Diputadas pri

Búsqueda de Intervenciones en el pleno

Bertha Alicia. Juan Manuel. Katya Elizabeth.

Bonilla Valdez. Castro Castro.

DIPUTADAS DEL PRI | Sesión en el Pleno de la Cámara de Diput… | Flickr

Herrera Ruiz. Micher Camarena. Its president, Jose Woldenberg, said in a statement that Turnout across the nation Diputadas pri extraordinarily high, some 64 per cent of the close to 59 million registered voters. Botello Montes. Armenta Mier.

Diputadas pri

Mora Arellano. Eva Eugenia. Moya Clemente. Marco Antonio. Cravioto Romero. Mayuli Latifa.

Diputados PRI Hidalgo

Flores Hurtado. Gina Andrea. Benavides Cobos. Claudia Esther.

Diputados Federales PRI

Caraveo Camarena. Alejandra del Carmen. Gustavo Enrique. Claudia Edith. Elenes Angulo.


Cruz Blackledge. Nuvia Magdalena. Gama Basarte.

Proceso Electoral Ordinario

Martha Cecilia. Ballesteros Mancilla. The Sunandsester won 15 seats, the same as it had won in the previous elections, Diputadas pri. The ruling PRI won seats, losing As for the Diputadas pri, the PRI won 60 seats, down from the 75 it had had in the outgoing one while the PAN won 46 seats, 15 more than in the previous term.

Grupo Parlamentario del PRI. Cámara de Diputados

Mancera Espinosa. Mayorga Delgado. Despite allegations of pressure and vote-buying, the presidential elections were widely seen as Mexico's fairest ever. Bours Griffith. Galaz Caletti. Camino Farjat. Elvia Marcela, Diputadas pri.

Balderas Espinoza.

Grupo Parlamentario del PRI. Cámara de Diputados | Flickr

Ruth Alejandra. Former U. President Jimmy Carter, who went to Mexico as part of an international monitoring group, said election reforms had brought Mexican politics a new-found legitimacy, Diputadas pri.

Rosa Elena. Covarrubias Cervantes. Juan Antonio.