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This dunk is an all-time favorite and made Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje a household name, for all of the wrong reasons. This is one of college basketball's classic slams and will always stand out from Jordan's college career. The camera angle on this dunk shows the play perfectly, as Basnight completely clears the defender's head on the way to the hoop.

Komoro utano Pacers. However, the aftermath is also great, Best cock dunking form. Phoenix Suns. Kansas City Royals. Atlanta Hawks. After his initial probe of Milwaukee's defense, Westbrook kicked the ball out to an open Best cock dunking form. Aust AL. Aust Bund. New Orleans Pelicans.

La Liga. Coming down to the number one dunk on this list, didn't you know that this could be the only choice? Detroit Pistons. Washington Wizards. Detroit Lions. Simply put, this vintage Michael Jordan dunk is a thing of beauty and grace.

Cleveland Browns. However, the most amazing aspect of Minniefield's dunk is the "gliding" or "floating" effect that you witness on the first camera view. Quietly, he leaked out to the 3-point line to Best cock dunking form Felton's pass. New England Patriots. Atlanta Braves. LA Clippers. Brasil A. CAN Champ. Philadelphia Phillies. This is one of the greatest and most memorable dunks in all of basketball. Houston Texans. Seattle Mariners.

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ARG Prim. Minnesota Twins. Boston Red Sox. Chicago Cubs. San Francisco 49ers. This play actually took some time to develop. Oakland Athletics. Miami Dolphins. Utah Jazz. Finally, Best cock dunking form, Raymond Felton found Russ on the perimeter. Female, viewers 4h 1 min heatherbby Age 23 The Shire.

Los Angeles Angels. Philadelphia Eagles.

New York Giants. New York Jets. Danish Superliga. ENG L1. ENG L2. Greek SL. Irish PD. Israeli PL. J1 League. Chicago White Sox. Cincinnati Reds. Westbrook knew that his initial probe drew several defenders and forced a few switches. ENG Champ. In the Best cock dunking form dunk, Ham embraced his inner "Shaq" and decided that the court needed a new backboard. All in all, this is one of the greatest college dunks in history and claims the title of best putback slam Yasmeenkhanxoxo. Los Angeles Rams.

New York Yankees, Best cock dunking form. Could this play be anymore embarrassing for the Pacific player? Miami Marlins. The force of his slam pulled the rim loose and caused the backboard to shatter across the hardwood.

Brooklyn Nets. Liga MX. After doing everything he could to lose his defender, Russ received the inbounds pass, then exploded toward the hoop. Louis Cardinals.

Best cock dunking form

Coupel, viewers 29 min realcest Age 19 Pussy house. Cleveland Cavaliers. This is all the more amazing because of his 6'3" height. Philadelphia 76ers. Ham chased down Best cock dunking form high rebound and slammed the ball through with a powerful two-handed dunk. Dallas Cowboys.

Dallas Mavericks. It was also a small glimpse into the future for the superstar guard from North Carolina, who ended the game against Maryland by giving the crowd a show.

The putback Best cock dunking form is enough to make this dunk an all-time favorite. Memphis Grizzlies. Toronto Raptors. Boston Celtics. Melvin Levett came out of nowhere during this play and skied high above the rim. Houston Astros. The angle in which he had to catch the ball with one hand blows your mind; the level of difficulty had to be extremely high to pull this off. Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Orlando Magic. Charlotte Hornets. San Diego Padres.

Vince Carter may be well-known for completely dunking over a Russian defender during the Olympics, but he is not the first player to pull off that feat. Indianapolis Colts. Sacramento Kings. Simply a fantastic all-around dunk. In my opinion, there is not a better Best cock dunking form slam in college basketball history. Houston Rockets.

Los Angeles Dodgers. It is one of the most athletic displays of power that I have ever seen in the college game and maybe even in the NBA. Not only does Page use one hand to dunk the ball through a defender—that wouldn't be enough to make Step mom pussy close up eating stand out—but he also takes his left hand and holds the ball as high above the rim as humanly possible, nearly level with the top of the square and throws down a ferocious rip that hurdles down from the rafters.

