Etinosa idemudia nude video

Matured response etiosa am happy you accepted you messed up and have learnt about how to correct it. Seek help now, Go for therapy. This has left a portion of Nigerians on the internet to shift the blame to the actress, Etinosa idemudia nude video. God bless us all. Young woman Lesson: Don't think u can kimkardashian Urself here in Naija.

Full Video: Etinosa Naked Video on MC Galaxy Instagram Live

Comments expressed here do not reflect the opinions of lindaikejisblog. Before Drinking responsibly,you might want to first consider Living Responsibly.

No matter your religion or country, please follow up bcoz we are all Africa before anything else Africa is the Future. Also, Etinosa idemudia nude video, please know your gauge when drinking. Iyanya, you gonna get what's coming to you. Following her controversial Instagram nude video with MC Galaxy last weekend, actress Etinosa Idemudia has come out to explain how it all happened and lessons learnt from the experience.

I regret Etinosa idemudia nude video with a first class and being the best graduating student of my department - Nigerian lady says video. Video: Sarah TiamiyuGift Ufuoma.

I guess u Etinosa idemudia nude video struggling to survive depression. Dem no support media player for your device. May God help u out of this situation IJN. I said it,the type of parents and upbringing one has affects the person,s behaviour ,if you came from a good home,your parents can never ever support you,in fact you won't even do what you did,you did it cos you have parents that care less about what you do and support evil i always know actors and actresses that come from a good home.

Focus on your career and be careful next time, pride seems to be your biggest problem as you seem full of yourself, Etinosa idemudia nude video.

I don't care for your cheap story or lesson and your cheap fame. Nobody wants to hear this story again. This girl knows what she is doing That's so cheap Nonsense,you weren't drunk,u did it knowingly,u really know don't say u are under any influence of anything. Madam say no to drug abuse, now you don see wetin substance don do you, anyway the deed has been done, Etinosa idemudia nude video, outgrow. Shayo Na bastard Thank God you have moved on dear, beautiful Etinosa.

It is very obvious u were conscious when u pulled this stunt. Well you dont need to explain yourself, it was out there in Etinosa idemudia nude video open. You are still a foolish girl. But way before the incident happened, she left a message on his Instagram saying that she was going to strip for him.

Take that decision today. I see! This is not about you getting married in the future, it is about your legacy, what example re you replicating for your future kid if you do have one, the now generation and future generation, Etinosa idemudia nude video, its the internet babe.

Accept him today.

Etinosa goes nude while making a short video to advertising a skin product – Nigergossip

Your email address will not be published. Last friday night with Mc Etinosa idemudia nude video was boring all thanks to y'all hypocrites, Etinosa idemudia nude video. U are very sick for lying under the influence of alcohol.

I'm so sad??? Another thing we de for inside dis tori. Don't procrastinate. It sure sounds like you've got no morals. Is it even proper to be going around now granting interviews. Trying time indeed. Do you know how many people get drunk each day? I wish u all the best. Tomorrow may be too late.

Fresh Video Of Actress Etinosa Surfaces After Nudity Scandal

While Etinosa totally denied being the one in the video. They are so supportive indeed I didn't expect you to say less. I just had to keep quiet and move on. Drunk indeed,but, Etinosa idemudia nude video, you didn't forget to close your door? To blame alcohol,anger,our pastors just wen we fail show Zonia are not ready to grow in nigeria.

He is Lord and the coming King. Dat one no still stop Etinosa idemudia nude video to share some of di correct plans wey she get for her future as she dey move on wit her life. Etinosa or whom ever u call urself, stop milking the last drops of fame out of your shameful act, we have heard.

Let's all say positive words and close this issue. Indiangal9 March 16, He revealed a chat he had with Etinosa asking him to come and save her from Spiderman Wenceslao Galaxy see here. Africa is so freaked about marriage. I pray God guide you through. They say the act was intentional and she should take responsibility for her actions. Stop pinning this on alcohol, Etinosa idemudia nude video, na you be de 1st to get drunk?

These are the top The month of July sees several Nigerian hitmakers drop dope songs, hard to select but these are our top Jesus saves, Etinosa idemudia nude video. Stupid Edo girl.

God bless you. God, Etinosa idemudia nude video, what is this world turning into. It will damn affect your marriage! The month of November 배닷ㄴ with a lot of good songs from Nigerian artistes, from Blaqbonez to Reminisce and others Though a sad month in the music industry, however, Nigeria artistes served some good songs.

Etinosa explain real reason why she naked for MC Galaxy Instagram live video

British-Nigerian man sentenced to 12 years imprisonment in UK for raping woman as she walked home. However, the deed has been done, Etinosa idemudia nude video. Simply put, drink responsibly. He is the way. Etinosa explain real reason why she naked for MC Galaxy Instagram live video. Was she drunk then too?

They probably weren't surprised or disappointed because of how they raised you. And Etinosa idemudia nude video your information, you might not be to hold down any viable position home and abroad because this is how your alcohol stupidity comes back to hunt and hurt you, I hope this teaches you and others a huge lesson.

Na true my sis. I just had to keep calm and keep my head up high.