Empolo enene uganda xxx

These tails. Empolo enene uganda xxx plantains have not fallen. Kyoto'nalya tosoka kwasama. Sula, throw ; sude.

Show me all the pieces-of-iron? That book is not thine. The river which flows [kulukuta] fast. Three swamps.

The Kade007 which he has asked for. That near thing is his. Similarly ' ekitabo kiri ekyabwe,' Dhae konten. What are the things like?

Observe that the I. Bring, leta. After the Negative : — Sirina kitabo, I have not a book. Y a laba, he saw. Those long tails. All three.

This work is great. N a laba, I saw. The rivers which we shall cross. One plantain-tree. Your arms. When you are talking of what will happen to-day and use the ' Far Future tense, it sounds as utter nonsense lo a Muganda, as to say I ' ' ' have gone instead of I shall go would sound to an Englishman. How many trees? Lesson XIX. The Relative. The five Empolo enene uganda xxx plantains are the king's. The hoe-handle, its iron piece.

The first person singular if the second syllable of the is only ' n root begins with n or ' ' ' m nyongede, I have increased. Bwanaba nga akomyewo, if he is expected in a few hours. How many things are there? Aaa or mmm. All the gourds are good, Empolo enene uganda xxx. They have not taken the bowl. They will We see us.

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A few of the immediately following lessons explain the general rules and principles ; the remainder merely state facts, because it is assumed that the learner will spend several days over each lesson. Form a 'j' similarly and practise — ju jaja jangu je jeje jo joga ju juju.

How many houses? Ekitabo, book. Banish English from your mind as far as possible ; also banish symbol? Then he may practice the following : — Exercise. The it. What are the things like? Ekitoke bwekirimala okukula, when the plantain shall have grown up.

Ekitabo kiruwa? Those books are not in the white bowl. Relative Obj. Lesson XXXI. Sing, e ki ntu e ki rungi, a good thing. Test these forms by your teacher they mean I see, thou seest, Empolo enene uganda xxx, he sees, Empolo enene uganda xxx, etc.

Or if the more definite construction with the auxiliary is used : — ebintu biri bimeka? Whenever n comes before the w, we have mp, not nw.

When you are talking of what will happen to-day and use the Far Future tense, it sounds as utter nonsense lo a Muganda, as to say ' I have gone ' instead of ' I shall China poran sex ' would sound to an Englishman.

The price which we have given [wade]. Biri bitano. These also should be carefully noted and practised. Go and bring the little books They are in the white bowl. The bunchlets are among the pieces-of-plantain bark. Bwaliba akomyewo, Empolo enene uganda xxx, if he is not expected until to-morrow or later. Bring the two pieces-of-iron, both are very long. I have not taken hold of the bowl.

The plantains are likely to fall. Those near trees. By a laba, they saw i. The iron, he has not struck it. This nice tail. Those near bunchlets. Is that hoe-handle thine? We did not see the book. A sen- tence which exceeds the above in complexity cannot be followed by the ordinary native. We did not see the book. The Yeasmina khan Verb.

Show me the bundnets, they are on the tall plantain. The forms for mine, thine, etc. Ekitabo kiki? These three short trees. This book of thine. His fireplace is little. Their work is large. My bunch is large. Where are the books? Kija kugenda, it is about to go. Those bad gourds of yours are large, Empolo enene uganda xxx.

All the consonants, except 1, w, y,1 and ng' may be either short or long. How is the doorway? This plantain does not grow [kula bulungi]. Bring one-piece-of green-plantain-bark. Your gourd. Empolo enene uganda xxx bunchlet is likely to fall. His things are nice. This book is long. Where are the plantain-trees which they are about to cut? As a further exercise of this nature, ask him to repeat the following proverbs until you can reproduce them, intonation and all, without knowing what they mean.

He did not strike the iron, Empolo enene uganda xxx. The snakes went like this. Sing, e ki tabo e ky eru, a white book. Relative Object. Gwa, fall; gude. If the Root is Reflexive, change ' oku ' to ' okw ' ; thus : — ebaka, sleep : okwebaka, to sleep. That over there is ours. Twala, take ; tute. Two tails are short. Go and ask for, genda osabe. Go and ask for some gourds.

Observe the order of words. The bowls are small. The large sugar-canes are Empolo enene uganda xxx. What are they Empolo enene uganda xxx What are they like? Bring the iron only. The commonest Auxiliaries are — :. Where are the pieces-of- iron? The singular forms present some difficulty : — Numeral. The year which came to an end [gwako]. My stick which he has taken. The adverb nyo ' takes its meaning trom the context : e.

Emiyini gyani? Europeans must be very careful in their use of the future tenses. Every substantive in Luganda the exceptions may at present be dis- regarded has such a prefix, one for the singular, and one for the plural ; and all substantives are divided into classes, according to their prefixes. The pieces-of-plantain-fibre have rotted. Mala, finish ; maze. He is not about to go. The cala- bashes are tall long.

Whose book? Where is the book which he wanted to ask for? Their piece-of-iron. This foot of mine is large. To make a verb negative, prefix te to the verb. How are the plantain-fibres? There is only one fireplace. That near value is large. The Negative Near Future is not given at present, as its formation is quite different from that of the positive tense, and is besides a little difficult.

My bowls are. Four gourds. Those near five sugar-canes of thine. In, inside, Mu. On, upon, Ku. The I. An adverbial expression is one that answers to one of the questions, How?

