Gay raw freaks

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Donna Lewis. Exclusive bareback, breeding fucking with Raw Freaks. I should have known better from the blurb and title!

Meta Data Analysis

The slang in the second story was really annoying, Gay raw freaks, and I actually had to replace the words in my head in order to read it. Just three samples of this authors work of erotica. Author 10 books 44 followers. Most search engines will truncate meta descriptions to characters. Not a happy reader. Denisha Shelton.

Raw Freaks, black gay raw sex.

Most search engines will truncate meta titles to 70 characters, Gay raw freaks. Author 6 books 16 followers. There are three stories in this sampler and each is hot and fast. They were just ok.

Gay raw freaks

Very descriptive, author did a great job to take us there and show us how it is to chase the "tail" so to speak. Nancy Carbajal.

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I didn't find this at all erotic. Page turning excitement. I'm down for pretty much of everything but this was a bit much I not one to judge but I don't care for niggas on the down low. It was just porn so unable to finish. The meta title of your page has a length Gay raw freaks 30 characters.

Sharon (The United States)’s review of Raw Freaks: Gay Urban Erotica Sampler

I hated the language used, didn't enjoy the scenarios, hated the 'raw'. This book was unlike any book i ever read Shoulanda August. My Dichotomy Life. I couldn't wait to read more of this book. Website Description: Exclusive bareback, breeding fucking with Raw Freaks. Short stories that were okay. Be real I'm not mad. Too short I downloaded this book Gay raw freaks I was getting full stories only to get a piece of a few stories.

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Reading Progress

This was free from Amazon but a waste of download space. Author 38 books followers. I had issues with the way the characters were speaking so it was very off putting for me and hard to really enjoy this, Gay raw freaks. Shemeka Mitchell.

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