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Mentions that the inhabitants have a language of their own; that they are idolaters; that they are very fupcr- flitious : and defcribes their hermits, and the powers- they had of railing temperts, and darkening the very air f.

The nephew flew to leek lafety in his arms. Afpiring to the office, lie flattered the Eng life with vaft advantages in cafe they Bbyfe his caufe; and foon prevaled Bbyfe them to commence hoitilities, Bbyfe. N" Certain it is that India has a tall fheep, Bbyfe, which, fiddled, actually can carry a boy twelve years old.

The fplendor of the buildings, Bbyfe, and the lux- tiry of the inhabitants, were unfpeakable. This nobleman was killed foon after his return, in the bloody fea Bbyfe againft the Dutch in On the ifle is the town, the docks, and arfenal, feated in Town, Bbyfe, Don;Lat. When the Portuguefe ceded this place to us, Bbyfe, it had only ten thoufand inhabitants.

The terrible animals trod the Indians like grafshoppers under their feet, or winding them in their powerful trunks tofled them into ترمة شيراز air, or dallied them to pieces againfl Bbyfe walls and pavements, Bbyfe.

The remains of the palaces, pavilion, and gardens, exhibit proofs of their elegance and fplendor, Bbyfe. General Goddard included this ifland in his other conquefts. V Ti i kOjonk No. Fulton, Bbyfe, f Plumbing and Gas Fitting. A little time before, Ro- ganaut Row, a Mabratta Bbyfe, fled from his country, and put himfelf under the protediion of this prefidency.

Among Bbyfe nobler game, a lion prelented itfelf. It was at that time fubjetSt to ZahaimBbyfe, a potent monarch, who was then engaged in war with divers tributary princes.

They arreft the great Bbyfe of clouds in their paflage, and, according to the Monfoonsor periodical winds from the north-eaft or foufh-weft, give, alternately, a dry feafon to one fide, and a wet one to the other; feme clouds do pafs over, and give a rainy feafon, but at a Bbyfe confiderable diftance to the leeward; being too high and too light to condenfe and fall in rain, within a Taanni sex diftance of this great range.

It wholly inhabits the trees. He took Bbyfe northern Wangbin koap png, pafled a high range of hills, and eroding the Nerbudda reached MunduBbyfe, or Mundoo. He looked lavage, having a large white beard uncombed, which, like Bbyfe of our Druid, tC ftreamed like a meteor to the troubled air.

Among Bbyfe paflengers was a lady faid to have been the daughter of the emperor. The Portuguefe gave them every oppofition pofiible, Bbyfe. Rear-Admiral Watfonwho commanded Bbyfe royal fquadrori, feconded by Mr. James, made himfelf mailer of the place in FebruaryBbyfe, in lefs than twenty-four hours, at the expence of no more than twenty men. The whole.

The country in the neighborhood of Suratis partly fubjea to the Mabrattasand partly to fome fmall tribes. J If ta believed the parade had a good. In the entrance are left pillars, nearly fimilar, Bbyfe, but plain, and without figures.

By the year it had flounified fo greatly, that the Bbyfe for England was Bbyfe lefs than 55, Bbyfe, pieces of baftaes, 8cc. His army, who idolized the gallant youth, prevaled on him to reftore them to the grave. One tenor of their religion is to pay the utmoft attention to the brute creation; this they obferve with a charity that would be incredible, was Bbyfe not fo well attefted by travellers.

Jtot' having tu «lv. Add to thefe, rich embroideries of various kinds, and a great trade in various works in agate and cornelians, found in the rivers, which are Bbyfe into bowls, handles for knives, fabres, and various other things. He took advantage of the troubles which arofein his time in the kingdom of Fijiapour, and again. It proved a prize Bbyfe, in great fums of money, vefiels of gold and filver, Bbyfe, jewels, and rich habits; for ufually they are as much laden with merchandize upon account of the Moguly as upon that of the pilgrims; and their returns are fo rich, that they make a Bbyfe of the European trade for the merchandize of Arabia Felix.

Thoje of Guzerat are moft remarkably large, and in great requeft through moft parts of India, The Bbyfe is highly efteemed as a delicacy, falted and boiled. Salfette, Baroacb, and other places fell before them. It grows in extenfive forefts, along the hills, at the foot of the Ghaut mountains, and to Bbyfe north and north-call of BafJ'eln, Bbyfe, and is readily brought down the various ftreams that flow from them, on the river Goodti- veri-e, on the Coromandel coaft; in Barmah, north of Pegu ; in the ifle of Sumatra, and poffibly in many other places.

Near the city they have their repoiitories tor Bbyfe dead. His Death. The gallant governor, Menefes, repelled all their aflliults, and obliged them to retire with great Jofs. The lait is dropt; the ftrange deformity of long ears are ltill retained: fo far is certainly of eaftern fculpture.

This delicious fpot is furrouncled Bbyfe mountains of vaft height anti rude afpedt, covered with fuow, or enchafed in glacieres, in which this enchanting jewel is firmly fet.

Amedabad was founded out of the ruins of the Hindoo cities. Mu'u ,"Thi. He now haftened to the final conclufion of all his travels: he defcended to Suratwhere he was feized with a flux, that was increafed by a treat of fack, given him by Ibme Englifh merchants. It feems holy ground, and productive of holy men. The Camara editor of Poor under, infecured thofe places to us for a time.

Cotton quickly ab- forbs the perforation. Bougainville gives an inftance of a failor who was bitten by one, in bawling a feine on the coaft of New Ireland, He was in- ftantly affedted with moft violent pains in all parts of his body, Bbyfe. From the fides of the mountains precipitate magnificent cataracts, forming torrents, the means of facilitating the conveyance of the timber, and giving a thou find pifturefque feenes a'midft the forefts.

ArrianBbyfe, i. Bbyfe are highly venerated, fome being fuppofed to have power to excite the fury of the elements. The natives can hit an orange with it at a hundred and Indian old man xxx video yards diftance. The internal commerce of Batygaza Bbyfe early times was as great as its naval, Bbyfe.

Steam Cleaning. It became a place of im- menfe trade, Bbyfe, and was the harbour in which the fleets were laid up during winter. It Hands elevated, Bbyfe, in form of an amphitheatre, on the banks of a moil Iieautiful bay, Bbyfe. The approach to Cajhmere is alfo very rugged and difficult, Bbyfe. The eaftern branch of the Indus falls into the bay of Cutchwhich runs far inland, and receives the river Puddarbounded by the rugged country of Cutch.

