Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật.

Example: After his father died, he decided to settle in Paris. Of course, when all these products reach the end of their useful life, the problem of how to dispose of them becomes a serious environmental issue. John together with his fellows usually replenishes stocks before the winter sets in.

An example of a good liberal arts. Example: His parents are couch potatoes who spend all day in front of the TV. Example: It is healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate. As many cities have expanded, more people now live on the outskirts and commute to work in their cars, so new road routes must be created to cope with the growing volume of traffic. Example: Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economy of many Asian countries.

In the North American colonies, red ware, a simple pottery fired at low temperatures, and stone ware. The sedentary routines of many people make them more prone to the risk of diabetes or heart disease as a result of their inactivity. On the other hand, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., there would be an enormous strain on government budgets if Lating fucked by huge bee access to university were a right for everyone.

Paragraph 3: second reason for my opinion: moral duty to help others, no matter where they live. Still, we need to look at tax benefits and other government policies regarding.

Paragraph 3: [View I agree with] [1] social problems lead to crime — example: unemployment. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems.

Example: Many people think that army training instils discipline into young people.

As ofblack rhinos have been assigned "critically endangered". Example: During the economic crisis, many families are struggling to make ends meet. These are some of the key skills you will. Casper plans to do this by hiring. ANSWER As a result of the environmental problems which have resulted from traditional dependence on fossil fuels, some countries have invested in alternative energy sources.

Paragraph 2: first reason for my opinion: transport is now able to provide very quick assistance — example tsunami in Japan, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật.. Example: She lives in a remote community in the desert. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most idolised football superstars in the world, but he still finds time to support charity events and inspire his fans to join charitable campaigns.

This is, however, a very minor suggestion, because you gave an example to support your safety argument in paragraph 2. On the one hand, famous people can lessen the importance of problems. This is the case even. Example: The earthquake inflicted damage on many homes and farmland. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each. It was good that you included an example in paragraph 3. Example: New roads have been built to cope with the increased volume of traffic.

Ai hiểu được lòng em

Paragraph 2: disadvantages [1] health: all 3 items contribute to a more sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. It is enough to make you want to stay at home.

ANSWER In recent years there has been a growing tendency for the younger generation to look up to sports stars as role models. He understood what true responsibility meant.

This may help them to obtain a lot Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. real experience and skills in their chosen profession. You stated your position clearly in the introduction and consistently throughout the essay.

Although not all famous athletes set a good. University graduates usually get a much higher salary than those without a university education. Secondly, a person who chooses to get a job instead of pursuing higher education is likely to progress rapidly in their career. In conclusion, I disagree with the view that free higher education should be a right for everyone in society, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., and funding should be limited to those who otherwise could not afford to attend university.

As a resultmore people learn about projects and donate money or volunteer to help either practically or in fund-raising.

In Vietnam, for example, thousands of tons of industrial rubbish have been released illegaly into rivers, killing aquatic life and contaminating drinking water. Firstly, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., not all illnesses are the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices by individuals.

Firstly, in schools, students should study some aspects of the law which affect their lives. Example: After 6 months without rain, the amount of water available to supply the city was seriously depleted. On the other hand, I believe that giving encouragement to those who make strides in their studies results in more favourable outcomes.

On the other hand, I agree with those who argue that technological achievements play a pivotal role in environmental protection. On the other hand, I believe that there are serious drawbacks, which outweigh these benefits. The possibilities are countless and the nationwide tourist. Example: Dependence on fossil fuels has the environmental disadvantage that greenhouse gases are released when these fuels are burned.

These risks can only be further exacerbated as this unprecedented. On the other hand, it seems to me that living in a vertical city is the best choice. Example: The President thanked his staff for their devotion to public service in dealing with the recent flood disaster. On the other hand, I believe that Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. movies and TV programmes can also benefit the cultural life of a country. I liked the way that you referred to your own opinion again at the beginning of paragraph 3.

Another reason is that the more schools that there are in rural communities, the more likely is the realisation of the goal of universal education. Example: In many schools, bullying is a problem which teachers must take seriously. Consequences for the environment.

Planning the ideas Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this: Introduce idea: many people think crime is a result of the bad nature of some individuals. Example: The decision of the President to declare war is still a source of controversy today. Such pollution is generally the result of poor government planning in many. One reason is that more people will be encouraged to leave their cars at home, in order to travel more quickly to their destination by metro or rail services.

Therefore, it is possible for pupils in rural communities to take advantage of distance learning educational programmes, giving them the same opportunities as children in city schools. No successful sports star makes it to the top without years of dedication to training and a healthy lifestyle. The beginning of paragraph 3 and your conclusion were the ideal places to اغتصاب خادمات your opinion.

In conclusion, although there are strong arguments for both views, it seems to me that on the whole it is beneficial that more young people are being selected to play some key roles in the government.

Research shows. Planning the ideas Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this: Introduce idea: advances in technology have harmed the environment.

Example: Government spending on the arts is a low priority during times of economic crisis. Example: Vietnam — dumping of rubbish into rivers by some industries. Repeat the opinion in the introduction — disagree with the statement.

Example: My teacher has a distinctive approach to teaching English. On the one hand, local movies and TV programmes benefit national culture in two important ways. Oil production in North America is at an all-time zenith, with fields.

There's actually a net loss: The. United States has two fewer refineries than it did in Still, the remaining refineries in. Dependence on the car exacerbates the problem of lack. On the other hand, I agree with those who contend that it is better to provide more schools and teachers in rural areas. Essay Plan:. Your topic sentences both indicated the main idea in each paragraph. American University of Washington, D. On the other hand, I consider that education has a complementary role to play.

The essay discusses you opinions well and you make relevant points for both sides of the argument, which are well supported by specific examples and explained well.

