Brawl stars piper

Main attack damage was decreased to from at max range. Snappy Sniping ammo gain was increased to 0. Attack: Gunbrella Piper shoots a single bullet from her parasol that travels very quickly.

Bullets 4. Snappy Sniping When Piper hits Brawl stars piper enemy, she quickly reloads 0.

The shot gains more oompf the farther it flies! Piper is an Epic Brawler with low health but the potential to do very high damage to her targets. Homemade Recipe Gadget was added, Brawl stars piper. Auto Aimer Win Rate No Gadget Win Rate On activation, Piper's next main attack will home in on enemies.

Super damage was increased to from Brawl stars piper grenade.

Piper Stats, Skills, and Skins | Brawl Stars|Game8

Special Epic. Auto Aimer Gadget was added. Super: Poppin When her Super is used, Brawl stars piper, Piper will jump up into the air and throw 4 grenades below her that deal heavy damage to any enemies near them when they detonate. Reload time Brawl stars piper decreased to 2. Phew Epic. Piper Common. Her single-shot main attack does more damage when she is further away from an enemy, so she excels at supporting her team as a sniper.

Class was changed to Damage Dealer from Sharpshooter. Level health attack damage at max range super damage per grenade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wallpapers of Piper. Facepalm Exclusive.

Piper hops away to avoid pushy suitors. TIPS Piper is effective when hidden inside bushes with or without Brawl stars piper in open areas because she can utilize her high range. Stats rarity type movement speed voice actor attack range attack reload attack cooldown super range super hits to charge Epic Sharpshooter Sandra Espinoza 10 2.

Speed Width 0.

Piper Brawl Stars | Drawings of friends, Star art, Fan art

Main attack damage was increased to from at max range. Piper fires a sniper shot Brawl stars piper the tip of her parasol. Star Powers Ambush When Piper is hidden within a bush, Brawl stars piper, her main attack gains bonus damage, making her already devastating shots even more deadly doing damage at max range. She leaves them a lady's favor though: live grenades from her garter!

You can also use it to destroy the covers on the enemies' side to expose them from your range attacks. Her first Star Power, Ambush, allows her to do extra damage at max range when she is in a bush and her second Star Power, Snappy Sniping, reloads 0. Thanks Epic.

Sad Common. Make sure you target your Super behind a cover or Brawl stars piper where your teammates at to increase your chances of surviving. Auto Aimer Gadget was reworked Brawl stars piper firing 4 homing bullets that deal damage each in a very large radius to firing a single bullet that deals damage, knocks back enemies, and slows them down for 0.

Use Super to escape from your enemies instead of using it for attacking them. Happy Common. Her Super allows her to jump away from her enemies and damage them as she goes. Piper - Brawl Stars Piper's sniper shots do more damage the farther they travel, Brawl stars piper.

Piper - Brawl Stars |

GG Rare. Just make sure no one is around to avoid getting killed instead. Clap Rare. Damage per grenade Range 8. Piper has two Gadgets, and the first one is only good offensively and the other one defensively. Predicting is necessary when using Piper, as enemies who can get familiar with Piper's attack can easily evade her. Homemade Recipe Win Rate Neutral Free.

Angry Common. Neutral Exclusive, Brawl stars piper.

Normal Attack and Super

Cooldown 0. Ambush Star Power bonus damage was increased to from Snappy Sniping Star Power was added.

Predict enemies' movements to increase your chances of hitting them from a distance. Class was changed to Marksman from Damage Dealer.