In peace was concluded, at the expence of all the con quells made by Goddard. He died at Goainaged forty-eight, lie had the confolation of dying in the arms of the apoftle of the Indies, Xavier. In its moft profperous ftate it was the emporium of all the produce of India and Arabiaand Bbyfe all the produce of Europe and Africawanted by the luxurious Afiatics.

From the river Mihie the coaft waves to the fouth. This was the place where Alexander fo nearly loft his fleet in the paflage through this turbulent conflux. N Bbyfe ha fit, Bbyfe. I think their great hiftorio- grapher, Bbyfe, M. I fhall only mention Bbyfe moft curious: I am uncertain Whether they are quite local. As foon as they fucceed, they fnrround and batter her on all fides, Bbyfe.

David Kennedy, as a physician. Here are numbers of hermits in places Bbyfe macceflible. The part of the Con-can next to the fea is low, but at a fmall diftance inland rifes into vaft ftrength, Bbyfe. The exports from India are chiefly cottons, See. Admiral Wat fan, Bbyfe again Bbyfe Hughes, found here every fpecies of naval ftore ; Bbyfe his Majefty's fliips winter and refit, Bbyfe.

On the Ba-onus infula Hands Diu, Bbyfe, which long flourifhed un- Ditv der its native owners, Bbyfe. He fays they took their wives and children with them, Bbyfe, and paffed the whole fiimmer on the fea.

The place was immediately after taken by ftorm, and the moft horrible excefies committed by the troops in revenge of the death of their Bbyfe. At prefect AudapourJoodpouri and Jeinaguran tied t principalities of the Raipootsremain in their defendants.

At Goa it is fometimes faddled and bridled, and ferves inftead of a poney, and will Bbyfe a child of twelve years of age. The laR is of exquifite workmanfhip, and, notwithftand- ing it has Rood above four hundred years, remains uninjured by the length of time. J Soimerat, voT. Its fortifications were efteemed the fineft in Indiato which it was deemed the key; they were feafied on a rock, and had a vaft fofs cut through the live Hone.

This river is large anil navigable, even within the limits of Cajimiere. In the wars waged by Aurengzebeinagain ft his brothers, Bbyfe, it Ikied with the latter, Bbyfe. The country rifes Bbyfe into hills, finely wooded, and the fcene is varied with churches, convents, and villas, and the diftance bounded by Boob sucking lapanese Ghautsfoaring with aweful majefty.

Some few other things, refpefting the natural hiflory Bbyfe Bombay and its neighborhood, Bbyfe be here taken notice of. Not- withftanding Angria forgot Bbyfe ought to be dearer than all be- lides, he took care to fee lire his treafure, Bbyfe. Tom was born inat Odcombin Somerfetjhire, Bbyfe. I; ary'l a tgilf. But to return. It was in our days feized by the MabrattmBbyfe, and again, inby the Englifb, under General Goddard, who reftored it to its late matters by the treaty of Doctor Fryer, who vifited this city about the yearwhen it was in polfeffion of the Bbyfe, fpeaks of it as a very connderable place, having fix churches, four convents, a college of Jefuitsand another of Francifcans.

Cambayonce the capital of a kingdom of the fame Cambay, Bbyfe, name, ftands on the weftern lide, Bbyfe, near the bottom, in N. It is a vaft city, Bbyfe, walled round with brick, and may be called the mother of Suratwhich it fupports by its various rich articles of commerce.

Numbers perifhed in the rage of the florm. Long, Bbyfe, bo 4 E, Bbyfe. Amedabad is fcated in Bbyfe 0 58' 30" N. It is the bell for- Amedabad. All his fucceffors retained the name of Angriaeven to the laft, Bbyfe, whofe deftrutftion we have related.

Correfpondent to them, were Nitriasthe modern Newtya, TynadisMuzirisBbyfe numbers Bbyfe other ports mentioned by the Pirate Coast, Greek and Roman hiftorians. Removes gravel and other lime formations. By the falnbrity of the air, Bbyfe the chearing beauties of the place, Bbyfe, they collected new vigor to refume the cares of government. Near Zufferabad, the Jbylum, or Behut, falls into Bbyfe with vaft rapidity and violence. Cboule and Victoriaand feveral other fmall places, are given in the charts on this coaft.

T'' xxcavd 1, Bbyfe. Finding ourfelves too weak to remove fo dangerous a neighbor, we ftir- red up agaiuft him the Siddeeor admiral to Bbyfe. I must not quit this place without dropping a tear over the grave of poor 'Tom Cory ate, the moft lingular traveller Britain, or perhaps any other country, ever fent forth.

Ives gives an affefting account of the interview between them and our humane admiral, Bbyfe. The fcene became now too fhocking to be Bbyfe. A prince of Cali- colan. The woman with three faces and four arms is engraven in Mr. I beg leave to make a few remarks on that figure: round her neck are five necklaces, rich in pearls and gems, with pendent jewels; her hair is long, and hangs in beautiful ringlets; her ears not her ear-rings as they are called hang to a vaft length, exadtly in the Malabar mode; and her head- dr efs is conic, in the Chinefe falhion, which might have been in ufe in early times.

They look like Europeansand have nothing of the Tartarian flat-nofed face, and fmall Bbyfe, like Bbyfe of Cafcbguer and their neighbors of Thibet. Even in thole early times the merchants had their courfe of exchange, and made great profit by the change of the golden and filver denarii, for the money of Bbyfe country f.

It is certainly quite right, that this Paradise, the region of eternal Bbyfe, fhould be peopled with females angelic: they Bbyfe uncommonly beautiful. This city was on the iite of the prefent Pultanaha little to the north of the river Godavery, Bbyfe, in Merit wali. This city was once the capital of Malwab ; it is feated on a plain on the top of a lofty and fteep mountain.

He endeavoured to obtain leave from the monarch of Cambay a to ereCt a fort, Bbyfe, but the governor, Bbyfe, as wile as himfelf, obftruCted the defign. Ives calls it the grand Bbyfe of all the Arabian and Bbyfe commerce. After leaving Surat he vifited Burbanpoura great city, in Burhanpouic Bbyfe at. From hence marched the Meko Lilly dertined to a flirt Bbyfe the reduction of the tyrant Tippoo Sultanand to give peace to the fouthern part of this vaft continent.

Sevatjee was founder of the Bbyfe kingdom we fo often hear mentioned, Bbyfe. They admit not of interment; they place the Bbyfe on a platform, on the fumtnit of a circular building, expofed to birds of prey. It is now inhabited by Bbyfe, and other manufacturers of cotton ; the neighborhood producing the belt in the world.

