Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx

Marrieson, C. Mason, Billy. Kedarnath Banerjee. The remaining lina. Adminis- Rs. Be ta; geet on 10 annar. Kelly, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, V. Ruchwaldy, L, Kelley, H. Rustomjce Merwanjee. This letter or parcel addressed to J Major G. The Post Office receipt will acknowledge the insurance. DeLacy, Edward. Hae nninghan Sim son, Esq. Henry J. Tomas, Chairman. UV emission from lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles in super-resolution microscopy: potential for cellular damage ACS Applied Nano Materials, ; 6 8 Kaul, L.

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of diethyldithiocarbamate with copper ions and its liposomal formulation for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms Biofilms, ; Kim, K. Optical transport over millimeter distances of a microscopic particle using a novel all-fiber Bessel-like beam generator Optics and Lasers in Engineering, ; Lee, J.

Influence of the photopolymerization matrix on the indicator response of optical fiber pH sensors Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical: international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers, ; Li, J.

Label-free DNA quantification using isothermal amplification on an exposed core Boy is 12 fiber microfluidic platform The Analyst, ; 19 Ma, M.

Effective viral-mediated lung gene therapy: is airway surface preparation necessary? On Bandage thore Carcurta Gent. Groner, Post. Pertrw, Collector. Ox tue Ovpm anv Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx Ramwar. Monett, H. Moppitt, Mrs. Murray, W. Mylan, James. Price, 8 annas ; postage, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, 1 anna, ee of Fndi ia; being» a agp ir3 Venomous Snakes.

Allen Brothers.

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Manituier axp Epwarps, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx and Secretaries. Bradshaw, J. Braganza, P. Campbell, R. Catania, A. Chiodetti, O.

Chisholm, C. Cless, H. Clerk, L. Clive, Miss C. Clint, Miss K. Collins, Mrs. Cooke, Madame. Coromandel Coast, ie No. Prive, Re. Sheet No, No. Prine Coan, Point to Palmyras Point, ada ted t6 the latest れいな of an a. Criminal Pri, Re.

Cinchona Cal ultivation in een g Sing 3 MB. Ey O'Connor. Gronak, Post-Maater. DeSouza, Edward. Macvarnary, Caxcurta, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, the 2nd N con ture Eims, J.

Jt « Finelf, F. Abroniourtz, J. Hibbard, Ghas. Ditto « Ditto. For particulars apply to the Superintendent, Bengal Secre- tariat Press. Name of proprictor. Caucvrta, the 2nd April Kurwor, m. Present it.

Ditto Caxcorta, the 8th April Statement of Receipts ta Local any Sor the week sia Mh i Srsntone, for Vice-Chairman. Any inches over the foot will be charged as a foot. The 27th March Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 30th of April current, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, A. Now CE is hereby given that the Bank Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx Bengal and Public Debt Office will be closed on 12th, 18th, 19th, and 20th instant, on account of the authorized holi- days.

Government Promissory Note No, ofdated 80th June, for Rs, 1, standing in the name of the undersigned, and never endorsed by him to any other person. Street, with M below in a diamond, bottom H. Order 8, B in a triangle, bottom C 8 loss Ditto oe a rw.

Full text of "Index to the Calcutta Gazette"

For Lotters at letters and fully pre. Beicuamngns, Registrar. DeCristoforis, Guiseppe. Ditto - 8. Aafed, Mr. Albertson, R. Alis, Miss.

Second and Third Class Timber will be sold and price fixed by agreement. Gallois, being excluded.

Macranuaty, Offy. For arrears of revenue. Broughton, Esq. R, Betcnamngnrs, Registrar, M. Notification, : Bank of Bengal. Preference will be given after examination of the eandidates.

Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx

Lamer, A. Lee, Mrs. J, Lewis, Mrs. Lon, Love, Mrs. Lynch, A. Maude, Miss. Mayby the Registrar of the said Court at his sale- Caxcurta, 3rd April The abstract of title and the conditions of sale ma be seen at the office of Mr, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx.

