Demon vs girl

Oxford University Press. And it was painfully obvious that the only editor this novel ever saw was a quick run-through with spell check. Rae is dressing, and it's not even one percent into the book and I've highlighted the first proofreading error that I just can't get past: "Stood in my fraying bra and panties, I groggily scratched at my knee, trying to pull myself together.

Writing style- clearly nobody edited this nonsense because the whole time I was reading it I kept tripping over misspelled words, words that were repeated and in a couple cases sentence fragments. I just wish the author would have slowed down before pushing this thing to be Only girl that/’s indoor calling daddy. This explains his view that succubi and incubi were the same demonic entity, only to be described differently based on the tormented sexes being conversed with.

Whoa, guys this is the important stuff they leave out in history classes. Stay tuned in to my frequency, folks, Demon vs girl you will have a shot at a better lifestyle. There is plenty of violence here, but nothing unpalettable for most young adults and older. The book was actually difficult to read. When Rae first meets Ed- sorry, Tomas her vampire bang buddy she describes him with a bowl haircut, Demon vs girl.

If I reach out to pet the glistening, rock hard six pack abs of a weight lifter, am I feeling strength? She was described to look something like this. As depicted in the Jewish mystical treatise Zohar and the medieval Jewish satirical text Alphabet of Ben SiraLilith was Adam 's first wife, who later became a succubus, Demon vs girl.

Overall, I found the story to be a miserable attempt to milk the popularity of the fantasy genre. Unless I am paid to do so. I even threw up in my mouth a little. Something every girl will envy. Body parts everywhere. None of this is particularly unique, though the way Penelope Fletcher describes it may be. I don't know what the demons did, whether there are humans outside the wall or why I should give a damn.

Stuti Rai. MUch-shuck, how old was I when I tried to read this one? I mean she wants to punch people when they accidentally Demon vs girl against her in Demon vs girl hallways. I just want this book to be out of my life, but obviously not badly enough to put it on my 'abandoned' shelf. According to the Malleus Maleficarumor Witches' Hammerwritten by Heinrich Kramer Institoris inDemon vs girl, succubi collect semen from men they seduce.

You know what we call girls who make-out with three guys in one day albeit, Demon vs girl, one 3 hour time slot in current day Janastare It's a relatively easy read, but it's in now way 'light'. I have never rated a book Demon vs girl low unless it was FSOG or Twilight, where I was personally offended by the events that occurred in the books.

She can tell a story. The plot was fast paced and exciting though it's not believable that it all takes place in 2 days at times. Kudos though to Fletcher for publishing her own book and getting it out there to be read by a lot of people. It doesn't show the woman's face, which I think is a smart move as it leaves room for the reader to imagine what she presumably the protagonist, Rae looks like.

Plot- I noticed a problem with this book that a lot of high school students I have worked with in the past have had- the Demon vs girl moves so fast it leaves out too much detail and character development. Clean up those typos. The story is rather fast paced, Demon vs girl, but I liked that, some stories tend to drag things out, so it was refreshing to see everything happen so quick, Demon vs girl.

I don't listen to Grammar Girl podcasts. Just Demon vs girl one has artistic licence to use curse words doesn't mean they should be thrown awkwardly into conversations just because they can.

Tools Tools. People do judge books by their covers and a well-designed, elegant cover can hide a lot of sins. Maybe she had a great story planned out in her head, Demon vs girl, but just got ahead of herself while writing.

Definitely one of the better books I have read this year. I was a little dubious when I started reading it, but once I got into the swing of it, I didn't put it down.

Pardon my Klingon. Only certain people are possessed and such people cannot marry or the qarina will harm them. The clothing object in question is a green blazer, and Demon vs girl girls rocked them shorn at the elbow or tied around the waist to show off their tattoos. The male counterpart to the succubus is the incubus. Children so begotten— cambions —were supposed to be those that were born deformed, or more susceptible to supernatural influences. I enjoyed the characters and Rae the main character is hilarious.

What it's about On a post-apocalyptic earth humans live in heavily fortified compounds, protected from the demons that roam outside their walls by the militaristic Sect. You are stupid, Demon vs girl, so very stupid and I honestly believe you have a mental condition that prevents you from keeping your hormones in check whenever you catch scent of a male!

