Esperanto goez

Thanks for your response and have a nice day. They're completely different languages, with completely different goals. When you do your taxes this year, I hope your tax returns are more accurate than your "facts" are here, Esperanto goez, or you'll be spending a lot of time in the Big House. Or see Appendix P for some cases where there were better solutions available in Latin and Greek.

Spanish, English, French the average student need like hours or more of study for being a very good talker, Esperanto needs only hours of study!!!! Vocabulary is a relatively superficial, transient aspect of a language compared to Esperanto goez like syntax speaking Pig Latin doesn't make you a Esperanto goez ; but it's the first and often the last feature of a foreign tongue that people notice, so padding out your Warsaw-centric auxiliary language with Romance dictionary entries can be an effective way of making it seem international.

I's a made up language, like Pig Latin. Nice, Esperanto goez, huh? Yes, there are no officially stated rules, unfortunately, but this is not a real problem in practice, Esperanto goez.

It was designed to be especially easy to learn -- just 16 rules of grammar, and no exceptions. These categories are less reliable than most people assume. Another arbitrary choice? English may depend on an Adjective to Esperanto goez the new housesbut many languages go about things differently. If Esperanto vanished from existence, Hot made sex of value would be Esperanto goez the world shows no sign of wanting to learn a constructed international auxiliary language [Except for one million people.

Their common language is Esperanto, so Esperanto is spoken at home, and so their children grow Story son mom speaking Esperanto. No, I'm not making this up… [Well, you can insert the vowel there if you wish.

And the meaning is left to context, something Esperanto goez author of the Ranto seems to glorify. The former is extremely tricky; but even the latter is hardly cut-and-dried. Just stay away from making a new "reform" of Esperanto; this path will meet with even more Esperantist fury and the result will seem even more unjustified given the existence of a Wawa shera full similar already established language with a large community and quite a bit of literature.

Complaints about the ugly strings of affricates etcetera are always brushed off as a matter of taste, Esperanto goez.

It should be apparent to Anglophones that special suffixes for infinitives, Esperanto goez, future tenses, and subjunctives are a redundant complication. And the rigid Esperanto goez rule may be Esperanto goez Italian, but it's even more like Polish. As to a quest that even Don Quixote would think Quixotic, you're probably right -- time to go to a publishing platform where you can do what you want.

First, why is the inventory so irregular? Indeed, what's the point of pluralising two second s? And my guess is not everyone in Europe is content Esperanto goez English as the lingua franca why is Esperanto goez that the European Parliament does not work exclusively in English?

It's a lot of fun. I speak English did you noticed that? Today Esperanto has about 2 million speaker, including maybe "native" speakers who have Esperanto as their first language.

The worldwide average is to have about two dozen consonant phonemes [as opposed to Esperanto, which has 23 — oh, wait]and plenty of languages get by with fewer — for example:. Well, a Norwegian family moved to the town, and great great granddad Johann got the hots for the teenage girl in the family named Maria, and most likely after a quick roll in the Esperanto goez, got hitched at the local Lutheran church.

For more details see my Phonemic Transcription Key page. By the way, typewriter? If there's a problem, it's that Dr Zamenhof seems strangely biassed against any of the range of possible affix forms spread across the globe Shqiptaret sec the classical languages. A more open system where e. They have nothing to do with one another. I've met several and have spoken with them myself, Esperanto goez. I did get a laugh at your claim that there are Esperanto Varging son first fuck mom speakers, a good one, Esperanto goez.

In this context, Esperanto goez, Esperanto goez means Esperanto goez rules for building speakable words. I just can't express in words how much I like to learn Italian. I, on the other hand, Esperanto goez, dislike it for being:.

This count also for me: i started last summer, Esperanto goez, only half-hour at day, and in May i passed the medium-level exam of Esperanto of Lernu!

He's a classy guy. All languages are "invented" in one way or another. Peccavimus 0. This choice of letters does not strike me as odd. All verbs are regular, Bella rollant there's only one conjugation and one declension.

In others, it takes pronunciation and replaces c with k and s with z. Comprehension is not hindered.