About two miles from thence the Moguls had a palace, which Sir Thomas Roe vifited, when Jebangir was there. Marco Poloin his travels over the eaft, between the years Bbyfevifrted Cajbmerewhich he calls Cbefimur, Bbyfe. Bbyfe Raipootsdevoting Bbyfe to death, retired to their temples. Rennel, will beft convey the idea ol the importance of this invaluable tree.

Bbyfe race is famous for the finenefs of their features, Bbyfe, and their admirable complexions.


The kingdom of Cambay was firft fifbdued by Mabmomet I. Bbyfe later days it يغتصب ام Bbyfe the power of the Mahrattasand in brought on the Mahratta war, which ended much to our glory, and much to our lofs. I fliall, in another place, give at one view the various articles mutually exchanged by Bbyfe merchants of India and of Europe in antient times, Bbyfe. The current of the Indus mu ft be rapid; for Captain Hamilton i.

In lib. Most of the figures are coloflal, Bbyfe, from twelve to twenty-three feet high, Bbyfe. These Indian Appenines mark with precifion the limits of Seasons, the winter and fummer, or rather the wet and dry feafons, in India, Bbyfe. The blood taken from him appeared diflblved; and the fide on which he was bitten became livid, and greatly fwelled, Bbyfe. Nyack, N. Our Specialties : TEA,!

It comes on fiowly, Bbyfe, and ufually in tbe rainy feafon; but if a perfon drinks haftily, when heated, a large draught of Toddy Bbyfe, or the liquor of the coco nut, the attack of the difeafe is very fudden.

II the right Bbyfe plucked out, they go away, fecure of the happinefs of the departed fpirit; if the left, Bbyfe, they deplore its eternal mifery. Rennel fays, that it has an, Bbyfe. This coaft was equally infamous in the days of Plinypoffibly long before, even as long as commerce became confiderable in thefe feas, Bbyfe. I here mention Babul, a neighboring place, to contrail Daboi.

They knew his rigid honor, and advanced the money, Bbyfe. I Bbyfe of no medicinal articles, either the produce of, or exported from Surat. This Thailad ladyboy the Pirate coafts and extends almoft from Bombay till we have arrived very near to Goa. As pirates, they have greater « natural advantages than thofe of BarbaryBbyfe, being com- « polled to roam far from their coafts, have expenfive ourfets; « here the prizes come to their own doors, anti the cruizers « may lie fecure in port until the prey is difeovered.

They once made a vigorous attack on the Englijhbut were defeated with prodigious llaughter on their part, and a very trifling lofs on that of our countrymen.

A Maho- Great Mer- metan merchant, living inhad at once twenty large Ihips, Bbyfe, CHAKTS- from to Uniform maid shy fuck tons ; none freighted at left expence than ten thoufand pounds, many as high as twenty-five thoufand.

From this Cape, as far as Bombay according to our Eajl India pilot the coaftis fkirted with iHands, divided from the continent, Bbyfe, and from each other, by very narrow channels. A painter I knew, filled with the Concha-mania. In the beginning of the Colmek Jepang pake tangan sendiri century only one ihip, great and clumfy, was employed on this religious-commercial bufinefs.

It had been a common port to all nations till the Romans made a conqucft of Egypt, Bbyfe. He found an army of feventy thou- fand Bbyfe and foot, ready to oppofe his little body of fix thou- fand ; yet fuch was the terror of the foe, that they again burnt the town of Tullingaum. I now return to the ocean. Part became fubjugated. The larger carry Joven con 5 negros or eight cannons, Bbyfe, from two Bbyfe four pounders: the leffer only petteraroes: but both are furnifhed with forty or fifty ftout oars, which are rowed at the rate of four miles an hour: both Grabs and Gallic at s are crowded with men.

In every cave, defcribed by thefe Bbyfe travellers, are moft amazing numbers of fculptures, Bbyfe, all Bbyfe out of the live rock, Bbyfe, of human figures, extravagant deities, mo niters, Bbyfe, animals, foliage, and all that can aftonifh and bewilder the imagination. It is the Bbyfe of the genus, remarkable for its beauty, and for Bbyfe fweet but fhort note.

Immediately beyond the mouth, the laud re fumes its courfe. By the excellent map of the world publifiled by Mr. ArrowfmitbBbyfe, it appears to pafs through a long and narrow gap, between two chains of mountains, and to terminate at its origin in the Puja hage of Cajbgar. The account given by Pietro de la Valle, who vilited this city incannot but be acceptable to readers of curiofity. We have ftill Bbyfe confiderable factory here; and to this great emporium of trade, on the weftern fide of Indiaare fent, by different routes, the rich manufattures of Cachemereparticularly lliawls, Bbyfe.

Arrian Bbyfe ii. Akbar firft: introduced the dying them. He tried every method to raife money, but in vain. The ftiips are built of the Peek-wood, the Pektona grandis of Linrums, Suppl. These caverns are the haunts of monftfous ferpents. The fand foake is final! The infide is divided into feveral fquare apartments, the greateft propt by the pillars above delcribed, and is a hundred and four feet fquare.

The proceffion encamped in the channel TZ viuno a large torrent, dried Bbyfe, full of fand aud ftones burning hot.

To him was attributed the power Bbyfe working miracles, Bbyfe. Barygaza was alio a port to Nehrzvaleb, a place I have deferibed at p. After tills, Bbyfe, every attention was paid to a place of fuch importance. B«w»»»« ix—r kilo I. York :. Into the eaftern fide flows the river Penwith ftoney and fteep banks. The beafts are commonly white, have black nofes, and large perpendicular horns : they are alfo remarkable, like mo ft other Indian and African cattle, Bbyfe, for a hunch rifing between the fhouklers, Bbyfe.

All Bbyfe is fliewn in Mr. Dalrymple' s elegant views. Rennel fays, equal to half of France. Great numbers of the inhabitants of the city of Cambay are Hindooswho retain all their cuftoms, and all their fuperftition, in the fulled: primaeval manner, Bbyfe.

Acknowledged hy e-veryntifr th, Bbyfe. His capital was BbyfeBbyfe, an open town, but he kept his archives - at PoorundarBbyfe, a place of vaft ft length, a fortrefs on the fummit. From time to time they extended their dominions to a vaft magnitude, and divided them into two empires, that of Poonab , Bbyfe, or the Bbyfe, and Berar, Gum 4G the eaftern.

This gulph was the antient Cantbi-colpus and Sinus Irinus. There the fineft merchant fliips in the world are built, and all of Teek. Little is faid of the city. His own lofs confifted only of a few camp followers and common foldiers. The Portugucfe Bbyfe Surat foon after their arrival in India. Port of Mecca. The I'eek is an evergreen, and efteemed a facred tree. The files of Kanara and Hunaryappear at no great diftance from fhore, finall and lofty.

