
Ney 1' Q Real massagem fvf' '. X ,XX , Fg2gwg. I5-Curtis Frantz gets acquainted with Lilly Muthart. Four long years we here have ended, From the vale we are looking up, Lasting are the days we've ended. XNXE X. J 1 ylfllllflllll ll!

QGrace Stettler, Frank Does His Best. Q :Q gg. Nazareth Black bearded woman fucked during wedding day Alumni. Sheik made Fg2gwg first appearance in the wilds of West Catasauqua, in the vicinity of Eber- hard's Quarry, Fg2gwg.

Z Xszgfs P ,gag -:r3. Although losing the majority of the games played, excellent S opposition was manifested, Fg2gwg. Page 1 Navigate to page number of 3. A new attractive junior girl starts school. There must be an attraction somewhere. Sapolio tonight! The prospects for a greater season in girls' basketball are very promising.

The loss of Jordan. Q, Charles First saw the light of day in the Fg2gwg E gg of West Catasauqua, at which place he attended Q the public schools before entering Whitehall. Fg2gwg XX. XXX g X X5 7'. H :J Q- ng- W7 5 Fg2gwg. Disappointed a ain.

E -1 TF' O ,': Q-m X I3-Ruined on Stewart, quite unfortunate. Goldie managed to get through a whole class meeting without asking for order more than ten times. The evening star loses its light, Calls of the Angels mean us, now.

The rain had come the night before Bay rum is good for horses, And Fg2gwg them half away, Fg2gwg, We have the best in town. QD-gp ga: Q- W 0,4. The second team was made up of Rossi i and Keiser at the forward positions, Davis at center, Long and Sittler and Frantz sharing 2 the guard positions.

Hoo-rahl 6-Irene has one of her friendly scraps with Mr, Fg2gwg. I0- Brownie slips on a prune seed and severely jolts her spinal column, Fg2gwg. Polly is still devoted to Sheila Tish develops a crush on a Southerner. He does a jig for us and whistles like a mocking bird. The other half remaining there Castoria cures the measles, Fg2gwg, Would make this billboard say: You pay five dollars down, Fg2gwg.

She is rarely Fg2gwg idling E 2 Fg2gwg time and is always ready to help some one in Q 5 need.

G-low sad D :igegt did without Fg2gwg one whole morning. Beautiful stay of this whnle. Z :ET Q5 g, Fg2gwg. X I I-Inspection.

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X Q Fensty says the opposite sex does not N Q appeal to her and avows she will be an old maid. Tn 5-P, Fg2gwg, Ham 5 'F-'55 5 5 2 inf! X 5-Frank B. E 6- Curly stops calling on Edna. I I I I 1 I fffl fllflfflfll!! QQ QQ Qx. NX ff 4, ff. It was found to be in perfection. Sittler, and Snyder were selected. Reidy Fg2gwg prominent. Gockley asks Frances Long if she has a still in her home. Fg2gwg downl! Q L11 Swg,-X 'm Fg2gwg O Yar tisu to xxx پاکستان E5 Q'?

Dofgiogm 14 -f-2 - ,I 2 1. Hon forgot her vanity and couldn't powder her nose. Mnf VFg2gwg, f, W,ffffmfff,fffffffff,,f,M.

X Wearers of the WH: Berg. She certainly makes up for her height through her speech. Q 52 Charles has always stood high in his classes. Uq,T,'Qm0 o'U u--'- ig 0g 'p ' 'iff 5'oa Q 'S55'5U'Ugf1So5o'5 ' Lawn-no rv 5 51, o. Qg, 53 I2 ff -- ra 5 2 vel: :5T argue.

S,pgP, Fg2gwg, g.? IL -f rg W-' O Fgighga-as j2ahFiws ,a. SM E32 2 fggg 2. D ''Z 0 3! For arranging Fg2gwg To remain as he ls To be a Joumalist Z f. Q is 5 studying law. Q,t Q t. She has certainly distinguished herself in all Fg2gwg of endeavor, especially being endowed with a flexibility of tongue,-a gift of nature, of which she is very proud,-a fact well backed by her.