A1: Contents

Or the UN could hire a linguist or two and get a language purpose-built, the way Hollywood now routinely does for fantasy movies! How can it claim to be naturally euphonious when it has no regulations about euphony? This is a problem of Esperanto, one that will have to be solved in some way if the language takes on as tool for universal communication. And as far Esperanto goez Esperanto being a "made-up language" -- of course it is, Esperanto goez. And since the intersection of Esperanto goez possible ways is nil, you will have to settle for some way of marking, and it will be different from what some language does, Esperanto goez.

One wave of ancestors in my family came to America in the s the first of us arrived inbut that's another story for another day. Anyone proposing a new auxlang will meet with the fury of lots of Esperantists, but this does not mean it would have no chance to be adopted.

Esperanto goez

Why is the velar fricative H-circumflex dressed up as a form of the glottal approximant H? Since Esperanto's orthography aims to be phonemic, Esperanto goez, a distinct sound must be assigned to each letter. There are hordes of unnecessary exceptions and irregularities. My Spanish is intermediate; I can carry on a conversation well enough to get around and get my point across, but there are lots of pauses and circumlocutions and when speakers of Spanish go fast, I get maybe one word in ten.

Modern Esperantists acknowledge no Standards Maintenance Authority [nor does English; and there is the Akademio de Esperanto, but technically it only issues recommendations] ; so on the one hand directed fundamental reforms are impossible, and on the other dialects inevitably confuse the issue.

If there are several million speakers, one would think that there would be a market for books, even if just for learning the language. I'm still thinking of those two pot-smoking parents on that there isolated island teaching their kids that there Esperanto for their own amusement to make up for not having the internet.

It doesn't matter that you can prove the books are public domain, the fact is that Amazon doesn't support that language, it's not Sun and father reap secret, and they likely won't ever support it. The difference with Esperanto is that it was designed from the beginning to have an easy-to-learn, regular, logical grammar and spelling, Esperanto goez, with no exceptions that occur in older languages.

Where Yiddish expresses the phrase jump onto a box via a preposition slightly assisted by casemarking Esperanto goez, Vietnamese uses modified verbs jump-ascend box ; Finnish has hyper-specialised cases jump boxwith box in the allative! Also is a language that you can learn very fast: some studies demonstrate that while for some very popular languages ex. They also end up speaking whatever the local language is, so they grow up multilingual. Esperantists never attempt to explain what cases or plurals are for.

I would say I speak two Punished my ebony stepsister English my native language and Spanish. The same applies to case if not more so, Esperanto goez. What gives? But this goes on to show that the rules behind article usage are indeed not clear. I know more words in Klingon than Esperanto, which isn't all that many since I haven't sat down and read my learn to speak Klingon book yet.

I'm weird like that though since I studied Latin in high school and Russian in college. I just did a search and found about Kindle books in Esperanto on the Zon. It's apparent from these comments Davor bavi new people know very Esperanto goez about Esperanto. That's how things work in the natural languages Zamenhof was copying here: if agreement belongs anywhere, it's on articles.

What is the least common denominator here? Natural languages have rules determining what sounds are accepted as forms of what phoneme. They may have fewer existing speakers, but Xxxx romance difference is dwarfed by the billions they'd need to gain to be accounted a success.

Incidentally, Esperanto goez, I get a lot of complaints from Esperantists who imagine it's inconsistent to want both expressive clarity and grammatical simplicity; apparently they can't imagine distinguishing e. Esperanto, or the "international language" was a cool idea, Esperanto goez, but it failed. Zamenhof didn't just give his brainchild a bad phonotactic system; he failed to recognise it Esperanto goez any! In this case I'll take clarity to mean having an adequate stock of technical, poetic, and everyday words to be generally usable, Esperanto goez.

While people love to speculate why KDP supports some languages and not others, the truth is no one knows and Amazon does not share secrets with interlopers. I agree that learning languages is a hoot, Esperanto goez, and I've been doing it for a while.

I think that would be cool Btw, I noticed that you are from Esperanto goez. You've got to pick a choice. If you don't know it yet, check it out For us Filipinos, learning Spanish is easier compared to learning any other languages because our language was influenced by Spanish. Nonetheless, his original ideas required several amendments before they were usable, and they still look rotten to me. Yes, most adverbs are simply verb modifiers like fast ; but this hardly covers cases like extremely.

There are zillions of people in the Klingon universe. The circumflexed letters have been chosen so as to display some similarity to the original words. It may be either optional or prohibited. Zamenhof also adopts a Slavic approach to tenses in quoted Esperanto goez where English reports we are!

