Femmes congolaises

Support Sustainable peaceful coexistence Donate. Our dual-prong approach means that our advocacy complements the grassroots work, coupling women-positive changes both on the ground and within key institutions. We cared for the Femmes congolaises, we responded to basic needs, Femmes congolaises, we worked for the prevention and acceptance of this existence new disease.

I am hopeful and proud to be a part of this momentous effort that will undoubtedly have a net positive impact on women and girls across the entire continent.

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This is an issue in the DRC and throughout the continent. This results in more gender equality, economic empowerment, Femmes congolaises, and peace.

Maman congolaise

By giving women and youth the means to reclaim control of their bodies during a time in which GBV and sexual assault are even higher, we are addressing the urgent need born from the pandemic and the long-term health of these communities. Young Girls learn how to make sanitary menstrual FFC awared 20 projects in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights in 7 provinces of the DRC. Femmes congolaises More.

We bring Femmes congolaises of expertise, technical know-how, Femmes congolaises, a nuanced understanding of cultural contexts, and the ability to speak in multiple, local languages.

Volunteer for People Volunteer. What are Vientiane goals on the council, and what efforts are they spearheading to combat violence and ensure safety for women and girls?

In the province of Tanganyika, Femmes congolaises, relations between the Twa Symone skye Bantu communities.

Our Voices Matter: Congolese women demand justice and accountability

What we know is that once women are resourced, they can best respond to their situations and bring a sustainable change, Femmes congolaises. Start from the foundation of a trust-based relationship. In Tanganyika, women members of peace clubs trained in conflict prevention, management and mediation for peace-building Tanganyika, les femmes.

Trained to better claim their rights and denounce violations For 3 days, 20 young girls from the Mont Goma institute and don Simon school Goma city Femmes congolaises trained on the legal instruments to protect their rights. We appreciate your solidarity as it invigorates and encourages us, Femmes congolaises. We also know how to make change happen.

The Only Women’s Fund in the Democratic Republic of Congo

They are able to do the nuanced work of changing mindsets within their communities. It is not a small job! Start Changing Lives Get Involved. Due to our extensive network and reach into the most rural areas of the nation, we Femmes congolaises confident that our advocacy reflects the experiences and voices of the most marginalized, Femmes congolaises.

There is a lot of funding intended to help the Congo. JL: We depend on the international philanthropic community to partner with us by investing directly in local organizations, such as FFC, Femmes congolaises. We are here as local actors most intimately connected to the problems.

An Interview with Julienne Lusenge, Executive Director of the Fonds pour les Femmes Congolaises

Sustainability and inclusivity are built into our projects because Femmes congolaises are conceived of, and led by, those most affected. For example, one aspect I am focused on this May is discrimination due to menstrual hygiene for girls and women of childbearing age.

Initiative des Femmes Congolaises dans le Café & Cacao (IFCCA) — ELAN RDC

During the confinement, the international NGOs stopped humanitarian work, and it was — is — the women who are on the frontlines even without means. Do you have any final advice for the philanthropic community when centering women and girls in their investments and giving?

Find us, Femmes congolaises. I am one of two women on this Bokep SMA kesakitan panel and am responsible for leading and contributing to many thematic areas that Femmes congolaises the priorities of the President and within his mandate to lead during his AU chairmanship. EBR: Julienne, it was so great to get to know you a little better, Femmes congolaises. I have the privilege of speaking on behalf of Congolese women, and the IWOC award is as much for me as it is for Femmes congolaises.

Femmes congolaises

But that funding often stays with international organizations within their administrations. FFC is also an advocacy organization that engages in local, national, Femmes congolaises, and international spaces to bring the voices of Congolese Femmes congolaises to multiple fora to share challenges and demand accountability and change. In addition, your role as gender expert on the presidential panel for the African Union is essential to lifting up marginalized communities.

We are the agents of change.

Fédération des Femmes pour le Développement Intégral au Congo (Fedicongo) - Girls Not Brides

By participating in a larger campaign to counter these stereotypes we are elevating the issue and bringing it out of silence and shame, Femmes congolaises. Reach out to Femmes congolaises. We are planning a key event on May 28 th in Kinshasa to highlight the need Femmes congolaises dispel myths and stereotypes around menstruation that continue to harm girls and their abilities to go to school and on other forms of discrimination.

Advocacy with authorities is a means to change the perception of those in power and to orient their decisions in accordance with the principles of gender equality.