The king's plantains are growing. My plantains are not growing much. The bit-of-plantain-bark is short. My work is difficult [zibu], yours is easy [yangu], Empolo enene uganda xxx. Whose gourds are these? Two pieces-of-iron. The arm which he struck. Show me the pieces-of-iron which he wants to take [twala]. His piece-of-iron. Our fireplace. Bracketed forms before a vowel. All three. Va, go out ; vude.

Test these forms by your teacher : they mean — I see, thou seest, he sees, etc. Until you are sure of the native intonation, aim at a level tone. Go and bring the three sugar-canes. These little snakes. I want to finish beating Empolo enene uganda xxx iron.

The object always comes immediately before the verb, and the subject comes first : e. The Objective Prefixes are the same : e. To translate 'is not,' 'are not,' with adjectives or substantives as the predicate, use the single word ' si,' ' not' e. When an auxiliary verb is used, the Object Pronominal Prefix goes with the Principal Verb, not with the auxiliary, e.

The bowl is large. The two books of the king are large. You shall see us. Their books. Those three bowls are bad. The li —ma Class. Thy calabash is short ; mine is tall. Or if the more definite construction with the auxiliary is used : — ebintu biri bimeka? That piece-of-iron is long. We may now take another class : namely, that which expresses a trees and other objects of variable form, as also b those Empolo enene uganda xxx tend to produce life, Empolo enene uganda xxx, e.

Lesson XIII. I gave the master your note when as soon as he came back. The two long-pieces-of-iron are ours. The gu becomes gw, and the gi becomes gy before a vowel, Empolo enene uganda xxx.

Those two large calabashes of theirs. Kija kugenda, it is about to go. The use of this Initial Vowel is to denote a pause ; therefore if we give the noun by itself it must have the Initial Vowel ; no native could understand the word pronounced without it. This large plantain is mine. These sugar-canes will grow large [bulungi].

The two long-pieces-of-iron are ours. That snake goes very quickly. Lesson Empolo enene uganda xxx. Possessives continued. The bowl is about to fall.

This plantain is mine. He does not see. Kya mulenzi wange.

Elements of Luganda Grammar

These five white things are very tall. My fire. I want to finish beating the iron. Lesson XXX. Notes on this Class. Ebibya biri bisatu, there are only three bowls. I gave the master your note on his return. Biri bitano. In nearly every case they could be literally translated into '.

Ekitabo kyani? Go and bring a good sugar-cane. All the snakes died [fa]. The plantain- fibre which comes [ra] off [ku] the plantain. The iron which we strike, Empolo enene uganda xxx. These plantains are the king's ; their fibre plur. That piece-of- green-plantain-baik is short. After the salutation cornea series of short grunts, growing shorter and less loud, till they die away. Always make your sentences as simple as possible, and avoid a number of dependent sentences.

This book of thine. My pieces-cf-plaintain fibre. Ask for their pieces-of- iron. Very, or very much, Nyo. The ' a ' is always dropped before a vowel, especially the initial vowel. This value. Bring those large gourds. The following is a list of these possessives — SING. Lesson XV. The Verb and this Class.

The gourds, their price. For Empolo enene uganda xxx : he will find all the forms of the possessive pronoun in agree- ment with say the Mu — Mi class ; he gets an idea of these forms from the particular lesson ; and he spends several days, or perhaps a week, finding out from one or more native friends how they are used, and so getting familiar with them.

This long sugar-cane is his. The bunchlets are not among the Eieces-of-plaintain-bark. Never insert the I. This rule is really a particular case of the omission of the I.

Nina ebitabo bisatu, I have three books. Go and bring my book. The Numerals. Akwata empola atuka wala. Show me all the pieces-of-iron? Similarly — Bwabanga akomyewo, if he is Empolo enene uganda xxx almost immediately. This lesson deals only with the adjectival numerals.

Is that sugar-cane his? We shall see him. That sugar-cane of his is long. They did not take the bunchlets. The root is yeru : e ky eru is for e ki yeru Ғιnger ѕeх the y is dropped and the e is lengthened in compensation : then e ki eru becomes e ky eru. Lesson XV. The Verb Empolo enene uganda xxx this Class. Whose is that bunchlet near? Pronounce ' صغسر ' with a slight lisp, or in Hottest fucking Long time words, with the point of the tongue touching upon the teeth, the blade, that is, Empolo enene uganda xxx, the part just behind Kimchu sexcandal point, pressing against the front of the palate, Empolo enene uganda xxx, and so get the Luganda sound ca ca ca ce ce ce ci ci ci co co co cu cu cu, Empolo enene uganda xxx.

They are not interchangeable. In the first case, the word Bisatu adds a Sexy bidio fact ; in the Empolo enene uganda xxx it is merely a defining epithet. The numerals from one all other numerals are to five are adjectives. The pieces-of-plantain-fibre have not rotted.

Make the doorways like this. Your two calabashes are short, Empolo enene uganda xxx. Empolo enene uganda xxx hoe-handles. So: 'Depart. Look for, nonya. Two months. The plantains and the sugar-canes are both very good. These four bowls of his. What is this? Lesson XIV, Empolo enene uganda xxx.

To translate ' is ' or ' are ' with numerals, kiri and biri must be used ; e. Lesson XI. Possessives continued. The king's. His friend. Phrases made with the preposition 'of ekya kabaka generally come Empolo enene uganda xxx of all. That doorway. Whose is that bunchlet near? Go and bring those small sugar-canes. The fire which burns [yaka] brightly.

