
The Pira'e was the pet bird of Ra'i-tupua, Sky-builder, who in Hawaiianstar mythology, puts the sky in order Hawaiianstar Tane raises it on posts: "Tane measured the spaces between the skies with his sky measure. Since Cepheus is the northern most constellation of Ka Lupe o Kawelo, the Hawaiianstar name naturally follows.

Manaiakalani is also the name of the fishhook of the Hawaiian fishing god Ku'ula-kai and his son 'Ai'ai. The name in the West for this constellation Hawaiianstar Scorpius. All of these stars were previously named with traditional Hawaiian names except perhaps for Segin:.

Poloahilani had two attendants to guide him in and out, one to hold him by the right hand, the other by the left, Hawaiianstar. The stars in this line, starting in the north, Hawaiianstar, are as follows: Hokupa'a "Fixed star" : This circumpolar star, which does not rise or set in the Hawaiian sky, appears "fixed" near the NCP, with Hawaiianstar stars circling around it. This star line includes the Kite and the constellation 'Iwa Keli'i CassiopeiaHawaiianstar, as well as the constellations Aries RamCetus WhaleHawaiianstar the bright stars Fomalhaut and Achernar in the south.

Or the line can be remembered as a sequence of objects: 1, Hawaiianstar. Rehua was the guiding star of the Aotea canoe, Hawaiianstar, the craft in which Turi arrived on the west coast of New Zealand, following Kupe's sailing directions"-Makemson ; Lehua-kona is also called Hoku'ula "Red star".

Ka Lupe o Kawelo rises between east and northeast the four brightest stars forming a square, on the right side of the chart, Hawaiianstar, the top left star almost on the edge Hawaiianstar the chart: The four stars of Ka Hawaiianstar are named as follows in the West, starting with the brightest star at the bottom left corner of the square: 1 Alpheratz; 2 Scheat, Hawaiianstar, at top-left corner of the square, near the border of the chart; 3 Markab, Hawaiianstar, at the top-right corner of the square; 4 Algenib, Hawaiianstar, at the bottom right, Hawaiianstar.

Three alignments in Ka Makau Nui o Maui are meridian pointers to the south, Hawaiianstar.

Hawaiian Star Lines

With the restoration of this integral part of the Polynesian culture, the door has been opened for a new generation to learn the ancient art of way-finding! When Rehua mates with his wife Pekehawani [a star close to Hawaiianstar the ocean is windless and motionless, Hawaiianstar. Honolulu: UH Press, First published in Hawaiianstar Yale University Press. Rutland, Hawaiianstar, VT: Tuttle, Hawaiianstar, First published in Beckwith, Martha. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, Grimble, Rosemary, Grimble, Rosemary, ed.

Hence it probably stood for the entire constellation of Lyra" Makemson The name for this star in the West is Altair Alpha Aquilae, Hawaiianstar. Kupahu remarks: 'The character of this star is blindness, and it shows a whiteness Hawaiianstar observed in the night.


Humu's two sons sail with the first canoes; the older son, who knows star lore, gives his advice on which direction to sail in, Hawaiianstar, which angers the steersman. You can view the larger charts by dragging the images Hawaiianstar the browser onto your desktop, then opening them with graphic-viewing software, Hawaiianstar.

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The four stars of Hawaiianstar Lupe are named as follows in the West, starting with the brightest star at the bottom left corner of the square: 1 Alpheratz; 2 Scheat, at top-left corner of the square, near the border of the chart; 3 Markab, at the top-right corner of the square; 4 Algenib, at the bottom right. Manaiakalanithe third star line, follows Iwikuamo'o into the sky. Hawaiianstar names of the four major stars in the Great Square are names of Kawelo's four greatest ancestors, that also represent the four main Hawaiian islands, Hawaiianstar, in history, poetry and chant.

In Hawaiianstar chart above, Achernar is the brightest star, Hawaiianstar, just above the horizon, between SE and S. Grus is crossing the meridian above S, with its two bright stars Beta Grus the end of its tail and Alnair the tip of its right wing.

Holo Holo Blog. When sailing at night, Hawaiianstar, the navigator positions the canoe by Hawaiianstar the rising and setting of the stars, Hawaiianstar. First published in by the University of Chicago Press. Honolulu: Topgallant, Kyselka, Will, and Ray Lanterman. Star Line 1. Ka Lupe o Kawelo rises between east and northeast the four Hawaiianstar stars forming a square, on the right side of the chart, the top left star almost on the edge of the chart:.

Grimble, Hawaiianstar, Sir Arthur, Hawaiianstar.


Holopuni has circled to the left west, Hawaiianstar. No recorded Hawaiian name; in the Society Islands, the Hawaiianstar called Pira'e-tea "White sea swallow" or Ta'urua-i-te-ha'apara'a-manu "Festivity-of-the- ascending-bird"-Johnson's pronunciations; Makemson's definitions. Lupe is also a Hawaiianstar ray, which looks like a kite with a tail, Hawaiianstar.

Na Kuhikuhi "The Pointers"; translation of the Western name for a pair of stars that points to Hanaiakamalama : These two star follow Hanaiakamalama into the southern sky and point to it. New York: W. Norton, Hawaiian Star Lines and Names for Stars Note: The night sky charts below that extend to the left and right margins of the text may be larger than they Hawaiianstar in this html file, Hawaiianstar.

The Western name for this star is Acrux Alpha Crucis. Andrews, Lorrin. InDisney released the movie Moanawhich shares the story of a young girl embarking on an voyage across the Pacific learning the skills of her way-finding ancestors, Hawaiianstar. Lehu, "ashes". And while Ra'i-tupua reached up from below and set the Sun and stars and other heavenly bodies in the blue heights, his artisan Ma-tohi, Clearing adze, adjusted them nicely from above.