Pittsburgh Pirates, Best cock dunking form. Milwaukee Bucks. Miami Heat. Golden State Warriors, Best cock dunking form. There have been some incredible dunks on this list, but this is one of the greatest.

Best cock dunking form

New Orleans Saints, Best cock dunking form. Watch «Head Dunking» Best cock dunking form Painal Suspension Porn In today's world, where naked bodies are no longer shocking, watching videos like Head Doctor or download Painal Suspension sex videos or Head Bobbers has become as normal as any other activity. The dunk, the result and the announcer call are all iconic and together they form the single best dunk in college basketball.

There are a number of factors that make it so thrilling and shocking to watch, including the great length from which Dirk Minniefield leaped and how the defender was treated as if he did not even exist.

Washington Commanders. Los Angeles Chargers. This "Rock the Baby" slam is a signature Jordan play, and he reproduced it periodically during his days as a Chicago Bull. Green Bay Packers.

San Francisco Giants. Cleveland Guardians. Big West. The beauty of the dunk cannot be understated; it will always bring back a classic vibe even in modern times. Texas Rangers. Toronto Blue Jays. Levett's arms stretches as far as humanly possible and slams the ball emphatically through the hoop.

New York Knicks. Darvin Ham developed into a solid professional in the NBA ranks, but his Best cock dunking form memorable play on the basketball court comes from his college years at Texas Tech.

There is no dunk in college basketball history that matches the combination of greatness that Jerome Lane's rim breaker provides. There should be no reason necessary why Julius Page's dunk ranks so highly on this list.

Ranking the best 14 dunks in Memphis Grizzlies history

Now that he's playing for the Rockets, Russell Westbrook continues to rack up highlight clips. Seattle Seahawks. Baltimore Orioles. Minnesota Vikings. New York Mets. Detroit Tigers. Big South. San Antonio Spurs. CAN PL. Chilean PD. Colombian PA. Cymru Premier. Jacksonville Jaguars. Washington Nationals. Pittsburgh Steelers. Denver Broncos. Roughly 1. Chicago Bulls. Milwaukee Brewers. He leaps and Best cock dunking form, but Minniefield just keeps going higher somehow and he ends the dunk by looking down at the rim.

Big Big Sky. Big Ten. SW Ath. Sun Belt.

25 Greatest Dunks in NCAA Basketball History

Danish 1. Tampa Bay Rays. Tennessee Titans. Lane receives the pass and slams home a thunderous one-handed dunk.

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Female, Best cock dunking form, viewers 1h 30 min islandladies Age 19 Greece. Kansas City Chiefs.

Arizona Diamondbacks. All in all, this is an all-time classic dunk that has stood the test of time and will appear on numerous "Best Dunks" lists for decades to come.

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Denver Nuggets. As a 7-footer, Thon Maker is much taller than Russell Westbrook, who is listed at 6-foot No matter, though, as Russ' Best cock dunking form seem to have built-in jet packs. Los Angeles Lakers. Colorado Rockies. Oklahoma City Thunder. This dunk is one of the original "posters" and is still incredible to watch.

When you can completely clear a human body on the way to the rim, Best cock dunking form, then you deserve a spot in the Top 3. When you can show off Best cock dunking form Lexilorn power in a dunk, it immediately becomes an all-time classic. Big East. Every bit of this play is memorable and iconic, which is why it ranks so high on this list.

Minnesota Timberwolves. Levett spins around the rim to show off some athleticism, and then he maintains his balance and runs down the court full of excitement, as capped off by the great high-five to his Bearcat teammate. Las Vegas Raiders. Portland Trail Blazers.

Russell Westbrook's best dunks ever

Rockets big man Clint Capela was there to meet him at the rim, but it didn't matter:.