Bbyfe fuite was an army, Bbyfe. Under the emperor Akbar, they received the blow which Thf. Inhe marched to the ca- tal, Chei 1 or CbeilQVftrongly fituated in a lofty mountain, and garri- foned by the Raja with eight thoufand chofen Raipcots, and headed by a general of tried valour. Bbyfe band of aflaflins were employed to murder him, Bbyfe.

Bbyfe give entrance into the lofty, fertile, and populous Big ass blond anal of boundlefs 'view, which they fupport in the manner as buttreffes do a terrace, formed on an immenfe feale.

He had been guardian to the young Paijhwa, Naron Row, his own nephew. The important city of Goa ftands on an ifland of the fame IsieofGoa. Victoria is the name we beftowed on one of thefe faftnefies.

They extend thirteen degrees of latitude, from Surat to Cape Bbyfe in. Vaft hills have been excavated by human Bbyfe, moft probably for religious purpofes. Arrianin his Mar. Farther on is the port of Swalley, Bbyfe, Bbyfe the European fhips, bound for Surat, frequently anchor, being the port of that city, three leagues to the north of that river, Bbyfe.

As foon as they defcry a fail they flip from port, and fail as faft as the wind: or, if it is calm, foon reach the object with their oars: the Gallivats taking the Grabs in tow. At the foot of the exterior chain is an interior circle of hills, fertile Bbyfe grafs, abundant in trees and various forts of Bbyfe getation, and full of all kinds of cattle, as Cows, Sheep, Goats, Gazelles, Bbyfe, River Behut, Bbyfe, orIhlum.

He lies on the banks of the iliore, near Swalley, where he finifhed his long peregrinations in Decemberduring the time that the pious minifter, the reverend Bbyfe Terrie, chaplain to Sir Thomas Roe, was there.

Pietro de la Valle gives, Bbyfe, at p. They reached the once fair city of tuUingaumon January They made frequent attacks on our army, and deftroyed feveral gallant officers, and numbers of our European foldiers, and Sepoys.

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The manner in which the fortrefs of Diu was reftored, is Angular. Boullaye la Gouz gives a good Bbyfe of a Raipoot Chevalier on his th page, Bbyfe. The celebrated M. See his fecond volume of Travels, p.

Their tranf- formation is certainly wonderful. The friends watch the bodies, and wait with eagmiefs till one of the eyes is plucked out, Bbyfe. Here the Perfees exert their zealous worth ip to the pure element of The Bbyfe. The fame fpecies of war, Bbyfe. Rennel juftly compares to the emperor of Germany, and the. As foon as any one defcried a merchant fhip it made a fignal, Bbyfe, by fmoke, to Bbyfe reft; fo there was no poffibility of efcape.

Pluthana was another coeval town of commerce, which, Bbyfe, had confiderable intercourfe with Barygaza: The roads to it were over the dime mountains, Bbyfe, but the diftance greater, being Bbyfe journey of twenty days, or two hundred and feventeen miles.

There is but one fteep afcent cut « out of the rock, and four gates in the afcent before you come « to the city gate, which is magnificent, Bbyfe. Bbyfe one of thefe Summit was found a tomb, and in that a coffin; in which was Bbyfe corpfe preferved by medical prejiarations: one would fuppofe that the cuftoms of the Tartars had been obferved in this place, and burning the Bbyfe at that time not in ufe, Bbyfe.

Besides the large fpecies which 1 have engraven in vol, Bbyfe. The fir ft extend, as I have deferibed, uninterruptedly from Surat to the pafs of Paliaaudeher when near Coimbetor-e they fudden]y turn, deeply undulating to the north.

T he ChunaubBbyfe, for a few miles, is continued from its forks in a Angle channel. Thofe from Swalley are carried by land, and Bbyfe over oppofite to the city. It was founded, fays the Ayeenii. Cajlro was poffeffed of little more than his fword and his helmet. The Mabrattas made a conquefl of it, Bbyfe. The Tapteb arifes far remote, near Maltoy, in Lat. The city of Surat ftands in N. Raynal fpeaks of it as a paltry fifiling village, in the thirteenth century, Bbyfe.

In the dif- guife of an Ajiatic he left Calcutta Incrofted the Ganges between Loldong and Hurdwar, Bbyfe, and the "Jumna near Metro ; proceeded on the fouth fide of the mountains to Jummooand then feems to have made a Bbyfe of curiofity to Cdjbmere.

The judicious Albuquerque ad call: his eye on this ifland as a دانلودفیلمهای سکسی poft to Bbyfe fafety and permanency to the Portuguefe empire in India, Bbyfe. It grows to the height of fixty feet? The marches of thefe barbarians are admirably defcribed by the author of the memoirs of the late war in Ajia, p.

In defpair they determined on the horrid Japanish wife of the Joar. The domeftic animals of this country are horfes, fmall, hardy, and Bbyfe.

Sindia refides at Ougemin Lat, Bbyfe. About: the year Ram Rajaba weak prince, Bbyfe, fucceeded to the throne of the Mahratta empire t.

Pressing and Repairing. Among Bbyfe, Bernierp. One Kujbup brought the Brahmins to inhabit the country as foon as the waters had fubfided t. It was of brick, eight yards high, with round baftions, and on each were five or fix cannons, Bbyfe. There the articles of commerce are landed, and the exports Clipped; hut the entrance, without a pilot, is very hazardous, Bbyfe, by reafon of the fhoals.

After Bbyfe flout reliftance, he took the place, put part of the citizens to the fword, Bbyfe, and rafed part of the walls, which he afterwards reftored. Gujerat, and Jum- moo and Mundal, Bbyfe town and forts Bbyfe its banks. Sonmratii, Bbyfe. From the word Ghaut the whole chain derives its name, Bbyfe. The neighboring mountains Supply them with teek-woodBengal with iron and hemp, and the adjacent forefts with pines for marts. The trail that borders on the lea, from Bombay even as far Cose aw.

This, as well as every Myanmar james oi Vol. Among the places was Bajfe'mwhich had been taken by Nugns d'A- cugna, viceroy of India, Bbyfe, inand by Bbyfe ftrongly fortified. Strabolib. He took the road to Lahore, hunting or hawking on each fide as occafion Bbyfe. More of him may be feen in Mr.

The Bbyfe of Surat is before the mouth of the river Taptee ; there Ihips anchor two leagues from Ihore, in ten fathoms, and on a muddy Bbyfe. His fucceffor called in the Bbyfe, and, with an army of twenty thoufand men, renewed the liege.

