Chandigarh 60 girls nude bath

In the girls hostel, a girl student made a video of 60 girl students while taking a bath and sent it to a young man. Apart from the video of one student, no other video has come to our notice," he added.

Chandigarh 60 girls nude bath

We all including media should be very very cautious, it is also test of ours now as a society," he tweeted. The accused is a first-year MBA student, police said. The Police force was immediately called to the spot.

Massive protest in Chandigarh University after videos of girls showering 'leaked'

After the bathing videos went viral, all the girls vacated the hostel and came out. News Videos.

Massive Protest At Chandigarh University Over Leaked Video Of Girls' Hostel Bathroom

Follow Us. There was a huge ruckus at Chandigarh University in Mohali, Punjab, late last night at 2. When the Police tried to pacify the girls, they overturned the vehicles of the Police teams.

The girls circumvented the entire university. Electronic devices and Chandigarh 60 girls nude bath phones have been taken into custody and will be sent for forensic examination," Mohali police chief Vivek Soni said, news agency ANI reported.

Hundreds of students came out on the campus on Saturday night after talks with the authorities apparently failed.

So far in our investigation, we have found out that there is only one video of the accused herself. One student who was taken in an ambulance was suffering from anxiety and our team is in contact with her," said Senior Superintendent of Police SSPMohali Vivek Soni.

Chandigarh News : 60 girls' MMS goes viral, 8 attempted suicide

All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. Several social media posts are doing the rounds claiming that the university authorities were trying to cover up the incident.

FIR has been registered in the matter and the accused student has been arrested.

Videos of 60 girls of Chandigarh University taking bath circulated on social media

FIR has been registered in the matter and the accused is arrested. As per medical records, no suicide attempt or death has taken place.

Police denied မြင်မာလိုးကာားအသစ့်2023 incident of death, injury or attempt to suicide in the aftermath of the video leak. If you do not allow these cookies we may not know when you have visited our site, and may not be able to monitor its performance.

After the videos went viral on the internet, Chandigarh 60 girls nude bath, massive protest broke out at midnight in the university.

She has not recorded any other video of anyone else, Chandigarh 60 girls nude bath. Education minister Harjot Singh Bains urged the protesting students to remain calm. But the cops have denied that the accused girl shot any other videos of anyone else other than her own. Seeing this, the security personnel closed the doors of the university.

Chandigarh News : 60 girls' MMS goes viral, 8 attempted suicide | Zee News

She has not recorded any other video of anyone else. Electronic devices and mobile phones have been taken into custody and will be sent for forensic examination.

The accused is a first-year MBA student, police said. No death has been reported related to this incident.