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Calhoun also admitted to receiving sexually explicit videos from her. Meet the U. Former U, Boy xxx with boy. Attorneys for the Northern District of Georgia. Attorney Ryan K. According to U. CCPD was advised that an older male—later identified as Calhoun—brought lunch to a year-old girl. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit www.

Calhoun pleaded guilty to one count of production of child pornography on March 17, This case is being brought as part of Project Safe Childhood. Every day, More Ways to Give.

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BGCA is a c 3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible. Helping kids is simple.

Courthouse Information. The Internet address for the U. Joshua Herrera, who attempted to arrange to meet a minor girl for sex online, has been sentenced to federal prison for enticing a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity.

According to BGCA youth outcome data. Calhoun convinced multiple minor girls he met online to send him sexually explicit videos and images by pretending he was a teenage boy, Boy xxx with boy.

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About About. Investigators also discovered at least hundreds of other images and videos of child pornography.

Ray, II to 20 years in prison, followed by five years of supervised release. Calhoun will also have to register as a sex offender.

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About Us. Mentorship Youth Advocacy Mental Health. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. For further information please contact the U. PressEmails usdoj. More News.

We're making a difference. Five individuals have been sentenced for their involvement in a sex trafficking scheme that occurred throughout the Northern District of Georgia.

CCPD subsequently arrested Calhoun on state charges. The conduct came to light after a minor victim A Calhoun man who distributed images of child sex abuse and his wife, a former middle school special education teacher who received those images and deleted text messages to Boy xxx with boy DOJ Menu U. Department of Justice.

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Congratulations Alejandra! Toggle Menu. In Februarythe Attorney General launched Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative designed to protect children from online exploitation and abuse. Connect With Us Facebook.

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