Sunnyleone.8x is no such form as tebinagenda ; there is a form tebi'nagenda, which means 'they have not yet gone. How many things are there? Empolo enene uganda xxx an auxiliary verb,1 the I. It occurs, however, after an Auxiliary which is Relative — ' which he intends to.

Lesson XXXV. Imperative, Empolo enene uganda xxx, etc. This plantain is mine. The pieces-of-plantain-fibre have not rotted. Omutwe gwani? Where is the book? Those five sugar-canes are long. Ebitabo byange bino birungi, these books of mine are good. Lesson V. Long Consonants. His piece-of-iron is little. How is the green plantain-stem?

Whose pieces-of-iron are those? It denotes what is going on continuously. The mu — ba Class. When : And Moses '. Those white books are his. Is that iron yours? You will take hold of it. Those Empolo enene uganda xxx hoe-handles are small.

The hoe-handles which they will bring. How many fireplaces? And with the Future p. Show me the four short pieces-of-plantain-bark.

The ' e ' which precedes the ki and bi is an Initial Vowel ; it is not really a part of the prefix. Where ' bitano,' without I. What is it like? Remember that you are not at libecty to raise and lower your tone at your own sweet will.

This Jav xxxn movis because they are enclitic ; vid. Kyagala kugenda, it is likely to go. I want to take hold of it. The following are some useful verbs : — kuba, beat. The doorway is small. It will be well Empolo enene uganda xxx practise daily the last and all the preceding exercises, or at any rate the first three, until the sounds are perfectly learnt.

The intonation is the same as the first two syllables of ' otya'no. The Auxiliary Verb. We shall throw it away. How are the hoe-handles? All our materials-for-work have rotted. Bija kugenda, they are about to go. Ekyo kye kirisoka kugenda, this is the one which will go first, Empolo enene uganda xxx. I want to begin here [wano]. These calabashes are not bad.

The plantain which is about to fall. The bunchlets, he has not taken them. Lesson VI. Some necessary Phrases. The frogs have not gone. The head which is visible [labika]. Bring those near long sugar-canes of thine. Those near fireplaces are very small. And above in quotation from Jeremiah. When the verb can be used in the narrative tense, the 'and ' is supplied by the 'ne' of that tense.

Byombi ; stronger byombiriri. Thou seest them. Tw a laba, we saw. Three swamps. Four years. Our fireplaces are large theirs are small, Empolo enene uganda xxx. The doorway is small. What are the gourds like? Similarly, e bikula with I. Hence, eki toke ekikula, the plantain-tree which grows up. The price which is great.

The book which is about to fall. Bring one-piece-of-plantain-fibre sing. The adverb ' nyo ' takes its meaning trom the context : e. The least ' i' sound between the ' n ' and the ' y ' makes the word into an expression of abuse. Ekitoke bwekirikula, when the plantain shall grow up.

Bring the long pole [tree]. Kwata, take hold ; kute. A large head. Ours Empolo enene uganda xxx when any word intervenes the I. Mine e bi tabo bi no by ani?

The tail only was left. These forms take the I. Is not this gourd ours? The plan- tains have grown up. Is that iron yours? A small doorway. The large sugar-canes are five. Your books. This plantain-fibre is bad. Let: 1 Hide. Animals walk and also grow. The gourd which is likely to fall. Show me the large swamp. There is no I, Empolo enene uganda xxx. They are. I have not thrown away the book.

The book which is about to fall, Empolo enene uganda xxx. These plantains of hers ; their bunches ; their green-bark ; their fibre plur. That good bowl of his.

His piece-of-iron is little. Make use of the above expressions to ask the Hard fuck girls ejaculation of various objects, not trying so much to learn the names, as accustoming your ear to catcli the exact sounds which your teacher makes.

The iron which fell down. Its fibre is good. To put it another way, in the one case it is emphatic, being the point of the sentence ; in the other it is subsidiary. They did not take the bunchlets. Both books are on your bunchlet. Saba, ask-for ;, sabye. It is of my boy. Those near fireplaces are very small. The Subjunctive is formed by changing the a final of the stem in the '.

Snakes like that. Two large doorways. The pieces-of-plantain-fibre have rotted. Lesson XXIX. Take hold of the books which are likely to fall. It denotes what is going on continuously. Mengintip istri word can only be used to connect substantives and sub- stantival expressions. W a laba, thou sawest. The tense thus formed is called the Present Indefinite.

The fallen, Empolo enene uganda xxx. His books are nice ; yours are Empolo enene uganda xxx. Those sugar-canes are very short. That near bowl is white. When the iron begins to get hot. The sugar-canes are long. You shall cut it. The plantains and the sugar-canes are both very good, Empolo enene uganda xxx.

Show me all three bowls. He does not intend to beat it. That bunchlet which they see is in the bowl. Pronounce 'mfa,' making it as nearly one syllable as possible; then pronounce it without letting the lips come together so as to form a distinct ' m,' and so get the Luganda sounds — mfa mfe mfi mfo mfu; mva mve mvi mvo mvu; mfu mba, mvu de, mfi sa. When the animals shall have walked.

The short tails are two. Thy body. Their bodies. Look for a bunchlet. An outline of the course of study is given : the details to be filled in by the learner himself, working with a native teacher. If you attempt to make your meaning clear by such methods, you will only mystify and amuse, unless you frighten, your audience.

It is very narrow.

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Lesson XXI. How many things? The friendship is not good. But, Nina ebitabo ebisatu, Empolo enene uganda xxx, I have the three books.

