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Minister of Roads and Highways. The Department oF Roads administers the feeder roads network and related facilities in Ghana.

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Provide improved all year round access for the movement of people and goods to facilitate the promotion of economic activities and access to social services in rural communities.

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This policy was reintroduced in A key successful factor for the project is the prompt payment of contractors for works done.

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Protect and preserve investments made on improved roads and bridges through adequate maintenance of procedures. Provide employment opportunities for the rural poor by encouraging a greater use of labor based road construction technology. Local Government to build 80 feeder Dfr org xxx.

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Team-Work,innovation,economy, efficiency, accountability, quality, effectiveness, transparency, timeliness, professionalism,respect for employees, social responsibility, honesty and integrity. Minister of Local Government. Exists to facilitate the provision of safe, all weather accessible feeder roads at optimum cost.