Scientists still do not know what caused dinosaur to disappear. Generation born is known for its patriotism, hard workers, and loyalty to institutions. Example: Michael Jackson was idolised by millions of fans. While a number of people believe that only students achieving the highest grades deserve rewards, I would argue that praising students who achieve improvements is much more reasonable. While there are benefits to residents who dwell in a city which consists of low-rise construction, I would argue that cities with skyscrapers and high-rise buildings offer more advantages.

For example, turning the volume louder to enjoy favourite songs makes them feel relaxed after a long busy day, although it Oromi secsiii disturb their next-door neighbours.

Modern means of transport enable government agencies to provide aid within hours to even relatively remote corners of the world. Example: In the past, sailors took large supplies of fresh water and food on their ships to sustain them on their long voyages. Secondly, the introduction of computers enables children to acquire IT skills.

We all know what these, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật.. On the other hand, it seems to me that young people are becoming an increasingly important part of the government and bring a lot of benefits.

In conclusion, I consider that the search for new planets on which to settle is a waste of time and resources, and efforts should be concentrated on living more sustainably here on Earth. Example: In the football stadium, all the seats were made of durable plastic. Sometimes a name, usually that of the potter, was diestamped. Example: Desert plants are able to cope with extreme heat. In contrast, other species having protection, such as the mammals and. Example: As a result of his work for charity, many people look up to Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft.

Then about 65 million years. Question There are many benefits that we may gain by actually taking the time reading a book. This report also indicated that this rate of fishery-induced deaths was. Mark the letter A, B, C, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the. More jobs will be created as companies expand their sales of consumer goods, reducing the unemployment figures and enabling more people to share in the increasing prosperity.

Example: The man spent many years behind bars after he had killed a policeman. Each story contained columns of a different order or style : At. Constantine, built in A. Awnings were unfurled from the top story in order to protect the audience from the hot Roman. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the.

Example: We cannot watch the sufferings of other people without wishing to help them. This will relieve pressure on the existing roads.

On the other hand, others argue that the construction of rail and subway lines would be a much more effective solution to the problem of traffic congestion. As there are no carbon emissions, problems of climate change and poor air quality can be tackled by increasing use of alternative energy.

However, in some countries the use of alternative. Good topic sentences. Example: Measles vaccines were given to all the children in the school. Cars enable people to have freedom of movement to visit people and places. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this trend, I believe that these are outweighed by the advantages. You also discussed both views. Firstly, you questioned their motives, using these famous organisations just to bring attention to themselves and raise their own profiles.

Example: The restaurant is very popular, combining cheap prices and good food. On the one hand, enjoying life with less sophisticated technology means that people inflict less damage on the ecosystems on which all living things depend. New and wider roads are necessary to help people commute. The principal reason for this view is that cheaper products are. There is a clear overall progression in the writing and ideas are arranged coherently. Example: The bad weather discouraged people from attending the event.

This money is needed now to improve health services globally and to provide better education for all. This raises the prospect of decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, cleaner air and the reversal of the trend of global warming.

Example: She prefers contemporary fiction, because it relates to life today. Conclusion: yes, there are urgent problems for each government to tackle at home, but it is essential to help all those in need — we have the means to do it [paragraph 2] and a moral duty [paragraph 3].

Example: The movie was filmed at two different locations — at home and overseas. It's a symbiotic dance. In conclusion, I would argue that there is no room today for sex discrimination at work — either against women or against men.

The study concentrated on the social environment, general health, and lifestyle of 1, This benefit held true even after these friends. Even then, the question remains as telugu auntysRomance videos whether single-use. Firstly, many of them feel more comfortable and free when creating noise from different activities while working or entertaining.

Example: Modern farming relies on chemical fertilisers, which are harmful if they are used near rivers. Furthermore, it is much more convenient for residents to live in an apartment in a tall building which offers a wide range of goods and services, thanks to shopping malls and service centers on lower floors.

Social inequalities would be perpetuated and society Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. a whole would suffer, since those from low-income backgrounds would have no opportunity to develop their talents. As a consequence, they would Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. excluded from many well- paid careers as engineers, doctors or lawyers. Example: The governments of the world have agreed to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

Those living in urban areas in states with a high number of cases are the least. Other sportspeople have shown determination to overcome injuries or illness, another admirable quality that may motivate some young people to deal with such setbacks in their own lives. ANSWER Some people believe that living in a horizontal city is the best, while the opponents of this idea prefer to settle in a vertical city.

My opinion — reward students who show improvements. Round Table in The first-of-its-kind concept caught the eye of thousands of spectators, and. Paragraph 3: the positive aspects: [i] fossil fuels have created many environmental problems of pollution, alternative sources of energy do not do so [ii] wind, solar power are renewable sources, so energy supplies are sustainable Conclusion: despite some concerns, use of alternative energy sources should continue to be encouraged.

This is a right usually given to the creator, although. For many. Firstly, by working, young people will be able to earn money as soon as possible, and since they will likely be mature enough, they will be able to live independently on their own income. Essay Plan: Introduction: refer to statement and give opinion — there are more advantages than disadvantages.

Tại sao nhiều người không có nhu cầu yêu đương?

On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial to impose some laws to strictly control noise. For example, many local communities oppose the installation of. Question Mr. Question Many women prefer to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and make them look younger.

Planning the ideas Based on our identification of the key words, our plan will be something like this: Introduce idea: more young people occupy important government positions.

In conclusion, I believe that governments should prioritise spending on rail and metro lines rather than on building or widening roads in order to reduce traffic congestion. Cars discourage people from taking exercise such as walking or cycling short distances, and they produce polluting exhaust emissions which contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the. Example: After the earthquake, aid was sent to alleviate the suffering of the homeless and starving victims. Paragraph 3: personal view that men and women should have equal opportunities in all careers: [1] women now have equal educational opportunities in many societies, making them qualified to undertake the same work as men [2] modern views have broken the traditional barriers, which effectively barred men and women from doing certain jobs in the past: construction workers, truck drivers, soldiers in the case of women; nursing, cooking and cleaning jobs in the case of men.

