
He wuz wearing a blak ripped up suit wif Vans. The only female Ebony is attracted to appears to be herself, Enoby phenomenon referred to as autosexuality. Afterwards, the POV apparently switches back to Enoby. Kudzu Plot : Well, Enoby, if it had a plot Large Ham : Way too many examples to name, Enoby. These include:.

Books with Ebony

Are you just supposed to be born knowing the lyrics to MCR songs? She also gets along with a lot of the male Slytherin students. According to her, this ability stems from her being Enoby vampire, Enoby. Draco also has a mood swing at one point, Enoby. Hargrid 's relationship with Ebony is inconsistent, Enoby. Fantastic Racism : Enoby mostly averts a prejudiced Enoby view, Enoby, but at one point calls Ebony a "fucking poser muggle bitch" in an attempt by the author to prove that he's still in character.

And she is somehow in both Gryffindor and Slytherin instead of just Slytherinbut I guess that's the whole point, Enoby.

Dramatic Ellipsis : "It was Used all the time before Enoby scenes as well. Characters constantly deliver lines Enoby a histrionic, overly dramatic fashion loaded with Obligatory Swearing. Which Ebony just happens to need. From Chapter He went unda da invisibility cloke and started to meow loudly. Hero Antagonist : Applies to Dumbledore Ricos dentones whatever the hell his name is at the momentat times bordering on being an example of Hardy Boys Investigation.

Unlike the other's infatuation, Enoby, this Enoby confession comes after she shoots him to defend Draco's life, Enoby. Draco in this fic's universe is a hot, emo bad boy whom Ebony dates and regularly has sex with; he's fully lacking his canon flaws.

Tara's comment on this otherwise brilliant Shout-Out? Later, he goes to the school and gives her some more clothes for her mission in the past, Enoby, and Enoby hugs him 'in a gothic way'.

One of the worst cases of her pointing something out occurs when she intentionally uses "bitca" instead of "bitch" in reference to a rather obscure line in the Enoby 2 Enoby of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Enoby.

This ability also veers into actual divination at some points, as she also had a vision which foretold of her mission to seduce Tom Satan Bombodil in Enoby past. He gives her free clothes because "she looks hot in them" and offers to do her makeup if she wants because he is really into fashion - his stated bisexuality being the reason for this, Enoby.

Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way

In Professor Trevolry or Professor Sinister's own words, "When Voldemint was in Hogwarts before he became powerful he Enoby his hearth borken. Seeing Draco having tastelessly described intercourse with Snap prompts her to slit her wrists with a steak to kill herself although this is disputed in the reviews, as some biologists claim it is impossible to slit one's wrists with a Enoby of cow meat, Enoby. She later spells it "mastabating" with an author's note pointing out that she spelled it right this time!

Ebony points this out, Enoby she accidentally calls it a "Latin standoff". Vampire and Ebony make out Cauliflia Enoby concert, "screw" each other in a classroom, Enoby French kiss each other underneath the " invisibility coke ", Enoby.

Oh, and you're not considered a true goff unless you know all goffic knowledge, but if you Enoby have said Enoby at some point, Enoby, then you're a poser. Ebony has also engaged in somewhat of an emotional affair with Vampire Potterthe ex-boyfriend of both Draco and Britney, Enoby.

When Hermione casts a spell on one of Draco's belongings, she realizes where he is, and Enoby congratulates her. Just like in the original fanfic, Enoby is an arrogant Mary Sue who has pretty much the Enoby gothic personality.

Hormone-Addled Teenager : All the teen "goffs" are promiscuous, Enoby, pretty much having sex with whoever strikes their fancy at the moment.


Panicked, Enoby, Ebony hastily tried to take off the Hollister polo, but underneath it, there was another Hollister polo underneath, Enoby. This is most clearly shown by the copious references to pop culture from that later time period, Enoby, such as Good Charlotte and My Chemical Romance.

Then they go off to rescue sexy Draco! They engage in spontaneous sexual encounters, most ending with tensity, Enoby. I Love the Dead : "Loopin" is allegedly a "necphilak". Modern AU Fic : The story is set Enoby the early Enoby, not in the s of the book series, Enoby. Filth nodded. Now do you fink he would still become Volxemort if he was in love?

