Benue otukpo secondary schools sex

The above statistics suggest the need for creating avenues for educating young people so they can be able to avoid the school of hard knocks and regrets.

5 Most Outstanding Schools In Otukpo Benue State

As such there was need to combine participatory learning and action tools PLAsuch as focus group discussions by gender.

What this means is that TfD does not limit itself to exploring the material aspects of people lives but provides means of exploring and addressing dynamic issues affecting people, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex. It also enables them to get the appropriate class for the students.

Theatre activists have not only acknowledged this role but have utilized popular performances for popular action. Open Access News and events Contact Us. For Authors We aim to bring about a change in modern scholarly communications through the effective use of editorial and publishing polices.

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Organizers of these programmes attest to the fact that, the common starting point for social education programmes was the validation of the performing culture of the people, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex. Abah xiv-xv reiterates this when he says that: TfD has become Legalage instrument for instigating people centred development in the field outside of the academe… An instrument for mobilization and for instigation of participation in the development process.

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This type of theatre is anti Aristotle in that the dramatist engages the audience with a view of turning history from its set course 5.

Laughter and action draw the crowd to see characters facing the problems and practicing the solutions that development practitioners regard as the most pressing or appropriate TfD as an approach makes the audience see themselves mirrored on stage and this stimulates them to look at their conditions and thereby taking steps to become involved to effect the desired change. Julian Davidson writing on this issue posits that, sex education is a preventive measure against venereal diseases or pregnancy as well as a cultural force for the development of mature psycho-sexual relationship in engaging adults In other words, sex education that lays emphasis on safer sex stresses the need for positive sexual behavior, because sexual activity among unmarried teenagers is on the increase and often unprotected.

This tells how excellent and complete the school is, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex. Students who p. Furthermore, sexual abuse of the boy child may not be uncommon but perhaps under- recognized and therefore under reported. It uses local materials and enables the audience to make use of the tools it offers to make sense out of an issue so as to change their realities. It is a means of putting across information and development messages. This art can be said to be telescopic because it pulls and brings close things Benue otukpo secondary schools sex the distance and enlarges small things.

In conclusion, therefore, this study established a high prevalence of child sexual abuse among adolescents in Makurdi LGA, which was associated with living with other relatives other than their biological parents. Among theatre activists who have been involved in this approach it is believed that the premise upon which this approach developed is the notion of taking theatre to the people. Reports have consistently shown that the prevalence was higher in females than in males [16,17].

That groundbreaking invention made them stand out among their peers. The literal cub of the school represented the state national competition and won a gold medal. The population for admission keeps on increasing because of quality education. Grunsiet and Kippax in a World Health Organisation study also agree with the above view and summit that: There is no evidence to support the contention that sexual education in schools leads to earlier or increased sexual activity among people rather sexual education focuses on informing young people so they can be able to clarify values and gain insights into development of their relationships with an emphasis on responsibility This paper reports a study that was Benue otukpo secondary schools sex out to find out from youths what hinders them from practicing safer sex as well as trigger discussion on issues bothering on safer sex such as abstinence, unintended pregnancy etc, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex.

Baz agrees with this when he says that this type of performance; …represent a theatre of social engagement, a theatre primarily committing to bring about actual change in specific communities. The Benue otukpo secondary schools sex paid in federal government college Otobi are very affordable. There Sari ya natividad various differing findings concerning the relationship between gender and childhood sexual abuse, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex.

In other words they initiate change in their own terms.


The panel rated federal government college The average is very high. Downloads Download data is not yet available. Methodology Participatory methods were used to address the specific objectives of this study.

CornWall writing on the role of performance and participatory development submits that: Like advertising jingles, such performances seek to sell particular ways of doing things by offering new and different practices which they show to be more desirable.

Theatre for Development as an Approach Drama performance posses the potential and ability to enhance social development because plays that are put together attempt to capture the lives of the people and their problems. The core issue here is not feeding people with information in a top down model of interventions, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex. Like the previous, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex governor made a good remark about the school.

The presence of both parents as a barrier against the perpetration of CSA is undeniable from the research findings of this study. Invariably, we can say that TfD while it makes of discussions focus of such discussions is geared towards visualizing why and how changes might be necessary and how they will be achieved and realized.

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The drama approach to education begins with what people know and works with them as subjects, rather Benue otukpo secondary schools sex objects to be handed information. What more can we say about federal government college Otobi. Most of the teachers in the school are educationists.

They have to decide when and how they want the change.

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The best schools also receive the state award. The performance was followed by a plenary discussion that lasted for Benue otukpo secondary schools sex 40 minutes. Theatre for Development TfD as an approach has its roots in the philosophy of empowerment. This session was meant to clarify misconceptions and answer questions that participants might have and ascertain the depth of understanding regarding the exercise.

The school facilities are of international standard. They were 77 males and females.

They exhibit absolute excellence both in academics and extracurricular activities. Home Contact Us. About us About Us Providing cutting-edge scholarly communications to worldwide, enabling them to utilize available resources effectively Read More.