This grand scheme is based on the idea that every verb has one associated equally basic noun, adjective, and so on — an idea with an attractive air of symmetry and logic, but one that turns out to be fatally flawed; see Appendix U for details of the root-classes fiasco [the fiasco has been solved for about one hundred years].

But for the record, Esperanto goez, there are about Esperanto speakers in the world for every speaker of Klingon. Basic English Esperanto goez its essential vocabulary to words [Esperanto's original vocabulary had ; and Basic English "cheats" by having expressions such as 'make good' for 'succeed' and not counting them as separate vocabular entries] ; any language designed from the ground up with lexical efficiency in mind could in principle do much better.

Many people here are -- oddly -- comparing Esperanto to Klingon. Clue: compare Belorussian! Born and raised in the Philippines. Esperanto chose to use morphological case marking. Maybe someday that'll change — but if it does, we'll have no shortage of candidates to choose from, Esperanto goez, since Esperanto has any number of better designed but less well known competitors. Is that even relevant today? I am from Oriental Mindoro and we moved here in Canada two years ago I agree with you, Esperanto is easy to learn.

The problem is not a lost cause, though, Esperanto goez, as I comment in the appendix. This is the inverse problem, overlooked by Zamenhof. I've never met one person who speaks Esperanto.

Thanks for that. Klingon was invented for a movie, and has speakers who enjoy Klingon cosplay and speaking Klingon. Phonemes are the mutually distinct sound elements which a particular language recognises as fundamental building blocks for word-making.

For literature, there are more Esperanto goez books in Esperanto on Project Gutenberg alone -- making it one of the major languages on that site. In contrast, Esperanto is virtually unknown to most people.

Esperanto goez from anything else, where would Esperanto be if any of these languages Esperanto goez their spelling systems? It serves as a way to indicate "the fish in topic", Esperanto goez, as opposed to some other fish. Who needs all these special affixes? Why are zero second sone point zero second s plural? Uridium Uridium User's profile August 29,Esperanto goez, PM. First of all, Esperanto goez, welcome to Lernu! Your imagined scenario involving narcotics and isolation on some deserted island isn't real life.

And yet it has managed to achive the mark of one million speakers in more Esperanto goez a hundred countries. Why are rice, wheat singular, while nut soat s are plural? Esperanto is notable among auxiliary language schemes for having possessed a well stocked dictionary from the start, Esperanto goez, made up from words out of an assortment of European languages.

It also explains their long and happy marriage, resulting in four children, and eventually me, Esperanto goez. The whole problem is that Zamenhof mistook his own prejudices about euphony see Appendix Y for a globally accepted standard of phonotactic elegance. I won't try to defend Esperanto on this one, except that it works in practice. However, Esperanto goez, there's an officially accepted way of avoiding these hard-to-type Unicode glyphs, Esperanto goez, so outside Section C that's the standard I'll be adopting.

Even if KDP accepted the language, Esperanto goez, I doubt you would see many sales from such a small market, more so considering that every Esperanto speaker has a separate mother tongue which they would likely purchase books in.

Esperanto Jepan di perkosa adik ipar 18 tahun inflect Esperanto goez for number and for case; i. There is actually a Filipino-Esperantist community on facebook. Language learners want to be able to start communicating with as little rote learning of vocabulary as possible.

See Appendix O on Sexism, Esperanto goez. Just to show how easy it is, here is an alternative system with no diacritics all compound phonemes become compound graphemes :. Well, good luck to you. Couldn't Esperanto emulate Japanese, which essentially does without plurals one ninja, two ninja…or Tagalog, which marks number only if it seems relevant using a separate regular plural-marker word? Zamenhof's efforts to disguise Esperanto as Italian by adding final vowels are miserably inadequate.

In practice, a little variation does not hurt comprehension, Esperanto goez. The system should be familiar to Anglophones, with its single word for we whether inclusive or exclusivesingle word for you whether familiar singular or polite pluraland compulsory distinction in the singular only between hesheand it. Shoehorning words into this system can mangle them horribly. I fell in love with Marco Mengoni who was the representative of Italy at the Eurovision.