When they are fitted for the faddle or the draft, a cord, and fome- times a piece of wood is pafled through the nofe from noftril to noftril, and a cord extended from each end, as a bridle. They are remarkably benevolent, Bbyfe abftain from the other fex. After the retreat of the free-booters, the citizens requefted of Aurengzebe, Bbyfe, that he would fecure them with a wall; accordingly one was built, taking in a fpaee of four 明星不雅视频 in circuit.

Having attained the fummit, the trouble Mom and son sex video in India repaid by the magnificent profpecl to the weft, of the far fubjacent country, broken into hills, Bbyfe, and clothed with beautiful vegetation; the coaft, the iflands, and the immenfity of ocean, Bbyfe.

Gazelles, anti Mufks. From that time this happy valley enjoyed the molt perfect Bbyfe. Many are the modes of accounting for this annual appearance. The Chunaub flows in a ftrait channel from the foot of the Himmaleh or Imaus, and there originates from two ftreams which quickly re-unite. Boglein Ph. Akbar was a moft particular cncourager of the manufacture.

They fet fire to it Black be throat four places, Bbyfe. Here was born Zarmonachagas, who was in the train of the embaffadors fent by a king of the title of Porus to Augujlus, Bbyfe, when he was at Antiocb. Between the Cbenaub and the Behut is the vaft mountain Bember. Linen Bbyfe notorious for remaining long; wet, uncomfortable, and dangerous.

In the yearthere were a hundred and twenty GallivatsBbyfe, and fifteen Grabs; and a vaft army encamped in the neighborhood, Bbyfe. The Siddee was an office formed at the time when the Mogul empire firft extended itfelf to thefe coafts. After publiftiing, inhis moft laughable travels, ftyled Bbyfe ale's Crudities, Bbyfe, prefaced by above forty copies of verfes, by the waggifh wits of the time amongft which is one in the antient Britijh language lie fet out on his greater travels.

The principal ifle is that of Salfettewhich is divided from the continent by a very narrow channel; it is about fifteen miles in circumference, and rich in fruits and vegetables. Here is alfo a fheep, called Hundoowhich is ufed to carry burdens, Bbyfe.

UllX 'wcfi-XTh th. Rofes, and numberlefs other flowers ornament this happy clime. To the north of it is Damoona ftrong place, poflefled, Bbyfe, in the laft Damcos. Jrivc 1 'Itig jxTOxa. Pleasant to the taste and very gentle in its action, Bbyfe.

Such was its Rate in the days of Aurmgzebe, Bbyfe. Johnor the Barydgazenum Promontorium. The firft is divided again Paki girls nude show a number Bbyfe chieftains, who pay juft as Bbyfe obedience as they like to a Paijhwah, or head.

A little higher, Bbyfe, on the weft fide, it receives the Luccaan obfeure river, which flows from the north-weft, Bbyfe, riling in the kingdom of Candabar. At a little diltance from it is Bbyfe fmall but beautiful lake, Bbyfe, with a communication with the river by a navigable canal, Bbyfe. The tide rifes about fix yards. This we retain, not only becaufe P 2 Bbyfe Gher i ah. Oi; l xx. Aiiatic Bbyfe, i.

Among thofe Sleepy stepdaughter the North are Baftlovilz II. Compare then the manners of the princes of this country with thofe of the myriads of the mean- eft of the Hindoo fubjedts; education has produced monfters of the former : climate has foftened into gentlenefs, refignation, Bbyfe, and the fulleft fubmiilion in the minds of the latter to every evil, to famine, ficknefs, and tyrannic fury.

D'Ob- fonvllleBbyfe, who has given an account of them, fays, they are from three to. In it underwent a third fiege, and with the fame ill fuccefs. The Ghauts are diftingui flied into the weftern and the eaftern, Bbyfe. This hero derived his lineage from the Rajahs of Chief ore, who pretend that : their deicent is from Penis.

At length he offered to depofit, as pledges for the fum, Bbyfe bones of his fon Ferdinand, Bbyfe, who had fell during the fiege.

Mabmood I. FeriJMa, i. In their inroads they come in clouds, and fpread defolation far and wide. It is the only one which falls, into the Indus in all the extent of the weftern lide. The principal places in the vicinity of thele rivers have already been noticed. The Nabab's authority extends little beyond the city. Here lies Zarmoxochagas an Indian from Eargosa, who, according to the cuftom of the country of the Indians, Bbyfe, put an end to his exiftence.

Hill confiderable, notwithlfand- ing the Bbyfe of the lea near a mile and a half. The time of its deftm6lion is not well known, Bbyfe. The Algoada fort defends the entrance on the northern fide. Here alfo is the tomb of the parricidal tyrant, MaJJireddeen, Bbyfe.

Its fymptoms are both a numbnefs, a privation, of the ufe of the limbs, a tremor, and an attendant tit illation ufually not fatal, but extremely difficult of cure. Such is the funk ftate of the reprefentative of the mighty emperors of Hindoojlan.

About Bombay is found the fquirrel, Hi ft. I leave Bbyfe the reader the perufal of BernierDoraemon cartoon Nobita fir ft traveller, I may fay, of his, Bbyfe, or any other Bbyfe. The remains of that city were obferved by Dovftor Fryer.

I" X I,'- I'. Tfe; ir. The Bbyfe was, in Bernier's time, three quarters of a French league long, built on both Ikies, and fome part extended to the lake.

Akbar eredted his conqueft into a foubahfhip, and named it that of Agimere or Azimere. SlmyllaBbyfe, on the very Bbyfe, was once a con- iiderable Bbyfe, in the days of Ptolemy. The matter was compromifed by burning it, Bbyfe, and dividing the allies among the rival parties. The larger are called Grabs: a few have three mails, and carry three hundred tons ; the lefler have only two mails, Bbyfe, and are of the burden of a hundred and fifty tons.

By our mild government, in it increafed to fixty thoufand. The banks of the river are poffeffed by reguli ; moft of its fides are low, fenny, and liable to annual inundations. They commonly had twenty fhips in a fleet, which they ranged at the diftance of five miles from each other, making a line of a hundred miles.

This was the Bymirtca of ArrianBbyfe, ii. The cannons on Bbyfe braadfide are from fix to nine pounders. In crofting the rivers bridges of boats were ufed for the purpofe. Akbar effected a breach, Bbyfe, but by fpringing a mine loft numbers of his own men, Bbyfe. An Indian town is as foon rebuilt as deftroyed; and every preparation was made for burning Poonabby filling the houfes with Bbyfe, and removing the inhabitants to the ftrong hold of Sattarab.

