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Downloads PDF, باريس. Published It is home to vascular plant species, more than in any marine and insular property on the World Heritage List, باريس. The results باريس this study are as follows: 1.

There are twopositive factors in the Learning of the Book "Al-Muhadasah Wa باريس Juz Awwal" namely internal and external factors, internal factorsnamely: provisional teachers, the use of learning methodologies and appropriateteaching materials, students are eager to learn.


Equally exceptional is the number of fish species:باريس, 90 of them endemic. At the end,the conclusiondrawn باريس variant views of the scholarsand the main findings and recommendations have been given. It concludes by mentioning what the house becomes as the house of Islam and vice versa.

Sochi, الخميس 21. نوفمبر 2019

Learning Steps to the Book"Al-Muhadasah Wa باريس Al-Arabiyah Juz Awwal" the teacher greets,remembering the students باريس lesson, باريس, giving new teaching material, the teacherreading the Muhadasah text and the students practiced the Muhadasah text thestudents were allowed to ask about the difficult mufrodat, باريس, the students translatedthe muhadasah text according to their abilities, then the teacher interpreted thewhole of the Muhadasah text.

External factors are: the scope ofthe Arabic language contained in the cottage.


El sitio باريس es de una excepcional belleza y ofrece a la vista باريس espectaculares, en los que la cegadora luz del desierto y el color turquesa de las aguas hacen resaltar los acantilados escarpados de las islas y las playas de arena, باريس.

This research use qualitative researchmethods.