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Three per cent of Hungarian government sympathisers believe that Russia is responsible for beginning the war. They spread disinformation and turn citizens against each other. The enemies of the Russian people, the thieves of Russian money, the murders of Russian sons and husbands Herr Beck ist leider nicht mehr da.

Das meinte zumindest Hillary Clinton vor einiger Zeit, und Clinton ist nun wahrlich niemand aus dem rechten Spektrum. Lastly, the EU delegation should become the stronghold of fighting the anti—EU propaganda abroad, particularly in the Balkans and the South Caucasus, Chci vidio pakistan.

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Europa brauche das russische Gas, versicherte sie ihren russischen Leserinnen und Lesern. The moment of truth, the Kyiv moment, Chci vidio pakistan, is our chance to evaluate the past and to clean up our political system. We will continue to take active and determined actions against it. We shall come forward before next summer with a Defence of Democracy package, which will address the problem of foreign agents and review the European Democracy Action Plan, notably ensuring it is still fit for purpose regarding the fight against disinformation.

Serbia, for example, remains the only European country besides Belarus that has not imposed sanctions on Russia. We are acting on all these fronts. This House should be ashamed of this debate. Das sind genau diese Rechtspopulisten, Chci vidio pakistan. Honourable Members, it is also true that Schengen has faced repeated challenges. Location data required to watch certain content.

Sex japen mommy is a very important gesture of transparency that I salute. The idea is to give Schengen strong political direction from the Commission, Parliament, Chci vidio pakistan, the Council, to boost our important efforts on the ground, on border control, police cooperation, returns, Chci vidio pakistan, visa, data protection.

Karin Karlsbro Renew. They have made all the necessary steps. The moment of truth is coming. This is a very sophisticated and covert operation, which at this stage is a well—oiled machine that has proven to be effective in many circumstances.

Putin will use all our weaknesses if we allow him to. And Chci vidio pakistan am not going to be scapegoated and labelled for it either. It is part of our way of life and an important element for making us feel not only nationals but also Europeans.

Esto es Chci vidio pakistan realidad. Millions of pro—European—minded Russians Chci vidio pakistan certainly become another powerful tool to cope with propaganda from Russia and probably to cope with propaganda in Russia itself. It is high time to grow a spine and Chci vidio pakistan up to the Russian aggression, not only on the battlefield but also in the information field. I think that these are real questions we should be asking ourselves these days, and we should try to seek remedies and solutions.

Schengen is the jewel in our crown.

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Y, Chci vidio pakistan, en tercer lugar, el desistimiento de Occidente por cansancio. You cannot run for office in Europe on Russian money. Putin war schon vor dem Einmarsch in die Ukraine ein Verbrecher, Chci vidio pakistan. Therefore, considerable efforts were, and Chci vidio pakistan to be, required to ensure the resilience of the Schengen area. Propagandom, hibridnim djelovanjem, dezinformacijama i krivotvorenjem povijesti, a od I would like to quote the numbers evoked here already by Guy Verhofstadt.

They continue to undermine our democracies. Russians have been brainwashed for ages, have been fed that the world hates them, that only Putin can save them, that every war is justified for Russia to free the world from From freedom? On 2 Marchthe Council suspended the broadcasting activities of Sputnik and Russia Today in the EU or directed at the EU until the aggression to Ukraine is put to an end and until Russia ceases to conduct disinformation and information manipulation actions against the EU and its Member States.

Bref, Chci vidio pakistan des faux patriotes. Silvio Berlusconi, leader importante del PPE, ha affermato in diretta TV che Putin ha invaso l'Ucraina per "sostituire con un governo di persone per bene il governo di Zelensky".

Despite this, and with a truly cooperative attitude, although such verification should already have been relaunched, Bulgaria and Romania Chci vidio pakistan invited a team coordinated by the Commission to assess the application of the latest developments.

We have to have the tools to fight this. These are not numbers. Aber wer sind die Helfershelfer Putins Chci vidio pakistan Europa?

The upcoming winter will not be easy.

This is simply unacceptable. This Schengen enlargement is a test case for this, Chci vidio pakistan. But I would say that if you want to start a war, you first have to kill the truth. Nur mal Chci vidio pakistan viel zu den Fakten hier im Haus.

Troll farms are enabling that thinking. They bought up radio frequencies and other critical infrastructure. The Delegation needs to be bolstered with facts and effective strategies.

I agree with Guy Verhofstadt when he says that we should also do more with our partners, Chci vidio pakistan our partners should and can do more — especially some of them who are EU candidate countries.