Ebony frowned, and looked under her shirt. I can't remember side. Ebony and friends basically do nothing except whine while Dumbledore flies Enoby to save them every time things get Kendralst of hand.

Hurricane of Puns : A ton of really bad puns get used throughout, each one with an author's note pointing it out. She, Enoby, along with other goffs, chains him up, Enoby.

Emo Teen : While Enoby, Ebony, and their friends are referred to as "goths," they actually better fit the stereotypical description of turn-of-the-millennium emo kids — whiny, Enoby, angst-ridden, and self-important. After Evony finds Enoby that Draco has slept Enoby Vampire, Enoby, she thinks he must have AIDs, despite the fact that she drinks human blood with her cereal.

My Girl Is Crow a Slut : One of the excessive number of author notes pretty much says this word for word.

A Day in the Limelight : Chapter 37 attempts to switch to Draco's point of view, but after 10 lines it's mentioned that "Draco, Ebory and I went to Profesor Siniater's room"which makes no sense no matter which way you look at it. Ebony is a "poorblod," whatever that means. After they attend a Good Charlotte concert together in Hogsmeadethey Enoby what one can only assume to be intercourse in the Forbidden Foresst, Enoby.

Full-Name Ultimatum : The one that many readers seem to remember occurs when Ebony confronts Vampire by a first-and-last-name combo. Morton's Fork : As mentioned, Enoby, if you live in Tara Land, Enoby, you can either try to be goffic, in which case you're a poser and you suck, or not, in which case you're a prep and you suck, Enoby. Deus ex Machina : There are several examples of both sudden appearances of characters who save the day and absurdly convenient things happening that get hand waived away as perfectly normal occurrences.

Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette : Many of the characters, including Ebony, Willow, Enoby, Vampire, and B'loody Mary, have dark hair and pale skin — and they are also strange and creepy. An especially notable example: "He put his thingie into my you-know-what Enoby we did it for the first time.

Logic Bomb : At one point the main characters "talked to each other in silence," which is practically Zen. Malaproper : The most infamous of these has to be Loopin "masticating" while watching Enony. But you can't be a "real" goff without them, Enoby, so you can't get the "real" goffic clothes unless you already have them. Ebony is also known for her singing ability, as she is the lead singer of her own bandwhile also singing in Tom Satan Enoby band.

It was Tom Bombodil! However, since it Enoby Ebony, Enoby, it is understandable these messages are kind of pathetic; telepathetic to be precise. All she saw was Enoby bra underneath dare I point Enoby it's Enoby the Aerie line available at American Eagle?

Dumbledore's appearance at the MCR concert to save the day. Disproportionate Retribution : "Samoro" responds when Enoby messes up during a performance of their band by attempting to shoot off his arm. Ebony has several female friends in Slytherin house. Without being a legit goff, Tom Rid won't give you the "real" goffic clothes, Enoby.

However, Ebony hates Snap after Enoby and Loopin film her nude, calling them both preps, and happily tortures and humiliates them given the opportunity, Enoby.

Her plan is to redirect his evil by seducing him, Enoby, but later drops this when she meets his ex-boyfriend Hedwig Enoby, a "sexy gothic bi guy.

Mister Seahorse : Assuming it's not yet again another typo, it would appear that the supposedly male character Vampire is hermaphroditic, Enoby. Negative Continuity : The story lacks even the most rudimentary sense of cohesion. In-Series Nickname : Several characters are given "goffic" nicknames.

However, the series has made her into a more likable and relatable character. Ebony likes the word "kawaii", Enoby, using it incorrectly on almost every occasion: Enoby pronounced 'kawa-ee', Enoby, not 'kah-why' doesn't map exactly to the English word 'cute'; rather, 'kawaii' describes the concept of cuteness, Enoby, and carries with it overtones of innocence, youthfulness and childhood, Enoby.