Grammar: If there was ever a book in need of an edit, this is the one. Sassy Sarah Reads. I'm so sick of all of this stuff happening all Demon vs girl once, Demon vs girl exhausting. We didn't get to care about Alex at all. The MC and her special-snowflake-treated-as-a-pariah-shit High Schoo me all kinds of wrong ways.

There are some common themes here that some consider "overdone. I do love a good angsty love Demon vs girl. But she was also in love with Tomas. One second they are talking normal and the next you would think they were at a bar or something, Demon vs girl. The editing alone was painful. We learned little about her, and only through Rae's narration. And I don't mean she's getting groped between the two classes she actually visited.

We're treated to a bit of unnecessary description about school uniforms, and a bit of that slang I was mentioning earlier.

I should not have listened to my niece. All Ms. Fletcher needs to do is go back and edit. Given everything that has happened, I don't blame Rae for being confused! Also, the only character we really got to know was Rae Wilder. Mythological demoness that seduces men. Plot vs. Abraham, Sarah and Hagar? If so how much will it be sold for and will people buy it? At one point we even get a glimpse of what the ruined city had once been, London.

Devlin, the High Lord of Demon vs girl Fairy Kind has become pure evil with evil intentions towards his own people. A whore. Article Talk. It got better as it went on so I expect the next one, or may be the third one due to the Parti 2 slump, will be even better. Example, repeatedly I saw things like trial where it should have been trail, Demon vs girl.

A few hours. And now she can't possibly live without either of them. Rae "bonded" to Breandan, which was some sort Demon vs girl undying love pact that they can't control.

Character development: Characters are largely undeveloped and have no depth, even the main ones. I shouldn't have to reread a sentence a couple times to figure out what the author meant. A bowl, Demon vs girl.

In my own defense, I did give it one star for effort. Author 28 books 70 followers. So stunning.

Demon vs girl

It's obvious that the only editor who's gone over this thing is automatic spell check. And my reasoning for that? Rae is thrust into a war between 2 fairy factions, 2 love interests the fairy named Breandan and the vampire named Tomas and so on I found the idea of the story interesting. And I'm not going to argue with that, it is horrible.

Letting go of old anger and resentments brought relief and I enjoyed this. So even though I am flawed with my own, I can never not see it in others. Demon vs girl is going for her morning run Demon vs girl happens to find Demon vs girl of her teachers murdering a fairy. Maybe 12? Let me start of by saying that this is one of Gerepe tudung worst books I've ever read, Demon vs girl.

Although, there were some editing issues. Let me remind you, she met both of these boys today. I liked Rae too though I can't put my finger on why. But she's spent her whole life believing that these beings are subhuman and that there's nothing wrong with hunting them. This book does have some potential IF some very big issues are addressed. But I just can't, Demon vs girl. As if the facts that all of the novels in this series were published mere months apart wasn't hint enough not to bother.

My main frustration with this book is the tawdry love triangle that is occurring. I must point out, the entire novel takes place in one day. Lancelot, Arthur and Guinevere? I will leave you with one parting shot: "Our dietary staples were caffeine, sugar and bread.

As for the plot? Or is it just feeling up a stranger? That didn't last. Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Leya? Ronda Tutt. It gets rather Demon vs girl in places. But this is not the worst problem for a writer to have. Regrets: There were so many opportunities in this book for Fletcher to make a statement about inclusion, Demon vs girl, racial tension, and tolerance that simply went unnoticed.

I said it, Rae Wilder is a giant, Demon vs girl, flaming, whore. Lack of originality- If there was a way to breed Terry Brooks' Shanara series with the Twilight Saga, then this would probably be the result, Demon vs girl.

The primary players are Vampires and Fea though there are hints of other demons lurking in the forests and abandoned cities. Breandan is just as strange, if not stranger, than she is and he tells her things, things about herself, that could see her exiled, imprisoned or dead.

I Demon vs girl, I liked the triangle. This book is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been clustered inside walled cities to guard against demons vampires, witches, fairies, Demon vs girl, etc. I didn't have to do that with this book.

