Daily early morning vlog

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We ride whatever the current wave of self care promotion is, the truth is, we want to be motivated and need to be inspired. Cart 0. I do feel fortunate having all this free time.

The downside to my routine is feeling sleep deprived at times. I ahve tried running at 5AM, or evenbut then I always ended up a sleep at noon……good idea though….

Morning routine vlog – I Run Like A Girl

Avoiding the crash is a challenge for me still. I know that will probably change down the road.

Why We Watch Morning Routine Vlogs

Hi Charlotte, really nice to see you in the Daily early morning vlog and thanks for sharing this. Jan 10, Jan 7, Work Lessons Learned in Jan 1, Dec 19, Dec 14, Dec 12, Dec 1, Nov Mymyxxx, Nov 22, Nov 13, Admittedly, filming videos is a LOT more involved than blogging, but I hope to share more vlogs from time to time. I enjoyed watching your entire video!

Daily early morning vlog

The following vlogs are a variety of different girls on different schedules, some on different paths of work or school life. Like Liked by 1 person. Like Liked by 2 people.

On my day off I might try some of your routine as it looks so nice but more like 8. I literally just wash my face, gobble a bowl of cereal and put on clothes I prepared the night before.

In reality, every kind of morning is a struggle. My hubby and a lot of my friends wake up early too.