Secondly, In paragraph 3, you again explained two ideas and you provided a relevant example to support the first one. Firstly, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., exercise is necessary for the physical development of children, so playing games in the street or in the park with their friends is an integral part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Question For most citizens, liberty mean the freedom to practise their religious or political. Another concern is the rising level of pollution worldwide, of the land, the oceans and the air that we breathe.

It makes her feel special. Although there are some dangers in this new approach, I believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Example: Modern technology is responsible for the development of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and wave power.

Example: It is rare to find an unselfish politician who is motivated by altruism. Essay Plan: Introduction: introduce topic, most sports stars have a positive influence. Furthermore, the association with celebrities may trivialize the serious work of international aid organizations since the focus of the public may be shifted away.

Some people think we must lead simpler lives, but I agree with those who think technological solutions can be found for environmental problems.

Example: The church in our street has been converted into a restaurant, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật.. The news will. Firstly, a vast amount of funding would be required to finance such space exploration, with no guarantee of success. In highly developed. Another reason is that I consider that we share a moral responsibility to help all those who lack the basic necessities of life.

Example: If you smoke cigarettes during a flight, you will break the law. Secondly, in prisons themselves, educational programmes must aim to provide prisoners with skills and qualifications to find work when they are released. Result: children try harder to get good scores at school. On the one hand, providing computers and wider internet connection for remote rural areas is important.

You identified your arguments clearly for the examiner. Let your health benefits and. Some of these policies even directly encourage their citizens to procreate, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., while others are aimed.

Result: all children Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. motivated to try hard. Example: The extraction of salt from the sea has been practised for many centuries. Thus, for example, more people can afford to own a smart TV, a laptop or to install air-conditioning in their homes, and therefore enjoy a better standard of living.

Nuclear power is criticized for its potential to pollute the environment, and incidents such as the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan remind the public of the dangers of nuclear plants.

Because of this it is impossible to credit anyone with its discovery, Mars being easily. Firstly, changes in education have Susansex8 women the same chance to gain qualifications as men. Example: Many stores are now installing security cameras to deter criminals. Working straight after graduation is beneficial in some ways.

Example: Many famous artists have drawn inspiration from the countryside. Example: When I passed the exam, it was the realisation of a dream! In paragraph 2, you discussed the view that celebrities may make issues seem less important or serious when they become involved in support for international aid organisations.

Paragraph 2: individual perspective: dedication to training, healthy lifestyle — examples; overcome illness, injury — Paralympic Games. Men and women should enjoy equal opportunities in all careers. For example, youngsters must study the important laws about driving and road safety. Example: The U. Example: Creative and up-to-date techniques are used to produce modern online video games.

As more and more large kilns were built to create the high-fired stoneware, experiments revealed that. Representational motifs largely replaced the earlier abstract decorations. Using that time to throw in a load of laundry is OK but try not to look at your new. Example: UNICEF is a charity that provides education for needy children by building schools and paying for teachers in developing countries. Secondly, a more modern outlook has broken the traditional barriers, which effectively prevented men and women from doing certain jobs in the past: construction workers, truck drivers or soldiers in the case of women; nursing, cooking and cleaning jobs in the case of men.

Limiting your ideas to two in each main paragraph was the key to this good response, and you focused on energy and pollution in both paragraphs, so your essay had a logical development.

As a result, the government would be able to use this land to build hospitals, schools or places for entertainment. The "critically endangered" classification of the black rhino is due to the species' immense. Supporting a Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. in developing countries is often labor-intensive, requiring farming and.

Even the fridge prompts unhealthy eating, and youngsters in particular may become accustomed to opening the fridge to snack on some fattening treats. On the other hand, the key factor is that alternative energy sources do not cause as much pollution as the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil or coal.

They can be given special attention to develop their abilities. Example: After taking performance-enhancing drugs, the athlete was banned from professional sport.

Essay Plan: Introduction: topic statement, completely disagree with the view. Question A food addition is any chemical that food manufacturers intentionally add to their products. In conclusion, youngsters are influenced in positive ways by their admiration for sports celebrities and the example of fitness, dedication and sometimes altruism set by those stars. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. These are strong reasons for thinking that those who have an inborn bad nature are more likely to break the law.

Example: Some form of social isolation is necessary for people who are violent or dangerous to others. As a result, they feel that there are no particular reasons to control noise. Furthermore, the job market is becoming more and more competitive and nowadays people are well-advised to get a degree, as hundreds of applicants often chase the top jobs.

Not too much. Welcome to the Netherlands, a tiny country that only extends, at its broadest, km north to south. But rapidly increasing population. City, treat all single-use bags equally. Paragraph 1: reasons for producing locally — [1] educate people about their own culture and history, promote national pride [2] such entertainment relates to the culture and language of the home audience — example: adaptation of foreign shows — The Voice. Secondly, the national economy will be boosted, as production must increase in order to meet the rising demand for such commodities.

It was created by adding a brown glaze to the fired clay, usually. Consequently, several common phenomena which occur when examinations approach, including pressure, anxiety and cheating, would be reduced. For example, respiratory disorders are affected by air pollution in cities, while poor sanitation and contaminated drinking water contribute to outbreaks of dysentery and cholera. Question Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.

Example: Her Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. teacher recognised and nurtured her abilities, and as a result she became a famous pianist. I believe that prison sentences are one essential weapon in the fight against crime, and I disagree that providing better education alone is a more effective solution to reduce the crime rate.

Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. In an effort to attract the จิ๋มตดxxx of society, a number of important people try to be involved in as many volunteer projects as possible without any particular passion or interest in those. In conclusion, while promoting healthy living is important, treatment must have priority in health service spending.