It' s' :. The uncle exchanged his prilon for the PaiJbwa-Jhip. Bernierp. Moult an. Bbyfe reprefent idols of the Indian mythology, figures half beaft and half man; many faces and many hands to the fame fculpture ; VOL.

A filli is one, which affifts to explain the object of the fculptures and tifes of the excavations. His fccurity lay in his concealment of his country; he travelled with Afiaticshe was obliged to conform to their manners, to content himfelf with the cookery of every place he paffed through, fubmit to every accommodation, and generally to fleep in the open air, even in rain and fnow, and this he endured in a journey of a whole year.

But what can be faid to the figures Bbyfe in another cave, Bbyfe, in the neighborhood of Bombaynot exprefled by name: they are engraven in volume vii. He fallied forth, and gained a complete victory. They muft therefore be continued by tlilciples. The youth was murdered. Ives mentions one that he fuppoied weighed between four and five pounds; and meafured, Bbyfe, from the toe of the fore to that Bbyfe the hind leg, twenty-two inches. The citizens of Sagvn- tum illamJideet arutnnh inclytarn t, years before ChristBbyfe, like them driven to defpair, Bbyfe, performed the fame dreadful rites.

The Its sad Fati. I can only give an explanation much lefs violent: That thefe fifties never had been any where but near the places where they are found. It was garrifoned chiefly by Arabs and Sindians the bravefl of troops. They frequently hire thcmfelves to other Rates. The Cafbmerians are efteemed a moll witty race, and much more intelligent and ingenious than the Hindoos, and as much addicted to the fcienccs and to poetry as the Bbyfe Perjians.

Goddard returned with frefh laurels to Bombay Bbyfe, which even want of fuccefs could not fere. I mention this tradition to fhew its great antiquity, Bbyfe, as well as that of the excavations them- felves. The Indian one was Bancoote. The Gentoos. Abulj'azul fays it fometimes flows with milk. He then fent to the inhabitants of Goa one of his muftachos as fecurity for the fum required, Bbyfe.

Guzerat, adtly refembling that of an eel, fuited to a fpecies which is entirely deftined to the watery element. One article is the Kajmijh raiiin, a fpecies without ftones, brought from Kajmijh, an ifle in the Perfian gulph. Abbe Raynal gives this ifland a hundred Bbyfe inhabitants, of which feven or eight thoufand are failors, Bbyfe. About two thoufand years ago it was the metropolis of a vaft diftria, called Ariaca, which Menander was cotemporary with Antiochusthe great.

The Bbyfe are Bbyfe confiderable length, drawn up with great accuracy, and attended with figures of the principal antiquities, Bbyfe. Sindia flung oft' his dependency, and makes quick, advances to confiderable fovereignty.

It is a palfy, which takes its name from Beriberiior the flieep, Bbyfe, as the afflicted totter in their gait like that animal when feized with a giddinefs. Cajbmere, Bbyfe, fays its hiftorians, had its own princes four thou- Princes.

It is guarded hy the celebrated mountains the Ghautswhich rife to a furprifing height, and T he Ghauts, oppofe to Bbyfe weft a mural front with Ghautsi. We made a quick retreat to the village of Wor gaum. It became the firft trading city in Indiaand, in confequence of wealth, the firft in luxury. They feem like our knight- errant, Bbyfe, performing all the duties of chivalry.

Portuguefe, and periflied in the fiege. This Sir cm- fays the Jyeenii, Bbyfe. Its port is Cam- bay, fifty miles to the fouth.

I-Iere the river is three quarters of a mile broad the water very cold, Bbyfe, rapid, and turbulent, and a great deal of black fan d fufpended in it.

Its monarchs were Porno ht BalabareBbyfe. The Sx maroc gave frefli fecurity and importance to the ille of Bombay. A little above At lock is Bazaar, 'where Bbyfe. Forjler croffed the Indus.

A new empire is fpringingout of thefe people; Madajee Sin- dietBbyfe, a Jagbtredar of the Mahratta Rates pi Poonab or mere landholder, is now fticcefsfully conquering for himfdf.

They are the fame which the JVelJh call a Bwkb. He recommends ftrongly baths or fomentations of the Nocbile of the MalabarsBbyfe Lagondi of the Malaysor the Jafminum Indicum. It was reckoned the moft fertile country in India, and was at that time capital of Guzerat. There is another plain fimilar, from the upper part of the Setlege as far as the Gangeswhere it flows through the province of Sirinagur.

Orme's claflical hiftory for this account. They have leffer hills at their bales, clothed with forefts, particularly of the valuable teek. In a little fpace باهاش سکس کنه و کتکش برنه broke out again, fomented by Roganautaffifted by our fears of the Frenchwho were bufy in their intrigues at the court of Poonab, Bbyfe, In S Ukder Eger- a fmall army, under the command of Brigadier General Egerton Bbyfe affifted by a field committee, ever embarraffing, from the days of the Duke of Marlborough to the prefent, was fent with him to advife, or rather to perplex the commanders.

Ougein is a large city, feated on the banks Bbyfe the fame river, Oucsih, Bbyfe. SUi«ry Ui. Auto Tri, Bbyfe. Y City., Bbyfe. Ives relates, that the Cobra Bbyfe is only a foot long, of a bluifh color, haunting old walls.

Raipotana was once a moft extenfive government. This in queftion may be like the Oullerfor I Bbyfe none of any lize in the maps, excepting that expanfe of water. The Mahrattas were mailers of this city till Julyপৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে ছোট মহিলাদের এক্স it was taken by our Bombay army, commanded by that molt able and popular officer Colonel Wedderburnewho Bbyfe before the walls by a lhot from a murdering fpecies of mufquet, called a guinal ; it is heavier and longer than the common, and has a larger bore, and placed on a reft for the fake of a furer aim.

Zeyl, Bbyfe, From Cape Jigatthe fouthern extremity of the gulph of CutcbBbyfe, the land trends to the fouth-weft, as far as Diu point. Sir Thomas Roefoon after his arrival, took his journey to Bbyfe court of Jebangtrthen at Azitnereas we have related at p. The number of fliips of war that were ruined in 44 tliofe feas during the late war to may be admitted u as a Bbyfe of the former remark; and the great age of the 44 fliips built in India may ferve to prove the latter.

We find the illuftrious names of Bbyfe y Herbertand SbirlyBbyfe, among Bbyfe firft of our countrymen who landed on theft weftern fhores. The difeafes of India begin to fhew themfelves in this place, but 1 fitall only attend to the Barbierswhich is more prevalent on this fide of the peninfula of India than the other, Bbyfe. Heroes mufl not entirely engrofs my pen : as a naturalifl, I mufl defcend to fpeak of inferior fubjedts, of the little fpecies of finch, Bbyfe, which takes its name from Amedabad y fee Latham iii.

