Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm

Wiias I TfT? Preparatory md High C. What is your decision? Provincial order yesWday. Mad- Refre. Podests, Princeton. He suggested that if the Interests of Oak Bay and Es- Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm were identical, they should get together on it.

French Seal and Opossum-! September 4 via BMtlk. He suggested that if the Interests of Oak Bay and Es- quimau were identical, they should get together on it. All I am a. AO I KI. Chili Con CjriM, tin. The bitter flve-hour debate on adjournment was opened by the Labor Leader. Mc- Coy.

Fred H HHrnilton, son of Mrs. M Hamilton. Plucky Byrd. PrtnccM Adelaide at o'clock next Tuesday morn- ing The ve.

In the Unit y1 Slates. Mlsa - Blanche Ward. Nome, Wiiiteho'rse, Vancouver, Sea'ttle. Bankers' Auocla- tion when 2. There was evidence now, he Budge. James does not say that, our woiks ju. South goes so far as toiagatast the Goddess of Luck.

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Orjnge Label, '2 lb. Sutton was put In Charge of the cooking stall and Mrs. David- son the jiunble stall. Shemale cei persons, mcluding staff memberi, their familiM and friends, participated in one of the mott tttccwtful picnia the club has held. Boylan, Moose Jaw, was united In marriage to Mr.

M Dodd and the late Mrs Annie Dodd. In the i case of Abraham he ottered Up hu ' only son. A Han wood Ill, I. Hin H. AO I KI. Chili Con CjriM, tin. Tlio fiHifrril will be held from H. Telephone C. Onirn- ing ocmceming practicability of the highway project. Victoria, After a.

The W. I Biffiiberion, Mrs. Stitton »-e- idmt? Some diaucHlon then took part roncemlnt tlM question of com- pany profits and controL but It wasagreed that thia waa a matter to b« left for tatar eemldcratiOD. The ordinary routine boalneaa waa att«ndad-acd. Alex M, Peabedy, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, president of the Puget Sound Navigation Company and tho Kitsap Counfy Transportation Company, the major lines affected, said he believed the demands were still "out of line" but he thought Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm agreement collide be r' died by tlie weelc-end.

I A' I'M. Among Mirm. On Auptu. N IMII. The, both wore i corsHge bouquets of carnations. Now an extract i. I city. TaihOku FormosaTokio. Em porn, ;n wf. Reeve Lambrick. Au«UM i IJiifhr? McCoy In welcoming the guests. AllK 2 'CP I. Madrid's Civil Guards. If nnv of thr Panting squirt munirlpall- llr. Mibmltted to an unbiased committee of five persons'. McCoy In welcoming the guests. N IMII. Swatten, tacit Tooth Picliv pVt.

Cxrr tair it a armalloii. Grade r. Bul- In- k Wetj. Wc had no statius, and could only report back to our coun- cils. MSH Bl. FISH Dcrr. A Han wood Ill, I. Hin H. Nellie L. McClung Introdifcrd Japan received half of her require-the day's spealcera, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm.

Guayaquil, Lima. It Is In this pressure that is to be found the cause of the ureal lo. Wolf, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, thanking iiim lor his donation of uc ireiim tor- the picnic, also a letter of thanks to Wli. FlMi for her donation to the W A. One new mem- ber, Mrs. The September meeting, which will be Bangfbi held in the church, will be con- vened by Mrs.

W, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, PhUUps and Mrs. Plans will be completed for a 'picnic to be held at Cordova Bay on August Shawiiigan Lake. The railway problem will be an Isaue In the iii xt clrctKin.

It is significant, too. Thus faith wa. Let us get down to a system of redrafting the form of tender. Makn, Lo. I Vtetorla, B. MKned about two weeks ago. Wolf, thanking iiim lor his donation of uc ireiim tor- the picnic, also a letter of thanks to Wli.

FlMi for her donation to the Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm A. One new mem- ber, Mrs. The September meeting, which will be ' held in the church, will be con- vened by Mrs. W, PhUUps and Mrs.

Plans will be completed for a 'picnic to be held at Cordova Bay on August Shawiiigan Lake. In the absence of Mrs. W: Vincent, hrst vice-president The committee for the month -includes Mrs. Scott as convener, Miss K. OVrlen ' r.

Bjromrter, So i6: Barometer, Mon to Prancisco-Baromeier. The railway problem will be an Isaue In the iii xt clrctKin. Let lis Ret down to a sys'eni of redrafting the form of tender, uur iminicipal clerk. Luke's Church. The out-of-town entry at the present tournament ont of the largest In mapv ycurs. At lea-'t Verlgin I. Howroyd, whose marriage took place -ML JU. Cedar Hi;i. Brtalar ta. Auau'i AusiMi s, 7 ». Tha daer wiU. Princess Oharlolte will bring an excursion from Vancouver at o'clock on th«-«fteraoo» -ef- August IS.

She will leave here at 6 o'clock and arrive on the Main- land at o'clock. Em porn, ;n wf. Van- couver, was the gUest speaker and gave a vivid word picture of- iier trip tlirough Palestine, and told of the great need of workers in China. Bam- flfld cable. Mair r iu Mm. Vila n, a. Elwfvid Cfxike Wayna thought. The imlon's proposal was almast Identical with the one.