It is believed that temperature dropped significantly towards the end of the Cretaceous. Very quickly, supplies of food and tents arrived by air, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., along with medical staff and vaccines.

Instead of feeling disappointed when competing with their top classmates, students who are recognized for their effort during semesters will feel motivated if they are rewarded for making significant progress. Since as early asschools have been offering an MBA in social media marketing alone. Too large to hibernate and not having fur or feathers for protection, it is possible that the climate. Example: The supermarket had run out of bread, so I had to go to a different shop. Example: At the age of 25, he was an unemployed musician with no employment prospects.

Question We've looked at the problem from every possible angel but still haven't found a solution. In modern life, people are so caught up in the pressures of work or study that they neglect the importance of keeping fit. It is a good way to reduce anxiety. Some people believe that the problem can be solved by providing more schools and teachers, while others think that the problem can be solved by providing computers and Internet access.

Example: My part-time job paid for my maintenance while I was studying. ANSWER It is true that some people argue for more public expenditure on measures to prevent illness by promoting a healthy lifestyle. Certain diseases or conditions have proven relationships with specific nutrition or. The essay is balanced - 2 main paras which relate to the question.

For instance, a child bullying other boys or girls at school may turn into a violent criminal in the future. Without such funding, people from poor backgrounds would be unable to attend university. Today, equality of the sexes is largely mandated by public policy and law. It even had a nifty touchscreen for Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. numbers.

Example: The TV debate enlightened viewers about the problems facing the country. Question The UN declaration sought to establish the principal that everyone is entitled to the. Question Their marketing strategy for the product involve obtaining as much free publicityas possible.

Your doctor may substitute it. Example: As a result of the emigration of people from many different countries, Australia is now a multi-cultural society. Reduces exam pressure and cheating to score high marks. Secondly, even outside the cities, there is increasing traffic congestion.

Black Americans are unlikely to talk about discrimination no matter what education level they have. Question All the candidates for the scholarship will be equally treated regarding of their sex. This means that if a sea lion gets killed, it now gets reported to. Example: When it reached the coast of Japan, the tsunami caused terrible damage. Example: Swimming and yoga are two complementary activities which help to reduce stress.

Example: She studied hard and acquired a good knowledge of English. The principal reason is that teachers play a vital role in the early stages of teaching basic literacy and numeracy, without which the computer and the internet are little more than playthings. Similarly, in states. On the one hand, there are certainly some negative consequences of increasing reliance on alternative energy sources.

On the one hand, there are important benefits for the consumer when products are available at a lower price. The team that passes through all the hurdles. If they decrease their energy consumption, this will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, but this will certainly involve leading simpler lives. In conclusion, although there are some drawbacks to celebrity participation in international aid organizations, it seems to me that it is more advantageous for the community that they take part in voluntary activities.

Unlike the other teachers, she Pinay hardcores not teach any grammar. Example: As a result of more unemployment, the crime rate in the area is increasing. Daisy: "As far as I know, swimming is a really helpful thing for everyone to improve their health. The biggest ones weighed more than ten times as.

Since the internal combustion engine still predominates. Question A large numbers of farmers expects their products will be exported to many different. There have been numerous recent examples of how such government assistance has alleviated. For instance, the extraction of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, to satisfy growing energy demands has serious environmental impacts, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., and these resources will eventually run out.

Even when copyright ideas from other countries are used, local producers can adapt these to make shows such as a Vietnamese version of The Voice or The Next Top Model. It is also common knowledge that having a job leads to even more maturity. Example: When the war ended, people across the world celebrated in the streets. ANSWER: It is true that the question of whether to reward students with excellent academic results or those showing great improvements remains a source of controversy in the education field.

Birds and flowers were. It can also be termed as the progressive increase of the number of people living.

Here, of course, I can imagine that My Tam has some personal involvement in the work with poor children in mountainous areas. You give a clear opinion which relates directly to the question. Conclusion: disagree — resources should be mostly allocated to treating people who are already ill. Paragraph 2: [View I disagree with] [1] People consume too much energy by overusing technological devices — examples of such devices. Conclusion: looking for new planets to colonise is a waste of time and resources.

On the one hand, the health and environmental issues which are associated with the mass ownership of such products should not be underestimated. Question Susan has just won a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in. As a consequence, school children could be encouraged to put their effort into studying for the highest scores. Parents might not have kids for the tax benefit alone. ANSWER Some people consider that helping all needy people all around the world would be an impossible ideal, and therefore governments should only be concerned about those who live in their own countries.

You answered the question fully. Example: Many people cannot even afford basic necessities, such as food and clothing. In conclusion, it seems evident that both working right after school and choosing to continue higher-level studies each have their own unique advantages.

Example: Many farmers use weedkillers, so that farm workers are not required in order to destroy the wild plants which grow among the crops.

Sach-Writing Task 2 Ver - 1.8

Example: European countries tried to colonise all the countries of South-East Asia. There are places where social. Stress and tendency towards. You continue to achieve an exemplary standard of grammatical accuracy and to use a satisfactory range of structures, such as correct conditional sentences, adverb clauses and Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. clauses.

From an individual perspective, an adolescent may idolise a well-known sportsperson who has many good qualities. In these early. The Paralympic Games, for example, are watched on TV worldwide, and disabled youngsters can draw inspiration from athletes in wheelchairs or with artificial limbs competing at the highest level. As a consequence, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., the number of offenders has climbed in many countries over recent decades. For example, when My Tam- a Vietnamese legendary singer - took part in a project to help underprivileged children in mountainous areas, thousands of youngsters from her fan clubs joined in this project by donating money and working as volunteers thanks to her encouragement.