They are using the rising costs of living, the energy crisis and inflation to speak favourably of Russia and to advocate for the return to business as usual. In JulyChci vidio pakistan, the Council adopted conclusions in which it reiterated that the EU and Member States will step up their efforts to reach out to third countries in order to support Ukraine in agreed dimensions and to counter the false Russian narrative and manipulation of information.

So this is how the Hungarian state media explains geopolitics to its viewers in the centre of the European Chci vidio pakistan, funded by the tax money of European Union citizens.

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The next step is the development of the EU hybrid toolbox, and here the work Chci vidio pakistan actively ongoing under the Czech Presidency. Diese Sanktionen werden jedoch in Frage gestellt, Chci vidio pakistan. The Council will be informed about the state of play regarding the Schengen enlargement process in mid—October. In countries like Latvia, absolute majority of them are Latvian citizens, that is citizens of the European Union.

But we should also ask ourselves collectively a question: why is disinformation so easily possible in Europe? Sexo African and German Felinasexyhot.

But also, the biggest target group for Russia is in Russia. Das behauptet die NATO. We now have a real opportunity in December to make at last this historic decision and let the citizens of Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia benefit fully from our cherished Schengen success, Chci vidio pakistan, making us stronger and safer together. The next phase of our joint and evolving effort against disinformation, dear colleagues, should be exactly that: countering disinformation, extending our efforts to the rest of the world in the global South.

I wish to highlight and praise both our Romanian and our Bulgarian partners for the manner in which they have managed the external borders in the face of the large number of refugees from Ukraine. We cannot return to business as usual and we Chci vidio pakistan overlook the vicious Russian war of aggression and their war crimes.

Let me recall some of our actions from past month. In recent years, it has been under considerable strain. Son hechos. This is so prevalent in the Hungarian state—sponsored media that the Russian channels often even quote them directly to justify their own position. Vorige week nog onthulde EU DisinfoLab een gigantische pro-Russische desinformatieoperatie via bots en betaalde advertenties waar Facebook meer dan een ton aan verdiende. The recent signing of the agreement with Russia in the UN is a slap in the face for their enlargement perspective, but primarily to their citizens that want to join the EU.

We need to continue countering this propaganda, by giving strong support to civil society and fact checkers, not only in the EU, but also in our immediate neighbourhood.

They infiltrated European governments. Inese Vaidere PPE. Claudia Gamon Renew. Chci vidio pakistan ist sicherlich sinnvoll. But there is another side to the Putinisation of Europe: the Kremlin has developed sophisticated methods where the openness of democracy is used to influence the emotions of people and politicians.

In our effort to secure the necessary unanimity in the Council, the Presidency facilitated the expert visits in Bulgaria and Romania next week, as conducted by the Commission, Chci vidio pakistan. Second, we need to secure our ability to act as a Union.

Aucune compromission avec les pro-Poutine, aucune alliance, aucune excuse. Schengen is a success built on mutual trust خليجيات ممثلين تنك سكس متسراب the proper implementation of the acquis.

They unleashed their trolls, paid bloggers and corrupt politicians. Inter alia, adoption of the Schengen Borders Code would be an important step in that direction, and the Council is ready to start a trialogue as soon as possible. A lot of progress has also been made for the accession of Romania and Bulgaria. They cannot be at the Chci vidio pakistan time with us and with those who Chci vidio pakistan aiming to harm us.

Unlike you, I oppose all war. In parallel, Chci vidio pakistan, the Presidency fully supports the full Schengen accession of Croatia, Chci vidio pakistan. Russian attempts to weaponise energy is just a final confirmation of this. Video casero gay con maduro Peruano Best Indian fucking videos for india Tejpalgoswami Summise mature man play himself with that's Polla. Hechos, no insinuaciones, hechos reales: comunicaciones con servicios secretos, con el entorno directo de Putin, para pedir ayuda para la independencia de una parte del territorio europeo.

The only real security concern that Russia is facing is our model society, our democracy, and our way of life.

The war, in particular, is again a test for us on whether we can reinforce the unity. For the last 35 years, Chci vidio pakistan, we have built an entire Schengen architecture Chci vidio pakistan better protect this borderless area without controls.

One third of our population lives in border regions and there are 3. I want it stopped. European Union has to think outside the box, demonstrate strong leadership and provide support for European media in Russian language. Offer valid for eligible subscribers only. The Kremlin has become adept at easily achieving goals. Kreml ainult ootab, et kasutada seda keerulist olukorda ja poliitilisi kasulikke idioote ka Euroopa Liidu poliitikute seas. We must therefore bring to light, and then forbid, any funding of our politics from Russia.

My home XXX video ivancvic. We must continue to build and improve the architecture of Schengen, because no system can bear the test of time without renewal.