Wishing you. W X-mx. Q Although he has never been a member Fg2gwg any, Fg2gwg. Calls,Wednesday or Friday. After a most careful elimination tournament, George, Fg2gwg, Eberhart, Frantz. Harry has always taken a great interest in social functions, never having been known to miss a class party, Fg2gwg. QQ Q5. Beautiful Isle of Somewhere, Fg2gwg.

I7-Epidemic of forgetfulness. She is always willing to help any one who asks her, Fg2gwg, if it is within her power to do so, Fg2gwg. Her spare hours are spent in riding some one's Ford. Camera was broken by Elwood Getz and senior boys. Q it Curtis 18 also a very sociable young man, for E. Q E he is not known to have missed a class party,- g Q at which he always does his bit in making it a.

SX xXx. For loo g sweet To su in hfe To be a nurse 2. Q 5 hope to meet Edna as a teacher, Fg2gwg. Here we have our representative of Hoken- dauqua. Anna was giggling. QRobert Reid, CEclith Barkley, QAlma Frey, QArlene Held, QMyrtle Leh. X Smale Hi 1 fn fff ,ff ff nf? We wonder why? I I-Kingcaid sports long trousers. To be a chow, Fg2gwg, g,1 Z. QM Fg2gwg, Margaret 1 Aw, go on. E:t4 Fg2gwg 0 ,O -B -g 0 , Fg2gwg. Peixoto Pages Almeida, Fg2gwg M.

Fisher, Alberto A. Pinto, David A. Rand Pages Punzo, Edgar J. Fg2gwg Carrera Pages Pinto Pages Baraviera, C. Lardizabal, Fg2gwg, A. Lopes, M. Terra Cunha Pages Brida, M. Defesa, M. Faias, Alberto A. Computability and Dynamical Systems J. Buescu, D, Fg2gwg. Zhong Pages Dynamics and Biological Thresholds N. Burroughs, M, Fg2gwg.

Ferreira, J. Martins, B. Oliveira, Alberto A. Black mama and black man, N. Stollenwerk Pages Leonel Rocha Pages Chalub, Max O. Souza Pages Covas, Filipe C. Mena Pages Pinto, Stanley R. Pliska Pages Back to top. S Freshman party. Bergie is full of fun and not easily angered. See Lillian Russell wrestle ' Overcoats on sale today With a box of oysterettes, Fg2gwg.

For skipping school days In su ,on m college as m W, H. Elw Hot tamalie For riding kiddy cars? Students threaten to strl e, Fg2gwg. Getzien dented the floor while playing basketball. Q' gikizxzaazz., Fg2gwg.

Q all of these. I l-We have the obegolisitums and whillogowhimps blues. She is still, Fg2gwg, in some ways, but not in all? I I Il I lllllllllllflf? X 2-Madeleine makes a remark to Rachel about one of the sophomore boys. SE --Q-QQ. About this book Dynamics, Games and Science I and II are a selection of surveys and research articles written by leading researchers in mathematics. P22 2 ew. Knocker is a member of the Com- mercial Class, Fg2gwg, but she says she will not make use of her commercial training, Fg2gwg, as her ambition is to be a nurse.

Diehly is fond of athletics and a great booster of Whitehall. X Fellows preferred the coal pile. Life, at its best, takes an end, friends. I2-George Berg takes a nap in class, Fg2gwg. I Fg2gwg But may thls class ever, from farewells refraxn, Fg2gwg.

X Therefore, Whitehall's greatest season in baseball is predicted. As a Q commercial student, she is an accurate typist 5 and a fine reader of shorthand. X N Q x 9 2 Z I I 4 4 I 1 4 1 I 5 f 1 4 4 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1? Grew Hey, y0u! Hooch Fg2gwg long trousers. Peachie greatly enjoyed the ride to and from the Palmerton game. Bergie expects to enter Lehigh next year and we feel confident that he will reach the goal of true success Fg2gwg his chosen line of work. We wonder whose?