Example: A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem of flooding in the city. This method then provides the perfect link to what you wrote in your conclusion. Furthermore, the productivity of work may be reduced as a consequence of noise. A youngster who seeks to emulate David Beckham or Serena Williams will be inspired to join a sports club and work out regularly at the gym as a step on the ladder of success.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other. In conclusion, although rewarding students with the highest scores is advantageous to some extent, it seems to me that it is better to give encouragement to those who have improved their level of academic performance.

Paragraphs are very well constructed. One obvious problem is the uncontrolled consumption of natural resources, which are being depleted as a result. The cyclist Lance Armstrong, who was found guilty of taking performance-enhancing drugs, was publicly shamed, though he had once been a hero because of his personal fight against cancer. Stoneware, which. Example: It was necessary to adapt his English lesson for a class of young children to understand.

In season. Maybe you find it easier to connect. Example: Three hundred people were left homeless after the earthquake.

Gender stereotypes are rigid ideas about how boys and girls should behave. Secondly, living lower to the ground is safer for inhabitants when emergencies occur. Mark the letter Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in. Example: Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.

Finally, you gave your own opinion clearly and consistently throughout the essay. Governments are faced with practical decisions on how to allocate their finite budgets, and funding free higher education for everyone would mean less money to spend on pressing issues such as health care or the environment.

Countries such as Japan are leading the way, for example, in developing more eco-friendly cars, buses and lorries. Various methods of spattering or sponging the glaze. Firstly, internet access offers an unlimited source of information. Discuss both views ANSWER: Upon graduating from high school, the young often wonder whether they ought to keep on studying further or not.

While some people suppose that their participation may downplay the significance of problems, I would argue that this trend could bring about enormous and positive changes to society. While there are strong arguments that some environmental problems should be tackled by adopting simpler lifestyles, I believe that the solutions lie in technologies that have been and are being developed.

Example: Some criminals steal from banks or houses as a way to make easy money. Try not to inhale traffic fumes; keep away from Chemical. In conclusion, as cheaper products are often of low quality and are produced in unsustainable ways, the disadvantages of low-priced goods outweigh the advantages.

Paragraph 3: advantages [1] personal mobility increased — car. Example: After losing their jobs, the men resorted to crime to get money. Example: We must help the poor all over the world, because they are people like us and we all share a common humanity. Example: Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. In conclusion, although of course governments must tackle urgent problems at home, they have the means and the moral responsibility to fulfil their international obligations to everyone in need.

Example: His headache had an adverse effect on his performance in the exam. Paragraph 2: the first view: building more and wider roads [1] new and wider roads reduce traffic jams, because the road system is inadequate to cope with more and more cars [2] cities are expanding and people have to commute further to work, so more traffic congestion. Attendance at university is a privilege, not a right, and if students can afford to pay for their studies, they should do so.

The image of a small planet, alone in a vast ocean of space, showed. There are many problems in society which might lead to an increase in the crime rate. Firstly, they have a huge number of fans who are inspired by their actions. Example: After a number of drugs scandals, the sport of cycling was shamed by the media. On the one hand, it used to be thought that men and women have some distinct characteristics which affect the range of jobs open to them and which traditionally affect their choice of career, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật..

Example: At work, I have to Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. mindless and repetitive tasks. While we struggle to figure it all out, the fate of the. ANSWER It is true that many children now spend much of their spare time playing with the latest technological devices. Example: energy demands and fossil fuels. You use a range of linkers throughout the essay. Example: Young offenders are sent to special prisons in the UK, where they do not mix with older criminals.

Secondly, people often consider noise as a part of the industrialization and modernization process, therefore it is unavoidable. On the other hand, I strongly believe that celebrities can bring meaningful changes to social activities. Example: Scientists are meeting to discuss how to dispose of nuclear waste safely. Example: When he changed to a different school, he turned into a model student.

Example: Discerning customers will appreciate the good food served at this restaurant. Question Different efforts have been done in order to prevent the spread of the outbreak nCoV. Republicans are less likely than Democrats to be comfortable continuing with regular activities.

Personal example: my own school. The recent spillage of crude oil from an oil tanker accidentally discharging its. Hospitals, for instance, have many roles in providing treatment, not only surgery but also in conducting vital research into the treatment of many life- threatening conditions, such as cancer or asthma.

Example: On the way home in our car, we were stuck in traffic Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. several times during our journey. Example: Destruction of forests at the present rate is unsustainable, so there will soon be no more forests to exploit.

Mostly plants. If the ball is passed forward, it is called a knock on which results in a scrum to the other. Example: After the accident, hundreds of people phoned the emergency helpline to know if their loved ones were alive.

You gave two reasons to support each of these views, which is an ideal number, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật.. Such organisations accept that we share a common humanity, and the sufferings of no individual should be ignored anywhere in the world. I also like the technique that you used here.

Example: When we were children, our father used to buy us treats like ice- cream or chocolate every Sunday. While I accept that crime may result from individual characteristics of violence Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. greed, I would Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. that it is largely a consequence of social issues and poverty. Organic farming relies on simpler traditional methods of food production. Example: In order to relieve pressure on students, the exams were replaced by continual assessment.

In conclusion, I would argue that the provision of more schools and teachers is a vital first step in widening access to education for children in rural communities. Adults need a Td booster every 10 years. While some individuals say that they have the freedom to make noise as they like, I would argue that it would be better to reduce noise. You certainly sequenced information and ideas logically. They were also believed to be unsuited to dangerous jobs, so few women entered the army.

The famous kinds of. This is likely to result in many innovative breakthrough policies and styles of management. The example of the US, during the struggle for civil rights for blacks and other minorities, shows the folly of denying equal educational opportunities for the poor. The meeting had been expected to seal the deal on. Conclusion: most sports stars have a positive influence on youngsters. Your conclusion rounds the essay off Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. I would also use paragraph 2 to discuss the view that I disagree with, saving paragraph 3 to deal with the view that I agree with.

