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Studio Covering Your Community. As Tegan becomes closer to Maya, she gains more perspective on her relationship with Sara.

Lead support for Oh, honey Skip to main High schools www xxx video. S1 E2 - Shock to Your System. Support These videos were produced in conjunction with the exhibition Oh, honey Explore the exhibition Oh Honey A queer reading of UMMA's collection.

As a distraction, her new friends decide the best way to cheer her up is to take her to a rave.

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High School Scores. As Sara tries to break free from Tegan, Tegan tries to make sense of Sara pulling away and attempts to make friends outside of her sister for the first time.

Meanwhile, Sara struggles to balance her new friendships and interests with her relationship with Phoebe.

High School Play of the Week. While Sara continues to withdraw from her family, especially her mom, she and Tegan make headway with friends at their new school and are invited to a party.

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October 14, Tensions are high between sisters Tegan and Sara on their first day at a new school. Their relationship became fractured over the summer because Tegan felt cast aside by Sara and their shared best friend Phoebe.

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Tegan feels responsible for Sara at all times and it starts to weigh on her, especially compared to her friendship with Maya, which feels easy. Friday Night Frenzy.

Prime Video: High School - Season 1

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S1 E3 - Hang On to the Night. Traffic Map. High School.

The Sex Ed Class You Never Had | University of Michigan Museum of Art

But as Tegan begins to make friends of her own, Sara starts to realize how important Tegan is to her. Holiday Vacations. View Exhibition. Download Our Apps.

The Sex Ed Class You Never Had*

Part 3 Computer Literacy: Clearing Your Browser History and Other Survival Techniques How much of what we know about life came from our guardians or teachers and how much came from clandestine Google searches? Watch Previous Newscasts.

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