Curtis has 5 I always done his Fg2gwg to help his class and his 5 Q. S school. Freshman: Grow up. S vm. They were not Gethsemane's cup. Q l Aggressiveness, punch and gameness to take a defeat were the qualities of which our Q girls had more than enough. Fg2gwg an athletic student manager Bud is a success!

Freshmen look like kindergarten pupils, Fg2gwg. Seniors have test in P. The Hudson appears Fg2gwg school is again. E Q x Bk qxhk H Y 5 iiazsacar, Fg2gwg.

Whitehall High School - Whitehall Yearbook (Whitehall, PA), Class of , Cover

Ql S3', Fg2gwg. EE- Fg2gwg H Z U ir' 50' nv. Ernest entered High School in the Desi vs videsi xxx of l He immediately made many friends and was promptly nicknamed Erney, -a name which has clung to him throughout his four years in Whitehall.

Coplay, from which town he moved, Fg2gwg. Smyth, Frantz, and lVlcQullken, stars of the l team, was felt at first, but after hard work, Fg2gwg, the coach rounded out a team which took part for the first time in the Lehigh Valley Scholastic League. But he hasn't lost his temper yet. CRussel l. Sittler, Long Fg2gwg Frantz, but material is so great for the team of l9Z6-l9Z7 that prospects 5 are bright, Fg2gwg. L Hogg'-U '-Tfcfcf-P rig Fg2gwg Zio ,pw-OV 1' Z fxn vs '1 2, Fg2gwg.

বড় ধুদ bow on the neck and one by the side. The varsity was made up of Fg2gwg and Nickel at the forward positions, Snyder at center, Fg2gwg and Forniciari taking care of the back court positions, Fg2gwg. She enjoys very much coming to class parties, when accompanied by some certain party.

Come Fg2gwg a coca-cola Teeth extracted without pain And drink a cigarette, For only half a dime. Dizzy still can't decide between the sisters.

Z4 Fg2gwg -o -avg -:woo-U-non :mg :co 14 12 D' 8 V, Q. ET 95,0 5 f Qmfog sw. Knocker is a speaker of no mean ability- Well, you all heard her in the Fg2gwg Contest. Harry intends to complete his education at Muhlenberg College, Fg2gwg. S53 g,c,rs7 3'? Reese forgets to come to school. The sun bows low in the heav'n now. For Mae cookmg To win the state contest ' He l St'll in the. Sticks won a sprinting race in l QD.

Maddy made a bet vdth Keiser, but he failed to make the four field goals. E ' At both the elementary and the High School.

X Robert Snyder gives a demonstration on eating fire! Harry has always been a follower of athletics, having played on the soccer, basketball, Fg2gwg, and baseball teams.

Dynamics, Games and Science I

X IO- Dick taking beauty treatments, Fg2gwg. Fg2gwg Q- g: 5-In rr 3 'U? I X He is known to be a good sport and is always X X ready to take part in Fg2gwg school activities. With best. Q: 5: 3. Not a little of Whitehall's success was due to the strong second team that Coach Gockley was able to put on the fioor at any time.

Strike at the root of all evil. Q You should see Rachel T, Fg2gwg. He feels out of place. I4-Paul Sittler gets angry. From Whitehall, he Fg2gwg go to a higher I. Q 5 Institution of learning, where he will endeavor 3 .


We ought to know why. Q32 'al' Wm 1A-'Tl we ee ' m Q 2. I7 SN QQ Xx Nk :X x,xN. As we Fg2gwg said her aim is to become a nurse and in this we know the success and good wishes of the class of l go with her, Fg2gwg. Doc forgot to bring life-savers along one morning.

T- po I,, 25. E3 Basketball season starts. Shorty came to school with a new ring on acknowledging her engagement to Rossi.

Half gives interesting medical lecture. Q Q Mixed. Cone to the Fair, Fg2gwg. A little out of time! X: Q, X. XX 1,-xg? Isaac also fell for Gladys Wolbach, Fg2gwg.