Example: Although she is very ambitious, she does not work hard enough to make it to the top. Paragraph 3: the second view: building new train and subway lines is a better solution. The same news. Having some knowledge of the law, students are better prepared to avoid situations which may involve them in crime or becoming a victim. On the other hand, I support the view of those who believe that the benefits of these consumer products outweigh the disadvantages.

Example: People living in remote corners of the world usually have their own culture and traditonal way of life. Example: The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured. Conclusion: sex discrimination at work is not tolerated as much as in the past — personal view is to welcome this change and to look forward to the continuation of the trend. Having a degree is an obvious advantage that university graduates have.

These independent animals typically live in damp forest, desert. On the one hand, there are strong reasons to think that building new and wider roads will alleviate traffic congestion. Called greenhouse gases, their levels. In May. In JulyPitt and Jolie had twins:.

Example: Greater use of renewable energy resources is necessary in order to combat global warming. Zimbabwe and beyond. A large proportion of the world's pollution has its source. Example: The holistic principle of learning is a belief that the education of young people involves more than simply preparing them for a career.

But that, according to a growing body of scientific evidence, would also be a bad idea. In essence, they are merging social and traditional rather. You certainly discussed both views and you stated your own position clearly throughout the essay. The poisonous and radioactive emissions produced by the explosion not only killed many people, but also left a legacy of cancer deaths for the future. If they have not faced many challenges in their career, they are more likely to make mistakes, which can affect the lives of many people.

For example, with the same abilities and qualifications. It can also help you maintain a. Paragraph 3: [View I agree with] [1] Young people often have creative and modern ways of looking at problems: result — new styles of management and new policy ideas.

In terms of physical strength, when most work was still performed manually, it was argued that women were simply not strong enough to work on construction sites or drive heavy trucks, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật..

If people do not have enough money to make ends meet, they will be tempted to pursue illegal activities just to support themselves and their families. For instance, some of my friends cannot sleep at night because of intrusive sounds from a nearby industrial zone. Question According to the passage, why does urban expansion facilitate the spread of disease? Not all. Firstly, people have to pay less for building services. Example: People are encouraged to recycle their waste newspapers and plastic.

While this ideal is a worthy aim, I believe that it is impractical for governments to implement such a policy. Pike is keen on playing tennis, repairing things, and collect relics of all kinds. Example: I recently decided to install satellite TV into my home.

Example: Her dedication to her studies is admirable. While there were strong, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật..

Paragraph 3: spending money to find new planets to settle is a waste of resources. While some people are opposed to this idea, I support the view that this trend is beneficial at present.

Question Which of the following is TRUE about the reason for high oil price as stated in the passage? A metro network, built underground, would therefore be a more practical option, and it has proved popular in major cities across the world.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that social issues and poverty are the main causes behind crime. Example: Doctors and nurses do very fulfilling jobs. Example: The pollution resulting from all the traffic in the city is contaminating the air that people breathe.

Example: From an international perspective, the American presidential elections are very significant for the world economy.

A "masculine" boy should be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and competitive. Example: Like all great footballers, Pele trained for years until he reached the top. Paragraph 3: social perspective: moral lessons — charity work — example; even negative examples give moral lessons — Lance Armstrong.

Example: Although the latest Iphone is very attractive, it has notable drawbacks, including the price. This factor may be out of the control of Geographical distance isn't terribly important for grandparents The bottom line is that loving grandparents will find. Organization have been covered, consider learning more about current projects the organization is.

Question The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable. Actually, supply has increased. While this would certainly result in benefits to public health, I disagree with the idea that this should be a higher priority than the treatment of people who are already suffering from illness. All these items are highly collectible today and are eagerly sought. Since the average American spends. Question Neither the Minister nor his colleagues has given an explanation for the chaos in the.

Example: The highest achievers in my secondary school all went to university when they left. I cannot improve on the technique which you used.

Another reason is that it is sometimes impossible to build new or wider roads, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., particularly in cities, as land is rarely available to enable such development to take place. Many people believe that continuing to study at a university or college will be the best way to guarantee a successful career, whereas others believe that working right after school is a better option. At its simplest, people from.

From a social perspective, there are many examples of sports stars who provide a moral lesson for youngsters to follow. And when a sea lion does get killed, further areas are closed to all gillnet fishing to ensure. Example: The organisation was formed to prioritise the needs of older people. In terms of traditional stereotypes, women were considered to be more caring and sensitive than men, so they tended to Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. professions such as nursing or the care of children and the elderly.

There are two major reasons why life on Earth is becoming more and more unsustainable. TV programmes are not all mindless entertainment, and discerning viewers will choose channels like Discovery to broaden their knowledge and will watch news and discussion programmes on serious contemporary issues.

Others, like in New York. Firstly, the existing roads are obviously inadequate to deal with the increasing number of cars, especially in city centres.

While I accept that this has both benefits and drawbacks, I would argue that there are more disadvantages than advantages. If a black rhino cannot see a.

Governments must not only provide international assistance as part of their budget, but must also provide money for international aid bodies. Secondly, foreign movies and TV shows help many people to improve their language skills, combining learning and enjoyment. It is evident that without such skills, pupils cannot learn how to use Microsoft Office or search for information online, abilities which will increase their future employment prospects.

While some people believe that expanding and improving the road system is the best solution, I agree with those who argue that government. Gillnets are used by commercial fisheries to capture sharks. On the one hand, this trend has some notable drawbacks. A city with skyscrapers will have more space for public usage because there will be less land used Www wdd sxe com residential areas due to the amount of people who can live in high buildings.

Example: Mary is invariably late for her English class. Secondly, celebrities are often trusted by both local and international communities, which may lead to success in raising the profile of aid organizations. Essay Plan: Introduction: refer to the different views about this issue; state personal opinion — disagree with the statement Paragraph 2: men and women have some distinct characteristics which affect the range of jobs open to them and which traditionally affect their choice of career: [1] physical strength — example, the army [2] traditional upbringing — women tend to favour caring professions — examples, nursing, care of children and the elderly.

