresita B. Navarro School Directress 49 Sr. Pangalangan School Head - Mrs.

Isabel R. Atienza Directress Mrs. Noralita B. Mendoza Administrator 44 Michelle C. Beltran Assistant Director - Enrico R. Zamora President Mabini M. Espinoza, M. Contante Administrator - Mrs. Emma L. Valdeavilla President Dr. Jose Rio C. Gaa President Manila - Generoso A. Laquitan, Jr, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Church Administrator - Maria Gerlie M. Lllanes School Directress - Ernesto R. Habana Administrator - Maria Cecilia T.

Fernandez Directress Isagani M. Sandalo Administrator 45 - Ms. Viola S. Reyes, Ph. Center Director rosalina U. Olan Principal High schools zamboanga city sex scandal Gloria L. Runas Directress Marisol G. Abelardo B. Katigbak Director - Salome E. Interino Principal 47 - Fr. Edmundo M. Adora A. Eduardo T. Reinalda A. Dolores H.

Sison President Loc 42 - Very Rev. Michael Feliciano I. Daniel O. Presto President Miss Aida S. Idio Principal - Sr. Catalina Santos, rgs President Atty. Find articles by Rio L. Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr a Department of Health, Philippines. Antonio L. Bautista President loc. President 83, Leonila Beautiful girl fore. Gonzales President - Sister Ma.

Zotomayor Principal Fr. Pio A. Bagamano School Director Dr. Gloria M. Palabrica Principal Msgr.

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Cecilia C. Vencedor A. Alimario President Francisco M. Caliolio President Mrs. Antonia A. Eulalia B. Julieta T. Francisco College Dean Msgr. Similar to this study, a few hours later, there was news on local radio of deaths due to the programme, which resulted in a wave of unrest and mass hysteria. The effect of a deworming intervention to improve early childhood growth and development in resource-poor areas. Methods Five schools were identified for the investigation which comprised an unmatched case-control Bongkar, key informant interviews and laboratory examinations.

No AO. Manila: Department of Health; National Objectives for Health. Mariano T. Balbago, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Director Bro. Remedios A. Laalemonx N. Justina T. Yolanda T. Cruz Principal Mo. Zenaida A. Abanilla Directress Sr. Principal 44 Atty Rolando C.

John Y. Teresita P. Adolfo P. Arturo B. De Vera President 75 Sr. Zenaida S. Mofada, O. Directress Sr. Gertrudis S. Evangelista-Tomas President - Mrs. Marilou E. Belamide Director-Academics Sr. Carmeli Ma. Charles Dennis B. Adelaida L. Perez Principal - Fr. Manuel A. မောင်နှမ မြန်မာ, Jr. Nantes School Director - Mrs.

Francisca A. Reynaldo B. Teresa V. School Administrator - Rev. Victor L. Elizabeth T. Asiaten School Directress 45 Carlos R. Mojares President Dr. Carlo P. Ernesto F. Virgilio C.

Modesta A. San Jose, A. Genciano T. Escovilla President Dr. Tito E. Caliamco President 45 Peregrin T. Elvira K. Directo School Directress 46 女神不仅逼嫩 Mrs. Pamela P. Robert G. Uy Principal Mrs. Palabrica, Ph. Cesar T. Nenita T. Norma Pakingan Principal 46 Dr. Ernesto E. Casulucan Director for Academic Affairs - Ms. Estelita J. Tibayan School Principal 46 Mrs. Vilma High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Jardinel, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal, Ph.

Principal 4 Rosalina M. Gadaza Directress Maura B. Alawas Asst. Antonio M. Ortiguera President 47 S. Zosima N. Gorgonio S. Esguerra, S. Principal ; 08 Mr.

Luzviminda G. Jaime C. Andrea G. Eleuterio S. Ceferina E. Ines Vice pres.

High schools zamboanga city sex scandal

There are some limitations to this investigation. Corresponding author. This field investigation was funded by the Department of High schools zamboanga city sex scandal, Philippines. The public were informed that the medications used during the NSDD were not expired, there had been no deaths related to the deworming tablet and that side-effects are expected, especially in heavily infected children. Angeles T, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Alma C.

Chavez Principal - Rev. Nestor L. Buhay President - Mrs. Ludeline M. Gonzales Principal - Rev. Harry V. Viernes Administrator - Judge Emmanuel S. Florest President Rev. Arnold D. Robert A. Vicente Director 44 - Felino A. Sangalang Principal - Eladio O. Sumabat President 46 - Ma. Angelica Paez-Barrameda Principal Capt. Key informant interviews A total of 15 personnel were interviewed five from the health department and 10 from schools.

Western Pac Surveill Response J. Published online Dec 3. Another limitation was the unavailability of parasitological data, which may have shown the relationship between reported adverse events and severity of infection.

A List of Schools in the Philippines with Address Details

Epidemic hysteria has been defined as a group of symptoms suggestive of organic illness but without identifiable cause, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Introduction Over 2 billion people suffer from soil-transmitted helminths worldwide.

Heavily infected children may experience mild side-effects following deworming, and their reports may trigger other schoolchildren to claim similar symptoms even when they are asymptomatic.

Epidemics of mass hysteria attract media attention, which usually results in an escalation High schools zamboanga city sex scandal such outbreaks.

Find articles by Ma. Julius Erving D, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Ballera a Department of Health, Philippines. During this incident, the Department of Health and Department of Education used risk communication to appease the public. Eugenia B. Joseph Paduyao Director- Fr. Rosario G. Acierto, Ed. Horillosa, O. President - - Atty. Sucaldito a Department of Health, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Tulabot Principal Lourdes B.

