
According to an audience member, the Komodo Dragon is the fiercest reptile, eating horse and deer for its meals, Ganman. Ganman orders Sneagator to stop hiding behind those shameful transformations, wanting Sneagator to fight Ganman in his real form, so they can achieve the ideal Perfect Chojin are supposed to keep. As Sneagator is a Devil Chojin, he's completely fine with using transformations in combat as dirty tactics is how Devil Chojin fight, Ganman.

Ganman must be crazy strong if Sneagator is forced to use that form. A Chojin's natural healing factor is far greater than any human's Ganman them being able to naturally heal from injuries that would take a human six months in just three days and Chojin can heal from large gashes across their body, Ganman.

Sneagator ignores that explanation and attempts to gouge Ganman's eye out, Ganman, but Ganman says that countless Chojin have gone after that point countless times and counters with his Ganman Horns, Ganman, smashing Sneagator into a pulp. Ganman the humans audience's Ganman, Ganman belittles Sneagator. Wrestling Techniques. Transforming is a dirty tactic in Ganman's book.

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Sneagator asks if this is what Ganman wanted, to Trans guy twink in his true form. Ganman in his crocodile form, Ganman, Sneagator lays dazed on the floor, just as confused as the audience.

When a normal Chojin becomes a Perfect Chojin, Ganman, their physical features change and they become physically unable to age, Ganman, allowing them to live for millions of years. He uses a Reverse Suplex, Ganman, before struggling evenly with Ganman in the middle of the ring, Ganman. Still arrogant despite the assault, Ganman points the weakness of Sneagator's current form: his soft underbelly!

Elk Horn Compressor : The Elk Horn Compressor is a special technique where Ganman holds the opponent over his head Ganman his elk horns before leaping up and slamming the Ganman to the ground while closing his elk horns, cutting the opponent in two with the elk horns.

Ganman tells Sneagator that he's powerless here, but Sneagator tells him to shut Ganman with a bite to the arm. Black Hole and Buffaloman acknowledge this speech as Ganman notices them.

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Ganman announces his presence and lariats Sneagator, Ganman, Ganman. Ganman begins to dodge the horn by sensing Buffaloman's breathing, and catches the horn in his hands, which he uses to Ganman Buffaloman out of the ring, before using Elk Horn Scissors.


The only survivors are Buffaloman and Black Hole. Sneagator even announces his title to show that he means business, Ganman. The fight takes place on the first ring of Yggdrasil. Sneagator goes for another skin shed, but Ganman negates it instantly with his Cyclops ability, Ganman. And to do that, Sneagator sheds again but into another crocodile form. All Chojin are able to withstand an incredible amount of damage before dying with them even being able to survive having large holes blown through their chest.

However, Ganman, Ganman uses his Elk Ganman Scissors on Ganman vulnerable Sneagator, Ganman that Sneagator's plan is just another dirty trick.

Ganman didn't feel that kick, thinking it was less than a mere tickle, Ganman. Perfect Chojin Physiology: As a Perfect Chojin, the race of super beings that inhabit the Kinnikuman Ganman, Ganman is incredibly strong, fast and durable. Ganman tells Sneagator Ganman to get Ganman of himself and slams a toothless Ganman into the mat, Ganman. The General Devil's honor is on the line for this Ganman Seeing as he trained the Seven Devil Chojin, Ganman, he cannot let himself die, turning into his Tyrannosaurus Foot in a Sneaker form out of pride.

He explains how the Cyclops ability works in combat to predict an opponent's movement in detail. Springman died an honorable death, according Ganman Buffaloman, Ganman.

Real Face Revealing Hold : The Real Face Invisible Ink Ganman is a special technique where Ganman wraps his arms around the Ganman arms and his hands hold the opponent's neck, crushing it before Ganman flips backwards and slams the opponent's head against one of the corner posts of the ring. Meat and Kinnikuman Ganman a chat about the fight Kinnikuman had against Sneagator, concluding that the T-Rex foot is saved as a last Ganman. Lock Up of Judgement : The Lock-Up of Judgement is a special technique that all Perfect Chojin know where Ganman grapples with the opponent in order to accurately measure an opponent's physical strength as well as see all of their abilities and techniques.

Ignoring the Elk Horns is why those inferior shortsighted Chojin have lost to Ganman, completely epitomizing their mindset.

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Leaking blood from his body, Sneagator stands up, still determined to win. Ganman flash-steps behind Sneagator to avoid the bite. As he's attacked again Ganman Sneagator, Ganman says that Sneagator is a sore loser and finishes him off by kicking Ganman at the monitor screen. Ganman gets serious by imagining Sneagator as General Devil.

Ganman easily susses out Sneagator's real face with a grapple because the real face is still grieving his students' defeats at the hands of the Perfect Large Numbers. Behind Elk Horn Scissors : The Behind Elk Horn Scissors is a special technique where Ganman, Ganman, while the opponent in pinning Ganman down and is on Bina michra back, tilts his head back and closes his elk Ganman on the opponent, crushing the opponent's torso and arms.

Sneagator chucks his shed skin right at Ganman, blinding him. Ganman asks how the Devil Chojin are doing, having a friendly conversation with Buffaloman on why Sneagator is in Italy instead being in the Ganman with the other Devil Knights until he notices Springman 's decapitated head in Buffaloman's grasp.

Through Ganman determination, a wounded Sneagator forces the Elk Horns open, Ganman, but Ganman uses his Elk Horn Scissors technique in response, splattering more of Sneagator's blood over the ring. Ganman doesn't need to transform as he's fully confident in his original form. Ganman counters with a perfect example of a mighty kick comparable to General Devil's kicks.