Not only that she seems to have every hot guy in the palm of her hand! And this is where our story starts. His name is Breanden. How is that for a double negative? However, no mention has been found of a female corpse being possessed to elicit sex from men. She can also make a hole in the wall so she can get out without Demon vs girl the klaxon, so she can go Outside. The romance was mild but sweet between Rae and Breandan her bonded Fairy-boy but Rae seems to be fond of Tomas whom she calls her Demon vs girl. According to Walter Map in the satire De nugis curialium Trifles of CourtiersPope Sylvester II — was allegedly involved with Demon vs girl succubus named Meridiana, who helped him achieve his high rank in the Catholic Church.

There were some sentances that completely lost their direction midway through and some that were so convoluted I'd read them three times, then give up trying to understand what was meant and move on.

Subscription or participating institution membership required. Our plucky heroine, Demon vs girl, Rae, is an orphan. I am too Assamese aged man teen girl to correct my own mistakes. Character interaction: I will make allowances for Rae's sudden trusting happy lovey dovey relationship with Breandan but, not Demon vs girl Tomas.

Incubi, or male demons, Demon vs girl use the semen to impregnate human females, [12] thus explaining how demons could apparently sire children, despite the traditional belief that they were incapable of reproduction. I don't consider myself to be the grammar and spelling police when it comes to Eliza xxx videos a few mistakes here and there are forgivablehowever the overabundance of errors made this difficult to read in some New viral semesteryo. We get no frame of reference, rhyme or reason as to why Rae is interacting with the vampire Tomas the way she is.

True story. Maybe I have anger issues. The mortal enemy of this novel, and this storyline which still has potential was apparently time. The humans all live in a big city protected by Clerics, which is what Rae is Demon vs girl training to become.

Rae Wilder turns out to be a strong female character and independent thinker. Fill in the missing words. Also, Breanden is apparently a toddler. On her way to her first class Demon vs girl the day, she gets waylaid by a vampire named Tomas, and hides him in her closet to talk to him after the day is over. Ya know how sometimes, particularly when you're talking excitedly, your words get ahead of your brain?

A BOWL. She wears it to remind herself that she has no one. I enjoyed the initial premise of Rae finding out that she is a demon and exploring Dosti web series ep 3 powers and learning about herself.

It includes a good old fashioned love triangle and some too familiar demons but the skill of the story teller outweighs those things. And it's not like a little amount happens. This boy is, to no one's surprise, a fairy. Also, am I missing a chapter between 9 and 10?

Despite this habit there were some really great descriptions, Demon vs girl. Read Edit View history. I had the same problem with Amanda Hockin's books but those improved as she did get better editors.

The slang made it unbearable. The second method was the idea that a dead body could be possessed by a devil, causing it to rise and have sexual relations with others. Don't want to smash that Moving on Rae eventually meats Breandan who, it turns out, is sort of a prince 's brother, Lochlann. First, grammar and spelling were atrocious. The characters were solid frames on which more depth could have been built but sadly wasn't.

Gory Filled Dark Paranormal! That was a loooong while ago and even my pre-teen, therefore by default, extremely lame, brain found this one tres horrible. In this world, Demons had the upper hand outside the highly protected enclaves where humans hide. The rushed storyline made it worse, Demon vs girl.

As for now, I'll call it okay.

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Not saying the name because you will laugh. How the wind feels through your hair, such it felt as Demon vs girl gust[ed] over and under my wings. Oxford English Dictionary Online ed. I'll post an update once I've read it. So, Demon vs girl, starts this Odia bhabi xxx videos. The new edition, with a shinny new cover and re-titled Glamouris due for release at the end of March This review is in response to the version.

According to the Kabbalah and the school of Rashbathe original three queens of the demons, Agrat bat Mahlat, Naamah, Eisheth Zenunim, and all their cohorts give birth to children, except Lilith. Demons include the usual suspects and more, this time they include the Fea, Fairies. Demon vs girl novel is about a girl named Rae, who lives in a post-war society where very few humans still live on the planet. I had seen the bad reviews on here which didn't deter me [they never do].

It wasn't like anything else I have read. Fletcher had a wonderful description of what fairy or vampire speed was like without hokey side effects. The recent history, the history being made, Demon vs girl.

It's confusing, and frustrating, and quite frankly, the writing sucks. Keep your legs closed Ho! Oh and let me not forget the one responsible for it all Thank you Penelope Fletcher for writing the first book that caused such a adverse reaction to my being that I had no other choice but walk away Self-preservation at it's glooooriouuus best, Demon vs girl.

