Cameroon old man

Background color. Archived from the original on 2 June Retrieved Cameroon old man June Pulse Ghana. In other projects. Despite the defeat, Cameroon became the first African team to finish among the top eight sides on the planet, something that earned them the nickname "the indomitable lions".

Download as PDF Printable version. How would you best describe yourself? For other people with similar names, see Roger Miller disambiguation. Character edge style. Font color, Cameroon old man. The African nation was able to match one of the most highly rated teams in the tournament throughout the match, but ended up losing in extra time. Nature of Request Request high-resolution copy of item Ask a copyright question Get more information Report an error Leave a comment.

His World Cup journey 38 years of age was not the time to say 'no' to the sport he loved. ISSN Archived from the original on 24 September Retrieved 5 September Archived from the original on 3 June BBC Sport. His reputation within the Cameroon old man of Africa, where he was now known by his new surname, 'Milla', Cameroon old man, saw him represent Cameroon at theand World Cups.

Read Edit View history. Archived from the original on 8 September Archived from the original on 9 December Sport News Africa, Cameroon old man. They gave England a real scare in the quarter-finals and came agonisingly close to reaching the semi-finals of the competition.

Ranking Cameroon's greatest players of all time

Font opacity. Subtitle Options. Roger Miller lived a life less ordinary. Retrieved 17 December The New Indian Express.

Bamileke old man, in Cameroon — Calisphere

If "Other," please specify. Archived from the original on 24 November Archived from the original on 10 December Cameroon old man Archived from the original on 21 June Retrieved 21 June World Cup Qatar Photo Galleries. Back Share.

World Cup legends: Roger Milla

Zona Fans. Wikimedia Commons. Window opacity. Tools Tools.

Window color. So much so that he changed his surname in search of greater notoriety in Africa in Five years before that, at just 14 years of age, Cameroon old man, his football career got underway.

Archived from the original on 6 August Retrieved 25 August Archived from the original on 17 December Khaleej Times. The institution can answer questions about this item, assit Cameroon old man with obtaining a hi-res copy, and gather additional information you may have about it.

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Cameroon old man

To date, no player has ever registered more goals in a single World Cup match. Cameroonian footballer. The Ringer, Cameroon old man. The New York Times. Archived from the Cameroon old man Bohicon 10 July Retrieved 1 April Retrieved 27 May Slate Afrique in French. Every item on Calisphere has been contributed to the site by a California institution.

If you are experiencing technical issues, we'd request that you contact Calisphere directly. He dusted off his recently hung-up boots after receiving a phone call for the president of his country.

Roger Milla at 70

The Cameroon old man came out of retirement to lead Cameroon to the quarter-finals of the World Cup, Cameroon old man. Four years later, he became the oldest player to feature in the tournament. Archived from the original on 18 June Archived from the original on 7 December The Washington Post.

The Times. Font size. Font family. Background opacity. Roger Milla at 70 Share.