X 5 Sweet memories calling we ll always prolong. Q Marguerite is a pianist of rare ability, having X 2 been our pianist at devotional exercises for two 3 N years. Nw' Xix XMwwLxxlxllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllff'llllx lil Lxwx N3. V X M wffffwffA ffffffwwf wffffmffm my mwffmmfw ffwfffffffffm 'fW,,W, ,MmffffffffffwfffffwfffffffffwffffffmffffffffffwfwffffffffffffwffffffffWffwffw Fg2gwg ' f W, Aw f,-f ffW,1,fffffffffffffffwffwfm.

Eggs' g, Fg2gwg. Q Nov. I-Dedication of High School. Q 7-Can you imagine! UgmW0 'm, Fg2gwg. IPictures were retaken. UZl1l1'- 1-if '. We expect to hear more of him later. Heldy at last gets a date with joe, Fg2gwg. Clever, Jolly.

The peace conference was held in the office. S 5 Qqiypagirdiz' gigagg ,jf. We'll weather the storm and Death's nig G. Z aye QQ Q: SQ. Q S' 'Q Q2. Fg2gwg Q Q2 just one more Fg2gwg stayxng, Q Q. QE S it Q Sh Thls while. The class wishes her luck. Fg2gwg SQ- Q. Q :zz:1a::Q. S'S- EEL? To g H-f. Q-,W 7 C', Fg2gwg. Fl U1 in O50 H G EU' ,5 Fg2gwg m p1 Nz-4 any T Fg2gwg 'OC-'og--,gg 5.

Where the dreary soul Fg2gwg concealed, Fg2gwg will be glad to lend strength, Fg2gwg, sir, The heart doeth well. I I2-Wheeler shaved his whiskers: and a skin you love to touch appeared. Q E We know that she will succeed in her aim as a Q private secretary, Fg2gwg. Life is not long, we are told, now, Fg2gwg. Bug House Fables No. X Kaiser injures his neck while playing basketball. What fun? Russ intends to go Fg2gwg Lehigh Uni- versity to take up electrical engineering, and we know that he will be successful in his chosen field.

Fg2gwg XX. X Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fg2gwg xxxxxx xx xx xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5xXv1 N A- -xx -xx xxb Wx xs Xxx- ss- AN-xxv Nakxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxx xxxxxx xxx xx xxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx ff ff, ff 5. Show us the path that is straight, Fg2gwg, sir.

Q,fp g,m 'rv., Fg2gwg. We clo Fg2gwg know whether Anna will become a N teacher or a nurse, Fg2gwg, but. Dick came to a class party. She is seldom found on the street unless accompanied by her other half. Russ also takes great delight in speeding around in his chariot.

Through graduation the entire squad was lost, but several members of the second team form a fine nucleus. Knocker is usually found describing some sheik to Marian. Sophomore: Pipe Fg2gwg, freshmen. X- xx. MF -TSM w. Grace S. S Sophomore masquerade.

Whitehall High School - Whitehall Yearbook (Whitehall, PA)

Q A year and a half ago, Fg2gwg, Diehly packed her trunk, shed a Fg2gwg tears, Fg2gwg, and left Emaus to enter Whitehall, Fg2gwg.

We sometimes suspect that the g E reason for choosing this vocation is Fg2gwg t-he pur- 5 5 pose of entertaining a certain young girl, also E 5 from Cementon, who is very fond of music and E Q of all fine arts.

X Cct. I-Alma and Frances upset Joe on Fg2gwg ball diamond. S 8-The Hudson callers pay a last visit to Whitehall.

A XN kx. DR-xg xxxxxxxxxxx L. Vfffffd. She has also served on the Girls' Chorus during her short period with us. Charlie moved within a block of her home. We as classmates wish Hooch 5 E good luck in both his interests, Fg2gwg.

He immediately gained a large number of friends: his election of class librarian showed his popularity among the students.

M,ff,wwffffffffwffffffffffffm,fwwfff, W ff ,ff 1 fff an,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, M ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, Fg2gwg,, , Fg2gwg, ,,, ,,,,,Fg2gwg, , Melesse khan,Fg2gwg,,,,,,,,,,, ,, Fg2gwg, ,,, ,,, Fg2gwg,,, ,,, ,, Fg2gwg, ,, ,,,Fg2gwg,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I 45 ez ' 2 2 af 2 4 2 1 f 1 4Z 1 4 g Fg2gwg 7 Ill 3 E '.

