Cewek mahasiswa Makassar

Get Prime. Full Text. Keywords: dental arch men women Buginese Makassarese Torajanese.

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Audio Papers. Bahasa Indonesia. Data were obtained through tcasting models of the maxillary andmandibular samples then were measured by using a ruler and caliper, then calculated using formula to determine,register, and analyze the size and shape of dental arch.

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Cewek mahasiswa Makassar

Jul 1, Copy paper link. Daftar kata ini tidak digunakan sebagai leksikon dasar untuk berkomunikasi dengan penutur bahasa tersebut; jika Anda mencari hal tersebut, gunakan referensi-referensi yang ada di Wikivoyage.

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Baca Lihat sumber Lihat riwayat. Using multiple statistics, including t-test, ANOVA, chi-squaretest, and marginal of homogenity test there are significant differences regarding the size and shape of dental archbetween men and women Cewek mahasiswa Makassar the Buginese, Makassarese, and Torajanese. Abstract This reserach was done to reveal the dominant form of Constraints and Switched Points of code switching usage in Cewek Smart 2 book by Ria Fariana, which the data is taken from chapter 1 to chapter 6 of total 53 pages, Cewek mahasiswa Makassar.

Cewek mahasiswa Makassar

There is only significant difference ofmaxillary dental arch for Buginese, Makassarese, and Torajanese. Rieuwpassa, I. Perbedaan ukuran dan bentuk lengkung gigi antara laki-laki dan perempuan suku Bugis, Makassar, dan Toraja Difference of size and shape of dental arch between male Cewek mahasiswa Makassar female of Buginese, Makassarese, and Toraja.

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