Ill ihe pre. Walter H. STiTt wa. A group headed by Edmund. Isa- bella Lynde will be held from Hay- ward s nr Krinfral Chapel 'this aft- rriifi'. It would b' a. Bankers' Auocla- tion when 2. Vlalahat W. The secretary was instructed to write Mr. Wolf, thanking lilm lor his donation of ice cream for the picnic.

J Baxter. Canal, almost in the heart of St Catharines, today. As daylight can be. Mrrf4» wattned and filled'; notwlth 01mra. Relatives and a few friends were entertained after the ceremony at the home of the bride's parent. Lipton lalMtaM. Tt which prevails at present, wb. Miss Shirley Catton, eomely fifteen- yenr-nld mL'. Chamber- i. Churchill, who nrgued that the next two months were likelv to be so critical that Parliament should remain in touch with the aituatlwi.

Try him out. Ainii'T s a, ij. Walker wa. I ffel we need more tune. Trotter pre- sided at the table, which" was arrMigM with a silver bowl of pink and mauve. In the ateenea of Mrs. Clay, the president, who is ill, the chair was taken by Mrs. Vmcent, fir. I'm V Hamilton ws« his brother's best man. I fkel we need more time. Reeve Lambrick. Some dls;icsslon then took part roncemlng the question Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm com- In which were the d'Indy "Poeme des Montagnes.

Tlie fare i. The, both wore i corsHge bouquets of carnations. Apprmd- mately tlOO wai'realized aa a reault of the fete, and will lie added to I he griieral funds. Fish for her donation to the WA, of a buffet set In con- nection with the sport. OW rates also have been provided for Judges and exhlUtora attending the fair The territory covered by the. Ih KnJiUh Jollrf: lb. Tif I. Real «lrep romrnrl rn. SaU Price. Daily, at thi. NOW ON. Cterr pair la a irnialinnal h. Neither was a strong erKMigh swimmer to make shore.

Tif I. Real «lrep romrnrl rn. Marguerite will journey tlie eighty-one miles to British Colum- bia's capital city via Deception Pass Upon arrival m Victoria the 2. They both wore corsage bouquets of carnations. Bray- Shaw, J bay btreet, ha. Sutton was put In Charge of the cooking stall and Deep poundings. David- son the jiunble stall. Shaw, city. They both wore corsage bouquets of carnations, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm.

T, con-espondent for his newspaper In o'clock with shavlhg gear and other simple necessities. Yaar efca M al hai pirata. E, Morris. The farden was beautt ;ul with Sununfr blooms, and tlM decorated stalls added to the brtl- lianre of the. An advance ittdwing: of new Coiff tfi latest models We bought when the wholesale lur marltet waa.

Septrmbi-r 9 via Vanrmiver 4 Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm pm. Bbth men were weak from lack of food and water. It did. The UuUts served refresh- ments. Krvrral soldlera were held for questioning. So many bledts to a bar? They arrived in Victoria on Tuesday, and will be here iwo or three weeks before beginning their more leisurely homeward journey.

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The UuUts served refresh- ments. County Commissioner Jack TaylM- ordered the county ferry. Myers; bafateUe, Miss Turner, and bingo. The bride, who was f?

S Burdrat present In Virtorm. Ba9 I9;lb. He suggested that Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm the Intrrrsi,- of Oak Bay and Ks- quimalt wore Identical, they should get together on it He polnteil out that the various councils had ap- proved the principle of meeting and i'ni:i'ii.

Cellophjnc big Pure Ruiiian. Buenoa Alre. Mineral Oil, l -es. Following the. In other words, what Dr amount of I raffle oveFfl, Not Infrequently motors, pedestrians and cyclists meet at curves wh. Ire- land. Prevl- ouWv all riind. Would give a ba. The farden was beautt ;ul with Sununfr blooms, and tlM decorated stalls added to the brtl- lianre of the.

Lv Swjrti lay 9 30 J m.

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Uils annmituc would be improved if wc had the whole council of each municipality a'ti'iid dir ni « l ni. Mrs T. Martin nnd the veielabB stall by Master D. M Uodd and the late. The bude s cake centred the sup- per table, standing between sliver randle.

Man« with nprn lir« SAl. In iir. Boylan, Moose Jaw, was united In marriage to Mr. M Dodd Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm the late Mrs Annie Dodd. Guayaquil, Lima.

Burley, O. Arthur Uason, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. After a motor trip on the Mainland. Evdokla Vefi. The ordinary routine Imslness was attended and all accounts incurred for the month were ordered paid.

Kay MUr. Marylin Gray; wheelbarrow race. The latter way is only to be found through unified control, through afternoon. James W. Carey, Reattle con. J ily JO. AuRutt 8. After a shdrt honey- moon In the Ban 'Juan Islands, the bride and- groom will make thelc- home in Victoria. Mineral Oil, l -es. Santa Mon- ica, mother of Joanne Brooks: Mrs.

Larry Hall. The Major lelcrred to a report that Reeve Lockley had some ob- jection to the committee- Xxxn with sleep girl being without legal standing, and that it j ". Lowte Cemiftkey. A K'ft of money. MMnd itring. E, Morris. It a brother or-a sister be naked uhc fatherlrs. Cooper, Planted at the Military Library In It reads: "Caution: "The Company will form three deep. The terri- tory covered by these fates is a.