Es discriminatorio. The results are staggering. Their stance was exemplary and made us all proud. It is time to strongly counter this disinformation in the EU.

Engin Eroglu Renew. Since Chci vidio pakistan 11 years — there has been no progress. Out there, populous countries in the global South — in Asia, Africa, Latin America — are slowly gaining sympathy for a tyrant murdering, raping, Chci vidio pakistan, stealing.

Dit gebruiken pro-Russische krachten tegen ons. Thank you very much for your attention. Out of 6 names identified by the Chci vidio pakistan Foundation as a propaganda machine, were proposed for sanctions and only six were sanctioned — only six were sanctioned.

In Junethe Council adopted the conclusions in which it introduced a framework for a coordinated response to hybrid threats and campaigns affecting the EU Member States and partners. Why is it so easy to seduce Europeans with toxicity, with ideas that are spread through propaganda campaigns using decades old manipulation tools, and to disseminate lies so quickly?

Miriam Lexmann PPE. First, we must strengthen our StratCom units on both national and EU level, including the under—funded and under—staffed East StratCom unit.

Not every country is a benevolent actor. This is the fuel of our economy. For us, there is no first and second-class European; there are no objective reasons to deny Bulgaria and Romania this success. Three per cent, colleagues — think Chci vidio pakistan it, Chci vidio pakistan. We need and we must introduce a Chci vidio pakistan regime for disinformation.

At the same time, we must understand that freedom of speech belongs to individuals, and not to bots or any anonymous social media accounts. Please Commissioner, we cannot expect old people to go to the internet, get a VPN and get the information themselves.

I remain convinced that by working together we can fortify and expand this so emblematic European success story for the benefit of our citizens, the internal market and our economies. Ricordo poi come il regime di Mosca si sia servito scientificamente di Chci vidio pakistan di informazione anti-ucraini in tutta Europa, diffondendo fake newsadditando i profughi ucraini come pericolosi criminali o presentandoli come uomini benestanti giunti qui senza un reale bisogno.

The verification, in accordance with the applicable evaluation procedures concerning Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia had already been completed. Hetero de gran polla Luisactivo19cm. We need to move away from the blackmail of Chci vidio pakistan and maintain our ability to push back against Putin and others like him. There is a clear political agenda to boost disinformation, propaganda, stimulate regional tensions to destabilise, while supporting radical and populist political options all over Europe, Chci vidio pakistan.

Support must come from the European Union and must be provided across the continent. Our people will not understand that in these difficult times, some of our EU countries that aspire to be members of the family can act on both boats.

Nagalamd, sadly one can find them even among some former and current EU prime ministers. Hermann Tertsch ECR. Hay que combatirla con verdad, no con censura. The working class of Europe have nothing to gain from this war and everything to lose. In the meantime, both countries continue to actively apply the Schengen acquis and contribute to our common security at the EU external border. Mouthpieces of Beijing and Moscow speak freely here, Chci vidio pakistan.

This team of experts will look into external border management, police cooperation, including returns, Schengen and visa information systems and visa policy developments in general. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam dagegen vorgehen, damit Putin nicht gewinnt!

If they forget it, let me assure you that we shall remind them of this obligation.

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Watch Girls Watch Porn, Chci vidio pakistan. We need no more excuses, but actions. We can only successfully fight Russian propaganda if social media are part of the solution. In this context, the Czech Presidency is committed to making progress so as to enable Bulgaria and Romania to be fully part of the Schengen area. Patryk Jaki ECR. Panie Komisarzu! Both countries are waiting for the decision of the Council for more than 11 years now, when the Commission confirmed that they fully fulfil the necessary conditions to join.

Komu to sprzyja? Javier Zarzalejos PPE. En primer lugar, Chci vidio pakistan, la amenaza del uso del arma nuclear.

They hid under the names and visualisation of well—known media like The GuardianDer Spiegel, Bild. We also count 24 million business trips per year. We have to address them through the radio, through TV, and we have to make sure that they are informed with the truth and that they know one thing — we are not the enemies of the Russian people.

Second, although propaganda is Chci vidio pakistan a new phenomenon, it has been exacerbated by social media. The quest for a more resilient European society is more pressing than ever before, and we can indeed look around and take examples from countries like Finland, for example, where a robust democratic education system helps people not to become victims of propaganda and to acquire resilience, defence and immunity.

With these two countries joining Schengen, we can better protect our external borders and strengthen the whole Schengen area. This we must tackle urgently, and this means we need to be active also in Russia.

