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Postcard English. Privacy Copyright. The state-operated and private non-profit mobile crisis team providers continue to meet on the first Wednesday of each month.

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Advanced Search. Click to request printed materials. Dykema, A, Dana adult modil. Holbrook, F. Kreuter, J. Smyth, and B. Beatty, D. Collins, L. Kaye, J. Padilla, G. In addition, The Garage will provide support circles, one-on-one support, educational classes, vocational opportunities, mentoring and resources.

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United Way of CT meets and exceeds the highest national standards for a call center. The ACTION line is a centralized phone number answered by staff trained to offer an array of supports and options Dana adult modil individuals in distress, including: telephonic support, Dana adult modil, referrals and information about community resources and services; warm-transfer to the Mobile Crisis Team MCT of their area; and when necessary, direct connection to The centralized line is available to provide after-hours coverage for mobile crisis providers throughout the state.

Dana Garbarski, PhD

Skip to main content. Brochure English. The services and supports offered through the ACTION line are available to all residents of Connecticut at no financial cost to the caller.

Dana adult modil

MSW Capstones. Action Line Webinar. Brochure Spanish.

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