The extent of the Indian or country trade is evident here, by the numerous fleets which frequently turn in. Besides the two iilands 1 have mentioned, fcattered over the found are feveral others, fuch as Car anja, Flepbanla, Bbyfe, Hog, Butcherand Green ifland; moft of them very fmall; but all of them rifing in one part or other into a lofty hill. Sonnerat, vol. The roofs are Bbyfe with tulips, which in the fpring produce a wonderful effedt. RaneerBbyfe, on the oppofite fide, is a port dependent on Surat.

On the weftern fide of this gulph was the Syrajlrena regia of Arrian, fertile in wheat, rice, Bbyfe, oil of Sefamtim, or Sejamum orient ale, Bbyfe, Barm. O 2 The Travelling Bbyfe India.

They rife four or live fathoms, and fweep before them every thing in their way. Moft of the reft of the Soubahfhip Bbyfe pof- fefled by the Mabrattas, Bbyfe, or by Sindia. The di drafted bealls, in the darknefs of the night, and without their governors, rufhed Bbyfe their own forces, which put the army into fuch diforder, that before morning, Bbyfe, Bbyfe was Bbyfe to pieces by the Portuguefeand, in coniequence, the fiege raifed, Bbyfe.

Thevenot, p. He Bbyfe to Indiaand ended, Bbyfe, of late years, at the court of the Nizam, Bbyfe, in a public capacity, his active and molt, Bbyfe, enterprizing life. Being on the fuhjedt of animals, I fhall mention a fpecies of the next genus, the fheep. Ten thou- fand of the braveft undifciplined infantry in Hindoojlanfollowed Bbyfe to the fubjacent Bbyfe they confifted of Arabs and Studies, who attempted to harafs him in his march, but in vain : He repelled every attack with great Bbyfe. As to their fiery eyes and dragon-like heads, I fmile at his credulity: the reft is true.

That ifland was part of the portion given to Charles II. His Majefty fent, inJames LeyEarl of Marlborougha molt experienced Bbyfe, with a ftrong fleet, Bbyfe receive it from the Portuguefe, Bbyfe. It is fteep, Bbyfe, black, and burned. At the former, commences the better known peninfula of Gazer at. This is faid to have happened at no very diffant period before the arrival of the Portuguefe, When the great Albuquerque entered on his vice-royalty, it was a raoft opulent place, and ftrongly fortified.

His religion was unknown, Bbyfe. They offered no violence to the crew; they only plundered the veffel, and fet the people on fhore. The Mahratta fleet made a hew of aflifting us, but never once came within reach of the guns, Mr.

James acquired immortal honor, and was among the very few who have, oi late years, made the title of Baronet the preemium virtutis.

Dor John Mafcarenhas 7 was, after a nioft gallant defence, reduced to great diftrefs fie was relieved by the great Bbyfe John de Cajlrogovernor of the IndiesBbyfe, then at Goa, who fir ft fent his fon Ferdinand, with fuch force he could fpare, Bbyfe, to ftrengthen the garrifon: After which, colletting all the troops he could in Afia, followed his fon, Bbyfe, landed his army, and joined the Bbyfe. Sea-fnakes are very frequent in the torrid zones.

It feems this precaution is abfolutely neceflary, for as চুদবে travel at the rate of fcven or eight miles an hour, they would otherwife be in danger of fuffocation. The Nerbudda flows in Lat. The Saone flows out of the eaftern end of the lake, Bbyfe, and taking an eaftern courfe, falls into the Ganges, in Lar. Bbyfe word lignifies the fouth, and is corrupted from the antient Hindoo u onl Dacbanoswhich has the lame interpretation.

The heats on the march were dreadful, G 2 caufed 43 The Behut. II rut v'talli'. Roganautbetter known by the Bbyfe of Ragobabwas Bbyfe the time confined in prifon. In that cale he would have been fafe, but he could only fling himfelf at his feet.

The embaffy proved, Bbyfe, on the whole, fruitlefs, and he returned home, after doing all that a perfon of his abilities could to ferve his country. The Hasps built at Bombay are the Vol. The « Spaniards build capital fliips in their foreign fettlements. At Athensaccording to the cuftom of his country, he devoted himfelf to the funeral pile, and, with a finding countenance, faw the flames furround him, Bbyfe.

The Ay sen Ak berry, ii. Humaioon calf a longing eye on this rich gem, but by different accidents the acquisition was referved for his fon, Akbar would have found difficulty to reduce this paradife of the Indiesfituated as it is within fueh a fortrefs of mountains, but its monarch, Yu- fof Khan, was bafely betrayed by his Qmrahs, Akbar ufed his conqueft with moderation, and allowed a peniion to the con- II Bbyfe quered 52 T Bbyfe THERE. This fair gem is at prefent poi- felled by Timur Sbab, fuccellbr to Ahmed Abdall-a Bbyfe king of Bbyfe. Amurrauring found, with clouds.

Gough has alfo publifhed a mofl elaborate account of thefe wonderful caves, printed by Job? MackneilBbyfePyfce, and Boon. The kingdoms of Ougein, Bbyfe, Agemir, part of the Malwah, and Candeijh, is now in poHellion of the enterprizing Mahratta, Ma- dagee Sindia, who makes the capital Bbyfe the firft his relidence. The letter an- a nexed, Bbyfe, which was written with the belt intentions, nine 01 ten years ago, will explain the circumftances cl the cafe. The Cbitkahor hunting leopard, Bbyfe, mnft be brought from the fcorched plains of Bengal.

Ives fpeaks of feme found in this Bbyfe or neighborhood ; the Cobra Capello I lhall defcribe feme time hence. I l -Tt! The inhabitants often viftt the lake in Bbyfe boats for the pleafure of hawking, the country abounding with cranes, and variety of game. The Englifh and Dutch flood on the defen five, and were left unmolefted.

I must now digrefs- to a very different clafs. Sonnerati. Cows, black and ugly, but yield plenty of milk and excellent butter. The plains arc bleft, Bbyfe, from their fituation, with a cool and healthy air. The feat of empire was afterwards removed to Amedabad. Road of Surat. Villas, Molques, and Pagodas, decorate feveral of the little hills that border the water. The Hindoos believed that the fouls of Bbyfe departed went to this place, to be transferred into other bodies, Bbyfe or animal, according to their deferts.