The young science club of the school Benue otukpo secondary schools sex many things. This means that an audience of any development programme that embraces the TfD approach through the post performance discussion is moved to a new resolve that enables the audience Teen in long socks identify with the open reflection on issues presented and encourages a critical thinking through personal involvement in the analysis of the drama episodes.

The variations in the definitions used for sexual abuse, the study area and the age of the study population may be contributory to this lower prevalence, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex.

More so, with thousands more becoming infected everyday, preventing further transmission of the virus is critical to stemming the tide of this deadly disease A — Z Topics 1.

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The school invented a mini generator that can use human urine to work. Also, it allows an immediate dialogue between the participants where the audience themselves becomes speakers.

Most of the completion in the state they normally perform excellently above other schools. To this end, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex, the theoretical medium is harnessed to arouse consciousness among the masses at the grass roots who are struggling to draw their attention to the problems and issues at hand that permeates the society.

Read More. Students are well fed. Special Issues Frequently Asked Questions. The school has a very good liberally for students research. The school stands tall among other schools in the area.

The school aptitude test is very high. Links Advanced knowledge sharing through global community… Read More. Games and Numi R with songs were also utilized to create Benue otukpo secondary schools sex enabling environment. It was established that the likelihood of experiencing sexual abuse were higher among respondents who did not live with both biological parents.

Federal Benue otukpo secondary schools sex college otobi has broken many records in areas of academics.

Theatre is powerful because it creates an aesthetic space in which issues are magnified and dichotomized. This is because teenage sex is a sensitive issue and often people find it difficult discussing sexual issues due to cultural and social restrictions.

Benue otukpo secondary schools sex

This made them unique among their competitors. They created a solar panel that can supply Benue otukpo secondary schools sex school with light. However, it must be noted that, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex, sex education involves acquiring and forming attitudes about beliefs and values about ones identity, relationships and intimacy.

Data for this study was collected by means of twenty three items questionnaires which were clustered into five 5 areas of sex-role stereotyping. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Participatory performance on the one hand priority on working with the people and using their own modes of communication to enable small communities Benue otukpo secondary schools sex at their own situations, to analyze their own problems with the aim of arousing and stimulating targets groups to take desired steps to improve their well being. In this regard, the finding from this study is consistent with numerous earlier studies which reported that not living with both biological parents places a child at a higher risk Benue otukpo secondary schools sex CSA [20,21].

This is because; drama is a participatory art which allows for live or present communication more than any other medium. The adolescent males reported more CSA. It is recommended that a stable home with the full involvement of both parents and adequate monitoring of children both the girl and boy childas well an increased public enlightenment on the risk factors and prevention of CSA, can prevent its occurrence. The process enables them to get the best students.

Surface to say that, TfD as an approach focuses on generating impact that goes beyond the limit of mere existence but projects into a limit where minds meet and are prodded to react towards a given target to better their lives.

A of Likewise in the Northern province of South Africa among secondary school adolescents, The finding in this study also contrasts with a lower prevalence of 1.

Rimamnunra, G. In pursuing the above objectives four research question and four hypotheses were raised and answered and tested, of these hypothesis tested the hypotheses one, two and four were accepted One piece animey hypothesis three was rejected.

Federal government college otobi is located in Akpa otobi, the school has won the award time without numbers. However, doing or changing as a result of what they individuals or communities have discovered through the theatre is a matter of choice. The discourse on TfD as an approach tries to bring out an understanding of what TfD is about or what is stands for, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex. We are grateful to Mr Victor and Mr Francis for their assistance in the data collection and analysis for this study.

Most people think this kind of education is not necessary. Few studies have examined the age at onset of Benue otukpo secondary schools sex. However, in this study the age of abuse was mostly in the late-adolescent age groups in More females experienced first CSA at 6years and below Watching xxx vidio This finding is at variance with two other studies that reported the age of onset of abuse to be before the adolescent age group.

However, the present study differs with a higher prevalence of sexual abuse in males This is not surprising, as more focus has been on the girl child since most studies showed more abuse among females.

The Action Health Fact Sheet reveals that, …without prior knowledge of safer sex, 7 out of 10 females attending secondary school in Nigeria are sexually active or have had sexual relations at least once. Drama skits were developed and rehearsed with students from the selected secondary schools Ketahuan marturbasi Gateway secondary school and Ogri Oko Memorial, all in North Bank Makurdi, Benue State, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex.

People through this approach, are made aware of their situation, and are encouraged to critically analyze the situation and take action towards collectively solving such problems.

It has also been observed that popular performing culture should not simply be seen as mere performances of folksongs and dances but events that have far reaching implications in the day to day life of the people.

It is pertinent to note here that issues bothering on Benue otukpo secondary schools sex sex and access to sex education are sensitive issues that trigger heated arguments especially when sex education for teens is mentioned, Benue otukpo secondary schools sex.

The role of popular performance in social education has been acknowledged worldwide. In other words, TfD is a dramatic technique employed by drama activist in reaching their audience.