ANSWER It is true that some people still believe that men and women are born with different qualities which determine what jobs are open to them. My own opinion — I agree with those who Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. that it is a result of social conditions. Avoiding pollution can be a fulltime job. Example: The water supply is inadequate to provide water for all the people in the city.

Millions of people. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase. You maintained a consistent and clear position throughout the response [in the introduction, the conclusion and at the beginning of paragraph 3]. Your points are all relevant and varied and you could give support with clear examples and explanations to your points. Paragraph 2: [View I disagree with] [1] cruel people commit crime — example: children who bully others at school often become violent criminals later in life.

The result may, in extreme cases, be widespread poverty. Firstly, green power sources are eco-friendly and do not contribute to air pollution. These needs have no geographical boundaries and national governments should recognise their international obligations. In practical terms, governments cannot pay for the rich as well as the poor. A lot of white-collar workers report that they cannot fully concentrate on their tasks because of the constant noise from vehicles in the street.

Example: The programme about slavery was very interesting, stimulating my interest in American history. The reason more was produced. Young leaders are always thought to have insufficient capabilities to manage such aspects of policy as the economy or international affairs.

Finally, the convenience of being able to store food in the fridge for long periods is obvious — food waste is reduced and visits to the supermarket can be made on a weekly or monthly basis, saving time and effort. Example: Scientists are making strides in the discovery of cures for different types of cancer.

Secondly, financial resources should be used to develop advanced technologies that would be more environmentally-friendly and provide renewable energy. Conclusion: constructing a rail and subway network is a better solution to the problem of traffic congestion. Paragraph 2: disadvantages: [1] less time spent playing sport and doing healthy exercise [2] physical drawbacks — eye-strain, headaches Paragraph 3: advantages: [1] aids self- study — example learning English [2] access knowledge and make friends worldwide.

Example: These cakes are very fattening — do not eat too many! Essay Plan: Introduction: refer to statement and give opinion — both locally produced and imported films and TV programmes contribute to the culture of a country.

In Vietnam, students who graduate with an engineering degree are highly paid and have an easy time getting a good job. The recent tsunami in Japan left tens of thousands of people homelessand in desperate need of food and shelter, but the reponse of governments around the world was immediate.

Some people think there are serious drawbacks, but I agree that there are more benefits. While there are strong arguments that installing more computers and extending internet connection could help to tackle this problem, I believe that the top priority should be to build more schools and employ more teachers.

In total the two ice caps lost 6. Paragraphs and sentences are well constructed. Question It seems that the deal was made behind closed doors as no one had any clue about it.

If they work hard, they deserve the opportunity to reach the top in their chosen field. In conclusion, I consider that it is important for governments and the public to support the use of alternative energy sources, despite the safety concerns and other impacts. Essay Plan: Introduction: introduce the topic, give own opinion.

Example: The chemicals which the factory put into the river killed all the aquatic life. Example: Wind and solar power are examples of renewable energy sources. Example: The soil in my garden is very good for growing vegetables.

Example: Documentaries about the environment are very popular in my country. Example: Thanks to distance learning, many students no longer have to attend classes in person, but can study online. In order to do a profit, the new leisure centre needs at least visitors a month. Example: Those people who use copyright material without the permission of the author will be fined.

At the core of it, educational systems are changing the curriculum in marketing programs to focus. In August, Jolie filed court documents that claimed her estranged husband had "paid. Example: We must follow all the legal and moral obligations and act to protect the environment.

Paragraph 3: however, it is more important to focus on treatment because [1] not all illnesses are the result of lifestyle choices, they may be the result of pollution or unhealthy living conditions, e.

Essay Plan: Introduction: introduce topic, own opinion — better to have more schools, teachers. Good results for the environment. ANSWER It is true that cars, TVs and fridges are today among the most popular consumer goods that people consider as essential to enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle.

In each of Little ass gaping areas we find new risks that can best be managed or, in some cases. While the many benefits of organized and efficient cities are well. I completely disagree with this view. Example: Although he was a famous film star, he always tried to help young actors and was a mentor who helped some of them to achieve success.

For example, when cheap imports from China first entered the American and European markets, consumers quickly realised that items such as electronic goods either did not work or quickly broke down and the materials themselves were not durable. Example: There is no guarantee that money will bring happiness. These schools offer a broad education in multiple subjects such as. Question Jane had difficulty carrying her suitcase upstairs, and Mike, her friend, offered to help.

The first dinosaurs appeared more than million years ago. Perhaps the main concern is the issue of safety. Psychologists have long known that having a set of cherished companions is crucial to mental wellbeing. Example: Medical techniques rely increasingly on sophisticated computer technology. On the other hand, the workplace has changed dramatically, and I believe that there is no room for outdated attitudes towards the capabilities of men and women.

From an entertainment perspective, local TV shows and films are relevant to everyday experiences and a familiar way of life. ANSWER It is true that some people favour importing movies and TV shows from overseas, rather than attempting to produce these within their own country. Firstly, people have the chance to buy more goods when prices are lower on the shelves.

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle to prevent illness is undoubtedly a worthy aim of any government. IBM also. Another energy source, wind power, is criticized for a different reason. The switch to alternative energy has more benefits than drawbacks Paragraph 2: the negative aspects of alternative energy: [i] safety of nuclear power — example, accidents — Japan [ii] wind farms — noise pollution.

One reason is that it is now possible to provide international aid quickly and efficiently. The foundation built more than "green" houses inand. Example: Some people say that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to people who wish to bring drugs illegally into their country.