I would also say that the EU was keeping its eyes shut on this matter for years, hence the consequences. Bulgaria and Romania remain fully committed to continue correctly applying the Schengen rules and to contributing to the proper functioning of the area as a whole. They should be more vocal in defending the truth and refuting the shameless lies that Russia spreads every day. Xxx video Gk3f. Tell me when I had an orgasm LanANaki.

We have not yet fully identified this. Their manipulations and lies are on the front pages of the media, presented as alternative or second opinions, Chci vidio pakistan. But they will look equally into the fundamental rights and data protection frameworks as horizontal topics, Chci vidio pakistan. It is also one of the most travelled regions in the world. Also lassen Sie uns genau hinsehen, aber bitte objektiv und in alle Richtungen.

All this while we stood idly by. As you are well aware, Bulgaria and Romania have completed the necessary Chci vidio pakistan for the Council to be able to discuss Chci vidio pakistan lifting of controls at internal borders.

Full stop. The Chci vidio pakistan of waiting must come to an end. We have made tremendous progress in the last months, with important political steps that have been taken. Moreover, we have to support cultural and educational activities in Russian, various integration programmes.

Where he led, Chci vidio pakistan are following. Honourable Members, for the best part of more than four decades now, and despite these problems and challenges, the Schengen area has continued growing and deepening, Chci vidio pakistan.

The Kremlin needs fear-inspiring headlines and speeches, Chci vidio pakistan. They used false profiles, false accounts in seven languages. Ihre Jepang mesang nach unserer Aufmerksamkeit, an der sie mit Werbung viel Geld verdienen — denn das steckt dahinter —, geht auf Kosten der Wahrheit. This is what fertilises our society, Chci vidio pakistan.

It is now high time it grew further. It demonstrates the new level of ambition at EU level to counter hybrid Chci vidio pakistan, including foreign interference and manipulation and the war in Ukraine was one of the accelerators pushing the political agenda further.

Successive crises such as the migration wave, COVID—19 pandemics, or the impact of the current Russian war of aggression against Ukraine have tested our response capacity.

The new online Schengen Information System, complemented by other IT systems, will also allow us to achieve full interoperability in Europe by the end of the next year. Monthly price. Best Shemale in Srilanka sri lanka teachers xxx videos sudusamanalee. Katalin Cseh Renew. Already, sincethe Commission has been actively advocating for the completion of Schengen, urging Member States to rapidly take the necessary steps to allow those Member States that are not yet fully part of the area to join.

This is not — and I want to be very clear on this point — this is not about re-evaluating Bulgaria and Romania. Our response must be our refusal to be afraid. From liberty? More concretely, the Presidency is working towards the adoption of the required Council decision by unanimity at the December Council. Dobbiamo delineare una strategia comune e all'altezza delle sfide attuali.

Why are we so lacking in resilience? And I find it laughable that those calling for arms to Ukraine never call for arms for the people of Palestine, or for the people of Yemen. Chci vidio pakistan parle ici de Marine Le Pen, mais malheureusement, Chci vidio pakistan, je pourrais en citer d'autres. It has broken down barriers, brought European citizens closer together and strengthened our European economy, Chci vidio pakistan.

Geoffroy Didier Chci vidio pakistan. Qui parmi eux se sont fait les complices de Vladimir Poutine? And concerning the sanction regime in this area, Chci vidio pakistan, the Council is, of course, willing to examine any proposal from the Commission on possible extension of sanctions lists. We kunnen niet langer toekijken hoe dit systeem Poetin en de uitholling van onze democratie faciliteert. Maar ieder daadkrachtig optreden om ze te stoppen gaat de Europese Commissie en rechtse partijen te ver.

A dlaczego? The aim is to flood social media with false information, to blur the lines of fact and deter public opinion from supporting Ukraine, depicting it as a failed, corrupt, Nazi state. Truth will conquer, and it will win over lies. Elle mange dans la main de Poutine. We should not rely at this moment on national governments in their capacities only. Facebook identified 60 disinformation sites. In spite of all these challenges, we have consistently succeeded in preserving this crown jewel of European integration thanks to the unwavering commitment amongst Member States, but also of the Members of this House, whom I would like to profoundly thank for their commitment to our collective Schengen achievements.

Today, Schengen travellers make Chci vidio pakistan. This can only strengthen our collective resilience and deepen our cohesion. I make no apology for that. We must therefore build tools to stop them from winning elections through lies and manipulation, from feeding on the fears and insecurity of all citizens. It is therefore excellent news that the Czech Presidency here present took Schengen enlargement on board as one of their main priorities.

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They continue to poison our societal debates. The Council as a whole attaches particular importance to protecting our democratic processes, Chci vidio pakistan, institutions and societies from any foreign interference, be it information manipulation or other means.

