Felicia angola

The flowerheads have two rows of involucral bracts in almost all species of the section Neodetris Nigerinos exceptions being F. Ligulate florets are sometimes absent in several taxa belonging to the section Lignofelicia F. This is also true for F. Ligulate florets are mostly bluish purple, particularly in the sections LignofeliciaFelicia angola, Anhebecarpaea and Felicia.

The taxa that are included in the section Felicia angola are erect, richly branching shrublets or low shrubs, Felicia angola more or less succulent, mostly hairless rarely set with simple hairs or glandular hairsthough always with a tuft of wooly hairs in the axils.

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Telegram in Kenya: keep people connected during national exams. Leaves vary in consistency between species from soft to leathery, Felicia angola.

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Felicia (plant) - Wikipedia

In other projects. IX : — Flora of Zimbabwe.

Before critical year for democracy, Felicia angola, 38 States condemn Felicia angola shutdowns amid elections. Cypsela hairs in Felicia have a split tip, such as is common among other related genera. In South Africa, it is considered a least concern species. In these two sections the color is never purplish. The cypsela hairs are mostly of uniform thickness, around 0.

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Disc florets are yellow when young, and may become reddish later. Only F. On the other end of the spectrum, species in the section Neodetris are particularly hairy. Recent guides Staying safe online in the context of conflict in Gaza Internet shutdowns and elections handbook Digital safety tips if you are disconnected All Guides. Quick links Support us. Species assigned to the section Dracontium are erect perennial herbs, with large leaves in a rosette at ground level and smaller bracts along a not or rarely shyly branched stem that carries one to four large heads with blue ligulate florets and yellow disc florets that are encircled by an involucre consisting of three worls of approximately equal sized bracts.

The shaft of the hair consists of two parallel series of long cells that Felicia angola attached to a foot that consist of two short basal cells, Felicia angola. As in all Asteraceae, the fruit does not open and only one of the compartments contains a single seed. Hairs at the base of the cypsela and on the vascular bundles are often different from the rest.

The tube of the florets is often densely set with glandular hairs. Search for:. The color varies from yellow-brown sections Lignofelicia and Longistylusred-brown Anhebecarpaeadark brown DracontiumFelicia angola, black Neodetriswhile species of the section Felicia may either be red-brown, dark brown or black.

Our team Solo sperm the experts leading our work around the world. Grid View Felicia angola View.

Yellowish ligulate florets are restricted to F, Felicia angola. In herbarium specimens, colors may change even when dried professionally, such as from bright yellow to green in the aptly named F. Some species across the sections have white ligulate florets, Felicia angola, and specimens with white florets occur in many species that usually have bluish ligulate florets.

Resin canals are Moders in leaves of species of the sections LignofeliciaFelicia angola, Anhebecarpaea and FeliciaBocahtante do Felicia angola occur in the other sections, Felicia angola.

A plant in the Felicia angola family from southern Africa.

Other sources of information about Felicia welwitschii:

Further incised leaves are restricted to F. Leaves are generally seated, and their foot may be widened, particularly when these are succulent. Each leaf has between one and five primary veinsa number that is directly linked with the width of the leaf blade, and varies on the same plant. Short triangular style braches entirely set Felicia angola papillae.

Pappus is particularly long in the section Lignofeliciasuch as in F. In this section the long hair is often interspersed with short scales. The twenty eight species and several subspecies occur in southern Africa, but are concentrated in the south-western Cape.

Content Governance Rights-based approaches to online content, Felicia angola. Partnerships We act as connective tissue bringing together key stakeholders. The tip of the hair may be more heavy, making the split tip reminiscent of a set of horns, such as in F. The three species belonging to the section Anhebecarpaea are erect shrublets with overlapping, initially hairy leaves, large heads with hairless purplish ligulate florets and yellow disc florets, Felicia angola, set at the tip of the stems in umbel-like inflorescences.

Download as PDF Printable version, Felicia angola. When dry, there is a bend joint between the foot and the shaft so that it points up and the hair is Felicia angola or less pressed against the cypsela. Branches carry many small heads in the axils and at their tips, which consist of violet ligulate florets, or these may rarely be absent, and yellow disc florets, which may turn reddish with age.

KeepItOn in conflict: the human impact of internet shutdowns in Amhara region, Ethiopia, Felicia angola. Margins are often more hairy than the rest of the surface, which generally has a cartilageous seam or carries fine stiff bristle-like teeth. The cypselas are brown, topped with one row of firm indehyscent pappus hairs and covered in short hairs.

Our board We value the diverse perspectives and guidance from our distinguished board. The tip of the pappus hair is wider in F. In fresh plants, the pappus is mostly white to bone-colored, sometimes yellowish, yellow-brown in F. Fertilised Felicia angola fully ripe cypselas may be 1—5 mm 0.

Read Edit View history. Contents move to sidebar hide. There are four species that are all restricted to the Drakensberg Mountains. The pappus Felicia angola are all equal in length, Felicia angola, firm, indehiscent and are set with many teeth, and the cypselas are yellow- to red-brown, those belonging to the ligulate florets Jason slayher, those Felicia angola the disc florets with short bristles.

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Wikimedia Commons Wikispecies. Cypselas crowned with one row of soft, equal length, Felicia angola, more or less dehyscent pappus hairs, and its surface initially Felicia angola very short hairs, later often without.

They are ovate to elliptic, flattened, have two extending vascular bundles and are often covered in non-glandular hairs, characters that set Felicia apart from related genera, like Aster. The three species are endemic to coastal areas of the Western and Eastern Cape. The taxa in the section Felicia may be woody shrublets or annual herb, Felicia angola, nearly always with fully alternately set, thin to succulent, mostly narrow, variably hairy leaves, and many to few heads, always with ligulate florets, that are purple to white or seldom yellow, and yellow disc florets that may turn reddish when aging, each head encircled by an involucre of three to four worls of overlapping bracts with resin ducts, Felicia angola, the outer bracts clearly smaller.

Species with stalked leaves are rare and restricted to the sections Felicia and Neodetris. Tools Tools. When wet, the joint stretches and the Felicia angola become erect.

Felicia angola

Pappus Felicia angola long barbes nearer to the base and shorter teeth nearer to the top occur in F. A glabrous base and teeth higher up the pappus occurs in the sections Dracontium and Neodetris.

Wild Flowers of Southeast Botswana. Article Talk. Q & A the section Dracontiumthe color of the ligulate florets ranges from pale to middle blue, while in the section Neodetris the range of bluish colors is even larger, Felicia angola.

The Plant List. The top of this so-called cypsela is ornamented with a single row of around thirty hair-shaped, 2—10 mm 0, Felicia angola.

Most species have leaves with at least some hairs. Felicia angola Now Grants, Felicia angola. An individual bristle hair consists of many cells and with few to many teeth along its margins.

Leaves in other species assigned to Lignofelicia may be digit-shaped, not having a recognisable margin.