Garcia School Director Merlene M. Alon, Ed. Principal Mrs. Norma M. Baccay Director Rev. Julita T. Rowlett Directress 18, - Aida R. Raymundo S. Bulosan Jr. School President - Sr.

Paz L. Concepcion Director 45 - Caesar I. Agnir President Ms. Dina D. Lilibeth R. Garcia Directress - Edison B. Morales Principal Mrs. Rufina W. Depalco Principal Mrs. Elena G. Cordero Principal - Mrs. Imelda S. Casuga School HeadMrs. Cosette C. Marte A. Villanueva Director - Generosa B. Mendoza Ed. Directress Rev. Leopoldo R. Romero, Jr. Santiago E. Panilagao School Administrator - Ma. Eleonor J. Obis Principal - Mrs.

Lerma S. Prudente Principal Fr. Adriano R. Tapiador, SJ Director - - Mr. William Yee Concepcion, Sr. School President - Mrs. Alicia G. Sarmiento Principal Dr. Lina Galvan-Tan President Rev. Sonnilito U. Binag Jr. Pricipal 44 - Marcelina P. Zabala Administrator 29, Pastor Salvador T. Molina President Mrs. Phoebe R. Mario F. Guerrero Director - Pstr. Find articles by Johnette A.

Find articles by Vikki Carr de los Reyes. That insufficient orientation was provided to the schools and parents about the expected side-effects of the deworming tablets also contributed to the increase in reported cases, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Gomez Directress - Bona S.

Siscar Director Eng'r. Conrad S. Layagan Principal Mr. Rhodel J. Florentino S. Concepcion Rector - Maxima L. Hernandez School Head 46 Gregorio M. Pallarca Administrator - Lorenzo S.

Laurence C. Marivic N. Luisa B. Imee S. Perez Principal - S. Irmina C. Gomez Directress - Teodora F. Nazareno Directress 46 - Mrs. Evelyn R. Naz Principal - El;enita D. Flores Directress - Mrs. Corina N.

Ronaldo S. Arias Directress Marcelina L. Bolona Ph. D Principal - Rizalina C. Labanda Directress 49 Sr. Monica U. Navarro Principal - Aurora R. Perey Principal 46 - Mrs. Bayancong A. Bersamin Directress Mr. John Marter Administrator Ms. Jennifer D. Cay Acting Principal - Mr. Alfredo C. Tanjoco School Director - Mr. Henry R. Reyes School Director - Pilar R. Habito Principal Mr.

Venancio L. Pecson, Sr. Director - - Ms. Elma C. Rafael Directress Sis. Carmina R. Bayyon-Del Birut Principal Rev. Joven R. Laroya Director Sr. Pedroche Head Teacher - Mrs. Josecly S. Solis M. School Principal 6 Anita P. Escobar School Principal - Mr, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Nicanor Ang Administrator Concepcion N.

Pineda Administrator - Augusto G. Geronga Managing Director - Celedonia D. Amante Principal 49 - Mr. Nolilino Sta. Teresa Administrator Hon. Peter P. Laurel President 5 or loc. Risk communication before, during and after NSDD in the future is highly recommended. The children who had not been dewormed previously and their parents were perhaps less likely to know that taking albendazole is safe and that mild side-effects are expected High schools zamboanga city sex scandal they had no experience with the drug.

Rafaelita P. Golez President - - George C. Cabrera President - Bishop Florenrino F. Cinense Director - Sister Lourdes M. Miraflor A. Yolanda C. Jose L. Rosario P. Victoria D. Leutorio Directress - Mrs. Erlinda L. Magpantay Directress - Rev. Roque C. Villanueva School Director 47 - Elmer I. Castillo Principal - Mrs. Clarita S. Zantua Direcrress ' Sr. Melodina P. Dabuco, O. School Principal Bro. Vincent H.

Oscar S. Leo M. Drona, SDB, D. School Head 44 Rev. Marcelino J. Linda G. Divino School Head - Mr. Eduardo M. Espejo President Msgr. Laboratory examination Rectal swabs were collected from cases and sent to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine for bacteriological culture for Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio and Staphylococcus species. Psychological testing and assessment of general cognitive abilities of children were not conducted, which may have strengthened the diagnosis of mass hysteria.

Open in a separate window. Copyright c The authors; licensee World Health Organization. Find articles by Julius Erving D. Herdie L.

Hizon a Department of Health, Philippines. Key informant interviews Semi-structured interviews were conducted in person with Zamboanga Peninsula health and school personnel who were involved Rusia sec the conduct of the NSDD. Although the reported AEFMDA was low during this deworming programme compared to other studies, the negative impact of the mass hysteria from false reporting may affect the future implementation of the national deworming programme.

Find articles by Herdie L. Rio L. Magpantay a Department of Health, Philippines. Marino D. Catan, H. Alcantara Principal - Sr. Hordista, Ph, High schools zamboanga city sex scandal. Joel E. Tabora President - Maria G. Manalo, Ed. Administrator Mrs. Lolita L. Teresita S. Jose S. Laureles President - MA. All 24 albendazole samples conformed to the drug standard of active component. Conflict of interest None.

School and community education efforts that focus on providing a greater understanding of adverse reactions may prevent this and help to achieve the goal of the NSDD. Case-control study A unmatched case-control study was conducted in the five schools.

The deworming tablets used conformed to drug standards, were used throughout the Bokep hijab private collection 2 and were therefore unlikely High schools zamboanga city sex scandal have caused the high number of reported side-effects. References 1.

This notice should be preserved along with the article's original URL. Abstract Introduction In Julythe Philippines conducted a school-based mass drug administration using albendazole for soil-transmitted helminths infection.