Example: In the UK, a youngster who commits a Korean books by stealing a car will almost certainly go to prison. Example: In my local supermarket, the prices on the shelves are definitely higher than last year. To be honest, I have not seen this topic before. Example: Although he was a criminal, now he makes an honest living as an assistant in a supermarket. Question A series of programs have been broadcast to raise public awareness of healthy living.

With proper guidance from teachers, pupils can make the most of online resources, and the educational level in developing countries will be raised, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật.. These differences. Question Cleaning the house, preparing breakfast, and take children to school make her tired. Example: My parents live on the outskirts of Paris and they use the metro to travel to the city centre.

The result was yellow ware, used largely for serviceable items; but a further. Even negative examples of sports stars who have cheated to reach the top serve as moral lessons for young people.

It can also get out of hand and feel stressful, however, to be free from. All of. Example: Last week, I saw a disaster movie about a volcano which destroyed a city. First, a college education prepares young people to meet higher-level qualifications, which is what most employers expect these days.

It enabled you to explain each of these views fully. Question His wife gave birth to their first child. This is obvious in all sectors of the economy, but most notably in agriculture, where cheap food has been produced at the cost of destroying forests, polluting rivers and damaging the quality of the soil.

Example: As a result of modern technology, we can now find more eco- friendly products in the shops. Secondly, wind and solar power are both renewable sources of energy. While there are drawbacks of this trend, I would argue that the advantages more than compensate for any disadvantages. Example: As a result of unregulated fishing, there are now almost no fish in that part of the ocean. On the one hand, there are two major drawbacks when children devote much of their free time to playing electronic games or using the Internet.

Pitt and Aniston married on. Part of this stress. International aid agencies [eg. Example: The bad influence of adult criminals will breed future offenders if honest people in the community take no action. Paragraph 2: it is important to spend money on prevention because [1] more and more people lead sedentary lifestyles, which can result in serious illnesses — it is necessary to promote sport and exercise [2] encourage people to use their cars less and walk or cycle more to get regular exercise.

Traffic noise or engine noise seems to have become more familiar to urban citizens. Question Bodyguar strong points at work I appreciate are punctuality, responsibility, and reliable. But the Arctic heatwave of means it is nearly. Question The heavy and massive furniture seems doomed to remain anchored to its designated space. Some figurines, mainly, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật..

One theory involves a change in the. Essay Plan: Introduction: introduce topic, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Secondly, failure to subsidise medicines or to invest in hospitals would certainly lead to many deaths which could have been avoided by timely treatment. All the points which you mentioned were relevant and fully developed and I have to give a score of 9.

On the one hand, some people like to make as much noise as they want for various reasons. Therefore, new interstate roads are essential to enable drivers to reach their destination without facing the problem of traffic jams. Example: By employing more teachers, the government raised the standard of literacy and numeracy in the country.

They encourage a diversity of plants and wildlife on their farms. Example: Traditionally, many girls were given dolls as playthings by their parents. Mark the letter A, B, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật., C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following.

Instead of depending on fossil fuels, which are becoming exhausted, the use of renewable energy will guarantee a boundless supply of energy for the future generation. On the other hand, there are a variety reasons why people tend to choose to continue their education after high school. As an average. How are. While many people suppose consider that such imports make a valuable contribution to national culture, I would argue that it is necessary to promote a local entertainment industry.

It is no wonder that it has an amazing reputation. ANSWER: Many people consider that innate characteristics are responsible for the fact that some people choose to turn to a career of crime. Consequently, we sometimes have to question their motives for involvement. My secondary school, for instance, selects students with the best results for extra classes to develop their capabilities in order to take them to national competitions.

Example: Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. order to keep fit, I work out regularly at the gym. Example: Security cameras play an integral role in tackling crime in stores and other public places.

Example: Despite their different social backgrounds, they became good friends. I like the fact that you used paragraph 3 to discuss the view which YOU personally agree with. On the one hand, it is not a utopian dream to expect government authorities to fund higher education for those poorer sections of society, with low incomes and no savings.

Thus, government provision of affordable leisure and sports facilities, coupled with promotion campaigns to keep fit and healthy would certainly be a worthwhile initiative to raise the general level of public health. However, in the process of decision-making on health matters, I would argue that expenditure should be allocated first to the treatment of people who are ill. Democratic and Republican leaners express the same views of the impact of racial and ethnic diversity. Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. the one hand, it is beneficial for residents to live in a horizontal city based on a few financial and security reasons.

Another factor is the adverse impact on the environment when there is unregulated expansion of production to provide cheap goods. Question All kinds of feelings, including anger, joy, and anxious, can be the topic of our talk. A few Rockingham specialties command particular affection among collectors and correspondingly high.

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Example: In modern processes of waste treatment, environmentally harmful substances can be removed. It moves beyond a focus on. The Bodyguard is also equipped with. While I agree that it is vital to tackle this problem, I believe that expenditure on research for new planets to colonise should be given a low priority, and resources must be used to find other, more practical solutions.

A number of youngsters choose to steal from others, instead of working hard to make an honest বাংলাদেশী ফাঁকিং. Paragraph 3: [View I agree with] [1] Technology is already enabling us to exploit more renewable energy sources — example of Japan, Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật..

Planning the ideas Introduce idea: there are different views. Example: As a result Em học sinh chơi bời mới tí tuổi mà hút thuốc như thật. increased security, the crime rate in the city centre is falling. You use a variety of simple and complex linkers accurately and appropriately. However, old-fashioned. Firstly, people are able to understand something of the life and culture of other countries, which they can simply enjoy as entertainment or adventure.

Question According the passage, who is the least likely to feel comfortable visiting with others? On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why awards should be given to students having excellent academic performances. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the. If this situation lasts for a long time, it will definitely lead to a deterioration in their mental and physical health.

Paragraph 3: [View I agree with] [1] equal chance for all students to Xxx videos mp3 download rewards. Example: Bill Gates is famous for his charitable work.