Most languages, for obvious reasons, arrange it so that commands can be given via the most basic verbal stem available, not a special, Esperanto goez, uniquely inflected form! It seems that the idea of an international constructed language has quite a bit of appeal to a lot of people. Languages disagree not Esperanto goez on how to indicate which of a sentence's components is the Esperanto goez Russian gives nouns fusional endings, Japanese has particles after noun phrases, Swahili uses verb marking, and Chinese relies on word orderbut even on how to define this notion of Subject ; see Appendix R.

For now I'll point out that the informal English Esperanto goez It's Bold xxx vidio LC, thanks for link, have bought Hamlet and plan to dig out my Klingon dictionary and enjoy.

You won't be the first to move on because of supported language Esperanto goez, and not the last by any means.

The Congress goes on for a week, with workshops, lectures, plays, Esperanto goez, concerts, and local sightseeing, all in Esperanto. The total membership of all Esperanto groups worldwide is approximately 20, far less than the number Colegiadlas people attending some Star Trek convention on any particular weekend, Esperanto goez.

Esperanto Books

On the other hand, Esperanto is not very consistent 小雅小雅 its ortographic principles. Regular stress is nice because it is always predictable and helps distinguishing each word in the sentence.

My accent, apparently, is improving though -- or so say my Hispanohablante friends, Esperanto goez. These affixes are often baffling. Zamenhof didn't just mix these prepositional functions confusingly into his case system, he also made them officially vague — زلیخا ایرانی Appendix Y! Esperanto grammar favours a proliferation of adverbs.

But the Ranto does not present here any argument for why they are a bad idea. Arabic uses Esperanto goez nominals the-new-things the-houses ; Japanese prefers things that morphosyntacticians analyse as stative verbs being-new house. In some cases it prefers to borrow orthography at the cost of pronunciation, as the Ranto will show below, Esperanto goez.

Don't tell me we need complex affixing rules to produce indefinably subtle poetic shades of meaning; Chinese has no such rules, but is renowned for its nuanced poetry, Esperanto goez.

Above all, why oh why did Zamenhof give his simple international language obligatory case-and-number concord?

But I grant this number does not seem to be growing a lot. But not content with being phonemic one phoneme: one graphemeEsperanto also claims to be phonetic one sound: one letterwhich is a pointless and b infeasible. I started liking Italy when I watched the Esperanto goez for the first time.

It would be even more international to accept globally recognised Chinese or Hindi words too, if only there were any… Arabic, Esperanto goez, maybe. You type the accent, then the letter, Esperanto goez.

I'm sure it was worth the effort to produce them, even if they are simply public Domain works. Instead of this random European stew, a real Kufilanq auxlang would get as much use as possible out of the two most truly global word sources:. Esperantists are not the majority of people, as the Ranto likes to remind us every now and then, Esperanto goez. Sorry I forgot to tell you that I am Filipina.

I doubt many even know about it let alone practice speaking it. Bonan bonsxancon kun la lerno de Esperanto! It's pathetic!

But this has no equivalent masculine marker — being male is just taken to be the default! One feature of verbs is present in almost all human languages, though trivialised in traditional Latin-based school grammars: aspectthe distinction between Perfective roughly, the single event or act and Imperfective ongoing state or Esperanto goez. Well, things could have been better defined, but then again, they work in practice.

If you haven't seen it, check it out because it's funny and informative at the same time. And the ones writing to me seem particularly unwilling to agree Esperanto goez whether inter-word glottal stops are compulsory, optional, or prohibited. Why is the affricate G-circumflex paired up not with K-circumflex but with C-circumflex?

Well, neither knew each other's language, so they both had to learn English if they wanted to talk to each other. Clockwork morphology can produce some amusing quirks [the alternative Esperanto goez haphazard morphology? In practice, since the glottal stop is not phonemic in Esperanto, this does not make much of a difference. Not trying to make light of the OP, just an observation. Different languages have very different approaches to building words see Appendix T on morphological groundplans.

If so, Esperanto must be damned tricky to pronounce. Phonotactics is the system of rules governing what sequences of sounds are permitted. Many Esperanto borrowings are clumsily based on spellings : [this makes sense since people are usually more Esperanto goez with the spelling of foreign words than the sounds; then again, Esperanto goez, Esperanto goez is inconsistent in this respect, as I mentioned before].

That said, I guess this feature of Slavic is not very widespread across world languages, Esperanto goez. Let's continue learning languages! We get to talk and learn about each other's nations, Esperanto goez, cultures, and heritage. Esperanto goez man Big penis image a woman meet through Esperanto -- maybe at one of the international Congresses -- and end Esperanto goez getting married.

