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Last Modified: Nov 10, Bodar sex, Please enter valid email address to continue. But Calderon said it wasn't until Ortiz's confession that they learned Janelle Ortiz had been slain.

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February 5, Report. Most Viewed. For More Information.

October 7, Dispatches. Human Rights Watch.

Ex-Border Patrol agent Juan David Ortiz convicted in slayings of four sex workers - CBS News

The bullets collected from the crime scenes came from the same gun, and matched the weapon found in Juan David Ortiz's pickup, Bodar sex, a ballistics expert testified. Donate Now. Click to expand Image. Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and Bodar sex lives around the world.

September 29, Letter.

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Home Newsroom Local Media Release Border Patrol agents arrest registered sex offender for human Bodar sex while in possession of firearm, Bodar sex.

Australian mother's year-old convictions for killing her 4 kids tossed. Webb County Medical Examiner Corinne Stern testified that Ramirez, Luera and Janelle Ortiz were fatally shot while Cantu, who was shot in the neck, died of blunt force trauma to the head.

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US Records Show Physical, Sexual Abuse at Border | Human Rights Watch

February 28, Report. Please enter email address to continue.

US Records Show Physical, Sexual Abuse at Border

Border Patrol agents arrest registered sex offender for human smuggling Bodar sex in possession of firearm. Ortiz served in the U, Bodar sex. Navy for nearly eight years, untilholding a variety of medical posts and served three-years with the Marines. Federico Calderon of the Webb County Sheriff's Department testified that officers who arrested Ortiz knew about the slayings of Ramirez Bodar sex Luera, and while chasing him after Pena's escape learned that a third body - later identified as Cantu's - had been found.

Ex-Border Patrol agent convicted in slayings of four sex workers

Authorities tracked Ortiz to a hotel parking garage in the early hours of Sept. More Reading. Man, 48, pleads guilty to murder 32 Bodar sex after woman found dead.