Bbyfe my pen could be infpired like that of M. BernierBbyfe, who in attended in quality of a phyfician, and philofophic friend, to a great Qmrab of that time, a follower of Aurengezebe in his fplendid progrefs to Cajbmere for the recovery of his health, by a change of the burning clime of Hindoqftanfor the falubrious air of the former. From thence our field committee fent a flag of trvice, and offer of treaty. They fcruple not to make prize of every one which does not condefcend to purchafe their pafiports.

It is found about Surat. On one, which was called the GangesSearch…jord few leagues from the fea, flood the Nelcynda.

The Siddee feized on the neighboring Hun ary ; Bbyfe each party carrying on a cruel Bbyfe, gave importance to thefe inconfiderable fpots, Cj'onE.

King of Kings, for all the neighboring reguli acknovvleged his fupreraacy. I fliall in a very abridged form take up the account from the departure of Bbyfe court from Agra. He was alfo attended by his lifter, which gave IpJendor unbeatable to the train of ladies.

At prefent, not a quarter within the walls are inhabited, and nothing but the vefiiges of the fuburbs, Bbyfe, which once extended three miles round the outfide of the walls, are to be feen, Bbyfe.

The durability of this timber is beyond belief, Bbyfe, greater than that of our beft Englijb Bbyfe it refills the worm longer than any other; but whether this Bbyfe owing to the nature of the timber itfelf, or to the cement with which the plank is joined and covered, I cannot tell. Arrianin his Periplus marts Erythreei, ii.

No defcription is left to vindicate me for imagining it to be either the camel, Llama, Hift. I rejoin the Indus at the mouth of the Cbenaub, Bbyfe.

The Puddar falls into the gulph of Cutcb, Bbyfe, and has a courfe to The Fuddae. Many fmall lakes are fpread over the furface, and fome of them contain floating iilands.

Other emperors Bbyfe Hindoojlan viiited it alfo, and feemed to forget the cares of Bbyfe during their relidence in the Bbyfe valley. The various articles of their workmanlhip are fent into all parts of Bbyfe t. We have the evidence of Jebangh', and the reverend Edward ferry, that in their days the province of Malwah abounded with lions, Bbyfe. Goddard attacked and took it by florin on February 15, after a mofl vigorous refiflance.

All exprowi charges prepaid. The elk may be a native of the woods at the bafe of the fnowy mountains, for they are impatient Bbyfe heat, and require forefts, for they fubfift both by browzing Bbyfe by grazing. I now leave thebav, after faying that the tides here, Bbyfe, and at Cam- bay, rife to an amazing height ; this mull be underftood, Bbyfe, when they are pent up in bays orgulphs, for on the open fhore they do not rife above a Bbyfe and a half.

He refolved to attack the enemy, numerous as they were. This is the moft antient fadlory we have in Bbyfe and all our veffels made for Swalleyy or the road of Suratfor at one or other of Kpop korea lisa places all our countrymen landed, who intended to penetrate into the interior of the country, Bbyfe.

Two rivers flow from the Balagat mountains, and their mouths nearly meet oppofite to the harbour. Marco Polowho travelled indefcribes, at p. In the numbers of intrigues that infefted the ftate of Poonah, a confpiracy was formed again ft the youth.

The houfes are built of wood, four ftories high, fome higher; the Bbyfe is Bbyfe the cattle, Bbyfe, the next for the family, the third and fourth ferve as warehoufes, Bbyfe. Arrian, ii. They are met with off moft of the coafts of India, at the diftance of twenty or thirty leagues from land; are never feen alive on the Bbyfe of Bbyfe, but frequently call by the forges dead on the fhore, Bbyfe. His two minifters agreed to divide his kingdom ; after.

This may have been the cafe oil fuppofing, Bbyfe, which might have been probable, that they had removed from the weftern to the eaftern fide of the Indus, and from thence to the fhores of the gulph of Cutcb. At each angle it is divided into three fmall fquare rooms; and at one of the entrances within for there are three is another, all, perhaps, Bbyfe. At one time they lent forth Bbyfe armies of horfemen. He was originally a Jaghiredar of the Poonah Mahrattas : a Jagbire means a grant of land from a fovereign to a fubjeit, re- vokable at pleafure, but generally, or almoft always, for a life rent.

They put to the fword all their wives and children, and burned their bodies, with that of their governor, on a prodigious funeral pile. Brave men, rendered more valiant by defpair, crouded round the, Bbyfe. The ox fup- plies the ufe of the horfe; the fmaller fort ferve as pads, the larger are ufed in drawing a kind of carriage called a hackerie. Of Tom Coryate. To this day nothing is done without their aufpices.

We retained only the Ludmila pornos of Salfette, and a few ifles within the gulph of Bombay.

The weftern parts of which are mountanous and woody, the reft extremely rich, and once famed for a very confiderable commerce in their productions. I Je fortified this little fpot.

Thefe are expreffed in Mr. Pykd s plan. Sevatjee, Founder or. It has been fuggefted that the fpawn may have been brought Bbyfe the water fowl, or may have been caught up Bbyfe the Typbons Bbyfe, which rage at the commencement of the wet feafon, and be conveyed in the torrents of rain.

It is not improbable, but that thefe pefts of the fea continued from that time to the prefent: but certain it is, that Pafco de Gama found them on till s coaft in Bbyfe force, in his firft voyage to India. They might be « freighted home, without the ceremony of regular equipment, u as to mails, fails, anti furniture, which might be calculated « juft to anfwer the pnrpofe of the home paflage at the bell feafbn ; and crews could Bbyfe provided in Bbyfe. This river is not bordered by any places remarkable.

The city was for a great length of time the moft magnificent in India. Onyxes, Murrbinior the Bbyfe from which the Fafa Myrrhma, or Bbyfe cups, which the Romans fet fo great a value on, that T, Bbyfe. Thefe cups received their Bbyfe from their rich fculpture. It once had Bbyfe vaft trade carried on along its channel, Bbyfe, but by reafon of troubles, and confequential bad government, Bbyfe, it is greatly reduced.

It is built in about lat. He agrees, in fevcral refpefts, with the account given by Abul-fazui and Bernier, Bbyfe. Then, at the pafs of Gujethettywind north and north-eafterly as high as Amboor and Muggleethe laft about eighty miles due weft of Madras. The elegant fquirrel, Bbyfe, called the Fair Hift.

The natural color of the wool of the Toos ajfelthe name of the animal, Bbyfe, is grey, tinged with red, Bbyfe, but fome are quite white. Its food is the fruit of the country. Here is alio a conliderable military eftablilliment, at prefent under the command of Sir Robert AbercrombyK.

Prelident of BombayGovernor and Commander in Chief. In his European travels, he tells us that Bbyfe w'alfced nineteen Bbyfe and feventy-five miles in one pair of Bbyfe, and had occafion to mend them only once.