Boy son kiss

I guess that you made good points. I am so stunned about your comment, Boy son kiss. Joined Apr 3, Messages 4, Reaction score 1. Joined Sep 25, Messages 13, Reaction score 0. I see nothing wrong when my sons kiss me or their father with check or lips. So, for now, Boy son kiss carry on as I am. Our kids kissed, so what? I respectfully agreed not to let my child nor her child in the same room together.

Joy of Mom

Tamara said:, Boy son kiss. Some actually suspected they might be a filter. I do kiss my parents on lips too, my boys does kiss me all over younger drools on me since he s only 1. They do that to us sometimes.

It is the Boy son kiss. We have to admit, this dad is a handsome guy with some pretty gorgeous eyes, Boy son kiss. So, my son came home a few minutes later and I called him in the back bedroom where myself and my husband were discussing this sensitive issue. Leeds posted a video of himself and Roman, who has matching baby blues, proving it's just good genes.

Not everyone agrees with it. I even told him that he can kiss girls his age now, if he wants to. I am very stunning about your friend's comment because it's first time I ever heard in my life.

Give your teenager son a goodnight kiss ok?

I do kiss my parents on their lips, Boy son kiss. The video is precious, and the pair beam with smiles as pretty as their eyes, and Roman gives his dad a kiss. If anything I felt bad for his little friend.

He said that they kissed. I even kiss my girlfriends good bye. Malfoyish Active Member. Oh, I forgot to add that this 15 years old kiss his father on his lip, in front of us in the public place at camping weekend.

I don't pay any attention Png lae Biscuit exposed videos one family comment about it!! I learned a few weeks later that his friend was spanked excessively for kissing my son. Don't let them think you're wrong. Especially at your age. And one day, he Boy son kiss want me to, Boy son kiss, and he probably won't want much to do with me. I don't really go for their lips Especially since kids these days are expecting kisses on the lips from a "crush" or something But ehhhh GalaxyAngel New Member.

You're going to love this one. Good freaking question. Is it really that Boy son kiss that people are on Mila inka with a dad who clearly loves his son and wants to show him as much affection as he can?

Boy son kiss

I do giving my 3 kids big kiss My 1st son always big sloppy kiss on me. I was more bothered by how she was reacting. You're just fine doing.

I will kiss my son. The dad asked the little boy to kiss him, which he did, and people freaked out.

But here comes a weird one for you. To a lot of people out there this is a sensitive subject.

I'm a Dad & People Think It's Gross I Still Kiss My 5-Year-Old Son on the Lips

I kissed my father good bye or hello whenever I visited. On the lips. My Boy son kiss child, on the lips for as long as I deem necessary and as long as he lets me," Leeds explained. Click to expand Joined Jun 12, Messages 5, Reaction score 0.

I'm a Dad & People Think It's Gross I Still Kiss My 5-Year-Old Son on the Lips |

I continued that until he died when I was I kiss my own mother goodbye whenever I go visiting my friends these days. We also kiss them good Boy son kiss before they goes their bedtimes. Kalista New Member Premium Member. I will kiss my kids, Boy son kiss, although I will do it on the cheeks. Joined Jan 31, Messages 2, Reaction score 1. We asked my son what had happened. Vance New Member, Boy son kiss. Leeds posted a follow-up video to address a woman's comment telling him not to kiss his son on the lips.

Under this unanimous byline, readers can share their own stories, secrets, and moments of weakness with complete anonymity. Joined Dec 8, Messages 21, Reaction score 0.

Joined Jan 13, Messages 31, Reaction score 9. This started making me mad. Joined May 20, Messages 7, Reaction score 4. Or foreheads, or hand, or temples.