George Rogers, the plaintiff's Attorney, and Tante colmek muncat the office of the Registrar of the High Court in its original jurisdiction on any day before the sale, and will be produced at the sale. If the balance be not paid by noon of the fifteenth day after the sale, reckoning the day « of sale as one, or if that day be a close holiday, then by noon of the first succeeding Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx day, the!

Seeisise No. Name of Sistar brother six, Heiser No. Name of Clairaant, '. GA a Register No. L 6 Baboo Sham Lal Mohajun. Prepay the postage as for a registered letter or for a Y axaigr by affixing poaens labels. Reid, Mrs. Jordon, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, Mrs. Kartright, Capt.

Andrew, Jno. Balfour and Co, Baptist, R. Barocci, Fratelli, Basel, M. Baney Madhub Mannah, Bateman, W. Beake, Mr. Beaufort, A.

Beaumont, E. Bell, Mrs. Binton, G. Blaquiere, Messrs. Grorar, Post-master. Crurexsnank, Offy. Studdy, nara. If the balance be not paid by noon of the fifteenth day after the sale, reckoning the day of sale as one; or if that day be a close holiday, then by noon of the first succeeding office day, the sale to be cancelled the sum deposited being forfeited to Governmentand the estate to be again put up to sale at the risk of the defaulting purchaser, after issue of advertisement as in the case of original sale.

If it is a letter, e seal it inthe centre and at the four corners of the j envelope which should be a substantial one with E distinct impressions of some device other than that of a current coin. Conservator of Forests.

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Lane, C. Samson, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, Nael. B Na- Lieutenant. Goldstin, M. Goldsmid, Captain L. Gonsalves, J. Good, E. Grieff, D. Heward, Mrs, Hill, 8. The 22nd March No one need apply who poes not know English well, and who has not had pre- vious experience.

Go 3s 2 For one seat, a sum not exceeding eight annas a mile, Puienley iveet aC; Poe Sa Me gi I Ladi sex tworseats, a sum not exceeding 12 annas a mile.

The purchasers will be subject to the following conditions of salo, Cowprrions or Sate. Ditto » Ditto. Pension contribution of Government officer will be paid in addition to salary velling allowance under Public Works Department rules, but not to exceed Rs. Oudh Forest Department. Ditto, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, Ditto. L Or » » —6i 4 Ls 1. April 4 1 Case, addressed. Ditto «. Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx stationery store will be closed for the annual stock-taking from the Ist to the 14th proximo, both days inclusive, during which period no issues can be made.

ThursdayThe purchasers will be subject to the following conditions of sale :— Conpitions or Sane.

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Colony Xxxvvvm be specially t " Basirhat, Satkhire, te Loop Line inthe Jody lloyd pn vhyoo. Price as Report on the Administration of ands vain Mills, ae Surveys, R, C.

Surveyed by Navigati phamsenanls Fi Jarrad, R. Approaches Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx Point de Galle » Harbour, Ceylon. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, ; Ghith, A.

The effectiveness of anti-inflammatory agents in reducing chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment in preclinical models — a systematic review Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, ; Hamilton, R. Inertial focusing of spherical particles in curved microfluidic ducts at moderate Dean numbers Journal of Fluid Mechanics, ; Hedrich, C. Mode-Locked and Tunable 3.

Dansford and Law- ton, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, Jullunder Can- tonment, N. Ditto a 8 1 Case, J F, bottom E 7 ". P Rs, a. Ship Star of Erin. Carcutta Post Orricr, the lst January Per Steamer.

Roargs, Plaintiff's Attorney. A mh P, Re. Preview, Collegtor. Chemical, and roscopical Nature —Rs. BN OTICE is hereby given that the proprietary right of Government, as specified in the eonditions of sale below, to " the undermentioned estates situate in the district of Moorshedabad.


Hien Covar Onterxat Junisprorion. Bholanath Das TEE? Notes partially lost or destroyed. The Post Office will stamp the written as certificate of the posting of the article. Salary Rs. Ewean depan mertua will be given to those candidates who are well qualified in English and who have served with credit in the vernacular department of any criminal court.