I have not the book which he asks-for. This bowl is not very large. Si kitabo, it is not a book. Kula, grow up ; kuze. I want to take hold of it. That bunch of hers is large. The following is a list of these possessives — SING. They are not going to come.

Show me the four short pieces-of-plantain-bark. Lesson XXI. How many things? Four gourds. Thy arm.

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In Narration these become — yamala okulya nagenda, he went when as soon as he had eaten, Empolo enene uganda xxx, or, relating what happened to-day — alide, era agenze. My bowls are bad ; the king's are Png kwap lasts ; thine are nice. Thy friend. The bunchlets are not on the plantain.

How are the plantain-fibres? Plantains and sugar-canes grow. This, Empolo enene uganda xxx, it will be seen, is the same in form as a man sees,' '. When the animals shall have walked. Bring those near long sugar-canes of thine. All three pieces-of-iron are in my bowl. The king's friend. Demonstratives and this Class. Go and look for the Empolo enene uganda xxx hoe- handle, Empolo enene uganda xxx. You are not cutting it.

Take hold The plantain- fibre which comes [ra] off [ku] the plantain. Go and ask for his calabash. These two large doorways. You do not take hold. The Subjunctive has various meanings, viz. One tail is long.

That book is not thine. Also the above quotations from Isaiah and Jeremiah, and very in. This lesson deals only with the adjectival numerals, Empolo enene uganda xxx. When it shall finish to grow up. I see it. This large fireplace is very nice. Good-bye, weraba. Ekitabo kiri kimu, the book is one, i. The friend is bad. Those materials- for-work.

Their sticks. That short sugar-cane is thine. Make exercises for yourself on the same model as those already given, and go through them step by step with your teacher. We shall throw it away. The ing's animal does not walk fast. Lesson XIX. The Relative. He will bring me. Thus the Possessives Empolo enene uganda xxx this class are : — e ki ntu kya nge, my thing e ki ntu kya fe, our things e bi ntu bya nge, my things e bi ntu bya fe, our things e ki ntu ky o, thy thing e ki ntu kya mwe, your thing e bi ntu by o, thy things e bi ntu bya mwe, your things e ki ntu ky e, his thing e ki ntu kya bwe, their thing e ki ntu by e, his things e bi ntu bya bwe, their things.

Ebitabo biruwa? Whose is this friend? I will bring them. The two books of the king are large. The fireplace is one only. Plantains and sugar-canes grow. This My Kawai is short. The forms are made in the usual way from this Objective Prefix : —plural e. When there is much difference between the voice of the questioner and answerer, the notes used by them respect- ively will be separated by a whole octave.

Ebitabo, books. In the above example ' lungi ' is the root ; hence ekirungi ebirungi. Those near five sugar-canes of thine. The bunchlet is likely to fall. See Lesson III. The variable part printed in thick type is different for the singular and for the plural ; for ' a book ' Empolo enene uganda xxx for ' a little book ' ; but does not vary in each sentence.

Similarly ' ekitabo kiri ekyabwe,' etc. This long sugar-cane is his. He is not about to go. Find out from your teacher what these words mean make the plurals of :. The tense thus formed is called the Present Indefinite. The plantains which I saw.

Elements of Luganda Grammar | PDF | Semiotics | Linguistic Typology

Bring the books Hole in leggings they are going to throw away. Except the first person Empolo enene uganda xxx, which is 'si': e.

That bunch of hers is large. What is ' ekitabo '? Two months. The stick is long. Ba laba for ba a labathey saw. Mw a laba, ye saw. These plantains of hers ; their bunches their green-bark their fibre ;.

One plantain-tree. It is mine, from Ekyange, Empolo enene uganda xxx, Empolo enene uganda xxx I. So all answers to questions. All the plural forms are made in the usual way from zi z.

Kyagala kugenda, it is likely Korean. Sleeping xxxx go. In all that follows, it should be borne in mind that this is a method by which to learn from the natives themselves ; and therefore the matter is made as brief as possible.

There is only one fireplace. Pronounce as monosyllables : — nkwa ngwa ntwa ndwa ncwa njwa nswa mpwa mbwa nkya ngya nkya ngya ntya ndya ncya njya nsya mpya mbya Practise all the above with the remaining vowels, e, Empolo enene uganda xxx, i, o, and u. The animals, their heads, their tails, their. This Variable part or Prefix is therefore called the Class Prefix. W a laba, thou sawest. It means ' he has seen and still is seeing,' etc. There are five. All the fire has fallen.

Its fibre is good. We do not take hold of it. Enkima esala ogwekfbira? His bunchlet. Show me the large swamp. Bring 1 Pronounced ' mo ' when used by itself. Look for your gourd, Empolo enene uganda xxx. The Class Prefix. All the plantains have grown to perfection. They see them. This one class thoroughly known will serve Empolo enene uganda xxx a backbone on which to build up a sound knowledge of the grammar of the whole language. Those ten trees.

What is the meaning of the word ' ' ekitabo? I see it. Genda, go; genze. All the plantains which fell. In the Present and Present Perfect, the Subjunctive Mood and Infinitive of the verb, note that the y of the root drops out, and the vowel immediately following it is lengthened by compensa- ' tion, after all prefixes ending in the letter u. These little doors. He strikes it. Ebibya byange bino ebibiri ebirungi.

You are not cutting it. This arm. Ekitabo kyani?

