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In the long term, build bridges with institutions within Oregon and Washington.

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Oregon [ edit ]. Download as PDF Printable version. Contents move to sidebar hide. Alfred C. John A. Harry M.

Sprouse, Jr. Richard Vialnew article by MB U. Scottexpanded by Another Believer Frank E. Mertz Rental House No. Washington [ edit ].

Aim to get articles on every county improved through setting goals and percentage bars, such as destubbing one article from each county, or improving 50 women bios from each state etc. Did that. I would be very grateful if people could help spread the word Video xxxxn this, invite potential contributors who often work on articles related to the state and city and we can see what can be achieved!

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In doing so, to develop a detailed missing article directory for Oregon and Washington by county and topic to promote long term growth and view overall scope. Charles C. Black W. Wood Frank E. Goals [ edit ]. In the long term thus attempt to make articles of higher quality and coverage more consistent and even.

Project page Talk. Please list your article improvements and creations here with a very brief summary of what you've done and your name. Concepts: De-bloat-athonDe-stub-athonSource-athon.

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I'll focus on expanding some NRHP topics already having very brief articles. Toggle limited content width. The Challenge series. The World Contest November Hidden category: Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments. Charles C. Black W. Wood Frank E. Atkinsnew article by SounderBruce George W. Schwagerlnew article by Sarcasmboy.

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Read Edit View history. Overall the main aim with this is to improve existing articles and make new articles consistently of reasonable quality, so to inject quality in articles across the city and state. Goals [ edit ] Improve the quality of existing articles related to Oregon and Washington, and to encourage more editors to improve general article quality and sourcing.

National Register of Historic Places listings. Harry M. Sprouse, Jr. Richard Vialnew article by MB U. Scottexpanded by Another Believer Frank E. Mertz Rental House No. Washington [ edit ].

To encourage the creation of missing content and build a highly comprehensive coverage of Oregon and Washington on English Wikipedia. To try evenly distribute article improvements and creation across the state.