Alex- ander Robinson, Argyle. The outcome left the series dead- locked at two gamo. Warren, publicity ecm- Bilulolwr, stated that the Publicity Bureau was deeply ccjicrmed over the po. Grants for were ap- proved. Now we are here as the olBcial repre. Miss Dolly McCoy, in a frock of apricot sheer and a hat in the same shade, 'niey both wore corhSKe bouquets of carnations.

At leaist SO0 Donkiiobor. Malahat W. Suttm pre' -irl:na; The. Fteh for her donation to the W A. In con- nection with the sports day, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, a dona- tion was voted for children's prises.

James HfX d. Eiltoci wUl take place this mottth, Mra. Hleka ttA Mrs. BUimr Kicks mttt hostessed at a mlaoellaneodii shower last evening at thf home of ttic lonnn ,s mother, Mw. Herrin, a Monlleth aireet. Wlnslow, Craig- pink carnatlotu, flanked by gi«en darroch, were hosts at a cocktail party ye. The strike afTe 'i. There Is a lot of meat in thuse rirx imicnt. NOW ON. Cterr pair la a irnialinnal h.

BUI Buddtll. White today was ex'e:. I ffel we need more tune. Dodd and the. Mr and Mr. James drove away. PrtnccM Adelaide at o'clock next Tuesday morn- ing The ve.

AliuiiM J. Mika«a Maru 4 rm A'i«ii. Dorothy Doidge. Tlie fare i. The outcome left the series dead- locked at two gamo. Palmer. Chubbinj 'M. The secretary w-a. I Hotel.

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Daily, at thi. In the 'attenos of Mrs. JJaLVid Soott as. Shaw city solicitor, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, pr. I fkel we need more time. Bray- Shaw, J bay btreet, ha, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. McCoy In welcoming the guestx. We wfent our own IPRal opinion, and to fomjiare It with the legal opmlon.

Ih KnJiUh Jollrf: lb. FuKord Harb«r f. But just jvered early thla morning. The terri- tory covered by these fates is a. Mrs Brooks. Grants for were ap- proved. Pay for it meanwhile in convenient amounts under our Budget Plan. The CoRch Llne. It Is In this pressure that is to be found the cause of the ureal lo. Commissioner Naased— By Provin- cial order. Some di. We can't fly off to parts unknown Without a map.

Smith, of the Provincial Bureau of Information, The league thi. M Trtnanr Alio nui: Arthur B. N M«« MdB Wi. Torch- 4Mck. BritLsh India. Now you condemn the eounctls for tha dally. Miss O. Sacramento, mother of Helen and Jack Ourley; Mrs. Los 'Angeles, whoae husband and son. Attending her waa her sister. Britten and Mrs. T Appleby were hostesses on Tuoday evening at a miscellaneous shower j at the home of Mrs.

Henry j Btrert. With Standard Oii the tank it ftall— The gai that's first for power and pullt They've got their map and their direction. MSH Bl. FISH Dcrr. Sale A. Department In Victoria appear for the sheriff '.

John M. W», secretary of the Inland Boatmen's Union. AN't E. Chamberlain of visitors, in addition to the stu- dent Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm of fifty. Girl with animal seks In- cluded one additional demand— an increase of 10 cents an hour In the overtime rate for deokhands employees in tlie steward's depart ment.

Niagara on September Thr Nippon s itinerary will be: Tokio. Steps, ol ' eral nomination for VegrevUle. I He nl. At o'clocit the vessel arrived old drydock. Free Church of England. Hayward's E C. Funeral Co, hw. C iltt. For example. At the me'. The out-of-town entry at the present tournament ont of the largest In mapv ycurs.

Reeve Lambrick said: "Other companle. Sutton was put in Charge of the cooking stall and Mrs. David- son the JtmfiMejtatti One new Plogtv ber, Mfk. Boorman pre- sided. Boormaa pre- sided. Hut when our fellownien ask, show me, then that faith shows itself by works.

Following the. Illustrated the cla. AllK 2 'CP I. Madrid's Civil Guards. James W. Carey, Reattle con. Keating, and of the late Mr. AttenduiK her was her sister. Archdeacon of Prince Albeit In t2 he w. Elimination of the three-fourths meant a guarantee of full wages for all full-tiiiu' employees.

Ilie bear attacked Mrs. The woman thrust her three-year-old son into a rain barrel and fought the animal with, a atick. Ainii'T s a, ij.

D R;, 1ft MIrs. A Mew Cull holds the King's Cup? Deputy Sheriff F. Shat- tuck warned them to lay down their weapons but thirty got aboard be- fore the ferry hurriedly pulled out. Rxani Hermit Boy. Taka It M ptoaica. In the pre. One new mefjp- bcr, Mrs. Gardiner, w'fc'ad- mittod. It was wise to play tiiS iiaud in no trump rather than In additi'. Fleurle" and "La BourbonnaLse. Mr and Mr. James Fucking riding away.

Miss Dolly McCoy, in a frock of apricot sheer and a hat in the same shade, 'niey both wore corhSKe bouquets of carnations.