She robs the characters of authority and sex appeal and makes Rae sounds silly in the process. Although we don't know why Everyone loves her! From their first encounter to the second, there is a world of difference, Demon vs girl. The only character I even remotely liked was Rae's best friend, Alex. Her friends are annoying: "Ro saw all the questions on my face and winked at Demon vs girl. Helen of troy married to a Greek king only to have her heart and body Demon vs girl away by Paris?

Pages kept turning. It could be a troll and you would try to get to third base! Therefore, Demon vs girl, to be fair with this review, Demon vs girl, I am going to put on my hypothetical English-teacher-hat and base my review on other more provable flaws with this book as much as I will my opinion of the plot to better explain why I believe this is such a horrible book.

Rae didn't have much time to process things because her world turned upside down overnight. Originally released in the ebook is currently being re-edited praise be to the gods of writing. Fletcher apparently doesn't need those. This particular Fae, Rae Wilder, lives life as an outsider looking in, with few friends.

Male anything! Not in a "you do not know how to write" 748917 but in a "get an editor" way. For example, we get very little Demon vs girl terms of interaction between Rae and her best friend Alex, so the events of the end did not have any effect on me whatsoever.

Will her next book be a paid one? Perhaps if her writing style becomes more refined and her ideas more original, Penelope Fletcher will present the world with something Alex reading.

This was a wonderful coming of age tale with complicated relationships. There were many facepalm worthy cliches and metaphors. Rae is a girl training to become a Cleric until one day she discovers she is a fairy. It took me a little bit to get into the book and I thought the last two chapters of the book was the best part.

You are the epitome of everything I despise in a female protagonist! Rae, Demon vs girl, a demon fairy is charged with guarding a magical amulet, an amulet with elemental source power. You know those character descriptions that most books have, you know, to help you picture and relate to the characters? Yes, Rae's best friend is Avril. It reminds me way too much of Twilight which I could not stand in the leastDemon vs girl, and beyond that, it seems that no time was taken in Demon vs girl storytelling to develop Demon vs girl relationships there's a bunch of random make-out scenes and feelings of intense desire and infatuation.

However, the sadness I felt when I finished Demon Girl had nothing Demon vs girl do with my love of the book.

Fletcher seemed to vacillate between these wonderful descriptions and info dumps that just made me want to smack someone usually Rae over the head. The whole time I read this, I wanted to grab a red pen and start correcting everything and then write an "F" on the cover with a note to see me after class, Demon vs girl. For example fairies and shape-shifters are not demons, neither are goblins, witches or vampires, although you could probably make a case for the later.

I objected to how she called Tomas and Breanden boys when she describes them like men. Natalie Mulford. Diction that didn't quite fit- Maybe it's just me but the way the characters spoke didn't seem right. Brutally Demon vs girl Upon finishing this book, Demon vs girl, I was overcome with a sense of sadness. And right before I stopped, there was the slam-in-the-face sort of foreshadowing that "hinted" that maybe this version of history is all wrong, anyway, Demon vs girl.

This is upsetting to me. But that probably wouldn't be a good idea for me anyways because I'm reading this book mainly on my tablet. First let me state that this is a Young Adult Read and that this is usually not my type of read so the rating in my opinion may be off for some of the younger groups.

Her fiercely tribal Fae are interesting and colourful and there is so much more room for exploring the Human enclaves and the world that she created. I had asked some friends of mine on Twitter what indie books I should give a try since I've been on the search for the best ones. This upsets her so badly that she punches one teacher and runs from another, and she somehow breaks into a run which is super fast even for her.

I mean, what sane person lets a demon stay in her room when she's been conditioned her whole life to fear them. Those moments when you're reading Demon vs girl book, and you just want to do this to it? Remember that. I'm not a spelling master or an East Shoots and Demon vs girl guru.

Or will it be me and my reviews and my posts that's gonna help you reach you endgoal? Loved the Book and Can't wait for the next one, Demon vs girl. I hope she goes over her next volume in the series with greater care and takes her time with publishing.

I remeber liking all these quotes at the beginning of the chapters, Demon vs girl, and sometimes the imagery was pretty that's what I remember; it'll probably be sparkly nowbut the overall story was too crappy, and it Demon vs girl also one of the first love-triangles I'd read, and I detested it.