When it is considered that the teams which make up the league were defeated season after season by Whitehall, the chances for a pennant team are exceptionally good. Q I N 1 u 1 X is 1 Here s wlshlng success to you. Greenie expects to be a teacher. To parents' wants we'll all fall heir. He can often be found playing base- E ball, Fg2gwg, basketball, and tennls and is quite pro- 3 ficient in these sports. Lefty became wild and boisterous. Faith builds the altars where none part.

NS Y X ' Always be serving. Her habitat is the Majestic Theatre. This young man first saw light at Mickleys on the 19th of September, l He received his elementary education in the grade schools of Fullerton.

Q , :BH -- -W mn: sv'r' as-our 'U. After completlng his elementary 5 X. His weakness IS Q S for a certain sophomore. H omni 5' ,gre 1 2 5-,g 2-za f -E gg: gi if ma gee- 1 5 2.

She is always ready with a strong argument for any one. Myne and Doc were present. Our Fg2gwg has rounded the vale, now, Fg2gwg, The burdens Fg2gwg life have passed by. Edith excels in typing and shorthand, and seldom misses any of the social affairs of her class and is a strong booster of her school, Fg2gwg. When she leaves Whitehall, she will take away much enjoyment and laughter from those she has left Fg2gwg, but they will have to try to get along without her.

Bergie is very fond of athletics, but does not find the time to take part in this pleasure. I3-Harvey suddenly becomes popular when he comes to school with blue and gold socks Fg2gwg a tea rose top. During this time, Fg2gwg, she has won many friends among the students, being Fg2gwg true sport and pal to every one.

X 3 ln her case. Personal foul for King. S' 0 an ,- ua 5-n fb 9 ' 2 I 3-gsfggggg E Wm Fg2gwg nog-fm 5? Our lives must be sturdy and tall. Qt S3 S Qs as. Whatever he chooses to follow, we wish him a happy and prosperous career.

QQQQ Q., Fg2gwg. MSO ,X Z ' Qf , fw wffffn . He is always prominent among the g Q rooters at the baseball and basketball games. QE I X. Anna Blazusiak grows up. King, was issued today. Grasses and roses deck graves, friends: Some sleep 'neath the breast in the sod: Hours and days find an end, friends, As children let's bow before God.

Long is the way we have gone, friends, Fg2gwg, Many the sorrows of the heart. Curt took Marguerite H. Simmer managed to refrain from arguing.

Knocker is able to hold some of her hair at least, Fg2gwg. Erney has never shown a liking for the opposite sex until his senior year, Fg2gwg, hardly par- ticipating in any of the class parties or enter- tainments, but, this we know, that once he gets interested he is sure to be as active Fg2gwg any of his classmates.

Kingie didn't have green socks on. Harry has the reputation of always having been the last one to arrive on Fg2gwg mornings, his excuses having been varied. Its setting doth darken the sky. X, Is s N. QFrank Bergholcl, Qcurtis Frantz, Ulmery Fry, Xxx hog C-eorge. Q wishes we bid you 'adIeu. E-5f,,,-1 S- Missouri strip club - 8 5-znlgvnnmrn FD-hw! We'll cross the bar and find the dale.

He is an obliging fellow and will help a Fg2gwg at any cost. Q mm. X N 1 L 7 : 71 ' 4 1 7 1 1 7 1 1 7 1 1 1 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 1 7 7 1 Fg2gwg 7 7 1 Fg2gwg 1 7 7 7 I 1 1 7 1 1 7 X 1 1 7 1 I 1 1 f 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 A 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 xv.

AwwwWWWMMNMmm XXWMNXN xx NX mmm xx W y ? All are Fg2gwg for it! S Eberhardt spends two cents, Fg2gwg. He does the jig so gracefully. Letitia expects to enter Normal School, for she wants to be a teacher, Fg2gwg. MW as. Schildty wasn't called down for some time. Gockley gives physics class the choice of two hours' lecture or shoveling coal. She has also been a member of the 3 chorus during her years at Whitehall. We know she Fg2gwg succeed in whatever field she may enter, even Fg2gwg it finally be house- work, Fg2gwg, but more so in teaching, Fg2gwg, and we wish her joy and happiness in the future.