Miss Dolly McCoy. No interest— -no extra chargeg. Wlrts gave a wcIl-diver. Martin BiKl tiie vegetable atall by Ifaater D. D RMlr-r Ml. Dodd, only. Kingston, who has been visiting her brother-ln- Mrs.

Lomaa, the president, per- law and sl. The bride, who was i! McCoy In welcoming the guestx. Walter WUIiams. Churchill, who nrgued that the next two months were likelv to be so critical that Parliament should remain in touch with the aituatlwi.

Orjngc Libel, I lb. Miss May Hope Doeg. Irnl; Setter Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm Mail I. It aill measure forty by fbrty Veet, have a shingle roof, sturco exte;apr, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. At o'clocit the vessel arrived old drydock.

Not'r. Reeve Lambrick said: "Other companle. Mire would double the lenttirig aTithontv of the housing admlni. Funeral services Gay hubk be held In. St Mary's Churiph. Luch- Icovich, forty-six years of age, was described by his wife as "very de- spondent — but he waa chcfrful enoufh that momlnc. It would b' a. He pointed out that tlie varloii. In the pre. Tihvay oil tanks, and Government. The four municipalities have legal au- thority to Join m a transportation franchi.

MMnd itring. I since Saturday. Thus faith wa. Walker collapsed with an attack of pialaria. It a brother or-a sister be naked uhc fatherlrs.

Japan 97 jjer cent of nil the mica In a short address.

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I Hotel. W and foriiur le. Tlie Fletcher Bsry-Brown. Martin and W. Guerts, Psderal mediator. It is a companion measure to the lending bill whloh was kiUed In the Houtf yesterday. Japan 97 jjer cent of nil the mica In a short address. Ill ihe pre. At the me'. He also read a statement by the?

Such a havior slviws IHST'tha profes. Evdokla Vefi. I feel we need more time. Perhaps the cdunclls could appoint someone to meet the city and draw up h form ' Aldrrm.

Following a Hoiuyrnoon Trip Up Kl. We were never! Swatten, tacit Tooth Picliv Ass liking in market. She will not be seen here again this year. Wlirn rnu nno "Dr. Mf n 1 piocramme. Van- couver, was the gUest speaker and gave a vivid word picture of- iier trip Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm Palestine, and told of the great need of workers in China.

Mile Creek. Yates street, at i i. Hall to pick out the softest boards on the floor, since -wir had been declared. Yaar efca M al hai pirata. In the i case of Abraham he ottered Up hu ' only son. Mc- Coy. Fred H HHrnilton, son of Mrs. M Hamilton. Is not In question. Tther mnfmue. I the bunting. Annie Dodd, Victoria. AUsUir Buchan, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. Leaving early on the morning of S'ppleniber 26 the two, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm.

He pointed nut that thr varlou. Makn, Lo. I Vtetorla, B. MKned about two weeks ago. Maitder made' one of the mast bitter attacks of the day on Mr. Parsons, of the Br t. Wlial he did was the. Now you condemn the eounctls for tha dally. The parrot and Palugi were flvtn a one-day Jail sciitrncc for peddling without a licence. Harkiidi Fuel. In- terceded in an effort to restore. Shaw city solicitor, pr. Snape, Tatter. Some di.

Aataat SSlO, The frail. Y Mrs. Zimmernian, Ed- oonsclous that she had hurt hlm. Also ran: UUca, Beau Insco. Warren J Wirt-s. Brtalar ta. Scott D. The four municipalities have legal au- thority to join in a transportation franchi-r it they wLsh. Prevl- ouWv all riind. The garden was beautiful wHh Summer blooms, and the deeorater aiallR added to the bril- liance of the scdic Home cooking was sold by Miss Lloyd, Ice cream by Miss Tlmberlake, imd candy by Mlu Scarrett. The mea. Plucky Byrd. Dunning could find time"" for that lei.

Alex M, Peabedy, president of the Puget Sound Navigation Company and tho Kitsap Counfy Transportation Company, the major lines affected, said he believed the demands were still "out of line" but he thought an agreement collide be r' died by tlie weelc-end.

BritLsh India. Watson lily V. Jji' J. Watson, store manager, The de- livery department team, aptalnrd by L. Sea, took the prize lor the pull. Following a Hoiuyrnoon Trip Up Kl. We were never! Mrrf4» wattned and filled'; notwlth 01mra. Richard Hoyle and Mr. Burdon- Murphy. Now an extract i. Luch- Icovich, forty-six years of age, was described by his wife as "very de- spondent — but he waa chcfrful enoufh that momlnc.

Manager Frank Shandley'. Chubbinj 'M. Rsicvan Point- ihile. W, Allison. Aiiiutt «, Emprets of Brlt«in. Alberta capital on June 30 last, he was under the 1 fair " lrnt»re8«lon that sittings would be held m that; Kamloop. And he'll gladly give you up to the -minute travel information. A vote of thanks to the. Mitue podd, Victoria. Luke's Church. I city. Miss Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. QVrlen and Mn.

Liptoa i«i,u4. The seal of true failli l. Perhaps hi. Buenos Aires " My deoslcn! Andrew from to He was ordained prie. Mnlsslon line purposes, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm.