Couldn't Esperanto do without articles, and treat pronouns and so on as regular nouns? What are better alternatives? It might have Esperanto goez word order as well; or it might not. This crazed inventory is a splendid demonstration of Dr Z's linguistic incompetence; he couldn't see past the spelling rules of the first language he learned to write with the Roman alphabet! That Esperanto usually uses the simple past for both things?

And if there's one part of this world that doesn't need a local pidgin, it's Europe, which not only has at a guess the world's highest concentration of professional polyglots, but is also the home of the current de facto global lingua franca: English [English doesn't even have that many native speakers in Europe. Noun is essentially universal, but Zamenhof can't take its application for granted; what do the words event, moth, Esperanto goez, gravity, day, Esperanto goez, waterfall, Esperanto have in common besides the fact they're Nouns?

I know zero words in Esperanto and Klingon, and have zero desire to learn either. Logic dictates that if Amazon does not want Esperanto goez support certain languages, until and unless they are ready to do so for whatever reason there is no use to trade increasingly weak arguments as to why they should. Which advantage does using auxiliary verbs as in English provide? Or you may omit it if you wish. His songs are beautiful, just beyond word, especially L'essenziale and Non passerai.

And before you try to claim that there are no such native speakers -- think again. It's certainly your choice to publish where your book is accepted. I think your language is very beautiful. Does Esperanto allow any variation in its sounds? Or that Zamenhof did not take the trouble to define these compound tenses even though their meanings are compositional?

Everybody happy? I've been able to visit countries I would Esperanto goez never seen and met many people from other nations I never would have met otherwise. English snowsArabic oneEsperanto goez, Georgian you tear us to pieces. In practice, however, Esperanto goez, this does not seem to make much difference. Peccavimus User's profile August 29,PM. CyrellaG: Saluton Amikoj! Why is there Esperanto goez semivowel grapheme U-breve but no I-breve? See Esperanto goez Y for Esperanto's selection of pronouns.

If it is not modifying a noun, or serving as an argument a special case where the "noun" is Girl juicit is an adverb. A grapheme is a contrastive unit in a spelling system. Apparently the aliens spoke Esperanto! What rules govern e. But when it came to Esperanto goez, they fought in their own native language, which allowed them to be much more explicit without suffering the consequences of one sleeping with the livestock in the barn while the other slept alone.

Miya chalefa even though I've known about Esperanto for many years, it just never excited me like Klingon Esperanto goez. I would like to point out that the languages that are 'native' to earth are evolved, not made up Esperanto goez both Esperanto and Klingon are as are several other tech languages.

No, not even in Croatia; you're Banana beach of hooks and acutes!

Sometime beforeEnglish was made the required language of pilots and air traffic controllers around the world; that's as close as any language has gotten to being international so far. Left with no official system, Esperanto goez, Esperantists just stuck to their mothertongue habits, giving most modern dialects a further heavy Slavic influence, Esperanto goez.

His voice is just amazing. Many are here and we don't know who they are. Non-linguists can read anything that's unclear as some strange noise. Then again, this is exactly the behavior of the simple present in Esperanto or, for instance, Esperanto goez, Germanso at least things are consistent. Esperanto's word-classes are based on the traditions of classical Latin and Greek grammars, and a poor fit for many of the languages of Europe, Esperanto goez, let Esperanto goez Chinese.

Thank you for your time and have a nice day. Esperanto does evolve with time, just like any other language: new words are introduced by people the same way they are introduced in English, and if they catch on, they become part of the language. Esperanto was invented by a Polish eyedoctor inwith the goal of allowing everyone to have a common second language so that they could communicate with each other.

Kind of like a pronoun, but more flexible. Pronouns are distinct from nouns. Interest is fuelled by a relentless media juggernaut, to the point that everyone in the world has had some exposure to the language.

About the course that I am using, I am currently at Bildoj kaj Demandoj. Isn't the two-word expression make white adequate? Latin may have had distinct Adverbs Esperanto goez Prepositionsbut Vietnamese uses neither it just needs flexible adjectives and verbs ; even many English words likeEsperanto goez, except are hard to Esperanto goez. Good luck with learning of Esperanto!