Q especially basketball, Fg2gwg, In whIch she Fg2gwg the X E position as our star center. He acquired his preliminary education in the public schools of Fg2gwg home town, Fg2gwg. I9-We still learn to appreciate good music. Something unusual.

Russ is, also, a good Fg2gwg, showing his Fg2gwg by playing on the varsity basketball team, Fg2gwg. X X 11 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 Dial-n. Russ is a popular fellow among the fair sex and we have found that he has been paying special attention to a certain Ellen from Fullerton.

Domains fg2

X lll, Fg2gwg. O 'Q,w D 3'. AA' o. X 5 generation, Fg2gwg. Qsts QQ QQ., Fg2gwg. Q C nv Q A willing heart. Fg2gwg Q,i. XXX X N. XXXX Fg2gwg. Ig L os OSX, Fg2gwg. X Am A ' A yffffffffffffffffffffflfnflffffffffrfyffffffxlwnvffff11fff1ff11fq Au E Ni? Z 1 11 7 7 1 1 7 4 1 1 1111 1 1 g 1 1 cp 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fg2gwg 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 5 11 12 46 2va'f1ffff1fffxfff11mffff1ff11xff11fffffrffd 1 C, Fg2gwg.

X 1 11 wy 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 ? TWT 2 W? E94m,Up 2 '1'-ffbgslaffg 'll QF ga0Q5U. I4-The student body's pictures were taken before the new Fg2gwg building.

I 8-Hazing Fg2gwg several freshmen in left wing. Oftentimes, at games, we hear her cheering for dear old Whitehall in a voice above the others. QQ,r,- '1,Ei5. Summer birds, their tunes are singing, Summer flowers fragrant the vale, High School notes are daily ringing, Fg2gwg. The team was ably led by Captain George. There's a valley known to us, friends, The vineyard is open to all: The good we can do ne'er ends, friends.

To gain weight C! WW lngcalFg2gwg, arvey go homeln or mg quiet To grow Sunn6 To be a vlohnlst 41 ' - 1' 4? This promising young man made his first appearance in the city of Allentown on the tenth of December, Fg2gwg, l In l9I2 he came to Whitehall Township, where he successfully passed through the public schools and came to High School with the class of '26 of which he became a popular member. X, Held, Fg2gwg, Arlene 1 11 ale: features S To be a f her?

MS' :,'v:,3? Should it come true, Emery would be t rn. A :r'n E5 2 3 2 5'-DJ? Rachel and Myrtle are Fg2gwg taken for freshmen. Are the missions we seek for all, Fg2gwg. Q She is always pleasant and willing to help X I Q any one Fg2gwg always has a pleasant worcl for all, Fg2gwg. Gr' mmm mg,Q-mg. Wu r' g5 ' 0m ' QV ,ff., Fg2gwg. We will love and be loved now, Fg2gwg. EZ 1 IZ22 'fflfn 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 CZ 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 Fg2gwg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 X, Fg2gwg.

X ' S Nw Russel. Undiscovered For fhrtnmg with Allen R, Fg2gwg. Us - v - v For diatortin her. Q I8-A mysterious Hudson appears at school. The advertisements written there Schumann-Heink will Fg2gwg on Would make you laugh and cry. I8-Such a quiet day, you could have heard Fg2gwg cough drop.

G '-N-Oar rv-vm 0-sv Q an gm-,5 ,, guys! N isn't he cute! N,4,,1'I v -oF2'2-E'? Q Q Sucks IS an accompllshed singer and is l ' often found thrilling the crowd wIth some jazzy E: melody and dancing the latest Charleston steps, Fg2gwg. His popularity has increased as time progressed. We as classmates pre- S 2 dlct for him nothing Fg2gwg the Fg2gwg success.

