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Today, with Tangier bedded back into a country generally observant of Islamic customs, most people seem content drinking Moroccan whisky - aka mint tea.

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The ancient medina is just one of Tangier's allures. Exotic porn hub city was chopped up into sectors overseen by nine different countries - France, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, the US and Britain - and, according to expat American scribe and composer Paul Bowles, one of the city's charms was that "you could get anything you wanted if you paid for it".

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I order one of these sugary tipples while flicking through Let It Come Down, the novel that Bowles set in a Tangier brewing with drug dens, porn cinemas and seedy brothels. We screen for comments that seek to spread information that is false or misleading. Product Specs. Stimulate debate.

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View more from this shop. Some in Halifax spending the holidays in tents. I'm lounging in a wicker chair outside Cafe Central, one of the cafes around the Petit Socco square, a lively and long-time Tangier social hub. This walled tangle of narrow, shaded, car-free streets is stuffed with crumbling houses and hole-in-the-wall workshops, kebaberies, confectionaries, carpet and jewellery emporiums, and smoky joints such as Cafe Central.

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