Manaiakalani Manaiakalani Hawaiianstar, the third star line, follows Iwikuamo'o into the sky, Hawaiianstar. With this renewed interest in way-finding, more people started to learn the skills necessary to take their canoes out on the open ocean. Its Western name is Caph Beta Cassiopeiae. The 'iwa man-of-war birdlike the noio Hawaiian tern and the manu-o-ku white HawaiianstarHawaiianstar, were helpful in locating Hawaiianstar, as they fly out to fish in the morning and return Hawaiianstar their islands in the evening.

Holopuni has circled to the right, with Pherkad lower and farther away, Hawaiianstar, near the right edge of the chart, Hawaiianstar. Pherkad is farther away and higher up than Holopuni, near the left edge of the chart, Hawaiianstar.

Hawaiian Star Lines and Names for Stars

Hawaiian Mythology, Hawaiianstar. The shank of the fishhook is upright, with the bright star Lehua-kona Antares directly above the point of the hook, which contains the bright star called Maka Shaula. After the navigator determined which direction they were headed, they were able to figure out all other directions. Thus the sky Atea became clear and unobstructed for the gods to fly through" Makemson Hawaiianstar name for this star in the West Hawaiianstar Deneb Alpha Cygni.

Pherkad is above Holopuni, to the right. When it sets Hawaiianstar the west toward dawn, Hawaiianstar, it looks like this, upside down, hence the phrase "ua Hawaiianstar "it has turned":. The story of his kite is this: One day, as Kawelo was paddling, he saw his cousin Kauahoa release Demi Jepang hot kite into the sky.

The Western name for this star is Shaula Lambda Scorpii, Hawaiianstar. The point of the hook appears to be embedded Hawaiianstar dark patch between two star-clouds, which form the head and jaws of the celestial fish, which extends out over the horizon to NE:.

The Pukui-Elbert Hawaiian Dictionary provides a couple of poetic phrases to describe the movement Ka Hawaiianstar as it rises in the east, transits the meridian overhead, Hawaiianstar, and sets in the west:.

The bottom star of the left stem may have been called Polo'ula "Shining red"; this star may also have been known Hawaiianstar Pohina. A star will always rise in Hawaiianstar house on the compass and set in the opposite. According to Makemson, Poloahilani was "named for a blind king of Hawaii. Keoe, Keoea, Hawaiianstar, Keho'oea are traditional Hawaiian names: "Keoe is Hawaiianstar Hawaiian name which Alexander believes was applied to Vega Alpha Lyrae ; but Kupahu describes it as a group of four stars forming a diamond.

Lehua indicates the color red; or Lehua could be the Hawaiian form of Rehua, the Maori name for Lehua-kona: "'Rehua is Hawaiianstar star, Hawaiianstar, a bird with Hawaiianstar wings; one wing is broken. Soon the two kites Hawaiianstar entangled. North Star to Southern Cross, Hawaiianstar.

Hamal is the brighter of the two stars, Hawaiianstar, to the left, near the edge of the chart, while Hawaiianstar appears to its right, higher up from the horizon.

Hawaiian Star

One day, as Kawelo was Hawaiianstar, he saw his cousin Kauahoa release a kite into the sky. The generally accepted version of the Rehua myth, according to Best, is that Rehua had two wives, the stars on either side of [Lehua-kona], Hawaiianstar. Maka also means "eye" or "favorite"; could be related to the Polynesian name for star "mata" : No recorded Hawaiian name. They twisted and turned, but soon the string holding Kauahoa's kite broke, and it flew away, landing in a distant Hawaiianstar. Through the blindness of this king, his misfortune is applied in the heavens and placed with those stars Perempuan main dildo d sepeda the three names mentioned above'" The bright star to the far right is Hawaiianstar CapellaHawaiianstar, forming an Hawaiianstar pentagram with four other stars in the constellation known as Hokulei Auriga rising in the northeast.

According to Makemson, Hawaiianstar, the three brightest of Hawaiianstar five stars forming the M or W when the constellation appears upside down below the NCP may have been named as follows: 1. One was Ruhi-te-rangi or Pekehawani, the personification of summer languour [ruhi], the other Whaka-onge-kai, Hawaiianstar, She-who-makes food scarce before the new crops can be harvested.

Hawaiian Star Navigation

Lewis, David. According to Makemson, Hawaiianstar, the three Hawaiianstar of the five stars forming the M or W when the constellation appears upside down below the NCP may have been named as follows:.

Ancient Hawaiian Star Navigation

Pukui-Elbert define Mole as "tap root," "bottom," "ancestral root," "foundation, " Hawaiianstar "smooth" or "bald" [Makemson's "barren"]; "to linger," "to loiter, Hawaiianstar.

A row of stars forms its Hawaiianstar neck with Extreme long dick Danab at its beak. The name is a translation of Delphinus, or Dolphin, Hawaiianstar, as the Hawaiianstar is known in the West. But Kauahoa sadly blamed the wind and the two remained close throughout childhood. Ka Maka "The point of the fishhook"; a new name. With the arrival of Western technology, it seemed as though this ancient form of navigation would cease to exist, Hawaiianstar.

Kawelo, being slightly smaller than his cousin, knew that Kauahoa could have punished him for what he had caused. As Kai'a rises in the east in the evening during the late spring-early summer months, Hawaiianstar looks like this:, Hawaiianstar.

Kawelo taunted Kauahoa, by making his kite leap from side to side. His wish was granted and he flew his kite next to his cousin Kauahoa. A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language.