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We do not take hold of it. One tail is long. The snake, its body is large. Lesson XXIV. But, Nina ebitabo ebisatu, I have the three books, Empolo enene uganda xxx. These two good bowls of mine. The price which he wants to ask for. Go and look for the short hoe- handle. We may now take another class namely, that which expresses a :. Lesson XXVI. Ky a laba, it saw. That [near] hoe-handle is not hers. The five tall plantains are the king's.

Relating what happened to-day — Omwami akomyewo : ebaruwayo 'muwade [ngirmuwade]. They do not see him. How many bo,wls? A few instances only out of the many that might be quoted, are given. Ours So also: — e ki tabo ki ki?

Thus to his particular : — Bwobanga omaze okulya as soon as you have done eating expresses that the meal has not yet begun, as well as some uncertainty as to when it will begin. These tall plantains are the king's. The plantains did not fall, Empolo enene uganda xxx. When a substantive of this class is Empolo enene uganda xxx subject of a verb, this relation is shown by prefixing ki or bi to the verb : ki for the singular, and bi for the plural.

Your head is small. Our doorway. Four of the Luganda consonants might be called semi-vowels, because they can combine with consonants to form single sounds ; they are m, n, w, and y; m and n are used initially; whilst w and y are used medially. Show me the long pieces-of-iron. Nafira ku kinene, ensanafu ku 'gere 'saja. Lesson XX. N a laba, I saw. The form mugende is always used for the plural Imperative, Go the singular, ogende, used as the Near Imperative Empolo enene uganda xxx enkya, come in is —.

Ngagenze would be quite intelligible, but not so idiomatic. How is the green plantain-stem? Show me the pieces-of-iron which he wants to take [twala]. The Objective Prefixes are li for the singular, Empolo enene uganda xxx. Come here, jangu. The Singular Forms are : — Numeral. It is a friendship. Kya mulenzi wange. It is a small head. Those near plantains of the king's are tall. Pronounce as monosyllables : — kwa gwa twa dwa mwa nwa cwa jwa lwa rwa swa zwa pwa bwa kya gya tya dya mya nya cya jya lya rya sya zya pya bya ng'wa nywa ng'ya Practise all the above with all other vowels.

Lesson XVII. Hence, wa nge, of me, my : Empolo enene uganda xxx, thy : -we, his : wafe, Empolo enene uganda xxx, our etc. This tall tree. Go and look for that large sugar-cane. Similarly we can combine gwa kyo, gwa byo, e. The unwary person might translate 'your wife' by a form in 'mwe,' and would mean that she was the wife of at least two people. The adjective takes the same Class Prefix as the noun Empolo enene uganda xxx which it agrees therefore we have ; : — o mu a good tree, ti o mu lungi, e mi Empolo enene uganda xxx trees.

Animals walk and also grow. Ekintu, e kya nge, mine e kya fe, Empolo enene uganda xxx, ours e ki kyo, thine e kya mwe, yours e ki kye, his e kya bwe, theirs Ebintu, e bya nge, mine e bya fe, Empolo enene uganda xxx, ours e bi byo, thine e bya mwe, yours e bi bye, his e bya bwe, theirs Observe that the forms for the second and third persons are redupli- cated.

Where ' bitano,' without I. What is it like? Should ng'wa and nywa present any difficulty, Empolo enene uganda xxx, first pronounce ng'uwa and nyuwa, and then contract. Adjective and Numeral. Our fireplaces are large ; theirs are small. By a laba, they saw i. The following are the modified forms of all the simple verb-stems yet given : — STEM. They will see us. The subject being now treated from a slightly different point of view, there will be some expansion of the more elementary principles but it.

Go, genda. That short sugar-cane is thine. Omit the y and make the necessary change in the vowel of the prefix at the same time lengthen slightly the first vowel of Empolo enene uganda xxx :, Empolo enene uganda xxx.

Nonya, look for ; nonyedza. Is that sugar-cane his? All the month. The possessives take precedence of all. Whose pieces-of-iron are those? Bwekisoka kugenda, when it begins to go. I am not hitting you. Lesson XVI. The Verb continued. Before passing on from these purely phonetic exercises to those which deal with the Grammar of the language, attention must be called to the importance of correct intonation and accentuation.

Those near five bad hoe-handles. I don't hear, siwulide. Practise with your teacher such sentences as : — genda ngomaze okulya, go as soon as you have eaten. The iron is about to fall upon the bowl.

How are you? His books are nice ; yours are bad. Fight not with the small and the great. A large head. When Possessive Pronouns are Empolo enene uganda xxx with other epithets : — i. If the verb-root begin with ' y ' the ' i ' of ki or bi Romantic xx vediovkiss out before it ; with a reflexive verb ki and bi become ky Empolo enene uganda xxx by respectively, -kula, grow to maturity. Bring a piece-of-sugar- cane.

Go and look for two pieces of-iron. These small bowls are bad. The frogs have not gone. That long stick. The object of this and the next few lessons is to give you a complete practical mastery of this one class. This point is dwelt upon Empolo enene uganda xxx throughout the language the inser- tion or omission of the I.

The position of numerals is the same as that of adjectives if both. This is the bunchlet which is likely to rot [vunda]. It is mine, from Ekyange, Empolo enene uganda xxx, the I.

So all answers to questions. In, inside, Mu. On, upon, Ku. An adverbial expression is one that answers to one of the questions, How?

The king's plantains are growing. Substantives including Adiectives. Those near Xxxx bf Cotton of the king's are tall. How many fireplaces? I am not falling. This handle. This bowl is not very large. Ba laba for ba a labathey saw. This snake is not his. You will take hold of it.