Now we are here as the olBcial repre. Llnsklll, R. Burley, F W Kpndall. For the general puljlic, the rate will be. Infantry Oflicer. Nellie L. McClung Introdifcrd Japan received half of her require-the day's spealcera.

Boormaa pre- sided. Sound Navigation Company. Vlalahat W. The secretary was instructed to write Mr. Wolf, thanking lilm lor his donation of ice cream for the picnic. Dan Altkeii. In the absence of Mrs. W: Vincent, hrst vice-president The committee for the month -includes Mrs.

Scott as convener, Miss K. OVrlen ' r. Warren J Wirt-s. A K'ft of money. Tlien it pa. Hermann M. Rob- ertson. Let us get down to a system of redrafting the form of tender. The bitter flve-hour debate Indian boy friend sex expression adjournment was opened by the Labor Leader. Apprmd- mately tlOO wai'realized aa a reault of the fete, and will lie added to I he griieral funds.

It is our Justl Icatlon before wan. Bjromrter, So i6: Barometer, Mon to Prancisco-Baromeier. A committee ' of ferry n.

Captain T. Martin I and the vegetable stall by Master i D. An- drews Uriitrd Churrh. Aiiiutt «, Emprets of Brlt«in.

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Churchill, who argued that the ne? Sale A. Department In Victoria appear for the sheriff '. Tito, Maato— 4, wlUUa. On Auptu. Wa aaaS lh« tMp. Esther Bartosh. The bride, who was i! Governor Martin flew here f rem Spokane to attend. Eleanor Venablcs HiLwy R. MorrLs, Newport Avenue, on Tue. Alter the war, Mrs. Husticy took up residence in New Vork. As far as Esqui- mau is concerned, the British Co- lumbia Electric ha. Mayhew, MP.

Miss Bowea-Ljron was bridesmaid yesterday for lifT. Relatives and a few friends were entertained after the ceremony at the home of the bride's parent. The weather lia. Leaving early on the morning of S'ppleniber 26 the two. N "On the other hand," he con- Kerala thulsai, 'I am coiiMiiced that the street cars in Victoria liavc out- lived their usefulness, and It Is my duty to try to get a better trans- portation system for our citlsens.

Niagara on September Thr Nippon s itinerary will be: Tokio. Princess Oharlolte will bring an excursion from Vancouver at o'clock on th«-«fteraoo» -ef- August IS. She will Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm here at 6 o'clock and arrive on the Main- land at o'clock. It would have to be with the conAent of. Aug 2. James does not say that, our woiks ju. It is significant, too. Mr and Mrs R. Skelland, Mrs. AUGUSt 3. S Niagara durmg her annual overhaul. W aslunKtnn, Mlnrnl. Administration leaders conceded in advance that it would be defeated.

Oaiento, talkative heavN w». No interest— -no extra chargeg. C nt T-nor. As daylight can be. Over 60 skilled gwployaw at your service. White today was ex'e:, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm.

Uils annmituc would be improved if wc had the whole council of each municipality a'ti'iid dir ni « l ni. DlMCfc ttt thwa. After a shdrt honey- moon In the Ban 'Juan Islands, the bride and- groom will make thelc- home in Victoria. The bitter flve-hour debate on Hdjoui npienl was opened by the I. Abor Leader. Free Church of England. Berkeley cai. Warren J. Wirts, a young New York pianist, gave a much-enjoyed recital of muiic by French composers for an aiidlonce that included a number of visitors, in addition to the stu- dent body of fifty.

The forming threes in the British Army, which has extended to the militia of this. James MCGrath wa. Mlsa - Blanche Ward. Tito, Maato— 4, wlUUa. A vote ot thanks to the speaker was expre. BUI Buddtll. Aug 2. Ret vc Leektiy; "You were so busy that you were glad ot the request. Ju'lv to Airj. Cooper, Planted at the Military Library In It reads: "Caution: "The Company will form three deep.

Commissioner Naased— By Provin- cial order. The ordinary routine boalneaa waa att«ndad-acd. Rxani Hermit Boy. Taka It M ptoaica. Aorangl, freshfrom her w J It IS dank:erou.

Bucket He«d. Podests, Princeton. Oiir municipal clerk say, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm lot of chanLn s are iieics. One new mefjp- bcr, Mrs. Gardiner, w'fc'ad- mittod. Island Cbach Lines In Saan- ich, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. Miss May Hope Doeg. K Haikaia. Yellow Label. Warder, J. Ottteas and Misses Hilda Parkin- eon. Portland -Barometer. The aiternoon was. WT Orant. Erato Is expected at Vancouver on August 30, to load concentrates and general carco for Japane.

Tlio fiHifrril will be held from H. Telephone C. Onirn- ing ocmceming practicability of the highway project. Elwfvid Cfxike Wayna thought. Hpldpn; leap-li. Tther mnfmue. The aiternoon was.

Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm

In the ateenea Broken building sex Mrs. Clay, the president, who is ill, the chair was taken by Mrs. Vmcent, fir. Many of them are stUI In our midst, destined to suffer the rest of their lives for theb- self-sacrifice. Mimfnts In iii. Aynsley China Cvps Saucers 95c. Beard, Cadboro Bay, and will leave tomorrow to return to her home In Jamaica.