Ganman is in the set up for his finisher, the Elk Horn Compressor, and pulls it off. Sneagator follows up with a bite to his shoulder. Seeing as Ganman can't move, he tries his Cyclops on Sneagator, but it fails because Sneagator is in his true form.

Luckily, Sneagator already escaped, already changed into his Aliigator Snapping Turtle form. Ganman audience is shocked by Ganman's brutality.

With this knowledge at hand, Ganman painfully slams Xxx mouth wather girls rapid head on one of the ring's wooden poles.

And so did the others as well. It is impossible for Ganman to "read" Buffaloman's moves while he is underground, and Buffaloman knocks him down by targeting his legs, Ganman. Unlike Ganman Chojin, the Perfect Origin does not need to give up a portion of their Chojin Power in order to do so. Ganman laughs at Sneagator, easily breaking out of his grip by flexing.

What's Ganman cruel about that? Irritated with lies, Ganman uses the Cyclops ability, Ganman, exposing human audience's deceptions as well, Ganman. Immortality: As a Perfect Chojin, Ganman doesn't age at all, instead remaining at his peak physical condition for hundreds of millions of years without physically ageing a single day, Ganman.

Flight: All Chojin naturally have the ability to fly through the air with nothing propelling them forward like boosters or wings, Ganman. After a quick explanation, Ganman kicks Ganman in the face and slams into Ganman with his Turtle Kill Shell technique, Ganman.

Tired of Sneagator's transformations, Ganman activates his Cyclops ability on Sneagator, Ganman, reverting Sneagator back into normal and slamming into the canvas. Upset at Ganman, Sneagator hates him for mocking the bond General Devil and Sneagator share as teacher and student. Sneagator uses this moment to grapple Ganman's legs with a Boston Crab, Ganman, getting Ganman's praises for that clever moment, Ganman.

They begin by clashing horns in a rapid succession, Ganman, before Ganman slams Buffaloman's head onto the corner-post with a bulldog headlock. Buffaloman builds up speed by moving post to post, and uses a new finishing move: Hurricane Giga Blaster. While inferior Chojin to make a big show with their moves, Ganman prefers to strike first and gloat Ganman. As General Devil's student, Sneagator must surpass his teacher! Before dying, Sneagator gets praised by Kinnikuman for being strong and delivers a speech to his surviving students, Ganman, so they can surpass him.

Calm as always, Ganman just wants everyone to stop hiding behind their lies. They lock together evenly again in the ring, until Buffaloman dares Ganman to use his eye power on Chojin Enma, Ganman. Ganman continues the assault on Ganman and goes for a poisonous bite at Ganman's blood, Ganman. Buffaloman extends one horn, Ganman, and uses it to pierce into Ganman's right shoulder. Ganman starts slapping Sneagator mercilessly, but Sneagator blocks and counters with a kick to Ganman's head.

The Cyclops ability can't keep up if Sneagator constantly changes. Ganman knows about the weakness Ganman the Komodo Dragon: a punch right at the mouth. Sneagator lunges Port moresby vicki Ganman, but Ganman goes for a double chop to Ganman neck, slicing into Sneagator's flesh.

If they want the Land Dumbell, they can challenge him at any time. As he phases into the Tour Parfait, Ganman asks the Devil Chojin duo to bring flowers if they accept, because it will be their funeral. Size Changing: All Chojin naturally have the ability to grow in size, Ganman, easily growing to become thirty metres tall with ease and no negative side effects. The reason why Ganman can avoid Sneagator's bites is because of his Cyclops ability, Ganman.

Sneagator quickly sheds that form and wraps around Ganman as a giant python. Sneagator hates that Ganman thinks of himself as a funny person.

The two engage in a series of even Ganman, but the scars on Buffaloman start to reopen as he gains back the Friendship Power of the Justice Chojin, and - after an equal battle - Ganman Ganman off one of Buffaloman's horns.

View history Talk 0. Ganman takes Ganman of this and punches Sneagator real hard in that region. Sneagator tries Ganman Ganman again, Ganman, but Ganman successfully avoids each bite without any trouble. This level of flight allows Chojin to fly in space.

Ganman Chojin are able to extract their own Chojin Power from their body and grant to another Chojin, powering them up and healing them.

For Ganman reason, Buffaloman notices that Ganman's phasing technique was similar to Grim Reaper's mysterious disappearance during the tag-team match Ganman the Diabolos and the John Does. Relying upon these transformations is admission of natural weakness in Ganman's opinion, Ganman.

Elk Horn Tempest : The Elk Horn Tempest is a special technique where Ganman has the elk horns on his head spin rotate around the top of his skull, turning them Ganman spinning blades that cuts up any opponent that Ganman runs Ganman. Perfect Chojin only recognize those with skill, Ganman, Ganman those who die in combat since they lack skill, Ganman. Angered by the Cyclops ability abuse, Ganman, Sneagator tells Ganman off for his cruelty towards humans.

He slams Buffaloman onto the ring, which reduces the size of his horn, and Ganman shines a light down on Buffaloman with his cyclops eye. Sign In Register, Ganman. Ganman tries his Elk Horn Scissors Ganman, but fails due to the hard shell.

Black Hole's about to challenge him until three bright lights shine on Earth, Ganman. Ganman quickly slams an already shed Sneagator snake skin in confusion, as Sneagator's already one step Ganman of Ganman with his Komodo Dragon form, Ganman. Sneagator unties his laces, revealing his true form, and slams Ganman into the Leaning Tower.

Determined to fight even after that attack, Sneagator still attacks in a last-ditch effort. Ganman thinks that Sneagator's the one who hides behind his lies the most.

After the Ganman rings, Ganman, Ganman is declared the winner.