Nga brings a comparatively distant fact into the immediate present time. Show me some plantain-trees. The bunchlets are not on the plantain. The work which he has done.

The plantains are likely to fall. My plantains are not growing much. How many Empolo enene uganda xxx Those five sugar-canes are long. Those sugar-canes are very short. The iron which down. If a vowel come after the ' e ' of kye or bye, the ' e ' is dropped, e ki tabo ky alaba, Empolo enene uganda xxx, the book which he sees, e bi tabo by alaba, the books which he sees. Those good fireplaces.

His things are nice. The adjective takes the same Class Prefix as the noun with which it agrees ; therefore we have : — o mu ti o mu lungi, a good tree, e mi ti Empolo enene uganda xxx mi rungi, good trees. All the plantains have grown to perfection. He did not strike the iron. The Infinitive of a verb is formed Empolo enene uganda xxx prefixing ' oku ' to the verb : — e.

The beginner had better defer practising these sounds until he has had ample opportunity of observing them on the lips of natives. We have asked for a book. He will bring me.

Where are the plantain-trees which they are about to cut? The simplest form or 'stem' of a verb Empolo enene uganda xxx the 2ad pers. They do not see him.

Show me those near large books. Bring all three books. Neither :. Those three bowls are bad. These animals will walk fast to-day [lero]. We have not asked for a book.

Go and look for plantain-bark and fibre. I want to begin here [wano]. Whose gourds are these? I'm all right. Two pieces-of-iron. Go and bring the bowls and the calabashes. In the first case, the word Bisatu adds a fresh fact ; in the second it is merely a defining epithet. There are five. This word can only be used to connect substantives and sub- stantival expressions. Those bad gourds of yours are large. Luganda with 'and without using our English conjunctions.

The intonation of these is difficult ; and so some space is devoted to making this important matter as clear as written directions can make it. Ours But when any word intervenes the I. Mine e bi tabo bi no by ani? Say it again, kyogere nate. Bring the iron only. With the nw mp —enju Class i. Ekita'ta Muima tekimumalako nte. The Subjective Prefix is gu for the singular, and gi for the plural, e. These sugar-canes will grow large [bulungi]. Empolo enene uganda xxx slowly, Empolo enene uganda xxx, yogera mpola.

Look for a piece-of iron or any article of iron in one piece. Pronounce as monosyllables : — nka nga nta nda nca nja nsa nza mpa mba mfa mva Practise all the above with the remaining vowels, e, i, o, and u.

My boy's. Compare this with the Notes on Lesson X. His arm. The substance [omubiri] is little. Those two books which they are going to bring are white. Both books are on your bunchlet. His book is good. And so we can get all other possible forms byagwo, gyakyo, etc. Kyamwe, your, always refers to more than one person ; and the form ' kyo,' ' byo,' to one person only. Ekyo kye kirisoka kugenda, this is the one which will go first. The plantain which is about to fall.

Observe that these are fricative or continuous sounds, or nasal stops. This done, it will be a comparatively simple thing to add to your knowledge any other class. Empolo enene uganda xxx Near Future refers to what will take place in the course of the next twelve hours or so ; the Far Future to more distant events. He does not see them. To make this a general prohibition, add nga. Bija kugenda, they are about to go. These calabashes are not bad. Very, or very much, Nyo. And, Empolo enene uganda xxx, Na.

The a is always dropped before a vowel. Note that these are formed from the Objective Prefixes gu and gi by ' '. He does not see. The I. Mine ky ani, is for kya ani, of whom. Kye kitabo, it is a book. Go and bring, genda olete. Singa : this requires the use of a tense not yet given, viz. A small doorway. What are the gourds like?

This is because they are enclitic ; vid. They see them. To translate 'is not,' 'are not,' with adjectives or substantives as the predicate, use the single word si,' not' e. Lesson XVII. The possessives take precedence of all. The object always comes Empolo enene uganda xxx before the verb, and the subject comes first : e. Note that the invariable parts are the same as in Lesson IX. That near river. That body. That bunch near is not his. The invariable part of any word is called its Root.

The n Class. I have not taken hold of the bowl. His body which is very clean [tukula nyo]. His stick is long. If in English we use a number of sentences depending on one another, the Baganda do not, and they must be broken up so as to consist of simple sentences entirely e.

They have taken the nice book which he bought. The stick which has fallen. This is the bunchlet which is likely to rot [vunda]. Our work is good, Empolo enene uganda xxx. The iron, he has not struck it, Empolo enene uganda xxx. I am come. You do not take hold. When a substantive of this class is the subject of a verb, this relation is shown by prefixing ki or bi to the verb ki for the singular, and bi :.

That gourd is small. Ekitabo kyange kino kirungi, this book of mine is good. Thus, you have finished to eat. These head. Bring the books which they are going to throw away. Those large books are not the king's. The friend is bad. The gourd which is likely to fall. It is of my boy. Go and look for two pieces of-iron. In the following exercises it is rssumed that a Muganda is by your side, and that each word is taken from his lips, repeated by him several times for every single attempt that you make to pronounce it ; and further that the object in each case in question is, Empolo enene uganda xxx, if possible, in your hands.

His work. Lesson XVI. The Verb continued. These five white things are very tall. This large plantain is mine. Lesson X. Possessives and this Class. When the iron begins to get hot. And with the Future p. This long plantain- fibre is good. Go and look for plantain-bark and fibre. The five bowls are small. Adjectives and this Class. I have not thrown away the book.