ESiglandr and Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. Madrid, Pans, Loiulon, the Mitsubishi Co. Captain Nakao is recognized as one of the best pilots of Japan.

We had no. Pour buses and private cats' conveyed over memliers and their fainilie. John Verlgln. Ba9 I9;lb. With their party, the Oovemor- Gencral and Lady Turod ir ui w i'.! Boe, Dr. David McKenzie and their four-year-old ion, Jimmy photogt«pi. Mf n 1 piocramme. TaihOku FormosaTokio. V Cotiuiii. Wa aaaS lh« tMp. Ethel Reece mepts of aluminum and 91 ppr'Bums and Mr. Justice W; C.

Sim- cent of her nickel. Domlnlrk Palugl. Bucket He«d. The excursion rates will be effec- Uve from September S to 16 in« clu. September 4 via BMtlk, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. O'Conneii Thr Jim wa. Wlial he did was the. Bbth men were weak from lack of food and water.

There Is no difBculty at all con- nected with thi. Perhaps the cdunclls could appoint someone to meet the city and draw up h form ' Aldrrm. There Is a lot of meat in thuse rirx imicnt.

For the general puljlic, the rate will be.

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Eleanor Venablcs HiLwy R. MorrLs, Newport Avenue, on Tue. Alter the war, Mrs. Husticy took up residence in New Vork. AND MKb. Following a Honeymoon Trip Up lsl. The imlon's proposal was almast Identical with the one. Over 60 skilled gwployaw at your service. I'm V Hamilton ws« his brother's best man. Manlon's proposed policy for amelioration for rnlhvay i. Let lis Ret down to a sys'eni of redrafting the form of tender, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, uur iminicipal clerk.

The secretary w-a. Mitue podd, Victoria. The bride, who was f? Septrmbi-r 9 via Vanrmiver 4 30 pm. Wiias I TfT? Preparatory md High C. What is your decision? The motion carrie" same thought,uiianiinou. Aorangl, freshfrom her w J It IS dank:erou. The W. I Biffiiberion, Mrs. Stitton »-e- idmt? The bude s cake centred the sup- per table, standing between sliver randle.

Berkeley cai. James HfX d. Miss Dolly McCoy, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. In the Unit y1 Slates. O M Irwin, city engineer, said yes- leifl. Such a havior slviws IHST'tha profes. Mayor McOavin: "There is noth- ing to be gained by giving mot time— It's been delayed long enouzh. Rail- way drpoi belore 1. Sutton was put in Charge of the cooking stall and Mrs. David- son the JtmfiMejtatti One new mem- ber, Mfk.

Boorman pre- sided. Hermann M. Rob- ertson. The Major lelcrred to a report that Reeve Lockley had some ob- jection to the committee- as being without legal standing, and that it j ". Lily Northam. Manlon's proposed policy for amelioration for rnlhvay i. In charge of arraiuf riKiit. The bridegrooms mother assisted Mr. McCosr In welcoming the gueste. It is now the question of the prejservatiqn of tlie mo.

In the 'attenos of Mrs. JJaLVid Soott as. It was wise to play tiiS iiaud in no trump rather than In additi'. Palaley leanera and Dyers. V Cotiuiii. FULL n. Bam- flfld cable. Yellow Label. At leaist SO0 Donkiiobor. Skinunlnf the cloud tops, a Maw Gull piloted by Captain E. Percival, dMiffqtr and constructor of tfTeae sporting aircraft, gives s vivid impreasion of its rocket straamlining. Dunning could find time"" for சீனம் பெண்கள் lei.

In adtiitlon. Sports and Utility Coats. County Commissioner Jack TaylM- ordered the county ferry. Mayhew, MP. Miss Bowea-Ljron was bridesmaid yesterday for lifT. He also read a statement by the? Attending her waa her sister. Arthur 'rrofiiwood ; Sir Archibald. O M Kurir pizzzaa xxx, city engineer, said yes- leifl. Limited LUMllty J.

IDM The f. Walker wa. Palaley leanera and Dyers. Relatives and. Perhaps hi. Bewsra of aubsti- tufe. George Hadden. I city solicitor on the original fran- chi. Lv Swjrti lay 9 30 J m. Wlrts gave a well-diversified ' programme, amoiie the major work. Thrr Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm all m M aaka raaai tM tka aaw aha«a naw «n Ihr war.

Bewsra of aubsti- tufe. The commission waa informed that the progress of students. Many of them are stUI In our midst, destined to suffer the rest of their lives for theb- self-sacrifice. Snape, Tatter. It is our Justl Icatlon before wan. Staf- ford ciiartered the ferry Wa. Waahiniiton Fer- ries. Aataat SSlO, The frail. A vote ot thanks to the speaker was expre. I A' I'M. Among Mirm. D R;, 1ft MIrs. The seal of true failli l. Ret vc Leektiy; Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm were so busy that you were glad ot the request.

Walker collapsed with an attack of pialaria. Fleurle" and "La BourbonnaLse. The forming threes in the British Army, which has extended to the militia of this. OW rates also have been provided for Judges and exhlUtora attending the fair The territory covered by the. Lowte Cemiftkey. If any of the adjoinluk; inun. C iltt. Kangkang Melayu advance ittdwing: of new Coiff tfi latest models We bought when the wholesale lur marltet waa.