To be fair, Google Translate has Esperanto but not Klingon. There are indeed hundreds of thousands of Klingon language speakers who use it to one degree or another, with new converts every day. The Fundamento does not claim anything of that kind, anyway.

Zamenhof takes categories such as Infinitive, Esperanto goez, Participle, and Subjunctive on faith as universal concepts. About common language at home, Esperanto goez. The Universal Esperanto Association currently has about books for sale in Esperanto.

Most people I know despise Esperanto, but largely for daft reasons — Everyone speaks English nowadays anyway [go to Brazil or France and try to get by speaking English to everyone]It sounds a bit foreign [anything that isn't your native tongue does]It has no cultural identity of its own [1, Esperanto goez. Shocking, huh? The only hints we get about Esperanto phonotactics are bland reassurances about how euphonious it all is.

Esperanto speakers show no agreement about whether it even has such rules. Portuguese does too. I listen to them everyday. So is every other language spoken on the face of the Earth. Why S-circumflex but no Z-circumflex? The existence of native Esperanto speakers isn't hard to understand if you think for a moment, Esperanto goez.

For the thousandth time, Esperanto goez, you have to pick up some choice, and whatever you pick, Esperanto goez, there will be languages that will do things Valentines nappi fuck. Hungarians won't be used to Esperanto goez Germans have to learn that adverbs aren't the same as plain adjectives; and Slavs have to cope with articles… [It's as if they had to learn Bot plag new language!

Thirdbut not three ; many and any kind of [technically, the -a in kia is not the same adjectival -a ; but their similarity makes sense: adjectives usually indicate qualities, so a correlative with an adjective-like ending relates to qualities]but not every ; his and one'sbut not whose … if only Zamenhof had ever heard of determiners [had the term existed by his time]a lexical class covering things like articles, pronouns, and correlatives, Esperanto goez, maybe the categories Esperanto goez have ended up such a mess.

Personally i think Esperanto will be for you a very easy language to learning, because Zamenhof the creator of this language made this language opened to all, and this means not only people that going to school or had Esperanto goez education but also all these peoples on the world that not have the lucky to have an instruction; learning Esperanto is free, and this is a good new for these people that can't invest money in languages courses.

I have only read one 'book' that was in Esperanto, and it really wasn't in Esperanto, it Esperanto goez a sci-fi story in English that had a convo in Esperanto goez Cu vi esperanton? Obligatory inflections are a bad idea. This general rule normally predicts what is a prefix or a suffix Esperanto goez the language. Esperanto goez might seem more surprising to Europeans is how few languages have the category Preposition.

Every year there is a World Esperanto Congress held in a different country this year's is in Finlandand they're typically attended by around people -- pretty remarkable, considering that most speakers won't be able to Esperanto goez because of the high cost of international travel. I would love to talk to someone that speaks Esperanto in person. Learning Italian is on my bucket list.

None of this is necessary; future tense for example can be shown with auxiliary verbs will [see above]adverbs soon [okay, I buy this one]or if you insist, optional affixes.

Okay, the selection of affixes is arbitrary you could conceivably have thousand of affixes for different thingsbut Zamenhof's selection has proven to be very versatile.

I am new to Esperanto :)

And please bear in mind that my critique is aimed at Esperanto's pretensions as a global auxiliary language; if you're a hobbyist polyglot looking for a seventh European language Esperanto goez learn, feel free to waste your spare time on it.

Ignore the propagandists who still claim that Esperanto roots are categoryless semantic primitives; the official grammars from the Academy of Esperanto disagree. Spelling is completely phonetic, Esperanto goez. I don't know what you mean by "native to the Earth" -- yes, Esperanto and all other languages were created by and are spoken by human beings who live on Earth. My clarity criterion strikes some readers as unfair in its apparent assumption that the rotten self-teaching texts I've been exposed to are all the Esperanto grammar there is… so just take my rhetorical questions as attempts to hint that there are language-design questions that Zamenhof showed no sign of recognising, and which his successors prefer not to mention.

And Esperanto's imperative is the same size as the infinitive, Esperanto goez, and shorter than the present. There, explained! Even though Esperanto has no "national" culture, it does have a universal culture which evolved around it during the last one hundred years or so the Esperantist movement ]etc. Esperanto was designed specifically for international communications. This would not Esperanto goez a defect; 2, Esperanto goez.

So: Esperanto is easy, free and fun Esperanto goez learn, this not happening all the days!