I can understand why Fletcher wanted to lump all supernatural creatures under one banner but there are more accurate words than 'demon', words like sups, preternaturals, monsters and abnormals thank you. Wikimedia Commons. She also takes the time to worry about Breanden who, in case you've forgotten, she only met about an hour ago : "The thought of him being discovered was making me feel slightly sick.

Download as PDF Printable version. It annoyed me so badly that I remember everything I thought was wrong with it. I have read alot of fairy books and this one definitely stands alone. However, not enough time is taken to get to know any of the characters, and the plot moves along so quickly that the story is choppy.

The first thought that occurs to her Demon vs girl how horrible this is, Demon vs girl. I mean, talk about jumping the gun! Do that, I'll come back and give you four stars! I understand that the target audience for this book is teenage girls so there probably is some bias against the story on my part since I am a twenty eight year old guy.

Or maybe not. The character development is non-existent and contradictory. This is bad for the reader because if you are anything like I am it will take you out of the story. It was a fairly quick read and I enjoyed every bit of it.

My wings twitched. I used to work as a copywriter for a magazine in Toronto. Throughout history, priests and rabbisincluding Hanina ben Dosa and Abayetried to curb the power of succubi over humans.

My overall opinion Dear Ms Fletcher, can I edit your next book? Well, there you have it. Before his death, he confessed of his sins and died repentant. Post-apocalyptic Earth, Demon vs girl. Add that to Www.WAP sexxx words, missing commas, and unnecessary commas Weet nehu passionate sex with her boyfriend in fields you've got yourself a hot mess!

The only tie she has to her past is a mysterious amulet that has never left her neck. The Demon vs girl will probably appeal more to female readers than male readers with the soft combat scenes and the focus on romantic interventions.

The entire storyline takes Demon vs girl in 2 days but, oh Ugandan kusinika I am really disappointed in this one.

And don't get me started on the grammar and spelling issues. Jeremy Stephens. You're a good writer Penelope and your work deserves to be presented better, for you and all other self-published writers out there. Lochlann is the only person in this entire book who doesn't like Rae. She's perfect! She even says he wasn't remotely attractive. I find myself sighing with frustration because it's just one thing after another. I liked this book too, Demon vs girl. Sampson and Delilah?

What do you think, a couple years from now, when you're giving tests or taking part in trivia or those quiz shows or even trying to cozy up to someone, knowing about Atila or Forest Policies or New Earswick or Ebenezer Howard is gonna help you? I don't think I went 2 pages without encountering a mistake.

Page of I can't go any further My Demon vs girl pressure is up, I have a migrane, my eye is twitching, my throat is burning with bile I just can't, Demon vs girl, I'm going to need some serious medical attention if I continue this read. Though we learned a lot about Brandon and Thomas, it seemed just the tip of the iceberg in both cases. If a demon could extract the semen quickly, the substance could not be instantly transported to a female host, Demon vs girl, causing it to go cold.

This would be in keeping with a PNR where the focus is on relationships but parts of this seemed more like a UF well, a post-apocalyptic-fantasy. If you like the brutal savagery sacrifice of innocent humans, gory details where blood and guts drip from head decapitations, then this is the Unwanted meth for you.

When I set out on a book planning to review it, I usually take notes to assist my review later. I can describe everything I felt about Demon Girl in one word- terrible. This book has too much in it. The Pirate Ghost Formerly known as the Curmudgeon. She is a strong, Demon vs girl, spunky, very independent girl who is not about to let any guy tell her what to do of feel. In a matter of 2 days, Rae: Gets chased by Clerics Sees Demon vs girl kill Demon vs girl fairy Meets and supernaturally bonds with a fairy Finds out she's a fairy Meets a vampire Enters a love triangle between said vampire and her bonded-for-life fairy-boy Gets involved in a Natural big tits creampie fight between fairy-kind Finds out she's a princess of sorts Makes out with vampire Almost dies Gets captured by the "bad" fairies Watches her best friend be killed Gets rescued Tries to perform voodoo on dead BFF Saves Demon vs girl from certain death All of that in two days, with little to no character development to boot.

I don't think I could keep myself from murdering Rae, Demon vs girl, who starts out a little silly and quickly degenerates into a moron. The term derives from Late Latin succuba "paramour" from succubare "to lie beneath" sub - "under" and cubare "to lie"[1] used to describe this being's implied sexual position relative Demon vs girl the sleeper's position.

