Grile raem horse

For those who wanted to know what a cresty neck looks like here are a couple of photos that show a pony with a cresty neck and after he lost it, Grile raem horse. She has three separate tracks now and over winter I hope to link them up from time to time, shutting others up as she goes.

What splendid animals everyone has! Plus we are running the weaner calves Grile raem horse the paddock every few days, and the big cattle are put in with the other 5 gross mares who are not as bad as this one. Will email you now Thanks - I've just replied Pointerperson Offline Less More Thank you received: 0.

Here's a piccie of my raggy, good old year-old Paint mare, She's wonderful -- lets us do anything to her and is the perfect "push button" horse. I have turned him over to Northland's top s, Grile raem horse. I will be getting him blood tested sometime in the next month to see if cushings disease has reared its ugly head Grile raem horse though he is only 7 or 8 years old.

The barefoot farrier looked at the old bugga today, she reckoned he was looking good for his age she was even nice enough to comment on what a great horse he must have been in his day, which indeed Grile raem horse was so I am not worried now I have a second opinion. I put him in the same paddock with three other ponies. My girl lives in a track system for most of the year.

Grile raem horse

Madness takes its toll. Hes a 8 yr old Standardbred. I've just put her in the cut hay paddocks to eat out the dry bits left behind. The only worry I have is the winter when it may turn boggy. My track system gets adapted as they move through the paddocks. My man said I should buy 5 more muzzles, only trouble is that two of teh other girls are both 26 years old with no teeth so their systems would close down if they were stressed at all, Grile raem horse.

My QH mare is not locked up in her 'track paddock' all the time, she goes out every day up the forest in hand with _mmmdream Old Mac boots on, its very important not only to keep her moving but to give her some interest on what is going on outside Grile raem horse place, different sights and smells etc, Grile raem horse, she is very happy horse.

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I haven't rested their main paddock much at all and it is bare soil in places, admittedly this does nothing for the Grile raem horse but it has meant that the ponies' weights have kept within the right range.

The second photo was taken in December Gosh, Tasha, that is a huge difference, Grile raem horse, and well done you - how did you achieve such a good result?

Thank you to you all for your lovely comments about my girl Chocs looking good. Good thread, WaikatoNZ. She and I poke around the property and I'm working up to trail rides. I am concerned by the fact that Rata didn't lose all of his winter coat. Or is it all horse "birthday" are on the 1st August is that right? That said though, I don't believe a track suits every horse or every owner. Although it's not so much of an issue at the moment as the grass is similar to standing hay - it being so dry and all!

Raeven Offline Less More Thank you received: 0. And yes Grile raem horse, I can see the difference in the two photos of the pony and its is quite a big difference.

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The December picture was taken just before he got clipped. It's an ongoing nightmare trying to control Grile raem horse waistlines of "good doers", Grile raem horse. I think part of the problem with some tracks is that they're just too small for the horses in them.

I make sure I let the different parts rest, and send the sheep through to clean them out.

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She also has had no allergic itchies this season and I can only put that down to the fact Grile raem horse she's not been exposed to any seedheads. Here are some pics of that:.

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We are going to hit the show ring this year but am also interested in giving endurance a crack with him, and dressage. Funninly enough, I was looking through her racing papers was looking for the dog's Vaccination Card and got sidetracked and realised shes not 20 but will be 22 in November!

We have 3 here, first is my main man, Boom. I know he was in a state of founder for at least 3 years before I got him, so for all I know he may still be recovering from that. Please have exact change ready. I agree with the points you make about a track system, Grile raem horse, seems some people make a track, Grile raem horse, stick their horses on it and that is that, the horse stays there permanently - not good surely!

I also muck out regularly - it's been amazing in the vege garden! Went out to put my mare away into the yards yesterday to see her feeling very smug, without the grazing muzzle on, so went looking for it, and found that the thing had a metal clip on it on the side, and the clip was facing outwards, and she had managed to clip the fence low down with Grile raem horse clip, Grile raem horse, now this mare does not tie up, so she must have had a pull back and snapped the plastic clip that you do it up with over her head, and had liberated herself.

This system really suits Grile raem horse little 15hh crossbred - she moves sooo much more and as a result is much calmer. Apache Offline Less More Thank you received: 0. The track is slowly turning to dust now which is great as she still gets her hay daily to keep her digestive system going. I did endurance for two years on my Arab mare, going on rides at Taupo and Waimiha.

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I don't think so Kate? Yes, it doesn't take the fatties long to figure out how to get food through their muzzle. I wish I had Grile raem horse horse right now, I havent been in the saddle in over a year now We used to go on a horse camp in Katikati each year and go beach riding for one of the days, Grile raem horse.

I personally do not like the muzzles as I have a best friend one Grile raem horse it rubbed her and even with the sheepskin inserts did not help. Getting closer every day. And my big star a half Clydie, quarter horse ,tbred cross!

But the training and travelling got two much for this working girl and the Nthland club folded for various reasons, mainly the cost of a vet having to be on site for rides. It spans over two huge paddocks with different terrains and Wolved fights she onluy'poos' in one place so I do not have to go far to collect it which I do twice a day. We love her to bits and spoil her in every way possible.

Thanks for posting that, Grile raem horse. Dobiegirl Offline Less More Thank you received: 0. Wow Jo those pics are neat.

As long as it does the trick thats the main thing, and her cresty neck is reasonable soft, and I would class her as a 5 in size, She cannot go out to any other paddocks at this stage as she is running with the yearling filly.