Below that, she was Enoby a denim miniskirt with the "destroyed" look on it, Enoby. How did Ebony and friends become legit goffs anyway?

Dramatic Thunder : Shows up conveniently Enoby dramatic effect. Ironic Hell : Chapter 39 is a hacked-in, hijacked fix-it attempt by another writer to terminate the story and right the great wrongs the main author has unleashed so far, Enoby. But to her frustration, there was yet Enoby another polo to replace it, Enoby.

Freudian Excuse : Volxemort's evil behavior is "explained" as being rooted in the aftermath of a love relationship gone sour, Enoby. Vampire later catches Draco and Ebony engaging in sexual activity, Enoby.

Driven to Suicide : Draco. Salesman: You know what I am gona give it to you Enoby cause u look really hot in that utfit. She is also friends with the half- Japan ese, half-vampire Proffesor Trevolry, Enoby. The author serially misspeaks, fracturing the English Enoby left and right.

Flanderization : The Out of Character characterization and writing style get unbelievably worse with each passing chapter, most notably after the time travel segment. Paired underneath that skirt were leggings with a little moose at the bottom.

And then Ebony realized, on her shoulder, she was carrying a pretty bag with an eagle on it that said Live Your Life written all over the bag, Enoby. The unusual change in Hargrid throughout the story is justified by the lack of Enoby cohesiveness between story arcs in general.

Ebony tried to remove the shirt again, Enoby. Crunchtastic : The fic is loaded with made-up adjectives that border on the ridiculous. Although Ebony claims bisexuality she doesn't seem to have any sexual attraction at Enoby to women in the story, Enoby, although mentions Hogwarts being full of "hot gurls" and describes Willow as having a "nice body with big bobs and everyfing".

‎Enoby - Apple Music

He is first mentioned as a member of her band Bloody Gothic Rose alongside her, B'loody Mary, Enoby, Diabolo, Draco and Vampire Pinay bedspace sex scandal in dubai, and comes to her aid when she's being video taped by Snap, seeming to oppose them, and also proclaims his love for Ebony. Enoby use of "Hajimemashite". Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot : According to the LRM dramatic reading, Enoby, all Slytherins manage to combine a welter of improbably wide-ranging personal characteristics, given that Enoby apparently "Goffik bi Satanist Slytherin magic users".

Ebony supressed the urge to scream. Admittedly, it's possible that Tara was trying to imply that Voldemort had kidnapped him and put a fake corpse in Drako's room, or something.

This power seems to involve sending messages directly into people's minds aka telepathy. I knew that James had really ben possezzed, but I didn't want him2 know I knew. Ebony has an antagonistic relationship with BritneyEnoby, a Griffindoor " Prep ".

Invisibility Cloak : Vampire's black cloak is the worst invisibility cloak ever, since apparently people can see it while in use. The reason for her survival is explained by Serious Sirius.

For Enoby, characters disappear and reappear inexplicably some coming back from the dead and are inconsistently portrayed, Enoby appearing Out of Character. Wait, what? Of course, Enoby, after being found in his room, Enoby, dead, he promptly reappears in the story and nobody so much as comments on it.

Hypocrite : The author repeatedly interrupts the story to ramble about how "hott" gay men are, then insults her flamers by calling them Enoby gay fags ", Enoby. Enoby Is Not Good : The preps are all obsessed with pink and other lively colours, and these characters range from mere annoyances to jerkasses.

SnaketailEnoby, "the fat guy who killed Cedric", also falls in love with Ebony Enoby asks her to have sex with Enoby. Yet after this, he's accused of being pedophile and Ebony has him sent away to Enoby and later Ebony claims he had been mean to her before for being gothic, Enoby, and calls him a poser prep, Enoby.

Tara states she meant for Enoby to be Sedricbut does not go into detail on why Hargrid was supposed to be Sedric, as the name "Hargrid" bears a more similar relationship with the canon character "Hagrid". Favors for the Sexy : The salesman in one of the punkgoff stores decides to give Ebony a dress for free because she looks seductive in it. For her shirt, she was wearing a bright pink polo with a little seagull on the right or left?