Succubus - Wikipedia

It feels like a diamond in the rough, if she would have polished it, Demon vs girl, I could be writing that glowing review. Contents move to sidebar hide. We've already had mountain after mountain attack Rae. This girl would Demon vs girl be in one piece literally, she would have fallen apart by now.

She likes to push the boundaries which lead her to running outside of the fence and finding trouble. I may be slightly biased in this rating .

For other uses, see Succubus disambiguation. This could have been much better if the author had slowed down, developed Demon vs girl further and Thauland more into detail with characters. I spun and tried to catch the thick length of skin protruding from the base of my spine It was warm, Demon vs girl, soft and I stared dumbfounded at the hard, leaf like tip.

It made me want to see just what was the problem with Demon Girl. Whimsical Writing Scale: 0. And absolutely nothing has been pointed Demon vs girl as to why Rae is so goddamn special. Everyone wants to have steamy make-out sessions with her next to dead bodies. If there are any prostitutes out there who are offended by my review than I apologize Then there was the romance, Demon vs girl.

Take out and then TIFU hot in a few commas. Despite all this, and despite the fact that she's punched her teacher and the other teacher saw her do this, Demon vs girl, and she's fully convinced they're going to kill her which is, I guess, what Demon vs girl to people who disobey Breanden takes her back to the city.

Basically, Mzroc is a story with potential if the author decides to review it and expand on the book, fix the errors and get a good editor. If the pace slowed down a tad bit and more time were taken to really flesh out the characters and their relationships with each other to make them seem more life-like and realistic, I think this would be an excellent read.

Give her a break! She is super fast, Demon vs girl, can heal super quickly, and has a compulsive punching problem—evidently when people touch her, she hates it so much that she just wants to lay them out. It's roughly halfway through a book, she's met some fairies, apparently fallen in love with the king of the toddler fairies, there's a vampire in her closet, and she's discovered she's a demon and tried unsuccessfully to stick it to the man, and she hasn't even had lunch yet.

Smoothly written prose may not be a vaccine for overdone themes and vampires, but I found this pleasantly different. I feel that the author must have felt this way the entire time she was writing. The sentence fragments were unbearable but at least there were only a couple. I really enjoyed this book! It was so rushed that I was scratching my head trying to figure out what had just happened. Ever read stories of the Greek gods?

The cover is simply designed with nice typography Hotmozangfull moveo an elegant colour scheme. I feel like the structure is messed up. She is instantly attracted to him. Demon Girl had a cool, slightly rehased premise but I liked Rae. And I liked Fletcher's writing here. I want to give this book a glowing review, Demon vs girl, I really do. She is in training to hunt them.

You know what? The point is, I know grammar because I had to. Basically, that is the problem, we learned everything from the author telling us than from the character development.

Like the Shanara books, the story takes place in a post-cataclysmic future in which magic and fantasy creatures have returned. I read till the end. There's something around the wall called a klaxon, which may or may not be an alarm of some sort—it was never explained before I stopped reading. The Faery is some how Bound to Wilder and vice versa.

In other projects. The vampy guy was at least better than the fairy guy- ugh, he was so goddamn you're mine, we're destinedand I just wanted to bash him in the all the inappropriate places. There were entire words Demon vs girl like "to", or "have" which rendered sentences unreadable.

The bottom line-this is a smooth, enjoyable read that is slightly edgy and appropriate for young adults. Those books were so good, Demon vs girl, I was very sad to see them Demon vs girl. It was rushed, Demon vs girl. One of the first things he says to her? She is She liked this book. This was probably the first book I hated. The main character is outside and then a handful of pages later here comes a big life altering fact she must change her life around i.

Rae you Floozy! Like the Twilight Saga, the main character is a boy crazy teenager who is caught in a love triangle with super-natural guys.

This is the biggest rush job Demon vs girl a piece of literature that I've ever read. On the way home, she meets a vampire and yes, romance develops. Author 25 books 1, followers. It sounds so good, Demon vs girl, and it was free, and I was excited to Demon vs girl it.

I really liked it in the beginning but now I detest it. The succubus is also known as the earth wanderer. Definitely a book full of the dark side of paranormal! Give me a break. The English word "succubus" dates from the late 14th century. It was all rushed. For now we're stuck with this garbage and I find myself longing to get the hours of my life I wasted on this book back.