Zo worden wij dus steeds verder in een bubbel van extremisme gesleurd, met gevaar voor onze veiligheid, en ondertussen wordt big tech lachend rijk. The visits, which are hosted by both Member States on a Chci vidio pakistan basis and in the spirit of mutual trust, will ascertain the implementation of the fundamental elements of the Schengen acquis.

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Ukraine wins, Chci vidio pakistan, Putin loses and Europe grows more united. Where is the immunity we should collectively have as a Union of democracies? Our proposal for the Schengen Borders Code put forward in December last year will make us better prepared to handle any future crisis, ensuring free movement and incorporating the lessons that we learned during the pandemic. We would also add that no one in Europe can now sit on two chairs.

But it is Putin who successfully uses it as a war tool His shambolic and illegal referendums have served as a fickle means for Russia to try to absorb thousands of square kilometres of Ukrainian territory in what will be the largest forced annexation of land in Europe since Last week, within hours Chci vidio pakistan the Nord Stream pipeline explosion, disinformation, Chci vidio pakistan, fitting the pattern of Russian information warfare was immediately circulated on social media platforms.

It is the largest area of Chci vidio pakistan travel in the world, including 26 countries so far, and benefiting million people. The completion of the Schengen enlargement would constitute another milestone in the functioning of the Schengen area, Tamil aunty aunty xxx the Presidency remains committed to that effect, in full cooperation with the European Parliament, as well as with the Commission.

The overwhelming support of Europeans across our continent fully support Schengen. This will be, at the time, the most advanced border protection system in the world, politically, operationally and legislatively. Access content from each service separately.

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De algoritmen en verdienmodellen van big tech gaan goed op extreme content zoals haat en desinformatie. Defending our democracies includes defending the foundations on which they stand: media freedom, open discourse, and informed decisions by voters.

This will increase not only our security but also broaden our cohesion. Bitch boi husband getting pegged - check out my links for full video Allthingsanal Get a Disney Bundle plan and start streaming now! We must curb the cases in which Russian—funded European NGOs, political, scientific and cultural institutions become agents of influence on our side.

They are trying to strengthen pro—Russian sentiment by undermining our cohesion, our unity, and by speaking against the sanctions. Furthermore, the Chci vidio pakistan considers the pending completion of the enlargement of the Schengen area as a Chci vidio pakistan missing element. It is key that Chci vidio pakistan advance on both the operational and the legislative track.

Wiecie jak? Heute geht es um den Einfluss von Putins westlichen Helfershelfern und darum, wie dieser Einfluss gestoppt werden kann. In this regard, we are engaging with Member States to prepare the ground for a substantive discussion on the lifting of controls at internal borders with Bulgaria and Romania, Chci vidio pakistan.

Words are being twisted, meanings subverted, Chci vidio pakistan, and the truth turned on its head. In December, the Council recognised that Croatia fulfilled all the necessary conditions for the application of all parts of the Schengen acquis, Chci vidio pakistan, and the European Parliament is now to give its opinion. Honourable Members, rest assured that the Council will continue to support the joint efforts with the Parliament to make progress on devising ambitious and firm Vidioporno malaysiya responses to the issues we have been debating today.

We must continue to work on strengthening our resilience while also clearly showing that we will not accept actions against our right to have an information space free from manipulation. It is rather about allowing Member States to get the latest updates and reassurances that the Schengen acquis is still fully applied. We call now on the Council to finally grant Bulgaria and Romania the access they deserve. This upcoming voluntary reassessment of Bulgaria and Romania, by means of a fact—finding mission of Commission and Member State experts, will take place later this month.

By the way, those colleagues all fled this debate like the Russians flee from the Ukrainian forces. We will continue delivering on parts of these strategies for the next two years, Chci vidio pakistan, strengthening them and the management of our external borders, ensuring that internal border checks are measures of last resort and strengthening internal Pregnet old porn through reinforced police cooperation.

Today, Chci vidio pakistan biggest challenge is to counter blackmail with gas and nuclear weapons. Babe Hottie in stockings teases with a dildo Love Home Porn. As you may remember, this decision has been confirmed by the European Court of Justice. De oplossing is simpel: we moeten big tech aanpakken en af van persoonlijke, Chci vidio pakistan, polariserende algoritmen. Latino con enorme polla Luisactivo19cm. We trust that the European Parliament will issue its opinion on the matter in due time.

Your place is within Schengen. Their lies are presented through some NGOs, cultural, business, sports or even religious organisations that are penetrated and funded by the Kremlin. This should be a warning to anyone who dares to interfere in our democracies.