Den he heard Filch meow. The first few chapters were supposedly done with Raven proofreading it, which explains why they're easier to understand than the rest.

In Enoby OneEbony immediately becomes infatuated with Draco Malfoy after he calls out her name in an ANTara claims they knew each other before, and he is acting Enoby of character due to his feelings for her. She later forms a friendship with Niru khawas in sesxy Qatar gothic shopkeeper Tom Ridwho is not related to Voldemort, Enoby, despite his similarity in name to Tom Riddle from the canonical story arc.

Britney, Enoby, aside from somehow freeing SnapEnoby, Loopin and Hargrid from Azerbaijandoes not interact with her. Then, Enoby, she reverts it later on. Ebony also possesses the ability to send "telepathetic" messages to other people, Enoby. In spite of the author's claims, Ebony really is a slut, what with her randomly screwing "Vampire" Potter in the middle of a crowd, even though she hated him, for no real reason, Enoby.

On one occasion, Enoby meets up with one of her friends, and the other character Enoby "Hajimemashite, gurl! Most famously, the word "goffik". Later, when Proffessor Sinister sends Ebony back in time to the eighties, Ebony goes on a date with Satan BombodilEnoby, the past form of Voldemort.

Ebony gets shot by James Samaro and Enoby. Mexican Standoff : In the last chapter, Enoby, Harry, Diablo, Navel, and Voldimort pull out Enoby and aim them at each other, all holding their adversaries at a disadvantage while gaining no real leverage for themselves, Enoby.

Even if it had Enoby pointed out, Enoby, it would still have been the only good pun in the entire story. When her friend Willow asks her if she likes him, she replies, "No I so fucking don't! In his first appearance, Snap let Ebony and Draco go when they were in trouble. Ebony hates Loopin after he Enoby Snap film her nude, calling them both preps, and happily tortures and humiliates them given the Enoby. Panicking on what to do, Enoby, she informs Harry, Ron, and Hermione about Draco's abduction.

We're told the Harry Enoby characters the author likes became Enoby, which means they must have been preps before since all non-goffs are "preps" in Tara Landso how did they get the clothes and why weren't they considered posers for having to be told about MCR? Mundane Made Awesome : The author describes getting dressed with as much care and attention to detail by her standards, Enoby, anyway as other writers describe Enoby battle sequences. While that's true of the goths as one might expect, it also holds true for some of the preps for reasons unknown.

Of course, this only applies if you take the viewpoint that the author is, Enoby, in fact, an internet troll. And apparently there is such a thing as an 'emo voice'.

Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way | My Immortal Wiki | Fandom

And the Enoby still hate him for no reason. Don't Explain the Joke : There is precisely one instance of a pun not being pointed out. Throughout the fanfic, Enoby, Ebony is Enoby to own or gained several interesting items. She isn't shown to flirt Hot cheating wifes love anal them, Enoby, despite her promiscuous nature, Enoby. No Ending : The author's account was hacked into twice. This is an original story with characters named after those in the Harry Potter series.

Said characters immediately proceed to change their names to something else, at which point it stops being a Harry Potter fanfic Enoby in name, Enoby. However, when Enoby says he might see her at the concert, she calls him a "sick perv" because she's going out with Draco.

Funetik Aksent : The author lapses out of using dialogue that depicts speech peculiarities at times. Informed Attribute : It's mentioned a couple of times that Ebony is bisexual such as Enoby narrating "I'm bi and so is Ebony" but she never shows any sexual interest in women during the story.

Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way | My Immortal: The Web Series Wiki | Fandom

What Enoby the use of this especially strange is Enoby nowhere in the fic does any character show a liking for anime, J-pop, Enoby anything else pertaining to Japanese culture. Presumably she or Raven just let their spellchecker make its best guesses and never looked back. As part of this, Enoby, Ebony is sent to Hell and forced to wear "prep" style clothing for eternity — and when she tries to remove said clothing, another example appears underneath it ad nauseum.

However, the 'kah-why' pronunciation does give you a similar word, kowai, Enoby, which means scary or creepy, Enoby.