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Informants are selected by using the purposive sapling and snow-ball sampling techniques. Data collection methods related to the research problem are conducted by using questionnaire method.

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Journal Farida gresik Economics Farida gresik Management, Viral girl mms video 1— Boonsiritomachai, W. Determinants affecting mobile banking adoption by generation Y based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model modified by the technology acceptance model concept, Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 1— Chen, H. Chuan, C. Dew, Farida gresik, J. The financial management behavior scale: Development and validation, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Farida gresik, 22 143— Falahati, L.

Assessment a model of financial satisfaction predictors: Examining the mediate effect of financial behaviour and financial strain, World Applied Sciences Journal, 20 2— Video Tutorial Submit. Variables of research are the man X1 namely the trainer and the trainees, the material X2 namely the training materials and the method X3 namely the training method and duration.

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In particular, it has the objectives to analyze the problems and expectations and to dig up and find out the wish of the candidate pilgrims and the pilgrims concerning with the pilgrimage guidance training related to the participants, materials, Farida gresik, method, training and the suitable duration.

In general, Farida gresik research is intended to develop the training model for pilgrimage guidance suitably applied in Regency of Gresik.

Call 0812-3405-1119, Herbalife Gresik

Aims and scope Editorial board Journals metrics Sponsorship Indexing. Keywords : pandemic covid; quality of life; education.

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The results of the analysis are then entered into the QGIS software to display in more detail the areas prone to traffic accidents on roads in Manyar District, Farida gresik, Gresik. Jurnal Tekmapro None.


The sample is taken by accidental sampling technique with the total sample of 94 respondents. Raya Manyar KM 10 Farida gresik Raya Manyar KM 10 is an accident-prone area.

Issue Vol. License All right reserved. The Data collection techniques are using questionnaires.

Farida gresik

Kata kunci: pandemi covid; kualitas hidup; pendidikan Abstract The condition of the Covid pandemic has caused changes Farida gresik aspects of life, one of which was learning policies that were carried out online or study from home.