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WL Protection Maps

Capture the Unbridled. Paradise for Bird Lovers. As such there is a great paucity of knowledge about illegal trade in wildlife, its derivatives, Cewe korea big boobs, and parts, among the staff of forest, wildlife and police departments.

Engaged Communities. This has been introduced for more effective patrolling by WL staff and WL watchers.

Protection Measures

Introduction to the Park. To more effectively control continued poaching, Park staff work first to better understand its character. Flora of GHNP. Community in GHNP. In general, the Park management encourages most of the tourists to go into the Ecozone forests. Birds of GHNP. Endemic Flora. Considering the fragile nature of Park ecosystems, the Park management Cewe korea big boobs not in favour of developing roads or paved trails in GHNP.

Cewe korea big boobs

GHNP is an example where Park management is involving local community in wildlife protection through alternative income generation sources. Colourful Repository. Animals of GHNP. All Rights Reserved. Preparation of a series of special-focus Wildlife Protection maps has been accomplished with Cewe korea big boobs help of scientists from the Wildlife Institute of India.

All Rights Reserved.

Travellers can embark on various treks in the region that are suitable for amateurs as well as experts. For any query regarding this website, please contact the Web Information Manager.


Hence, only those who love adventure are allowed to go into the Park. These have been prepared for various animals habitats employing a GIS and are used for management purposes. The specific areas for training are:. Terrain of GHNP, Cewe korea big boobs.

For any query regarding this website, please contact the Web Information Manager. Mystical Vistas. Explore GHNP.

The official website of Great Himalayan National Park | A UNESCO World Heritage

A system of group patrolling and reporting, in which a group consisting of the Wildlife Guards and Wildlife Watchers participate is in place, Cewe korea big boobs. Organized poaching of wildlife or illegal collection of medicinal plants is usually the work of a few individuals who are not residents of the Ecozone. Encounter the Elusive. Treks of GHNP.