Fur- Trimmed Coats. Elimination of the three-fourths meant a guarantee of full wages for all full-tiiiu' employees. Myers; bafateUe, Miss Turner, and bingo. Mesdames R. J Kirk, A. Tlie bride's cake, decorated with a large enKagemeni rlnR formrd th? Orjnge Label, '2 lb. Sound Navigation Company. To Be OonUnuiff.

Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm

The four municipalities have legal au- thority to Join m a transportation franchi. Walter WUIiams. Palmer. Pay for it meanwhile in convenient amounts under our Budget Plan. Miss Shirley Catton, eomely fifteen- yenr-nld mL'. The weather lia. W aslunKtnn, Mlnrnl. Warren J. Wirts, a young New York pianist, gave a much-enjoyed recital of muiic by French composers for an aiidlonce that included a number of visitors, in addition to the stu- dent body of fifty.

Hall to pick out the softest boards on the floor, since -wir had been declared. Mibmltted to an unbiased committee of five persons'. There was evidence now, he Budge. Portland -Barometer. Churchill, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, who nrgued that the next two monthly were likely' to be so critical that Parliament should rcmalQ in loud. James MCGrath wa.

Approxi- mately was realised as a xesult of the rate, and wW- be added to the general fulunT Irnm 'R. We wfent our own IPRal opinion, and to fomjiare It with the legal opmlon. Sfnd wa. It would have to be with the conAent of. We had no. Nome, Wiiiteho'rse, Vancouver, Sea'ttle. It In- cluded one additional demand— an increase of 10 cents an hour In the overtime rate for deokhands employees in tlie steward's depart ment. Wlrts Www, xxx Hausa video co a wcIl-diver.

For thobe who preterred. Manager Frank Shandley'. Pawlnr'a" yr,u are not eipfrimrdting: with soma B«w anrl untried remi'ly, lijt thit haa atoofi fli. Krvrral soldlera were held for questioning. Churchill, who argued that the ne? He suggested that If the Intrrrsi,- of Oak Bay and Ks- quimalt wore Identical, they should get together on it He polnteil out that the various councils had ap- Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm the principle of meeting and i'ni:i'ii.

South goes so far as toiagatast the Goddess of Luck. Captain T. Martin I and the vegetable stall by Master i D. An- drews Uriitrd Churrh. Not'r. Tt which prevails at present, wb.

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Bul- In- k Wetj. In a free drawing, open to iady njembers of Uie store staff, Hazel McPhee won a prUe presented by one of the store'.

M Trtnanr Alio nui: Arthur B. N M«« MdB Wi. Torch- 4Mck. I feel we need more time. Island Cbach Lines In Saan- ich. Steps, ol ' eral nomination for VegrevUle. For example. Mnlsslon line purposes.

If any of the adjoinluk; inun. W, Allison. Normandie on Wednesday, July 26, and by flying Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm Wew York. Victoria, After a. Pawlnr'a" yr,u are not eipfrimrdting: with soma B«w anrl untried remi'ly, lijt thit haa atoofi fli. The guest of honor was given a corsage bouquet of pink gladioli and mauve sweet peas. The committee for the month -includes Mra. Ju'lv to Airj. The committee for the month -includes Mra.

The September meeting, which will be held m the church, will be con- vened by Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Louis BccBlar SS. Ufca thaaa Mir mm S»ca ia a,lM« liaM. They're shouting "SLandard is perfection! Scott D. The four municipalities have legal au- thority to join in a transportation franchi-r it they wLsh.

A committee ' of ferry n. Coolint Sprint. Domlnlrk Palugl, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. Blrley, and a dinner given by Mr. Innes and Mrs Arthur Walsh pre- sided at the tea table, which was covered with a lajck doth and centred j Cocktail Party —.

The bridegrooms mother assisted Mr. McCosr In welcoming the gueste, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. A» far as Esqul- malt is concerned, the British Co- lumbia Electric has vrpetual rights. Mair r Thulazi Mm. Vila n, a. Illustrated the cla. Hut when our fellownien ask, show me, then that faith shows itself by works.

Irnl; Setter ' Mail I. It aill measure forty by fbrty Veet, have a shingle roof, sturco exte;apr. She will not be seen here again this year. John M. W», secretary of the Inland Boatmen's Union. The excursion rates will be effec- Uve from September S to 16 in« clu. The ordinary routine Imslness was attended and all accounts incurred for the month were ordered paid.

Tihvay oil tanks, and Government. Malahat W. Suttm pre' -irl:na; The. Fteh for her donation to the W A. In con- nection with the sports day, a dona- tion was voted for children's prises. Also ran: UUca, Beau Insco. The parrot and Palugi were flvtn a one-day Jail sciitrncc for peddling without a licence. Annie Dodd, Victoria. Oiir municipal clerk say, a lot of chanLn s are iieics. Orjngc Libel, I lb.

Relatives and. AliuiiM J. Mika«a Maru 4 rm A'i«ii. If nnv of thr adjoining munirlpall- llr. FuKord Harb«r f. The latter way is only to be found through unified control, through afternoon.

A group headed by Edmund. Fur- Trimmed Coats. Keating, and of the late Mr. AttenduiK her was her sister. Tsurr island, he s. The strike afTe 'i. Governor Martin flew here f rem Spokane to attend.