Everything there- fore depends on the command you obtain of this foundation. Her bowls. Find out from your teacher what these words mean : make the plurals of them, and get thoroughly familiar with the sound of this Class Prefix, 0 mu — e mi. The bunchlets are among the pieces-of-plantain bark. Those large bunchlets. This foot of mine is large. Repeat it several times, ki 'demu emirundi mingi.

I am not going to throw them away. Find out what the following words mean make the plurals of them :. Your stick is short, mine is long. The accent is on the penultimate. Your stick. The Negative Empolo enene uganda xxx Future is not given at present, Empolo enene uganda xxx, as its formation is quite different from that of the positive tense, and is besides a little difficult.

Where is the book which he wanted to ask for? These bunchlets are large. This bowl Empolo enene uganda xxx very large. Ky a laba, it saw. Ebibya biri bisatu, there are only three bowls.

Bwonoba nga omaze okulya, expresses much the same, but at a slightly more future time, say from two to eight hours hence. His months. Since so few of the letters used in English exactly represent the same found in Luganda, it is a matter of some difficulty to write Luganda uniformly. The plantains have not fallen.

The stick is long. The Personal Subject and Object. The iron, its price. Three large swamps. Take careful note of accents and tones, especially in questions. After an auxiliary verb, 1 the I. It occurs, however, after an Auxiliary which is Relative which he intends to — '. Kino ki?

Similarly, ' e bikula with I. Hence, eki toke ekikula, the which grows up. Lesson XX. The Far-past Tense of the verb is formed by putting the vowel ' a ' between the Subjective Prefix and the Root ; e.

Go and bring the little books They are in the white bowl. Your work. The following are some useful verbs : — kuba, beat. To put it another way, in the one case it is emphatic, being the point of the sentence ; in the other it is subsidiary. He does not see them. My three fireplaces are good. That stick is not yours. This bowl is very Empolo enene uganda xxx. That good bowl of his. Whose arms are those? I want to see plantain-fibre. Ekintu, e kya nge, mine e kya fe, ours e ki kyo, thine e kya mwe, yours e ki kye, his e kya bwe, theirs Empolo enene uganda xxx, e bya nge, mine e bya fe, Empolo enene uganda xxx, ours e bi byo, thine e bya mwe, yours e bi bye, his e Empolo enene uganda xxx bwe, theirs Observe that the forms for the second and third persons are redupli- cated.

It is therefore customary to join them to the noun with which they agree, and write as one word ekintukyo, ebintubye, etc. The three books which we will Empolo enene uganda xxx socm.

Those two books which they are going to bring are white, Empolo enene uganda xxx. The plantain, its season [omwaka]. Those large books are not the king's. Lesson XXV. Therefore gwa, ofj for the singular. Never insert the I. This rule is really a particular case of the omission of the I.

Nina ebitabo bisatu, I have three books. Lesson XIV. Ekitabo one, i. To make a verb negative, prefix ' te ' to the verb. All the gourds are good. If a vowel come after the ' e of kye or bye, the ' e is dropped, e ki tabo ky alaba, the book which he sees, e bi tabo by alaba, the books which he sees.

The three books which we will bring socm. Akatabo kange kano kalungi, this little book of mine is good. The least i' sound '.

With the Class Prefix li, change li to g : e. Lesson IV. Combinations of Consonants. Show me all three bowls, Empolo enene uganda xxx. This plantain does not grow much [kula bulungi]. The bunchlets are not among the Those books are not in the white bowl. Ask Empolo enene uganda xxx their pieces-of- iron.

There must be an inheritance ' and. They have not taken the bowl. These tall plantains are the king's. The Infinitive of a verb is formed by prefixing oku ' '. The Numerals. These forms take the I. Is not this gourd ours? I am not hitting you. Compound Sentences.

Those two large rivers. Byombi ; stronger byombiriri. The iron which we strike. Obutabo bwange buno bulungi, these little books of mine are good Let us rewrite these sentences thus — i.

Ebibya byange bino ebibiri ebirungi. When it shall finish to grow up. The fire which is going to burn. The plantains have' gone like this.

Those two large calabashes of theirs. He does not intend to beat it. Okwerinda si buti, wansanafu aita agalu'de. The Objective Prefixes being gu for the singular, and gi for the plural, we get at once: — omuti gu no : this tree.

In other cases no change ; but avoid making the w hard. Its, their. You shall cut it, Empolo enene uganda xxx. I am not falling.

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However, these English Empolo enene uganda xxx are only approximate. These three things are his. The possessives of the second and third persons are enclitics, that is, they have no accent of their own, and so need support.

The frog, what is its head like? Find out from your teacher what the following words mean make :. Mine is large. I am not going to throw them away. This large fireplace is very nice.

Five very large sugar-canes are on your animal. Whose head is that? Ours So also: — e ki tabo ki ki? The bunchlets, he has not taken them. Go and bring the bowls and the calabashes. Thy calabash is short ; mine is tall.

Their books are bad. I want to begin beating the iron. Our sugar-cane. Vunda, rot ; vunze. The ing's animal does not walk fast. The Negative Far Future presents no difficulty e. The agreement of the Adjective in the Singular is difficult ; for the adjectives already given it is : — eryato e'bi amato amabi erimpi amampi egwamvu amawamvu e'dene amanene e'tono amatono.

These two Empolo enene uganda xxx bowls of Empolo enene uganda xxx. Two large doorways. How many trees are there? The reading-sheet in common use might prove helpful. That bunch near is not his. They made the doorways narrow like that All the years. I want to see plantain-fibre. Bring all three books. The fireplace is one 3 boys and one girl xxxi. Y a laba, Empolo enene uganda xxx, he saw.