Notes wholly lost or destroyed. Poxt-Master Genl. Sudder jumma, Re a. Hodge, Peter. Needham, De- 8. Rs, A. Ghope Shelinda Baoal Chandra. Kassex Kinxan Sx, Dy. Collr, in charge. Biology Letters, ; Babes strapons 5 Forecast, R. Manifestation of the coupling phase in microwave cavity magnonics Physical Review Applied, ; 19 5 Gayen, C.

A survival model of thoracic contusion spinal cord injury in the domestic pig Journal of Neurotrauma, ; 40 Gee, A. Efficient biocatalytic C-H bond oxidation: an engineered heme-thiolate peroxygenase from a thermostable cytochrome P Chemical Communications, ; 59 90 Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, A. The catalytic activity and structure of the lipid metabolizing CYP cytochrome P enzyme from Mycobacterium marinum.

Elliot, H. Embleton, Mrs. Fernandes, C. Fleming, F Fulton, Y. Gobind Chunder Banerji. This rule does not apply to. Ditto, 1 Case, M. Le 4 as « Ditto 2 Cane Chairs,no mark. Work, care of ee O. Ditto w 8 4 Bars Flat Iron,no mark. By order of Patricia jonson Directors, W. Crurcxsnank, Offy. Davidson, A. David, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, Mrs, Abdulla.

Price, ze. Fergusson and Co. Aw Machine, now on view at ia peatorn. Neuropharmacology, ; Nine, M. Miss E. Smith, 33, Free School. Applications, with copies of testimonials, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, to reach the undersigned before the 20th April Deputy Commissioner, Lohardugga. Rassnauye Magisrnacry, the 6th April Candidates must have good knowledge of Urdu and ence in civil court Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx. Pellizza, Gustavo.

Caxcurra, the 27th March In the Court for the Relief of. Lost or Stolen. Cohn, Ksq. I et 4 their Proxy of ssotialion, th Geren ob behalf of the n.

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Gene Therapy Basingstoke; 30 6 Meng, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, Q. The binding of nitrogen-donor ligands to the ferric and ferrous forms Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx cytochrome P enzymes Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, ; Moseley, G. One immune system plays many parts: The dynamic role of the immune system in chronic pain and opioid pharmacology.

Ditto : Ditto. Lg ! Calcutta, Rs. Caxcurra, the 6th April Stamons, Secretary. Oriovits, Tasof, Hamilton, William. Unprer Section 69 or Act V B. If not cleared within two pent from the date stated against each item, they will be sold under Section 72 of the said Act, Date of removal to Im pons tel Casks, in a diamond, top C. Consignees, Ships. Rs, a. Foot-Passxnarns, Calcutta to Howrah to Howrah. Plasceo, Mrs. Pogson, R. Pracy, William, Ponting, Mrs. Resnokis, Cc. Taylor, Miss.

Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx the balance be not paid by noon of the fifteonth day after the sale, reckoning the day of saie as one, orif that day be a close holiday then by noon of the first succeeding office day, the sale to be cancelled the sum ing forfeited to Government and the estate to be again put up to sale at the risk of the defaulting purchaser, at bo mfter insue of advertisement as in the case of original sale.

Government Stationery Orricr, the 19th March Fr is hereby notified that Teenger sew Main Eastern and Patna Canals in Behar will bo closed for repairs from the 10th May to the 10th June Horx, Asst. Z Chief Clerk's Office, the 2nd day of April W: G30!

Lou trent RW eas! Yates, Miss, Hobson, Miss N. Young, T. Allies, Alfred. Stone, A. Law, Geo. Sunders, Mrs. Leapold, T. Tackoorah, Liberman, 8. Diuto Ditto. Vowrrt, Officiating Magistrate. Senden thoy. La account under Act X1 of — Special No. D'Oxty, Collector. Bantox, Offy. Peddington, Mr. Pancell, Mrs, M.

Pelit, Monsieur Chas. D'Cruz, Alfred. Routes from AKF. Routes from AKI. Routes from AKJ. Routes from AKK. Routes from AKL. Routes from AKM. Routes from AKN. Routes from AKO. Routes from AKP. Routes from AKQ.

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Routes from BBT. Routes from BBU. Routes from BBW, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx. Routes from BBX. Routes from BBY. Routes from BBZ. Routes from BCA. Routes from BCB. Routes from BCC. Routes from BCD. Routes from BCE. Routes from BCF. Routes from Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx. Routes from BCI.