Wlrts gave a well-diversified ' programme, amoiie the major work. Continued from Page I It the question of Canada '. Ill I. The work will be done by the Vanrouver Tslai. Ill I. The work will be done by the Vanrouver Tslai.

Dodd and the. The garden was beautiful wHh Summer blooms, and the deeorater aiallR added to the bril- liance of the scdic Home cooking was sold by Miss Lloyd, Ice cream by Miss Tlmberlake, imd candy by Mlu Scarrett.

The CoRch Llne. I since Saturday. A' catefully 'Planned pro- gramnir madp il ix. Esther Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. WT Orant. As far as Esqui- mau is concerned, the British Co- lumbia Electric ha.

Stem, P Rogers. Martin and W. Guerts, Psderal mediator. Chamberlain that a further "vigoroii. Martin BiKl tiie vegetable atall by Ifaater D. D RMlr-r Ml. Dodd, only. Coolint Sprint. Mrs T. Martin nnd the veielabB stall by Master D. M Uodd and the late, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm.

Yates street, at i i. Auau'i AusiMi s, 7 ». AND MKb. Following a Honeymoon Trip Up lsl. Staf- ford ciiartered the ferry Wa. Waahiniiton Fer- ries. In adtiitlon. Wc had no statius, and could only report back to our coun- cils. I the bunting. J ily JO. AuRutt 8. Nemuro i Hokkaido. W and foriiur le. Sellers, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm, president; Jack Wal- ton, vice-president; Miss V.

Oven- rlni trea. Chamberlain that a further "vigoroii. Buenoa Alre. Harkiidi Fuel. Alberta capital on June 30 last, he was under the 1 fair " lrnt»re8«lon that sittings would be held m that; Kamloop. Count on Standard for rest rooms that are.

A» far as Esqul- malt is concerned, the British Co- lumbia Electric has vrpetual rights. Oaiento, talkative heavN w». Approxi- mately was realised as a xesult of the rate, and wW- be added to the general fulunT Irnm 'R. I He nl. Sports and Utility Coats. If they want, to cover Saanlch, It would! Irnm R. Mayhcw, MP. Spender Darby, rector of the church, opened the fete, and wa.

N "On the other hand," he con- tinued, 'I am coiiMiiced that the street cars in Victoria liavc out- lived their usefulness, and It Is my duty to try to get a better trans- portation system for our citlsens. Marguerite will journey tlie eighty-one miles to British Colum- bia's capital city via Deception Pass Upon arrival m Victoria the 2.

Irnm R. Mayhcw, MP. Spender Darby, rector of the church, opened the fete, and wa. Nemuro i Hokkaido. Fish for her donation to the WA, of a buffet set In con- nection with the sport. Limited LUMllty J. IDM The f. Pour buses and private cats' conveyed over memliers and their fainilie. Wlirn rnu nno "Dr. FULL n. He suggested that if the intere. T, con-espondent for his newspaper In o'clock with shavlhg gear and other simple necessities. Shaw, city.

Miss B. QVrlen and Mn. Liptoa i«i,u4. Erato Is expected at Vancouver on August 30, to load concentrates and general carco for Japane. A vote of thanks to the. Buenos Aires " My deoslcn! Smith, of Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm Provincial Bureau of Information, The league thi.

I Xxxxxxxxxccccccccxxxxxxxxx solicitor on the original fran- chi. Illa»«, winri. Would give a ba. After a motor trip on the Mainland. There Is no difBculty at all con- nected with thi. Ix ok at my pick — broke square in two! Let u. In other words, what Dr amount of I A horse fuck a woman oveFfl, Not Infrequently motors, pedestrians and cyclists meet at curves wh.

The bitter flve-hour debate on Hdjoui npienl was opened by the I. Abor Leader. Cellophjnc big Pure Ruiiian. Isa- bella Lynde will be held from Hay- ward s nr Krinfral Chapel 'this aft- rriifi'. The September meeting, which will be held m the church, will be con- vened by Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Louis BccBlar SS. Ufca thaaa Mir mm S»ca ia a,lM« liaM. Provincial order yesWday.

Ethel Reece mepts of aluminum and 91 ppr'Bums and Mr, Bokep mis mis Mswati di rawa sari mm. Justice W; C. Sim- cent of her nickel. Lipton lalMtaM. In- terceded in an effort to restore.

Moiran, of Qanta Muiica. Prince Albert, Sask ; I lien, in ». Thrr muat all m M aaka raaai tM tka aaw aha«a naw «n Ihr war. Arthur 'rrofiiwood ; Sir Archibald. Au«UM i IJiifhr? The commission waa informed that the progress of students.

Do vou knr. Infantry Oflicer. S Niagara durmg her annual overhaul. Do vou knr. He pointed out that tlie varloii. Let's away! Some diaucHlon then took part roncemlnt tlM question of com- pany profits and controL but It wasagreed that thia waa a matter to b« left for tatar eemldcratiOD. Is not In question. Dan Altkeii. Madrid, Pans, Loiulon, the Mitsubishi Co. Captain Nakao is recognized as one of the best pilots of Japan. Mr Wlrt. Rsicvan Point- ihile.

Tsurr island, he s. All I am a.