Dalam hitam

Chestnut-headed Bee-eater. Crested Goshawk. Streak-eared Bulbul. Eastern Marsh Harrier.

Daurian Starling. Neoh Hor Kee. Rock Pigeon Exotic: Naturalized. Abbott's Babbler. Whiskered Tern. Dalam hitam Sandpiper. Red-whiskered Bulbul. Greater Painted-Snipe. Malaysian Pied-Fantail. Cinnamon Bittern. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow. Mangrove Pitta. Crimson Sunbird. Brush Cuckoo. Spotted Wood-Owl. Slaty-breasted Rail.

Dalam Hitam

Thick-billed Green-Pigeon. At this location there is the Air Hitam Dalam River, which can be travelled by sampan. Dalam hitam Munia. Asian Koel, Dalam hitam.

Abdul Afiq Abdul Rahman. Charmain Ang. Gold-whiskered Barbet. Rainer Ruess. Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler. Gray Heron. Zebra Dove.

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Pacific Swallow. Black-and-red Broadbill. Chai Thiam Lau. Buffy Fish-Owl. Blue-breasted Quail. Savanna Nightjar. Paddyfield Pipit. Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo.

Air Hitam Dalam

Lesser Cuckooshrike. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker. Red Collared-Dove Exotic: Naturalized. Preview trail.

Lesser Whistling-Duck. Barred Eagle-Owl. Medium Egret. Blue-winged Pitta. Common Greenshank, Dalam hitam. Harn Sheng Khor. Blue-eared Kingfisher. Rufous Woodpecker. Javan Pond-Heron. Stripe-throated Bulbul. Red-rumped Swallow. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 2 h 7 min to complete.

Crow-billed Drongo. Changeable Hawk-Eagle. Gary Teong. Pacific Dalam hitam. Black-winged Kite. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler. Common Iora. James Hammersley. Indian Pond-Heron.

Red-eyed Bulbul. Show Details Comments. Coppersmith Barbet. Stork-billed Kingfisher. House Crow Exotic: Naturalized. Ruddy Kingfisher. Blue-throated Bee-eater.

Air Hitam Dalam Forest Reserve, 07, MY - eBird Hotspot

Lesser Coucal, Dalam hitam. Indian Cuckoo. Gray-rumped Treeswift. Arctic Warbler. Long-toed Stint. Japanese Sparrowhawk. Asian Brown Flycatcher. Tiger Shrike. Puff-throated Babbler. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher. Large-tailed Nightjar. Pied Triller. Ruddy-breasted Crake. Chestnut-winged Cuckoo. Gray-headed Lapwing. Tuck Dalam hitam Tang. Asian Glossy Starling. Eastern Yellow Wagtail. Banded Woodpecker. House Swift. Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike.

Eurasian Moorhen. ChooEng Tan. Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker. Get to know this 9. Black-capped Kingfisher. Ashy Minivet. Count 6. Ming Shan Tsai. Great Eared-Nightjar. Yellow-bellied Prinia. White-chested Babbler. Sunda Scops-Owl. White-browed Crake. Barred Buttonquail. This trail is great Dalam hitam fishing, hiking, and paddle sports, and it's unlikely you'll encounter many other people while exploring.

Banded Bay Cuckoo. Wood Sandpiper. Striated Dalam hitam. Forest Wagtail. Large Hawk-Cuckoo. Ashy Tailorbird.

Taej Mundkur. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird. Yellow-vented Bulbul. Chestnut Munia. Common Kingfisher. Brown-throated Sunbird. Lineated Barbet. Wbird Tsai. Little Bronze-Cuckoo. Little Ringed Plover. White-breasted Waterhen. Swinhoe's White-eye.

Black-winged Stilt. Laced Woodpecker. Black-bellied Malkoha. Amur Paradise-Flycatcher. Brown Shrike. Gray-headed Swamphen.

Green-billed Malkoha. Brown Boobook. Common Tailorbird. Barn Swallow. Golden-bellied Gerygone. Dalam hitam Myna. White-winged Tern.

Celana dalam hitam - TastySlips

Little Cormorant. Oriental Reed Warbler. Rufescent Prinia. Red Junglefowl. Mangrove Whistler. Common Snipe. Oriental Honey-buzzard. Count Ashy Dalam hitam. Oriental Pratincole. Zitting Cisticola. Brown-backed Needletail. Baya Weaver.

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo. Ng SH. Common Redshank. Plaintive Cuckoo. Streak-breasted Woodpecker. Olive-winged Bulbul. Black-thighed Falconet. Length 9. White-bellied Sea-Eagle.

Count 8. Chinese Pond-Heron. Javan Myna Exotic: Naturalized, Dalam hitam. Black Bittern. Common Flameback. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher. Ornate Sunbird. Asian Palm Swift. Yellow Bittern. Scaly-breasted Dalam hitam. Collared Kingfisher. Dark-necked Tailorbird.

White-rumped Munia. Pacific Swift. Asian Emerald Dove.