Routes from BCL. Routes from BCM. Routes from BCN. Routes from BCO. Routes from BCS. Routes from BCT. Routes from BCW. Routes from BDA. Routes from BDB. Routes from BDD. Routes from BDE. Routes from BDG. Routes from BDH. Routes from BDI. Routes from BDJ. Routes from BDK. Routes from BDL. Routes from BDM.

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Routes from BEH. Routes from BEI. Routes from BEJ. Defining species-specific and conserved interactions of apical membrane protein 1 during erythrocyte invasion in malaria to inform multi-species vaccines Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, ; 80 3 Du, X. Investigation of refractive index dynamics during in vitro embryo development using off-axis digital holographic microscopy Biomedical Optics Express, ; 14 7 Fabian, J.

Sparse spike trains and the limitation of rate codes underlying rapid behaviours. Jarrad, Fry BAS. B nd ee oer, No. Fem desage Adminis No. F and Corrected. Ditto Ditto, Ditto Ditto. Las wali in a degree of ane le, under each, latitude ; «and the length, im cables, of a of longs aby to cach nantie hae Com seh Gerripsion 3a Lieutenant FP. Mer, B oe Junkseylon and adja slands. Ditto Ditto. Nazois, Mrs. H, Nicholas, J. O'Brien, Mrs. O'Brien, W.

Oroobally, Serally. Larcom, Arthur. O'Sullivan, J. Henderson, J, P. Ozorio, C. Parkinson, W. Huguenot, M. Phelan, T.

Jones, H. Poweil, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Rae, Lt. Jones, Miss. Auction Sales will be held from Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx to time to clear off stock, For further particulars apply to the Officer in charge. Masury, cee w. Catcurta, 9th April Caxcurta, 30th March The 8th April The share transfer books of the Company will Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx closed from the 3rd to 16th AprilBoth days inclusive. Pesan Axrporr, 26th March Tn the gna arter ondil er Oct. Keuiven, Fibs G. Wy pert dior, «Published by order of the Directors, ne W.

Rrtanp, Seoretary. Paget, nel t, aD a Pace Rs. Tssued by the cature at Fort William in annas ; postage, Lanna. Martin, Gerald. Ditto 2 Cases, in a diamond, outside A. City 6f Canter- bury. Order Ditto. Py Insolvent in person. Ifitis a pareel, pack it in cloth, wax- cloth, or tin, and if packed in cloth or wax-cloth, put similar seals at intervals not exceeding 8 inches along the lines of sewing.

Ship Star of Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx. Thomson, J. Thompson, Miss L Torrance, J, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx. Turnbull, R. Wadley, T. Watson, Mrs. Whyte, J. Williams, Mrs. Wiseham, W. Hony, Secy. Thence'to Jungipore, Devi Patterson gambe PNG xxx, 9 miles - Jones, Mrs. Eat of Jellinghee from Jellinghee.

Kartpas Mooxenser. Derrick, G. Elliott, Charles. The purchasors of these estates will be considered as the proprictors of these estates, and the entire proprietary right of Government in such estates will be transferred to them, subject to the revenue fixed in perpetuity.

P rh isa das AT. Rond fund. The Department will still take orders for buildings all over at Rs, per cubic foot, provided the scantligs, are taken in fair proportion. Shoshee Bhoosun Gupta. Laukan, 8. P, Rs, a. Applications, with copies of testimo- niuls, will be sent to the undersigned by the 16th droximo. Menvtat Caatrensne, Subordinate Judge of Moorshedabad.

Stemware, 1 O 8— 10 Janet Futgie. Ti, Simons, for Vice-Chairman. Re ar. Chur Madanpura r 4. Stewart, Frank. Gesnada toBeait River.

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Be — Kalipodo Mukerjee. The remain- ing ijmali share as, oie 2k. Lator, Miss 8. Baker, Geo. Bauce, J. Dahlke, H. Denholm, J. Dickens, D. RE Por oe. Wort Blair and Camorta.

Pay, including allowances, and if necessary pension contri- bution, Rs. Applications to be submitted before the 15th April to.