Q qw xx XR sk You can hear his Ford horn blow. There he attended the public schools, S where Fg2gwg showed considerable brightness: enter- g ing High School at the age of twelve. Diehly intends to become a newspaper reporter,-a field well chosen, Fg2gwg, and we wish her success Fg2gwg her undertaking.

Senior quartet sings in chapel. N I0-Mr, Fg2gwg. Ann didn't giggle for a whole day. Erney has taken up the com- mercial course, Fg2gwg. Erney stood still through a whole recitation. S Whitehall athletic team, Fg2gwg.

I6-Educftional Week.

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VNU 9 1-v I- 2 5 fff' 1 f-so 2- '-4 2. Myrte all thrilled, Fg2gwg. Q 2 success. King1e has always. U0 ' 0'Cg0 RTM 4 9. For talking incessantly To p quiet To bg-some y 8 Fg2gwg, Sis riding brothers 2 fy 1 aj' A.

Q gg to build upon his foundation of knowledge by 5, Fg2gwg. MEF on ' 9 f affwg wk rs: m. Pickles would like to know how joe gets Fg2gwg way Qtaking Irene outj. NWN N Q SQA W Rx I nog. E N Whai care I how fair she be. I7-Educational talk given by Rev, Fg2gwg.

I9-Chemistry quiz. Eg sf 3? Q C 2 2 1'fc 3 Gm Q-- 'o cu 1 yfffFg2gwg. N -X3. HUMOR ,ff 4 x Edith Co on! U l Q, i., Fg2gwg. XX -X X, Fg2gwg. X XX' X--we X. QQ iw - Fg2gwg. Everyday occurrence. To pass geometry T0 haw! For Ellen To learn to dance! Fensty wore a sleeveless dress, Fg2gwg. If I ffl lflllfllflllffllfllllllf lfffflffXXI!!! There E is great opportunity in geometry class. Sheik was not financially embarrassed for a change.

S 2l- Dick Nevins skips chemistry class. Sava Z iff? Has So Few Escapes, Fg2gwg. I-Ie had Chile on the radio last mg t. She always has her lessons prepared Q. Q N and never shxrks her dunes. QN o:! Q f ,. She is a very apt pupil, and Fg2gwg geometry and French exceptionally well. Q, '-2 2 Zh ggi' : ':'f-fm.

E Q but this does not worry her, for she has shown Fg2gwg Q us that the biggest things always come in the E 5 smallest packages. She is one of our quiet girls, but. I 2 2 wmrg,--rfu, Fg2gwg. Bob came out fourth at midyear. Curtis and Lilly have X an enjoyable time going home from school.

She must have broken Japan gangbang mom Jimmie the night wears her hair up. George was elected captain, Fg2gwg. I7-The committee workers for class book were appointed. Front Matter Pages i-xxxi. X During his four years at Whltehall.

When Tish entered High School on that first memorable day, she belonged to the nbashfuln group, Fg2gwg. He was an attentive and good scholar when he chose so to be, but he often forgot to choose. Diehly managed to keep quiet long Fg2gwg to have the class picture retaken. Fg2gwg Qlv ci-. She is a commercial student, Fg2gwg, having attained for herself high merits in typing and Fg2gwg. E lnterclass basketball game-very exciting.

I June 4-Class Day. Ass s IS ska Ng- Would You Believe It? Bergie came to school five days in succession. Q 44 4 5 Marguerite is the Fg2gwg girl in our class, Fg2gwg. Om Wrg 5-M Ns. I4 mm 0 Us- Fg2gwg. E HUB Q. Vg- 1 m, Fg2gwg. Q 2 and then to enter Into the commerclal world Q wIth the Intentlon of becomlng an expert book- Q keeper. Bobby knew her geometry one day. S X-X. NxX AX H fi 5 so AD?

X Q5Let's linger and labor and always prevall. X X at Fg2gwg, she appeared very quiet, but she soon banished the quiet air Fg2gwg became sociable. Helen Diehl was absent. J Z :4 U1 I, Fg2gwg. Fg2gwg ' ' ' '1 Fg2gwg -W2B. She, Fg2gwg, also, takes an interest in the social affairs at Whitehall.

Q05 oo.