A few sentences, therefore, are given to enable you to question the Muganda who is to teach you, and first of all must come the salutations in most common use. Form an ' ny ' similarly and practise — nya nye nyi nyo nyu ; nyu mba, nya nja, nyi ngo, nyo mbo, nyo ndo, nyi mba, Empolo enene uganda xxx. Three large swamps. They are not going to come. Go and look for, genda ononye.

Whose book? The plantains did not fall. You shall see us. Those sticks. The plantains which I have asked saw, Empolo enene uganda xxx. Show me your gourds. Similarly — Relating what happened a day or more ago, Omwami yakomawo ne'muwa [ni'muwa] ebaruwayo. He is not taking hold of you.

This year only. These plantains are the king's their fibre plur. And positively, This gourd is not ours, ekitabokye kimpi, ekyange kiwamvu, his book is short, mine is long. Pronounce f and v with the lips slightly pouted so as to make a sound like fw and vw, and practise — fa fe fi fo fu; va ve vi vo vu. The Objective Prefix is gi gy for the Singular, and zi z for the Plural.

The king's. Four years. What is the meaning of the word ' ekitabo '? An arm like this. Observe, i. That over there is ours. I don't understand, site'ge'de. Look for your gourd. That near thing is his. Otherwise change n to nj and omit the y. The following are the modified forms of all the simple verb-stems yet given : — STEM. I will bring them. Relative Subj.

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Five very large sugar-canes are on your animal. Lesson VIII. Ask for, saba. No change if the second syllable of the stem begin with n or m e. This large head. There are two future forms in Luganda : — a The Near Future, formed by inserting the Empolo enene uganda xxx na after the class prefix : — e.

Empolo enene uganda xxx

Go and bring my hoe-handle. All the plantains which fell. That bunchlet which they see is in the bowl. The snake which died. The iron is about to fall upon the bowl. Whose work is this? Show me the bundnets, they are on the tall plantain. A long consonant is distinguished by an apostrophe before it ; thus : — 'f, 't, 'm, 'n, 'ny, 's, 'z, 'f, 'v, are lengthened by being pro- longed and at the same time being pronounced with more explosive force.

With the Class Prefix n. These four bowls of his. It Gerland he has seen and still is seeing,' etc.

Those white books are his. Obanga, if: e. Bring the bad bowls. Two tails are short. These are made Negative by putting ' te ' before each form : e. Empolo enene uganda xxx a laba, we saw. Byagala kugenda, they are likely to go. There also a plural form of '- mu,' ebimu, meaning some '; cf. The Personal Subject and Object. That sugar-cane of his is long. That work of thine is bad. The substance [omubiri] is little.

The frogs have gone. The heads which we have seen. If the Root begin with drop out the y and lengthen the vowel following, at the same time changing oku to 'okw ' y, ' '.

My boy's. Empolo enene uganda xxx three pieces-of-iron are in my bowl. The hoe-handles are four. They have taken the nice book which he bought. Bring the long pole [tree]. How many pieces-of-iron are there? Bring the two pieces-of-iron, both are very long. Lesson XXII. Mw a laba, ye saw, Empolo enene uganda xxx. Byagala kugenda, they are likely to go. The numerals from one to five are adjectives ; all other numerals are grammatically substantives, though they seem to be used as adjectives as well.

Make the plurals of these words, and find out what they mean by means of the above phrases. Go and look for a bunchlet of plantains. The rendering of the R. Isaiah liii. Go and look for some-pieces-of-p'antain-fibre. Your two calabashes are short.

Those two nice bunchlets which we saw. Thy foot. This point is dwelt upon because throughout the language the inser- tion or omission of the I. The position of numerals is the same as that of adjectives ; if both adjective and numeral are applied to the same substantive, the numeral generally precedes, but the opposite order may also be used.

I want to begin beating the iron, Empolo enene uganda xxx. Adjectives show the substantive to which they refer by taking the same prefix, singular or plural, as the substantive. I have not the book which he asks-for. When the word is used as a predicate : — Ekitabo kirungi, the book is good. Thou seest them. These pieces-of-plantain-fibre are good. Kuba, beat ; kubye.

Ekitoke bwekirikula, the plantain shall grow up. The Objective Prefix mu for the singular, and ba for is the plural. The bowl is about to fall, Empolo enene uganda xxx. What does- the word ' kitabo' mean? With other Class Prefixes. As kyo, kye, etc. Phrases made with the preposition 'of ekya kabaka generally come last of all.

The Near Future refers to what will take place in the course of the next twelve hours or so ; the Far Future to more distant events. He is not taking hold of you. This simple construction, mostly with 'and' instead of the more elaborate conjunction, Empolo enene uganda xxx, is very common in the Empolo enene uganda xxx of the Old Testa- ment, Empolo enene uganda xxx. That near Empolo enene uganda xxx is tall. But in other cases the forms are njagala, I want njeze, I have swept.

These three things are his. The omitted in questions when the Interrogative immediately I. Mine ky ani, is for kya ani, of whom.

Sala, cut ; saze. If the Root is Reflexive, change ' oku '. Show me, ndaga. Moti ladhi xxx many pieces-of-iron are there? He strikes it. The fireplace is small. If the Root begin with y, drop out the y and lengthen the vowel following, at the same time changing ' oku ' to 'okw ' ; thus : — yagala, love : okw agala okwagalato love.