Fitnes faking ass

Another person said the video was too brief to assuage their doubt. Follow us on social. I'm gonna 5on2 back and forth the background is moving it's Fitnes faking ass stationary item.

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Haters say I Photoshop my body – but I can prove my butt is real, I just work out

Getting visibly annoyed, he accuses her again of editing her body using tech. Lindkvist flipped her hair and readjusted, her legs and abs flexing slightly.

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Then, she showed the full clip that was the source of the still photo. Mirror Choice.

Haters say I Photoshop my body – but I can prove my butt is real, I just work out | The US Sun

Even with this "proof," some of Lindkvist's viewers were skeptical about her proportions, Fitnes faking ass. To prove it, she dedicated the first few seconds of the TikTok video to a still photo that trolls had insisted was photoshopped.

The Fitnes faking ass video looks strange and the rest of the video does look a little bit strange as well.

I would have never noticed this. Lindkvist stands in a gym locker room, looking back at the camera, her body clad in a skintight workout top and purple leggings.

I think this is absolute lies, [I think this is] video shopping her body to make it look like she has bigger glutes and a smaller waist then she can make money off selling her glute program to you guys.

US Celebrity News, Fitnes faking ass.

How To “Make It” in the [Fake Ass] Fitness Industry While Keeping Your Integrity

All the latest news, showbiz, lifestyle and sports updates, brought to you by our dedicated American team. Women's Football.

Fitnes faking ass

US Edition. But others were all-in on Lindkvist, and happy to accept her muscular backside as fact, as long as they could admire it.


You can see the bench and her glutes changing in the background let's go for the next rep oh, Fitnes faking ass, that one's so obvious ready? Celebs TV Films. Email eve. Other exercise fanatics were impressed by Lindkvist's progress, and interested in replicating the results at home.